css3 - HTML Block Anchor element only half clickable in Chrome -
I ran into an awkward CSS problem in Chrome, I made a pen as an example: .flip {status: relative; Display: Inline-block; Vertical-alignment: top; Width: 90px; Height: 94px; Border: 4px solid white; } .flip .card {width: 100%; Height: 100%; Line-height: 86px; Text align: center; Webkit-conversion-style: protected-3D; -MOZ-Transform-Style: Protected-3D; -MMS-conversion-style: protection-3D; -O-conversion-style: protected-3D; Conversion-style: protection-3d; -WebKit-Infection: 0.5s; -Mozy-infected: 0.5s; -MM-Infection: 0.5s; -O-Infection: 0.5s; Infection: 0.5s; } .flip .card .face {width: 100%; Height: 100%; Z-index: 2; Font size: 1.5em; Webkit-Backfiest-Visibility: hidden; -MOZ-BACKEX-visibility: hidden; -MM-Backup-visibility: hidden; -O-Backfesses-visibility: hidden; Backfirst-visibility: hidden; } .flip .card .back a {display: block; White color; } I have created some div inside the hyperlinks. I have set the display mode to block, so the link should be spread across the ar...