
Showing posts from May, 2012

css3 - HTML Block Anchor element only half clickable in Chrome -

I ran into an awkward CSS problem in Chrome, I made a pen as an example: .flip {status: relative; Display: Inline-block; Vertical-alignment: top; Width: 90px; Height: 94px; Border: 4px solid white; } .flip .card {width: 100%; Height: 100%; Line-height: 86px; Text align: center; Webkit-conversion-style: protected-3D; -MOZ-Transform-Style: Protected-3D; -MMS-conversion-style: protection-3D; -O-conversion-style: protected-3D; Conversion-style: protection-3d; -WebKit-Infection: 0.5s; -Mozy-infected: 0.5s; -MM-Infection: 0.5s; -O-Infection: 0.5s; Infection: 0.5s; } .flip .card .face {width: 100%; Height: 100%; Z-index: 2; Font size: 1.5em; Webkit-Backfiest-Visibility: hidden; -MOZ-BACKEX-visibility: hidden; -MM-Backup-visibility: hidden; -O-Backfesses-visibility: hidden; Backfirst-visibility: hidden; } .flip .card .back a {display: block; White color; } I have created some div inside the hyperlinks. I have set the display mode to block, so the link should be spread across the ar...

c# - Finding it difficult with the following code -

I have written to this place and I am stuck that I need help in ending or continuing a program . What I mean is that when I ask questions, you want to withdraw today itself and if the answer is not there, the program should end, but if its, then it should be continued. What am I missing? Please apply the aspect where the program should stop using N for a number in which I did not find the answer. Namespace console application 1 {class program {static separable main (string [] args) {int zodiac = 20000; Int choice, pin = 0, x = 0; Console.light line ("enter your PIN"); Pin = int.Parse (Console.ReadLine ()); Console.light line ("Welcome to HSPUC Bank that you want to take back N or Y today"); Console.ReadLine (); }}}} The user you are on the right track is the user you are denied The input is for taking and evaluating - this is the information received in this way: line = Console.ReadLine (); Your code might look like this: int amount = 20000...

angularjs - Node.js: req.params vs req.body -

I mean the code from some different tutorials has been cobbling together to build a basic agenda app with the pile, the node Using, Express, Angular and Moodbot was a tutorial in which an API was created for GET, POST and DELETE works, but ignored the post. Therefore, I have taken it as a challenge to write a work that will update an existing work. When I got the job to work, I got an error in which the receiparms were included which I did not understand. Relevant code: node: app.js app. ('/ Api / todos /: _id', ngRoutes.update); which leads to: exports.update = function (req, res) {var user_id = req.cookies? Req.cookies.user_id: Undefined; Todo.findByIdAndUpdate (req.params._id, {$ set: {updated_at: (), content: req.body.formText}}, function (hey, to function) {if (mistake) res.send ( Mistake) Todo.find ({user_id: user_id}, function (mistake, todos) {if (err) res.send (err); res.json (todos);});}); }; angular: $ scope.update = function (id) {...

python - timeit returning a negative value occasionally, possible bug in timeit -

I have worked on problems and decided to add time, so the time from timeit main () global RESULT for convenience) through the following snippet (code ) T = timeit timetable (main, 'gc.enable ()', number = 1) print ("#user", problem, ".. RESULT:", RESULT)) OK Works but, while walking so fast, I thought I could do this. t = timeit.timeit (main, 'gc.enable ()', number = 1) if (T & lt; 0.001): T2 = timeit.timeit (main, 'gc. Enable () ', number = 1000) and it sometimes works, even if I run it repeatedly, I give negative value for T2 for some time. For example, using Euler # 2, I get these results from running this 5 times in a row. # Result:. 4,613,732 3.17869758716347e-05 seconds Per-time -3.7966224778973e-05 seconds Repeats Phone # Result: 4,613,732 3.1558464885145785e-05 seconds time 2.4836235955056177e-05 per call # results repeating seconds: 4,613,732 3.131149340411519e-05 seconds repla...

java - Quick one: clarity or short code? -

OK, like I did a quick promise, so we go here: The piece is found in in in.split (""); to mark the string, so I get all the characters separately and then remove those people I do not want, and currently it looks like this: list & lt; String & gt; Op = new array list & lt; String & gt; (Arrays.asList (in.split (""))); Op.removeAll (removable); Operators = op.toArray (new string [op.size ()]); Where op is my temporary variable to delete. Is there any way to put it in one line? And if there (pls tell me how, i was thinking for some time and i thought that there is not because removeAll () boolean gives) - should it be done or should i Should It Be Easy To Read? If you want to remove the alphabet, regex will be a better option than an array of string characters, and You do not need to use a list to process it. Remove the string = "[a-zA-Z0-9]"; String operators = in.replaceAll (removable, ""); This gives...

swing - Java JPanel in BorderLayout positioning -

क्या मैं एक बाल पैनल को बॉर्डर लेआउट। LINE_START से बॉर्डर लेआउट तक का विस्तार कर सकता हूं। --------------------- + | | + ------------------------- + | पैनल ओसीसीयूपीआई | | यह सब | स्पेस | + ------------------------- + | | + ------------------------- + यह सीमा सीमा के केन्द्र जैसा दिखता है। अधिक जानकारी और उदाहरणों के लिए स्विंग ट्यूटोरियल से अनुभाग पढ़ें। किसी कारण से, मैं खाली स्थान पर खाली स्थान प्राप्त कर रहा हूं ... केन्द्र उपलब्ध सभी जगहों पर कब्जा करेगा । तो यह उस घटक पर निर्भर करता है जिसे आप CENTER में जोड़ते हैं। शायद आप एक पैनल जोड़ रहे हैं और पैनल फैलता है, लेकिन पैनल के घटक का विस्तार नहीं होता क्योंकि डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से एक पैनल फ्लो लेआउट का उपयोग करता है और फ्लो लेआउट उसमें जोड़े गए घटकों के पसंदीदा आकार का सम्मान करता है।

c# - Running self-hosted OWIN Web API under non-admin account -

Is it possible for the self-hosted OWin Web API to run under a non-administrator account? I have already tried dozens of URL reservations and nothing works. The service fails to start with "Access Denied", it works when the account administrator is added to the role, but I do not want this. The code below is running on Win 7 Framework 4.5.2. // install-package // install-package Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener Start Options Option = New initial option (); Options.Urls.Add ("http: // localhost: 5000 /"); //options.Urls.Add(string.Format("http://{0}.1000000 ", environment .mikinameam)); //options.Urls.Add("http://+ंबर000/ "); //options.Urls.Add("http://*:50000/ "); (WebApp.Start & lt; WebAPISelfHostMinimal.Startup & gt; (option)) using {while! (Terminate) {Waiting for the job. Della (10); // to keep the CPU partially) LogUtil.LogInfo ("Terminating the Oven Host."); } Edit - It's ru...

amazon web services - Timeout error when listing S3 buckets using erlcloud -

I'm trying to use the library for S3 uploads in my app. As a test, I'm trying to get it iex list of the bucket through the console: iex (4) & gt; S3 =: ("KEY_ID", "SECRET_KEY") ... iex (5) & gt; : Erlcloud_s3.list_buckets (S3) ** (ErlangError) erlang error: {: aws_error, {: socket_error ,: timeout}} (erlcloud) src / erlcloud_s3.erl: 909: erlcloud_s3.s3_request / 8 (erlcloud) src / erlcloud_s3 .erl: 893: erlcloud_s3.s3_xml_request / 8 (erlcloud) src / erlcloud_s3.erl: 238: erlcloud_s3.list_buckets / 1 that I've see inets , SSL , and erlcoud Irb . I have tried to configure it with more timeouts, but it does not matter how much I set it up, I still get this error. Any thoughts? Or can I debug it? I can simulate the same error, and I can solve it with single-coat Place of double-coat. & gt; IEX (4) & gt; S3 =: ('KEY_ID', 'SECRET_KEY') & gt; IEX (5) & gt; : ...

python - IPython parallel computing vs pyzmq for cluster computing -

I am currently working on some simulation code written in C, which runs on various remote machines. When the part is finished, I want to expand my work with Python simulation API and any type of job-queue system, which should do the following: 1. Specify a set of parameters 3. Remove the result of hosting the computer I had a look at different structures to complete this task and My first choice came down to iPython Parallel, I took a look at the documentation and it seems easy to experiment with the tests I did. That means if the ipcontroller crashes, my job queue has gone? What happens if a remote machine crashes? Is there any type of error handling? Since I run a longer simulation (1-2 weeks) I do not want my simulation to fail if a part of the system crashes. So could there be any way to deal with iPyathon equally? Parallel? My second method would be to use POSCAC and implement jobs from scratch. In this situation, what would be the best zmq-patter...

Swift - Write an Array to a Text File -

I read in myArray (native swift) from a file containing a few thousand lines of plain text myData = String.stringWithContentsOfFile (myPath, Encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, Error: Zero) var myArray = myData.componentsSeparatedByString ("\ n") I change some of the text in MyArray ( No point to paste this code any). Now I want to add the updated content of my array to a new file. I have tried this. Give myArray2 = myArray as NSArray myArray2.writeToFile (myPath, atomically: false) but file content Then in Plist's format Is there any way in Swift (or Bridged Swift) by inserting a string array into a file (or loop through an array and adding each array item to a file)? You have to reduce your array back to the string: Var output = decrease (array, "") in current {{current, toAppend}, return to {ifApp} {return toAppend} and {return "\ (existing) \ n \ (toAppend)"}} output.writeToFile (. ..) decrease method collects a collect...

ios direct photo post to instagram via api -

I am researching the ability to send photos to Instagram directly from an iOS app via my API. I know that in some applications there is such ability like WhoSay for talent app Does anyone know about how this can be done directly on Instagram? The section on the iPhone Hooks page of the Instagram developer document describes how it has been received. Read the document, and take a walk on implementing it. Then if you are still having problems, as is said, then post a more specific question.

c# - Saving an entity graph using entity framework -

I am writing data access layers using EntityFramework 6. What should I do when I save the code with SaveChanges () DbContext, it will save the unit with the set of relevant institutions connected through navigation properties. The following is the simple code that I am trying to do. public class customer {get public long id { Set; } Public string name {get; Set; } Public Virtual IEnumberable & lt; PhoneNumber & gt; { get; Set; }} Set the public category phone number {public long ID}; } Public string number {get; Set; }} Public Class Sample Contact: DBCOntax {Public Virtual DBSet and LT; Customers & gt; Customer {Received; Set; } Public Virtual DbSet & lt; PhoneNumber & gt; Phone number (get); Set; }} Using (var context = new sample syntax ()) {var customer = new customer {id = 1, name = "John"}; Customer Phone number = new phone number [] {new phone number {id = 1, number = "1.111.1111111"}, new phone number {id = 2, number = "1.111...

c# - Any way to avoid being labled a danger by windows? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब मैंने एक छोटा अनुप्रयोग बनाया मैंने सोचा था कि खुद को और एक खेल के अन्य खिलाड़ियों को मदद मिलेगी। जब मैंने यह प्रोग्राम समाप्त कर दिया, तो मैंने इसे ज़िप किया और इसे एक डाउनलोड साइट पर फेंक दिया ताकि मैं इसे दूसरों के साथ साझा कर सकूं हालांकि, जब मेरे मित्र इसे डाउनलोड करने के लिए गए, तो उन्हें विंडोज़ से अपने कार्यक्रम चलाने के संभावित खतरे के बारे में एक डरावना संदेश मिला। मुझे नहीं लगता कि जो कोई मुझे नहीं जानता है, वह व्यक्तिगत रूप से मेरे छोटे आवेदन का उपयोग करने पर भरोसा करेगा जब ऐसा संदेश पॉप अप होगा मैंने पढ़ा है कि मैं कई प्रमाण पत्र विक्रेताओं से एक सत्यापित प्रमाणिकोड खरीदकर यह बचना सकता हूं लेकिन जब से मैं वास्तव में एक शौक के रूप में प्रोग्रामिंग कर रहा हूं और हाल ही में खराब हाल में स्नातक की उपाधि प्राप्त छात्र हूँ, यह वास्तव में एक विकल्प नहीं है। क्या मुझे कोई दिलचस्पी है, ऐसी चेतावनी फेंक दो? मैं इसके लिए पैसे या अन्य किसी भी प्रकार की उपज के लिए नहीं पूछ रहा हूं, मैं बस उन लोगों को देना चाहता हूं जो इसे उपयो...

How to upgrade joomla's built-in bootstrap to latest version -

I am using joomla ver 3.2.3 and it is using bootstrap 2.3.2. How can I update it so that I can use the latest Bootstrap version which is 3.2.0? OK, so you're building a front-end template like sound. Most of the templates maintain all assets inside the template's specific directory. Like / templates / mytemplate / css / / templates / mytemplate / js / and / templates / mytemplate / images / Bootstrap will be the appropriate place for files. You can view it in the CSS and JS files with the built in Protostar template path: / templates / protostar / css / / templates / protostar / js / / templates / protostar / images /

Is there any line continuation character (& _) available in PHP? -

I am working with PHP in long queries, so that I have to write it on several lines, but I do not know if The character of any of their line continuity is available in PHP. I made the following available in VB.NET : sql = "stock, strait, pret, taxp," & amp; _ "Iname, suplier, IoCode from the stock where iname = '' & item_name. Text &" '"& Amp; _" and suplier =' '& amp; Suplier.Text & amp; Whether line continuity In PHP, once you do not close the quote, you can write your code on several lines. Example: $ sql = "From the stock, where select stocks, strands, pret, taxp, enum, supplier, iocid, where ultimate = ''. $ Item_name. '' And supari = ''. $ Better. ''; Mysql_query ($ SQL);

office365 - Do multiple seperate SPF records work? -

Hi, I'm on Office365 and I'm using it for DNS which does not allow you to modify the default SPF record, which is basically included. Office365 Mail Server I need to add an additional mail server to my SPF record so that I can send mail from an additional server. My question is that my email will still work properly if I have two SPF records (which allows me to do it) IE: v = spf1 Includes: -all v = spf1 includes: myother.server Com -all from default: V = spf1 includes: This includes: -all No, unfortunately, you can only publish a single SPF record. Multiple records will be due to failed with the SPF rating "Failure" (RFC 7208, see section 4.5).

mongoose - What's the optimal MongoDB architecture for finding documents to which no pointers exist in another collection? -

use case with a science fair, judges who will enter the platform, and each one Each project per score The problem that we are trying to solve A judge wants to visit a URL, say He continually provides the next project for which he has not created any score so far, and inform him (because all the projects have scores created by that judge) their judicial fees have been completed. Code: [[_id name: string]] Project: [[_id name: string]] Score: [{ _id type: am judge: _id project: _id}] use sql, idiot Obviously. But this is the question, What would we do if we wanted to make it in Mongodi? One shot in Don two collections, judge and project . Judge: [[_id name: string score: type [[_id: enum project: _id}]}] projects: [{_id name: string}] So, what is the correct architecture? Usually there is no authentic "correct" answer for schema design in mangodibi; The best way depends on your use case and data. Below are some ...

linux - Install salt on fedora -

I am trying to install SALT on Fedora: yum salt master Install and it gives me the following error: error: package: salt-20144.1.7-3.el6.noarch (APL) Required: Python-Gen2 You can try to use the --skip-broken to work around the problem you can try to turn on: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest When I try to install Python-Ninja 2 I am troubling, it gives me the following error: Installing the installation process No package Python-Genza2 is not available. Error: Nothing to do What could be the reason for this matter? How can I solve it? This was a real bug, which is in the RedHat distribution, get the Bugzilla page resolved

javascript - Deferred/promise confusion and implementation -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब अगर मैं लागू करना चाहता हूं मेरे द्वारा स्थगित, क्या यह (आंतरिक तर्क समझने की कोशिश कर रहा है) करने का एक सही तरीका होगा: क्या आचरण की गणना एक व्यवहार पद्धति के रूप में की जाती है? आस्थगित और वादा? फ़ंक्शन डिफरड () {var d = {}, f = {}, a = {}, state = 'लंबित'; वापसी {हल: कार्य () {state = 'हल'; A.fn.apply (a.context, तर्क); D.fn.apply (d.context, तर्क); }, अस्वीकार करें: फ़ंक्शन () {state = 'rejected'; A.fn.apply (a.context, तर्क); F.fn.apply (f.context, तर्क); }, किया: फ़ंक्शन (fn, प्रसंग) {d = {fn: fn, context: context}; इस वापसी; }, विफल: फ़ंक्शन (fn, प्रसंग) {f = {fn: fn, context: context}; इस वापसी; }, हमेशा: फ़ंक्शन (fn, प्रसंग) {a = {fn: fn, context: context}; इस वापसी; }, स्थिति: राज्य}} आवेदन उदाहरण: var obj = deferred (); Obj.done (function (arg) {console.log ('हम यहाँ हैं, क्यों? -', आरजीआर);}, खिड़की) .ways (फ़ंक्शन (आर्ग) {console.log ('प्रिंट करें कि किसी भी मामले में।...

operation - Google ADT loading Android L on every save - What is going on? -

I am working on an Android project, I am operating on saving every file. This problem occurs especially when XML files open and save them. For all types of XML: layouts, data sources, manifest, ... What's going on? Loading data for android l (preview) Android L (preview) widgets and layout " P> How to prevent it? Update: This is also for Android 2.3.3 and is related to the versions in any way. Any suggestions? Maybe you Targeting L API (20)? Your minSdkVerion and target SdkVersion ?

angularjs - Angular and django integration -

I am writing an application with the digengo and angular and I have a problem after the authentication of the demo, I used the Mozilla app definition Along with the MVC scene changes. & lt; Div class = "main" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "main-internal" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "container" ng-ap = "povos" ng-view & gt; {% Block content%} {% endblock%} {% block script%} {% endblock%} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script src = "/ static / assets / js / bootstrap.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "/ static / assets / js / angular.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "/ static / assets / js / angular-route.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "/ static / assets / js / angular-cookies.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Scrip...

php - Fatal error: Call to undefined method User::getSkipper() -

I'm trying to teach OOP myself in PHP, there is an error in my class, do anyone know that I Why is this error getting? Fatal error: Call the undefined method: User: getSkipper () in C: \ wamp \ www The user category is: & lt ;? Php class user {protected $ _first_name} Protected $ _last_name; Secure $ _ Email; Public function __ conversion ($ first_name, $ last_name, $ email) {$ this- & gt; _first_name = $ first_name; $ This- & gt; _last_name = $ last_name; $ This- & gt; _email = $ email; } Public Function getFirstName () {Return $ $$-> _first_name; } Public function getLastName () {return $ this- & gt; _last_name; } Public Function getEmail () {Return $ this- & gt; _email; }}? & Gt; The Captain class is: & lt ;? Php square Captor protects the user {protected $ _skipper; Public Function __construct ($ first_name, $ last_name, $ email, $ captain) {$ this- & gt; _skipper = $ Captain; } Public event getSkipper () {Return $ $-> _...

javascript - How do I allow for clicking on each item/post, then viewing it in a new screen? -

Trying to create a simple tutorial app listing of grocery items, and after clicking on it, a new one The page will display groceries details such as price, quantity left etc. Currently, clicking on the Comments button does nothing. I see a smoothness in the URL but it comes back in my original post url There is no syntax problem so far. I doubt it can be either by giving the names of states or angular conferences. Module definition has gone wrong Can someone please me? Thanks! ('Tab', {url: '/ tab', abstract: true, templates: 'template / tabs.HTML'}) .state ('tab.posts', {url:' / posts', view: {'tab - Post ': {template: url:' templates / tab-posts.html ', Controller:' PostsCtrl '}}}) .state (' tab.view ', {// Suspicious error is here, but different combos Did not work: '/ post /, post id', view: {'tab-view': {templateUrl: 'Templates / tab-showpost.html', Controller: 'PostV...

io - Java 8 & NIO / Read lines -> collect to entity -

The text file needs to be read from the line and the Entity for the values ​​determined by the object ID, name, weight 1, Mario, 80.2 2, Marco, 91.1 ... 100, Diego, 78.12 Using the new Java 8: My solution of the method is very much Huge: public work CoolApp {private static final String source = FILE = "path / to / txt / file / entities.txt"; Private static last IID id = 0; Personal Static Last End NAME = 1; Personal stable final variable weight = 2; Public static zero master (string [] args throws an exception {boolean isHeader = true; & Lt; Unit & gt; Organizations = New Arrestist & lt; & Gt; (); (String line: files .readlined lines (path.jet (SORCIOIELE)) {if (header) {header = real; } And {string [] snippets = line split (","); Institutions.ed (new unit (integer PRIINT (snippets [ID]), snippet [NAME], double PRSDB (SPIGHT) [WEIGHT])); }}}} How can I do the same thing, but as used in presenting the data in the collectio...

awk - Speed the process of matching two columns using python -

अगर मेरे पास FILE1 समान है: 1 56903 1 293943 1 320022 2 24050 2 404999 2 1003093 और ऐसा FILE2: 1 rs40209 56903 1 rs209485 79382 1 rs392392 320022 2 rs30302 504922 2 rs3202309 707899 2 rs39339 1003093 और मैं दूसरे कॉलम को खींचना चाहता हूं कि FILE1 के साथ FILE1 मैच का पहला और दूसरा, मैं एक नेस्टेड लूप का उपयोग FILE1 इस awk कमांड के माध्यम से पढ़ सकता हूँ: जबकि COL1 COL2 पढ़ा; क्या करें- V COL1 = $ COL1 -v COL2 = $ COL2 '($ 1 == COL1 और amp; $ 3 == COL2) {प्रिंट $ 2}' $ FILE2 किया & lt; "$ FILE1" आउटपुट के रूप में rs40209 rs392392 rs39339 वापस आएगा। हालांकि, यह करने के लिए नेस्टेड लूप का उपयोग बहुत धीमा है। अधिकांश डेटा सॉर्ट किए जाते हैं, लेकिन सभी नहीं, और मैं सॉर्ट नहीं कर सकता क्योंकि अन्य फाइल इन फाइलों पर मौजूदा ऑर्डर में निर्भर करती है। अजगर का उपयोग, FILE1 के लिए ~ 2 एम प्रविष्टियों और FILE2 के साथ ~ 1 एम प्रविष्टियों के साथ यह करने का एक बहुत तेज़ तरीका क्या होगा? पायथन में आप सेट में 1 फ़ाइल की सामग्री पढ़ेंगे। सेट ...

r - Subtract minimum of the column based on other column -

I have a dataframe as follows: D Year Total file 1999 3, 9 31 12000 A 2002 4,273.71,020 In 2005 a 4601.414 9 3 a 2008 4101.32100 a 1999 346.82000 B. 2002 134.30882b 2005 130.43038 B 2008 88.27546 B I want to minimize the total and reduce it to every group defined by the file. I can consider getting the lowest with: tapply (d $ total, d $ file, min) but I can not think of the wise, the way the minimum amount of vector gets reduced. After I would suggest that and avenue . Something like this: (mydf, {tot2 & lt; - avenue (total, file, fun = function (x) - minute (x))}) # years total file tot2 # 1 1999 3, 9 31.12,000 A 0.00,000 # 2 2002 4,273.71020 A 342.59, 020 # 3 2005 4,601.414 9 3 A 670.29, 493 # 4 2008 4,101 .32100 One 170.20,100 # 5 1999 346.82,000 b 258.54,454 # 6 2002 134.30,882 b 46.03,336 # 7 2005 130.43,038 b 42.15,4 9 2 # 8 2008 88.27,546 b 0.00,000 Or, with "data.table": library ( Data.table) DT & lt; - Data.table (mydf) DT ...

Misfiring jQuery media query -

I'm having trouble getting this bit of script as soon as the window is ready, I need to run it, But at the moment when I slightly reduce the size of the browser window, only the fire goes: S $ (window). Resize (function () (If ($ (this). Width ()> gt; = 1280) {$ (function () {$ ('.img-wrap, .qoute-background') .css ({'min- Height ': (($ (window). height ())) +' px '}); $ (window). Reset (function () {$ ('. Img-wrap, .qoute-background '). Css ( {'Min-height': (($). Height ()) + 'Px'});})}});}}); Trigger just once. $ (function () {$ (window). Reset (function () (if ($ (this) .wide ()> = 1280) {$ ('.img-wrap, .qoute-background '). css ({' Min-height ': (($ (window). light ())) +' px '});}}). trigger (' resize ')}); And it is a bit clearer to see your DOM ready as above ..

ruby on rails - gem TweetStream change user_ids dynamically -

कैसे इस कोड को गतिशील रूप से user_ids बदलते हैं? TweetStream :: (14252, 53235) करो | स्थिति | उदाहरण के लिए, मैं "Db से user_ids के साथ ट्वीटस्ट्रीम शुरू करता हूं, लेकिन इसके बाद मेरे पास एक नया user_id है" "{{status.text}" अंत अनुवर्ती सरणी में एक नया user_id कैसे जोड़ता है? धन्यवाद! पहले आपको अपने कोड को अधिक लचीला बनाने की आवश्यकता है ग्राहक = TweetStream :: अगला ग्राहक साइटस्ट्रीम (['115192457'],: अनुवर्ती = & gt; सच है) स्थिति | स्टेटस समाप्त होता है। और ऐसा कुछ करें: client.control.add_user ('2039761') client.control.remove_user ('115192457 ') लेकिन आपको इस कोड के लिए ईवेंटमाचिन या कुछ और का उपयोग करना होगा

google chrome - Chromecast functionality -

This is in relation to the functionality of Google Chromecast Consider a scenario where I'm playing a YouTube video in my Android mobile . I have an old TV on which I have attached the Chromatate dongle TV and my mobile phones are in the same WiFi network, which I think when I tap on the "Cast" icon in the YouTube app of my mobile, My chromette dongle (which is already registered) sends a request to the YouTube server to stream media. So, basically, it is not streaming directly from my mobile phone. From my phone, I am directing YouTube to send media to one of my other registered devices. It explains why video background continues to run video despite sending an iPhone app. My question is, if that's the case, why do I need Chromecast and my mobile phone to be in the same Wi-Fi network? I can send a "cast" request from my office network and YouTube should start connecting to the home network on my TV network. What am I missing here? Thanks for your help! ...

android - Start new Intent in old Layout -

Is it possible to start and display a new meaning in the old layout? I tried this solution, but now disliked it and did not work for me ... Try it This will definitely solve your problem.

javascript - How to debug an event listener in Firebug? -

I want to execute each code step in step by step after the debugger keyword in the firebug. Prevents the execution in the following example when the form is clicked due to the onclick feature in the debugger keyword. After this I click on in step in firebug, but instead of showing the jQuery code, it does not show anything ... how to stop the firebug on the jQuery code? & lt; Form method = "get" onclick = "debugger" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "q" value = "" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "google search" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; jquery code: $ ('form'). Submit (function () {document.title = "How does this line show in debugger?"; Confirm return ('do you really want to do a Google search?');); For firebug > Click the dropdown for the script and select the script you need Add a breakpoint on the lin...

python - Matplotlib only plot to x=250 and redraw -

I have a txt file from which I collect my data and the Python matplotlib text file is structured in such a way: 0 27.087 1 26.132 2 26.021 3 25.897 4 ... .... so basically "x temporary" I used the plot (this is a subplot) With matplotlib with the following part of the code: ax = fig.add_subplot (3,2,2, axisbg = 'gray') ax axx.tick_params (axis = 'x', color Ax.spines [plot (x, floating, 'c', linewidth = 2) '' '' ax.tick_params (axis = 'y', color = 'c') ax.spines [ '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '.' Set_color ('w') ax.yaxis.label.set_color ('c') ax.xaxis.label.set_color ('c') ax.set_title ('Temperatuur', color = 'c') Till then I do not get more than 250 measurements, it looks fine. It restarts the drawing on x = 0 . And drag ov...

android - Sony Smartwatch 2 develop a clock -

I just bought a Sony Smartwatch 2 and I'm working with samples, but I'm trying to do something How do I do this and I'm not getting an example too. I know how to develop a clock and a widget so that they appear in the clock faces setting, but they can not do this in a single cell in the grid, I mean if I have 5x5 If I develop analog clock cells, then I can not add any widgets. And if I develop an analog clock of 4x4 cells, then I can add the same widget to only 9 widgets, which capture 9 9 cells. But I can see that some clock face in Google Clock also captures analog clocks 5x5 grid in the predefined clock face SmartWatch and with some widget inside them, as the date. Now my question is, how can I do this? How can I develop a 5x5 analog clock and add some widgets inside them? I tried to make a 3x3 or 4x4 clock and modify the com.sonyericsson.extras.liveware.aef.widget.TimeLayout background, but it seems that there is no effect. Any help would be greatly apprecia...

jquery - Difference Between two times as percentage in javascript -

उदाहरण का कहना है: var timeone = "01:23:00"; // समय बीत रहा है var timetwo = "07:34:00"; // कुल समय तो मैं कुल और amp के बीच अंतर की गणना कैसे कर सकता हूँ; समय बीत चुका है और इसका प्रतिशत निकालना अपडेट यह कोशिश की, लेकिन कंसोल में मुझे "NaN" var टाइमलाइन = दिनांक। पीआरएसई (टाइमलाफ्ट.टेक्स्ट ()) / 100; console.log (TimeLeft); वेरटाटाटाइम = दिनांक। पीआरएसए (डेलटोटलटीएम) / 100; console.log (Totaltime); Var प्रतिशत बदलें = (टाइम-लेफ्ट / टूटाटाइम) * 100; console.log (percentChange); चूंकि आप elapsed time के साथ काम कर रहे हैं दिन का समय , तो मैं दिनांक वस्तु से बचने की सलाह देता हूं इसका उद्देश्य एक अलग उद्देश्य के लिए है। यदि आप गारंटी दे सकते हैं कि इनपुट hour: minute: second प्रारूप जिसे आपने निर्दिष्ट किया है, तो कुल सेकंड की गणना करने के लिए बस भागों को विभाजित करें एक पूर्णांक के रूप में तब आप उन्हें प्रतिशत प्राप्त करने के लिए विभाजित कर सकते हैं, जैसे: फ़ंक्शन कुलसैकेंड (समय) {var भागों = समय.split (':')...

Python Gstreamer for Lion -

I am working on a Kiwi project, and I want to be able to play it video, but I have been Gstreamer To set up I have to face a terrible time. I tried the brew install gst-python , but I get the following message, which is quite meaningless for me. brew install gst-python == & gt; GST-Python Dependency Installation: pygtk == & gt; Http:// Downloading- Pre-Downloaded: / Library / Catches / Homebrew /pygtk-2.24.0.tar .bz2 == & gt; Checking for .configure --prefix = / usr / local / cellar / pygtk / 2.24.0 pkg-config ... no GLIB - version & gt; = 2.8.0 ... No *** A new enough version of Pkg-config was not found. *** Configure Error: Need a gobject to create pygtk? Based on the site, I have to clone a repository, but is there a specific place in which the repository is needed? Is there an easy way to get Gstreamer, like PIP, or do I have to do all this to get it? This...

python - Recursion not breaking -

I am trying to solve the Euler problem where I have to find the maximum to top to bottom. I'm trying to use recycling, but I'm left with it. I think I did not describe my problem before, I'm trying to get it by recycling, to find the sum of the maximum number path. I start from the top of the triangle, and then checking this condition is 7 + upsum () big or 4 + upsum () is big Findsum () It is considered to find the number of numbers below I ' The result is the amount of money being deposited in the problem that I do not know the breaking case of this recursion function. I know that when it has reached the elements of the child, it should be broken, but I do not know how to write this argument in the program. pyramid = [[0,0,0,3, 0,0,0,], [0,0,7,0,4,0,0], [0,2] , 0,4,0,6,0], [8,0,5,0,9, 0,3]] pos = [0,3] DEF downloaddown (pyramid, pause): # left child to come back Try: Return (Pyramid [0] +1] [P [1] -1]: Excluding: Returns (0) Deaf Tireless (Pyramid, Pause): Tr...

function - Emacs: how hooks work? -

I went through a different tutorial and manual, but still can not put things together. As I understand, when I have to add a new function to a function, while an old functional is still saved, I call a code by calling add-hook Adding The function is added at the beginning of the hook list (if necessary) as long as the optional argument APPEND is non-zero then the manual on add-hook : Entry Then the hook is just a list of a function. But what does this list look like? Works? From my small research I found that in addition to car and cdr , there is also an invisible unlimited slot for one function pointer (one might not index it, it does not matter). So how do I manually create a list of functions and execute it? Probably with the add-to-list function, but whatever I tried, it triggers errors in the manual too: with setq Like any other variable variable, you can set a hook variable, Here's something wrong, because an indicator function does not get copied ...

shell - How can I syntax highlight the output from the exec() function in PHP? -

I am getting the output from and I have to highlight some syntax in the results. raw output current output is raw: * [35mmanu [m / etc / init.d / mast: line 105: / var / Log / mast / mast -all.log: Text deprecated with permission such as [35m color. target The answer to this question is the answer. Solution written from Ansi to html c The adapter is available on an Ubuntu package and Github. My code is just: exec ("$ command | aha", $ output, $ exitcode); Forex Currency ($ output = $ k = & gt; $ line) {if ($ line == '1') {continue; } "$ Line" echo; } Description Aha takes the input of SGR-color and prints the W3C compliant HTML code. Ah reads input from a file or stdin and writes HTML-code to stdout. is something: - black , -b : black background and white "standard Color " - Word-wrap , -w : wrap long lines in the HTML file. It works with the CSS3 collaborative browser as well as many...

java - I don't get any altitude data (GPS Android) -

I'm applying a GPS, latitude, longitude, speed, height ... but I did not find any data on this one For me always get 1.0 as a value. (This is what happens with speed). I tried with simulator of GPX in Eclipse (DMS) and on Terminal (KML Simulator, not on the road). ..but it always shows 0.0 or 1.0. My code is as follows: Private location currentLoc; Personal Location Previous Lock; Criteria for GPS ... // Criteria object is optional. Representation value of "GPS" criteria will return oGPSSettings = new criteria (); OGPSSettings.setAccuracy (Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE); OGPSSettings.setSpeedRequired (true); OGPSSettings.setAltitudeRequired (true); OGPSSettings.setBearingRequired (incorrect); OGPSSettings.setCostAllowed (false); OGPSSettings.setPowerRequirement (Criteria.POWER_MEDIUM); When a new location is received ... Public zero transfers at the @Override (location location) {currentLoc = location; String sText = "height:" + currentLoc.g...

php - mysqli query doesn't add data in a table -

I have a database called "code mkmatchmanager" and it has a table called warviewer As you can see below. You see the structure of the table You can. I am trying to add a line to this table: $ a = mysqli_connect ("localhost", "username", "password", "my_mkmatchmanager"); If (mysqli_connect_errno ()) {echo "failed to connect"; } Mysqli_query ($ a, "my_mkmatchmanager '.' Debate '(` 1Clan 1`, `Score1`,` total2`, `score2`,` `table` INSERT") value (' test3 ',' 330 ',' Test4 ',' 241 ',' ') mysqli_close ($ a); This code is called a file called salva.php The way it works works the same way, because the query does not add data to the table. Do you have any ideas? Put your double quote after bracket ... instead of ... mysqli_query ($ a, inserted in" my_mkmatchmanager ' Value ('test3', '330', 'test4', ...

lucene - add non-indexable document to alfresco using java -

I succeded to access content with java to enter alfresco FileInfo fI = serviceRegistry.getFileFolderService () .create (fileInfo.getNodeRef (), "test.docx", contentModel.TYPE_CONTENT); ServiceRegistry.getFileFolderService () GetWriter (fI.getNodeRef ()). PutContent (new file ("C: \\ ...... \\ test.docx")); But my purpose is to add content that is not indexable, so it does not appear in any Lucene result, is it possible? Actually it is easy to add property to node NodeService.setProperty (res.getNodeRef), ContentModel .PROP_IS_INDEXED, "wrong");

php - Displaying Random Row from SQL Database -

I am working for days now and I am at a dead end I am positive after talking to GoDaddy support That I have the correct hostname, username / password when I run the script but it still can not get die () Finally, I am attempting to draw a question from a database. I have compiled this website, but I could not find anything, it seems to answer my question. help please. & lt ;? Php $ hostname = 'localhost'; $ User name = 'username'; $ Password = 'password'; $ Dbname = 'qod'; $ Usertable = 'question'; $ Userfield = 'question'; Mysql_connect ($ hostname, $ username, $ password) or die ("& lt; html> Lit script language = 'javascript' & gt; WARNING ('Unable to reach day's question! Please try again later . '), History .go (-1) & lt; / script & gt; & lt; / html & gt; "); Mysql_select_db ($ dbname); # If the record is present then $ query = 'SELECT $ .userfield FROM $. Su...

SQL Server 2012 Browser Service doesn't appear -

I have installed SQL Server 2012 and Management Studio Express. I am connected to the database that was used by my previous The project comes under. But I am getting the SqlException error, I think that the cause of the error is SQL Server because when I look at the active services, I only see the SQL Server VSS Writer service. I am using SQL Server Browser Services and other SQL Server services Can not see how this problem can be resolved? thank you in advanced. By default, when you run SQL Server Express, the option is selected with the named option SQLExpress as the name of "SERVER01 \ SQLEXPRESS" for example. You should have a browser service, but you can give the SQL exception, because you have a mugshot that is going wrong.

c++ - Qt Connecting SIGNAL and SLOT in object member of MainWindow -

मेरे पास एक क्लास MyClass है: - निजी: pushbutton * बटन; शून्य कनेक्टसिग्नल एंडस्लॉट (); - निजी स्लॉट: शून्य बटनएक्शन (); मैं इनसे जुड़ने के लिए MySQL में कनेक्ट करना चाहते हैं; जैसे: शून्य MyClass :: connectSignalAndSlot () {QObject :: कनेक्ट (बटन , सिग्नल (क्लिक किया ()), इस, स्लॉट (buttonAction ())); } यह मुझे कॉल करने के लिए 'QObject :: connect (QPushButton *, & const char *, MyClass) के लिए कोई मिलान समारोह नहीं देता है * Const, const char *) '; अगर मैं MyClass के साथ क्यू ऑब्जेक्ट प्राप्त करता हूं, तो प्रोग्राम को संकलित और शुरू होता है, लेकिन तब मुझे निम्न अनुप्रयोगों को मेरे अनुप्रयोग आउटपुट फलक में प्रदर्शित किया जाता है: QObject: : कनेक्ट करें: ऐसा कोई स्लॉट नहीं है QObject :: buttonAction () में .. \ MyProject \ myclass.cpp: 48 मुझे बटन और स्लॉट को सार्वजनिक करना है और उन्हें मेन-विंडों में उपयोग करना है केवल कक्षा? क्या इसको MyClass स्तर पर रखने का कोई तरीका नहीं है? आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद! आपकी MyClass परिभाषा (हैडर फ़ाइल) म...

android - Configuration change in loader -

One advantage of the loader on asynctask is that they can control the configuration changes i.e. the rotation. But I can not understand Itemprop = "text"> Suppose that you are using ContentProvider / Code> to get data from CursorLoader . Then, assume that the user rotates the screen, your portrait activity will be destroyed from the picture to the landscape, and a new instance of your activity will be created so that you can display your Landscape UI. Retrieve data from Cursor Loader No ContentProvider Instead, instead of the example of your new activity, The same cursor given in the example will be handed back. Activity (for API level 11 +) and fragment activity (API for level 10 and below) both, cursor loader and its cursor in the configuration change. You can use a created piece (i.e., a piece on which you can call setretainInstance (true) ).

javascript - Playing corresponding videos to different links in HTML5 Video -

I am using HTML5 video tags to play video on my website. When a certain image is clicked, I want it to pull the video player and play the same video. Any ideas about how to do this and make it compatible in all browsers? is the video player, so I want to change it based on the image being clicked & lt; Video width = "320" height = "240" control & gt; & Lt; Source src = "" class = "video player" & gt; & Lt; Source src = "" class = "video player" & gt; & Lt; / Video & gt; Clicked with images & lt; Img src = "picture / 1.jpg" class = "boxImage" data-project = "project" data-video = "picture / portfolio / test webm, image / portfolio / test.mp4" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "images / 2.jpg" class = "boxImage" data-project = "project" data-video = "picture / portfolio / test 2. webm, picture / portfolio / t... - Showdialog and Focus (incredible) -

मैंने VB.NET 2010 में एक अजीब समस्या देखी। अगर मैं showdialog एक TextBox_LostFocus में, जब मैं फ़ॉर्म को बंद करता हूँ तो यह लूप का कारण बनता है, लेकिन केवल अगर मैं पहले टेक्स्टबॉक्स से दूसरे का उपयोग करने वाला माउस को पास करता हूं! यदि मैं टैब का उपयोग करता हूं तो यह सामान्य रूप से काम करता है। मैं एक उदाहरण दिखाता हूं: नई परियोजना बनाएं और दो रूपों, form1 और फॉर्म 1 में, दो टेक्स्ट बॉक्स बनाएं। textbox1.lostfocus में, निम्न कोड पेस्ट करें VB.NET कोड: मंद एफ के रूप में नया फॉर्म 2 एफ। शोडियलोग () अब: फोकस पर है textbox1 । ठीक है? यदि आप टैब कुंजी के साथ textbox2 में जाते हैं, तो form2 प्रकट होता है यदि आप इसे बंद करते हैं तो यह सभी सामान्य है लेकिन अगर आप माउस का उपयोग करके textbox2 पर जाते हैं, तो form2 प्रकट होता है और यदि आप इसे दूसरे बंद करते हैं 2 मैंने इसे "मंद" कथन form1 के घोषित क्षेत्र में चलते हुए 23 बार तक प्रकट किया है, लेकिन किसी के पास इस व्यवहार का कारण है ? अग्रिम धन्यवाद।

swing - Java graphics object and scrolling - easiest way to do it? -

I'm working on a game that has a chatbox, but despite looking into it, for the right thing) , I can not understand the best way to create a custom 'scroll panel' for a 'text box' draw on graphics This awesome painting presentation type shows what I'm trying to do: If I have more on this Can give information you have, please ask me the best way I can explain how it is. EDIT: OK, to give more information on it, JPNL uses the game to display the game. It has been done through override of Paint Component in JPNL. I'm not sure that with this, it is possible to add a new component to attract it. If that is the case, then it can work, I should be able to place it in a particular place. If you have to add a new component to do this, then it will work and I will feel like a stupid. option 1) Use JTextArea organized in JScrollPane. Option 2) Use a JList held in an JScrollPane JTextArea is a little easier, but JList works better and is more responsive i...

objective c - runTaskLater() equivalent on iOS -

Android पर Bukkit प्लगइन के साथ, मैं एक सरल runTaskLater () विधि का उपयोग करने में सक्षम हूं एक विधि को निष्पादित करने के लिए, यह एक कार्य कर रहा है, फिर एक निश्चित समय के बाद एक और क्रिया चलती है, हालांकि IOS पर केवल performSelector: विधि के बारे में जानकारी है। मैं जो कुछ करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं उसका एक अच्छा उदाहरण कुछ पाठ के लिए लुप्त होती एनीमेशन होगा। कहते हैं कि मैं इसे पहले फीका करना चाहता था, फिर इसके चोटी की अपारदर्शिता पर पहुंचने के बाद दूसरी बार फीका, इस समय मैं दो अलग-अलग विधियों का इस्तेमाल कर रहा हूं और बाहर लुप्त हो रहा हूं, जो कि अयोग्य दिख रहा है, हालांकि मैं सक्षम नहीं हूं यह कैसे किया जा सकता है की एक उदाहरण या स्पष्टीकरण के पार आने के लिए यह निश्चित रूप से खोज शब्दों की मेरी कम पसंद के लिए कम हो सकता है। मैं एक निर्धारित समय के लिए कोड का एक भाग कैसे दे सकता हूं? क्या आपने इन तरीकों में से कोई भी प्रयास किया है? const float delayInSeconds = 3.0; NSString * myObject = @ "हैलो"; // विधि 1 [आत्म निष्पादन चयनकर्ता: @ सिलेक्टर (doSomething...

bytearray - Objective- C how to send data with a Byte Array using Core Bluetooth -

I'm trying to send Affes type type through the core Bluetooth will be able to access any other device and use Will be able to. @ Implementation NeeAppDelegate typedef struct {float a, b, c, four names [20]; } MyObject; So here I have declared my typedfaf class, which I want to send through core Bluetooth, which I think is okay. Then in a method later: - (zero) method} type myObject type type; // put it in a byte array _bitere = (byte *) and in the object; Set all the cans in the 0 array (and object, 0, psychobt) in the array; // Assign values ​​to my object myObject.a = 1; MyObject.b = 2; MyObject.c = 3; // This value can be changed, so I have set 20 NSString * name = @ "Name"; Strcpy (myObject.Name, [name UTF8String]); _bitdata = [NSDTO alloc] Init Withbits: _BiteArere Length: SizeOf (MyObage)]; } Now I switch classes to a peripheral ViewController where I handle sending data - (zero) peripheralManager:. (CBPeripheralManager *) Peripheral Union (Sibisi...

c++ - Looking for executable-based test framework -

I have worked out an old program that works, but beautiful ugly source code is without changing the functionality The code needs to be made good This program takes an input file, calculates all types and generates an output file. The program is currently written in a C / C ++ combination, firstly I am going to put it in C ++ program, but in the very future I will convert it, or parts of it into Python I'm going to do Naturally, have not taken the time to prepare the original Developer's unit test, or any other type of exam. Since I want to make sure that my modifications have not changed the behavior of the program, I want to start by making some tests. These units will not be tested, but the entire program will be tested. I want that every exam should take a set of an input file and command line argument, to run the program and to output the output (which is output file, standout output and stder R Output)). / P> Since I need to support both C ++ and Python, the ...

Run ruby script in terminal with parameters -

How do I run this method in terminal / IRB and test different parameters? def add (* numbers) numbers.inject (0) {| Sum, number | Zodiac + number} expiration hence the parameter 4 & amp; 6 I would think: ruby ​​add_method.rb 4,6 or ruby ​​add_method.rb (4,6) but can not detect / detect the correct execution code When I run them to work for it, I do not get any new prompts. Save it to a file: def add (* numbers ) Numbers.inject (0) {| Sum, number | Zodiac + number} end result = add (* (& amp; to to_i)) results then it will be ruby ​​add_method.rb 4 6 .

How to set texture to CALayer in ios? -

"itemprop =" text "> How to apply for calayer with the level of ambiguity like a combination of image texture and calayer image like texture (below) can go? postprop = "text"> You can use this UIImage * yourImage = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "Your Profile Image"]; Self.ourView.layer.contents = (__Bridge ID) yourImage.CGImage; Edit Try adding this sub-layer to the current layer. It will give you ideas for how to do this. This will draw some circle int radius = 30.0; UIBezierPath * Path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect: CGRectMake (0, 0, 20.0, 20.0) Radius: Radius: 0]; UIBezierPath * circlePath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect: CGRectMake (0, 0; 2.0 * radius, 2.0 * radius) cornerRadius: radius]; [Route apendapath: circlepath]; [Route set USFFFRRUURU: yes]; Casplayer * filler = [capsular layer]; FillLayer.path = Path. CGPath; FillLayer.fillRule = KCFlyRuleWed; FillLayer.fillColor = [UIColor blackColor] .CGColor...

c# - How can I call data from a row of a table in a combo box to save it in a new table? -

A Kanblboks found> client ) and when you fill everything and hit the save button I want this information to be inserted into a field of another table, but I do not even know that information Comboboks is to show , the code I've found so far is this: private void btnbuscar_Click (Ob Ject sender, EventArgs e) {OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog (); DialogResult Results = Dialog ShowDialog (); If (Results == DialogResult.OK) {pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile (dialog.FileName); }} Private void btnaceptar_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) {try {SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection (@ "Data Source = USER- PC; Initial Catalog = dbtaller; Integrated Security = true"); SqlCommand com = New SqlCommand (); com. Connection = Conn .; Com.CommandText = "Insert Ikvipos (Image, Nombre, client, State, Fikdersipasiyn, Mpledocargo) values ​​(@ Impen, Nombre, Cleti, State, @ Fcderesepasiyn, @ Appldocargo)"; Com.Parameters.Add ("@Knowledge", System...

Quotas or limits of Google Spreadsheets API v 3.0 -

I am considering using Google Spreadsheets and Google Apps scripts for our business rules, given that the spreadsheet Business rules will be available and editable for non-technical employees. My concern is about all quotas that apply to Google Apps scripts, because they can also change in the future, and there is no way to upgrade it to "premium" with the utility quota . As a fall, I am considering using Google Spreadsheets API, and I think there are quotas on this API, but I can not find them anywhere. Does anyone know them? Or is anyone killed in these quota? I am also trying to consider whether actually in my question Google Spreadsheets has a good idea of ​​applying business rules. An Episycript Dashboard that identifies any service bottlenecks, as well as a breakdown A tab for the quota based on the type of your Google Apps account. One of the things to note on StackExchange is that email quota (1500 total recipients per account every day), with an in...