android - Configuration change in loader -

One advantage of the loader on asynctask is that they can control the configuration changes i.e. the rotation. But I can not understand Itemprop = "text">

Suppose that you are using ContentProvider

/ Code> to get data from CursorLoader . Then, assume that the user rotates the screen, your portrait activity will be destroyed from the picture to the landscape, and a new instance of your activity will be created so that you can display your Landscape UI. Retrieve data from

Cursor Loader No ContentProvider Instead, instead of the example of your new activity, The same cursor given in the example will be handed back.

Activity (for API level 11 +) and fragment activity (API for level 10 and below) both, cursor loader < / Code> and its cursor in the configuration change.

You can use a created piece (i.e., a piece on which you can call setretainInstance (true) ).


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