io - Java 8 & NIO / Read lines -> collect to entity -

The text file needs to be read from the line and the Entity for the values ​​determined by the object

ID, name, weight 1, Mario, 80.2 2, Marco, 91.1 ... 100, Diego, 78.12

Using the new Java 8: My solution of the method is very much Huge:

  public work CoolApp {private static final String source = FILE = "path / to / txt / file / entities.txt"; Private static last IID id = 0; Personal Static Last End NAME = 1; Personal stable final variable weight = 2; Public static zero master (string [] args throws an exception {boolean isHeader = true; & Lt; Unit & gt; Organizations = New Arrestist & lt; & Gt; (); (String line: files .readlined lines (path.jet (SORCIOIELE)) {if (header) {header = real; } And {string [] snippets = line split (","); Institutions.ed (new unit (integer PRIINT (snippets [ID]), snippet [NAME], double PRSDB (SPIGHT) [WEIGHT])); }}}}  

How can I do the same thing, but as used in presenting the data in the collection of institutions as follows?

  list & lt; Unit & gt; Entities = files.line (path. (SOURCE_FILE)). Assemble (...);  

  list & lt; Unit & gt; Organizations = Files.lines (paths.get (SOURCE_FILE)). Skip (1) // Header Line. Map (Line -> Line Split (",")) // Convert each row to an array. Map (Snippets - & gt; New unit (integer. PRIIT Snippets [id]), snippets [NAME], double. PRSW ([WEIGHT]) // Transform each array into one unit.Collect (collectors.list ());  
< P> Note on your code: You should use true and false , Boolean.TRUE instead and Ulian. FALSE (which are examples of Boolean and not primitive boolean value).


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