bytearray - Objective- C how to send data with a Byte Array using Core Bluetooth -

I'm trying to send Affes type type through the core Bluetooth will be able to access any other device and use Will be able to. @ Implementation NeeAppDelegate typedef struct {float a, b, c,

  four names [20]; } MyObject;   

So here I have declared my typedfaf class, which I want to send through core Bluetooth, which I think is okay. Then in a method later:

  - (zero) method} type myObject type type; // put it in a byte array _bitere = (byte *) and in the object; Set all the cans in the 0 array (and object, 0, psychobt) in the array; // Assign values ​​to my object myObject.a = 1; MyObject.b = 2; MyObject.c = 3; // This value can be changed, so I have set 20 NSString * name = @ "Name"; Strcpy (myObject.Name, [name UTF8String]); _bitdata = [NSDTO alloc] Init Withbits: _BiteArere Length: SizeOf (MyObage)]; }   

Now I switch classes to a peripheral ViewController where I handle sending data

  - (zero) peripheralManager:. (CBPeripheralManager *) Peripheral Union (Sibisiantrl *) Central subscribe by Hanrokarnististik (CBC Features *) feature {if (m_dataToSend! = Null) {[m_dataToSend release]; } M_dataToSend = [NeeAppDelegate Shared Instance] .byteData; M_sendDataIndex = 0; [Send yourself the data]; }   

Here dataSend method I used to send data to another device

  - (minus) sendData {if (m_sendDataIndex & gt; = M_dataToSend .length) // Is anyone on the left to send? {// No data left EOD message [M -priferl Manajr Apdetvolum [Ansdita data] to Lisinektiv: M_tronsrprsirtestistik on Sbskripted Sentrls: Nile]; [M_preferl manager closed ad]; // Beacon advertising Resume [_viewControllerNeedle.needlePeripheralManager startAdvertising: _viewControllerNeedle.beaconSpecificPeripheralData]; } And {BOOL bDidSend = YES; NSITferer zodiaced = 0; // left the data, so send the callback until the failure, or we have done it. While (BDaidend) {amountToSend = m_dataToSend.length - m_sendDataIndex; If (amount Tosend & gt; NOTIFY_MTU) {amountToSend = NOTIFY_MTU; } // data we want bDidSend = copy out [m_peripheralManager updateValue: [NSData dataWithBytes: m_dataToSend.bytes + m_sendDataIndex length: amountToSend] forCharacteristic: m_transferCharacteristic onSubscribedCentrals: nil]; If (bDidSend) {m_sendDataIndex + = amountToSend; }}}   


How can I get access to data within the BITE array now in my Central Manager class? I know that you must know the format to the value of a byte array used to

  * (float *) and [NeeAppDelegate is sharedInstance] .byteArray [0]; The text is the easiest way to checkout ->  

its text Next, use this code (to be all things controlled by LGBluetooth, even connections)

 LGUtils writeData: self.transactData charactUUID: FCBBLEPaymentTransactionCharUUID serviceUUID: FCBBLEPaymentServiceUUID peripheral: APeripheral completion: ^ (NSError * Error) {}];  

Here is a sample code, which will convert NSString to equivalent NSData

  NSString * someString = @ "123456789"; Const char * transactStr = [someString UTF 8 string]; Int8_t * transactbytes = malloc (strlen (transactStr) * sizeof (int8_t)); Size_t transactDataSize = (strlen (transactStr) * sizeof (int8_t)) / 2; Int cursor offset = 0; For (int i = 0; i & LT; transactDataSize; i ++) {transactBytes [i] = ((transactStr [curssorOffset] - '0') * 16) + (transactStr [curssorOffset + 1] - '0' ); Cursor offset + = 2; } NSDTA * TransdataData = [NSDTATA DataWithbites: TransActivity Length: Transdetectus]; Free (transactBytes); [LGUtils writeData: transactData charactUUID: @ "5ec0" serviceUUID: @ "4ca1" peripheral: APeripheral completion: ^ (NSError * Error) {aCallback (error); [Aperifier disconnectivity finale: zero]; }];  


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