python - Matplotlib only plot to x=250 and redraw -
I have a txt file from which I collect my data and the Python matplotlib text file is structured in such a way:
0 27.087 1 26.132 2 26.021 3 25.897 4 ... .... so basically "x temporary"
I used the plot (this is a subplot) With matplotlib with the following part of the code:
ax = fig.add_subplot (3,2,2, axisbg = 'gray') ax axx.tick_params (axis = 'x', color Ax.spines [plot (x, floating, 'c', linewidth = 2) '' '' ax.tick_params (axis = 'y', color = 'c') ax.spines [ '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '.' Set_color ('w') ax.yaxis.label.set_color ('c') ax.xaxis.label.set_color ('c') ax.set_title ('Temperatuur', color = 'c')
Till then I do not get more than 250 measurements, it looks fine. It restarts the drawing on x = 0
. And drag over the 'old' conspiracy. Like this:
But how can I create an X-axis Amount of measurement as long as possible?
If you expect all x
values to be constant, You can leave x
in your plot command:
ax.plot (temp, 'c', linewidth = 2)
He will automatically plot by index.
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