java - I don't get any altitude data (GPS Android) -

I'm applying a GPS, latitude, longitude, speed, height ... but I did not find any data on this one For me always get 1.0 as a value. (This is what happens with speed).

I tried with simulator of GPX in Eclipse (DMS) and on Terminal (KML Simulator, not on the road). ..but it always shows 0.0 or 1.0.

Enter image details here

My code is as follows:

  Private location currentLoc; Personal Location Previous Lock;  

Criteria for GPS ...

  // Criteria object is optional. Representation value of "GPS" criteria will return oGPSSettings = new criteria (); OGPSSettings.setAccuracy (Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE); OGPSSettings.setSpeedRequired (true); OGPSSettings.setAltitudeRequired (true); OGPSSettings.setBearingRequired (incorrect); OGPSSettings.setCostAllowed (false); OGPSSettings.setPowerRequirement (Criteria.POWER_MEDIUM);  

When a new location is received ...

  Public zero transfers at the @Override (location location) {currentLoc = location; String sText = "height:" + currentLoc.getAltitude (); TxtOutput.setText (sText); } // sets this place as the last location PreviousLoc = currentLoc; }  

I removed the code from things like displaying latitude, longitude ... now I will only show height

Question is : you Why does it feel like this? Latitude and longitude works fine, but the height is probably not a hardware issue? Because the code looks right, I think it should work only with the getAltitude function

Thank you in advance!

Can you ask "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" in your manifest? Also try changing ACCURACY_FINE to ACCURACY_HIGH


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