ruby on rails - emacs init file with mac and other issues -
This is the most frustrating program Ive ever used, Ive installed it 4x, Ive created an .emacs rt one .emacs.da .emacs.d / init.el built an .init.el etc. None of them work, directories are safe and I can not keep them safe etc .. The list goes on. So basically I do not know how to get a very easy .emacs init file to work with the rail I and it has turned into an 8 + hour disturbance, resulting in useless files Has become a ton of. Any idea what the issue is? Igggled Read Mode etc. Ive ran under sudo. Sounds like a very simple task, so I'm not sure whether any idea is missing the magic thing? ive examined both the USR bin directory and made it there. Ive built the lspee directory within the app directory. The best boxes were buffer to preload, but really it should without buffer rating Thanks for the help, with a dispute with emacs lisp for 300 hours, a useful to code It would be good to have the program Editing: Yes my MX optimizes and fixes the load even though I can n...