elasticsearch - Elastic Search Nested Object mapping and Query for search -
I am trying to use elastic detection and I am trying to query for nested objects.
Originally my object is of the following format
{"name": "some name", "field 2": [{"prop1": "val1" , "The following is the following for the mapping nested field:" val2 "}, {" prop1 ":" val3 "," prop2 "::" val4 "}}}
{ "Properties": {"field2": {"type": "nested"}}}}
PUT / sometval / posts / _mapping {"posts" ex> Now say I can insert element for / field / post / 1 and / field / post / 2 etc. I have K value for field2.prop1 and give me a query f The one that was posted on the basis of the most match of field 2. The .prop1 is between the values of what would be the proper question for it, besides I tried a simple filter, but this does not seem to work right. { "Match_all": {}}}, "filter": {"nested":
received / sometval / posts / _search {"query": {"filtered": {"query": {"Path": "field2", "filter": {"bool": {"should": [{"word": {"field2.prop1": "val1"}}]}}}, "_cache" : True}}}}
The above query should be posted first. But it does not give a match. Can anyone help clarify the wrong things here?
There was a problem with your Jason structure, you used the filtered query, but the filter (object) query
find the difference
post / sometval / posts / _search {"query": {"filtered": {"query": {" Match_all ": {}}," filter ": {" nested ": {" path ":" field 2 "," filter ": {" should ": {" should ": [{" word ": {" field2. Prop1 ":" val1 "}}]}}," _cache ": true}}}}}
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