javascript - Node asynchronous route code -

I am using node with express 4.0. I can not find anything on the internet about embedding asynchronous code on the way.

It is quite easy with the middleware:

  app '/ Some', function (rick, race, next) {doSomethingAsync (function (mistake, possibly sombeielsay) {// maybe checking some error Next ();});}); The problem with the routes is that there is no  next  callback, how does it show that when it comes to going to the next job? 

  app.get ('/ something', function (rik, ridge) {res.render ('SomeTemplate'); // no next (), but it still works });  

If I had to guess, then I would say that after the above work execution, the express moves for the next job but curiosity has launched the following code ...

< Pre> app.get ('/ something', function (rick, ris, next) {console.log (Next);});

... and actually some next callback has been passed. So what's going on here? How does this work behind the scenes? And how can I enter asynchronous code there?

Express to stop the socket unless you call res.render < / Code> which means that you can pass res.render in a callback that executes x second and everything will still work.

Next Go to the next route, which map your values, you can get a great explanation here:

But what are you asking here? Under it If the render () is called on the res object, the data will be sent and the socket will be closed.


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