Cannot get date from google sheet filled by google forms -

Purpose: To remove date and time from the sheet (created by filling Google Forms) and sending them to the body of the e-mail Automatically use script to set script editor code:

  sendEmails function () {var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet (); Var startRow = 16; // var numRows = 1 first row of data to process; // Number of rows for processes (var j = startrow; j & lt; startRow + numrows; j ++) {var color = sheet.getrange (j, 10) .getBackground (); Get a range of ("# 00ff00" == color) {// cell A2: B3 var row = sheet.getSheetValues ​​(j, 1, 1, 14); // J row with 14 / NSE color names with stdents = row [0] [0] + "" + row [0] [1]; Var time = line [0] [6] + "at"; // + row [0] [7] + "at" + row [0] [8]; Var named = "Dear" + row [0] [9] + ","; Var email receipt = line [0] [13]; Var topic = "date and time" + line [0] [5] + "at" + row [0] [6]; Var msg = nameRecipient + sheet.getRange ("L11"). GetValue () + nameStudent + sheet.getRange ("M11") getValue () + Time + Name Student + Sheet.GetRnZ ("N11"). GetValue (); MailApp.sendEmail (email receipt, subject, message); Sheet.getRange (J, 10) .setBackground ("#FF9900"); }}}  

In output (i.e. e-mail):

The date is filed by the person who fills the Google form. I created the form using Google Screenshot of sheet accessing sheet: Cell (when double clicked) opens the calendar shown on the screenshot above. I use the following code (using Google Apps Script) to get a line from the sheet:

  var line = sheet.getSheetValues ​​(j, 1, 1, 14 ); The J line looks like the date of extracting the line from  
  [["Gaaav", "Budapest", " ", 9823527827," San Francisco International Airport (SFO) ", 41855, 0.5277777777810115," C 0016 "," Al 02 "," Man "," Public Relations "," 3112 ", 94984802569," JClfusz @ Kgsesfacl .com "]]  

Number 41855 is the date in the above statement. This is actually 8/4/2014 but I can not read it, neither can I read the time, which is 0.5277777777810115 in above debug O / P.

I am attaching a screenshot of the debug screen:

Assuming submitting your time is 14 in your spreadsheet.

Change both the date and time values ​​in the Javascript date objects, then update the form with the date object form with the hour and minute time objects.

  function sendEmails () {var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet (); Var startRow = 16; // var numRows = 1 first row of data to process; // Number of rows for processes (var j = startrow; j & lt; startRow + numrows; j ++) {var color = sheet.getrange (j, 10) .getBackground (); Get a range of ("# 00ff00" == color) {// cell A2: B3 var row = sheet.getSheetValues ​​(j, 1, 1, 14); // J row with 14 / NSE color names with stdents = row [0] [0] + "" + row [0] [1]; Var time = line [0] [6] + "at"; // + row [0] [7] + "at" + row [0] [8]; Var named = "Dear" + row [0] [9] + ","; Var email receipt = line [0] [13]; // Prepare the date time object var dateInput = New date (line [0] [5]); Var Time Input = New Date (line [0] [6]); DateInput.setHours (timeInput.getHours ()) dateInput.setMinutes (timeInput.getMinutes ()); // String var dateString = Utilities.formatDate (dateInput, Session.getScriptTimeZone), "MM / dd / yyyy hh: mm a" Format date / time object;); Var topic = "date and time" + date string var message = name recieve + sheet.gaterenz ("L11"). GetValue (+) + Extend + Sheet.GetRenz ("M11"). GetValue () + Time + NameHydient + Sheet.GetRenz ("N11") getValue () .; MailApp.sendEmail (email receipt, subject, message); Sheet.getRange (J, 10) .setBackground ("#FF9900"); }  



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