python - How to change the color for Elpy autocomplete box and not display the private variables first -

I am trying to run Amax 24.3.1 on Ubuntu 14.04 configured for Python development, I am using for completeness. Currently facing two problems, both of these screenshots can be seen in:


It is very difficult to work with color scheme and personal methods always appear first in the list.

The relevant rows in my emacs init are:

  ;; Popups ('require popups) ;; Python-mode ('package is required) (add-list' package archives' ("alipi". "Http://")) (LP-enabled) ;; Fix a major compulsive bug in Eliphay (defining key -maximally-mode-map (kbD "cc") or define (defined-key global-map (kbid "cc o") 'iidit-mode ); ; Use JDI for auto integer (setc ali-rpc backend "jdi") (setac p-install-directory "~ / .emacs.d / python-mode.el-6.1.3") (add-to- List 'load-path py-install-directory' ('require Python-mode); Use IPython (setq-default py-shell-name "ipython") (setq-default py-that-bufname "IPython"); Use wx backend for both elusive and matplotibs (setq py-python-command-args' ("--gui = wx" "-pylab = wx" -colors "" "Linux") (setq py-force-p -Shel-name-pt); Switch on interpreter after executing code (Setac PA-Shell-Switch-buffer-on-execute-pt) (Setac P-Switch-buffers-on-execute-pT) Do not divide windows (Setac Pi-split-windows-on-execute-p low); Trying to understand the indentator automatically (Setq py-smart-indentation t);; Jedi backend (Ad-hook 'Python-mode-hook' Jedi: setup) (Setac JDI: Full-On-Dot T); Optional (Ad-hook 'Python-Mode -Hook 'Autocomplete mode) (Ad-hook' Python-mode-hook 'Jedi: AC-Setup)  

Any help with any of these issues is appreciated

The color theme is similar, which uses the LP method. If you use 1.5.1 For the current release of Upgrade, then it will be company-mode in theory, it should already work correctly with a dark background Emacs from frame-background-mode Try to set the first dark - maybe Imac does not recognize your background correctly (though it should). If he fails, you can change the colors ("face") by doing the MX customize-group RET company RET and search for options with "face" on your name. .

Changing the order of completion is a bit more difficult and will need to change some code within the Alpi. I have made for this request.


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