
Showing posts from September, 2012

linux - Elasticsearch can't write to log files -

I would like to activate the log of elasticsearch. When I run the elastic search binary, I know that I have problems with logging: the configuration can not be loaded! Here is the output: ~ $ sudo / usr / share / elasticsearch / bin / elasticsearch failed to configure logging ... org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException: org. on elasticsearch.common.logging.log4j.LogConfigurator.configure org.elasticsearch.common.logging.log4j.LogConfigurator.resolveConfig ( on org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.main failed to load configuration logging on ( because of org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap.main ( on org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap.setupLogging ( on ( : java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException at / usr / share / elasticsearch / config (UnixEx sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException ( UnixExce...

Haskell: min distance between neighbor numbers on a list -

I am trying to define a factbook which finds a minimum distance between neighboring numbers on a list Something like this: Minneobresadence [2,3,6,2,0,1,9,8] => 1 My code looks like this: minNeighborsDistance [] = [] minNeighborsDistance (x: xs) = minimum [minNeighborsDistance xs ++ [subtract Although it starts running, once I enter a list, I get an exception error. I am new to Haskell. Any help in this case Ol> This will not match [] in the first line. , Then This will successfully match (x: xs) to specify a value for x and xs Forward, since you call the empty MinNeighborsDistance recursively, you are Mesa will call it on a single list, except that when you pass it empty list.

OpCache not caching -

Recently active opcache but this does not seem to work Phpinfo () you hit 0 Can see 1 miss 1 cached script (opcached GUI) Am I missing? The server is a Linux server centos 6.5 vps PHP 5.5 A bit more info about opcache configuration opcache_enabled true cache_full False restart_pending false false restart_in_progress used_memory 8.54 MB free_memory 503.46 MB wasted_memory 0 bytes 0.00% buffer_size current_wasted_percentage 4,194,304 used_memory 446.41 kB free_memory 3.56 MB number_of_strings 4895 num_cached_scripts 1 num_cached_keys 1 max_cached_keys 65,407 hit 0 start_time Saturn, 26 July 14 23:20: 32 +0000 never last_restart_time oom_restarts 0 hash_starts 0 Manual_Start 0 0 Do not remember bla cklist_misses 0 0.00% blacklist_miss_ratio 0.00% opcache_hit_rate Text after " It seems that you are using CGI instead of mod_php5 for both the shared memory area (SMA) , But it only continues to request-to-request for ...

ruby on rails - Erase Blank Json Loop -

I have a rail backend that receives JSON (when it is parsed): = "gtc: mediawiki-xid =" gtc: mediawiki-xid = "gtc: mediawiki-xid =" gtc: basically what I want to do, in every way (Such as magazine or book), if all the other attributes keys are empty except like , then do not save that array key / value. So in my example, the magazine will be in the array, but will be removed as a book (because the value of both the attributes and the title is empty. I know that I can loop through something ( The list has been parsed before JSON): list.each do | l | if l ["type"] == "magazine" if l ["value"] empty? # Then terminate this notice but this is not very repetitive and clear. How can I improve it? This can be used to idle unwanted lines to do so. You only remove the values Can remove the blank, and count the remaining values ​​... make sure that 'type' is one of them ... list.reject! {| Item> item.values.reject ...

svg - D3 ordinal scale only returning extremes. Why isn't it interpolating between range and domain? -

I'm trying to use d3.scale.ordinal () . I have a problem where the function returns only the minimum and maximum scale value. I am trying to use () to create a domain. Then I use an xScale function at the same price My data looks like this: Key, ToState, Value, Populate, District of Columbia, 836, Populated Populate, Maryland, 1938, Populated Populate, New Jersey, 836, Populated Populate, Pennsylvania, 939, Populated Populate, New York, 3455, Populate My Scale Function Looks like: xScale = d3.scale.ordinal () .domain ( (thedata, function (d) {console.l Og (d.to_state); return d.to_state;}).) Range ([0, W - margin left - margin right]); My map selection looks like Y and the height values ​​are being calculated properly just X is bothering me. var thechart = chart.selectAll ("div"). Data (thedata) .enter () console.log (xScale ("New Jersey") + "" + XScale ("Pennsylvania" )); ("Rectangle", function ...

javascript - AngularJS $resouce is adding $resolved and $promise -

I'm getting data using $ $ resource in AngularJS. However, it is adding two additional properties to $ $ and $ in the result resolved. Below is my code. How can I get around this? MyStoreCheckoutService.factory ('checkout', function ($ resource) {return $ resource ('property / app / data / billing /: file.json', {}, {GetSalexTax: { Method: 'GET', params: {file: 'sales-tax'}, isArray: false}})}} myStoreCheckoutControllers.controller ('myStoreCheckoutCtrl', function ($ radius, checkout) {$ Scope.states = []; $ Scope.saleTaxMaster = Checkout.getSalexTax ({function () {console.log ($ scope.saleTaxMaster); getStates ();}); function getStates () {for $ scope.saleTaxMaster in var x} {if ( $ Scope.saleTaxMaster.hasOwnProperty (x)) {$ scope.states.push (x)}}}}} Here my $ Scope.saleTaxMaster Both properties are This is a $ resource Design / Feature If this is a problem, then you can skip properties starting with $, this is the same patt... web api - Using Action link with Web Api Controller -

How can I use an application when an operator calls an action that is a WebAP controller. public class requestcontroller: API controller {[Actioneme ("Actisation")] [Response type (type off (request)) Public ASSink Task & lt; IHttpActionResult & gt; PostRequest (Request Request) {If (ModelState.IsValid!) {Change BadRequest (ModelState); } Db.Requests.Add (request); Wait db.SaveChangesAsync (); Return Created Arm route ("DefaultApi", new {id = request.Id}, request); }} In my layout page I can @ Html.ActionLink ("request", "create action", "API / request", new {domain = ""} , Null) Jawahar You can generate a link The following link will point to an album controller using the standard URL asset property and an API controller will pass along an ID parameter with the value of 3: . ", Id = 3}) Please refer to this link

ruby on rails - Git is not ignoring tmp files -

This has been a disturbing issue in the Ruby on Rail application where git these tmp / files In my .gitignore file, I have tmp / so I can not understand why they look ... here my .gitignore File for reference: # Ignore bundler config / ignore Bundle # Ignore the default SQLite database /db/*.sqlite3/db/*.sqlite3-journal # Ignore all logfiles and tempfiles /log/*.log/tmp/private/customization/valid/cache/ # OS generated cache files Thumbs.db DS_Store This is just a minor issue which is getting annoying on my team and I thank you for any and all help! Files git rm . Perhaps a command like this would work: git rm -r tmp Then commit to record that you removed the files from git , And Git will stop trying to track changes in those files.

c# - Implementing authentication in Windows Phone 8 -

I have to implement authentication in my Windows Phone 8 app. requires a POST request with https for a successful login. This is what I am doing. public async zero GetMobileSession (string username, string password, action and lieutenance; LastFmAuthResponse & gt; onCompletion) {string CORE_URL = " 2.0 /"; Var parameter = new dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; (); Parameters.Add ("username", user name); Parameters.Add ("password", password); Parameters.Add ("method", "auth.getMobileSession"); Parameters.Add ("api_key", api_key); String sign = = get (parameter); String comboUrl = string.Concat ("method = auth.getMobileSession", "& amp; api_key =", api_key, "& user name =", user name, "and password =", password, "& api_sig = ", Signature); LastFmAuthResponse response = null; Byte [] pendingPostContent...

git - Github contributions not showing up on Repository Graph -

I work through the GH web interface (instead of command line and installed code editor) I have been on my computer since its creation because I on the go For some reason, none of the contributors' data is visible here. - Although they are showing on my profile, are listed as commitments, and appear everywhere. Do you have to do something to use the web interface? Maybe, I need to give it a little more time? anything else? I was confused with this issue because it was not really understood. As a result, I reached the support of Github and got pleasure below 24 hours. Hello Tejas, Our contribution system is currently undergoing maintenance. After the maintenance is completed we will get back to you and we can re-create your contribution data. Sorry for the inconvenience! Honestly, Daisuke Honestly, a fraction of this has been displayed on the right page and its management is extremely bad It was ... but I'm glad we know the answer :)

javascript - Return a Function within a Function -

Here is an example of the code I am using: var Hello = Function Hi () {function by () {console.log (hi); Hello; } Bye(); }; Hello(); this is a link I am trying to return the function bye to hi . As you can see, when I present the console.log (hi) value, my return statement does not return the high function. Hello Code> function hi (message) {console.log (message)} It takes a logic and shows it on the console Now we have our bye function Function By () {Hi ("By Function Bye"); } No, when you call bye , you call hi at the same time bye (); // This console will be shown on the message "" called "" ... If you want to return a function from a function, it is easy that you enter your Like function function Hi {message} {console.log (message)} and bye Function returns like hi function by function (by) {return Hi; } Now you need to do this, call it bye function and give it to sho...

git - Trouble with GitHub and Ubuntu file permissions -

I recently tried pushing my new files in my repo and things got messy. I also think that my There is a problem with SSH. In fact, it is not certain how to fix any of them files were moved to my project folder, while trying to push them into the buttocks, on which I'm terrible they're my local development project Disappeared out of Older. This is a .proj folder. They should be here: But I did something with GitHub which made him a pawf. I searched for the files with the following, and it shows that the files on my machine (this is my machine, nobody else is this), but I do not have permission to access files Does anybody know how can this ./ gnupg permission fix the problem? $ directory search-type f -name "rpackages / saber" # find: `./.gnupg ': Permission denied $ directory- Type f -name" Rpackages "# find : `./.gnupg 'search: permission denied $ directory-type f -name" playerStats.R "# search: find` ./.gnupg': perm...

assembly - FLD m64fp Instruction -

आठ लगातार बाइट्स मेमोरी में हेक्स मूल्य 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 64, 9 ई, 40 हैं। FLD m64fp अनुदेश निष्पादित है। इसका तर्क इन आठ लगातार बाइट्स के पहले का पता है। FLD अनुदेश के परिणामस्वरूप, एसटी (0) में मूल्य अब है: 1) 1776.0 2) 1 9 45.0 3) 2003.0 4) 1984.0 अगर कोई मुझे इस प्रश्न के बारे में कैसे जान सकता है, तो कृपया इसे ठीक से कैसे हल कर सकता हूं, & amp; क्या आपको लगता है कि इसका उत्तर हो सकता है क्योंकि मैं बहुत खो रहा हूं इनपुट के लिए धन्यवाद FLD एक फ्लोट को स्टैक में लोड करता है। क्योंकि आप FLD m64fp निष्पादित कर रहे हैं, यह स्टैक में 8-बाइट्स (64-बिट फ़्लोटिंग-पॉइंट) को थोड़ा-एंडियन प्रारूप में लोड करेगा। इसलिए एसटी (0) का काम करने के लिए हम निम्न कोड का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: जावा: System.out.println (डबल। लोंगबिटटो डबल (0x40 9 ई 640000000000 एल)); सी: uint64_t u2 = 0x409 ई 640000000000 एल; Printf ("% lf \ n", * ((* डबल *) और यू 2); कौन सा आउटपुट 1 9 45.0

c++ - Function template overloading (different return value type) -

I am reading, and "13.7 partial specialization of function templates" the author said: function template, their function parameters must be different in some physical way. Consider the Function Template R Convert (T const & amp;) where the R and T template parameters are. We want to make this template very well for R = Zero, but this overloading can not be used. This function can be done using template overloading, right? Like: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; Template & lt; Typename t, typename r & gt; R Convert (T const & amp;) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "R Convert (T const & amp;) \ n"; } Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Zero changed (T const & amp;) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Zero changed (T const & amp;) \ n"; } Int main () {convert (0); } Here, the result is: zero changed (T const & amp;) the author actually What do you mean Class Template Partial Expertise: template ...

Error while running inpspectdb in Django with MySQL Connector and Python 3 -

I am going to post a question and then posting the problem, I am resolving it after the trap Has been found Command: For some time I thought it would be useful to use InspectorDB To create data from a database to JGO, use MySQL Connector using C: \ myproj \ myproj & gt; Observatory - Database = mydb & gt; Resultant error (traceback for short): django.db.utils.IntegrityError: there is an error in your SQL syntax ; Check the manual related to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax to use a near '' decimal '' on line 1. So the solution is very quick, please note that credit goes to MARSIN Mikasysevsky who posted bugs and related solutions here: Although I thought it would be easy to find here on stack overflow. There is an error in line 65 of the file (assuming you have installed Python in C: \ Python 33): C: \ Python 33 \ lib Replace the line 65: "table_schema = database () and data_type = '\ s...

oracle commerce - Migrating to the EndecaExperienceManager -

What would be the best practice for the minimal impact on the UI & amp; Maximize JSP reuse? I've read the Migration Doc but they do not cover this aspect. As you know, ATG and Andacca simply started to integrate into ATG 10.2.x is. Therefore, the integration of earlier versions of ATG requires a lot of work from the developer. I have worked on the implementation of the ATG 9.2 and the Endacá 3.1.2 which actually does this. Your question should really be that how far should you stay away from migrating later versions of ATDC which integrates well with Andika and how many existing systems do you want to keep after such migration? This is important because it will mean that you need to either create a solution that imitates the functionality (giving you the most control over your templates and cartridges while integrating with the experience manager) or giving less interference Attitude The other thing is that how much you want to render through the experience manager...

javascript - Embedded style overriding inline styles? -

I have an embedded style and a function button that changes the style of the button to display through inline style Has: No problem is that embedded style is being overridden inline style. So, the questions are: Is inline styles not considered more priority than embedded? Is there anything wrong with my code ?? If nothing is wrong with my code: How do I get to embed my inline code embedded style? HTML & lt; Div id = "buttonDiv1" style = "float: left;" & Gt; & Lt; Button ID = "BTN1" & gt; Change unit & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "buttonDiv1" style = "float: left; display: none;" & Gt; Button ID = "BTN 2" & gt; Change unit & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "buttonDiv1" style = "float: left; display: none;" & Gt; Button ID = "BTN3" & gt; Change unit & lt; / Butto...

jquery - how to direct a link to a page and then add class to the body of that page after it is loaded? -

I am working on a template that has many different layouts with blog.html The file is: 3 column layout 4 column layout I blog.html Is styled so that when I add body tags to a specific square, each layout is displayed. Therefore, when the user clicks the link of each layout in the menu menu, the classes are added to the body tags. The Jquery code is: $ ('.av. Fulll-width'). Click (function (e) $ {'(body'). AddClass ('blog-full width'); E.preventDefault ();}); It works well only when I am on a blog page but I can not do it from other pages I mean, I use jquery How to do, when I click on the 'full-width blog' link in the NAV menu on the index page, go to the link blog page and then add 'blog-full-width' to the body Blog.html tag. There are several ways: Store the class in session storage (or local storage if you want it to continue) and see the page for it and apply it Web Storage. Store it in a cookie (if possibl...

ios - Is there any standard combo box element that I can use in the interface builder of Xcode -

Is there a standard combo box element that I can use in the builder of Xcode? Or should I use Picker footage in this case? Thanks in advance. Use picker view as it is a standard control and combo Make the same functionality of the box. The iPhone phones are more user-friendly with the pickarie rather than the combo box. You can see in all the standard app picker view is used instead of a combo box. The Picker view is more relevant and user-friendly to use.

c# - Create Access 97 database without dependency on Access -

For compatibility with legacy software, I need to create an .mdb database compatible with Access 97 or earlier versions. I can not use OLDB because I can not trust access to set up. I also do not want to install office connectivity components. Are there any third party libraries that can do this? Jet part of the Windows interface forever (as part of the MDAC component from Windows 2000) No need to access the .mdb file for You only need to install ACE drivers if you plan to create new .accdb files (compatible with Access 2007 and above). To create an empty .mdb database, you need to use the Microsoft ADO Ext 2. Datab and security for the 2.8 library Interop.ADOX. Dll . You can call it your VS. There is no need to referencing directly in the project, you can use late binding to create the object that is available on the machine: zero main () {var conStr = GetConnectionString (@ "C: \ Users \ user \ Desktop \ myDatabase.mdb", blank, zero); CreateDb (C...

javascript - jqPagination : has a undefined function when using on -

Hello I am using jqpagination to use master and slave forms for paging on my When I gave the same code as the tutorial, I found a type of error: an undefined function is not $ (...). JqPagination (...). I think the jqpagination was not defined. I have imported jsPaingation files and this code is very similar. I searched on Staxahovarflow and provided a link to see one of the links: this is also a problem .. Do anyone know why he is? Did I get something wrong?

amazon web services - Error deploying Rails app to Opsworks using unicorn -

अनुप्रयोग सफलतापूर्वक तैनात किया गया है लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता! / Var / log / nginx / error.log निम्न त्रुटि दिखाता है: 2014/07/27 13:01:33 [आलोच] 13633 # 0: * 531 कनेक्ट () यूनिक्स के लिए: /srv/www/webcam_app/shared/sockets/unicorn.sock विफल (2: कोई ऐसी फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका नहीं है) अपस्ट्रीम से कनेक्ट करते समय, ग्राहक:, सर्वर: webcam_app, अनुरोध: "GET / HTTP / 1.1 ", अपस्ट्रीम:" http: // unix: /srv/www/webcam_app/shared/sockets/unicorn.sock: / ", होस्ट:" " मैंने चेक किया और पाया कि unicorn.conf में / srv / www / webcam_app / shared / sockets में मौजूद नहीं है। मुझे पता नहीं है कि यह क्यों है हो रहा है। क्या मुझे गेंडा के लिए कोई मणि जोड़ने की आवश्यकता है, क्या यह रसोई की किताब में कोई समस्या है? जोड़ना # वेब सर्वर मणि के रूप में गेंडा का प्रयोग करें 'गेंडा' करने के लिए Gemfile समस्या का हल।

css - Change the order of columns in bootstrap 3 grid -

I have the following as html. I want to swap their location in blue and red div xs size. & lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-xs-12 col-sm-6" style = "background-color: red;" & Gt; Red & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-xs-12 col-sm-6" style = "background-color: blue;" & Gt; Blue & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Is it possible to change the order of columns in mobile size in Bootstrap 3.0? Change the order of the divs here and float them properly from the bootstrap to the pull-right square

unit testing - Jest React Example -

I'm trying to run a response example on this, but I'm getting errors λ npm test & gt; ... & gt; Jest found 1 matching test ... Failed __tests __ \ checkboxwithlabel-test.js (0.551s) NPM ERR! Test failed. See above for more details. NPM ERR! Code is not correct 0 I have copied the code directly from the example package. JSN is as follows: " dependencies ": {" response ":" * "," feedback-tool ":" * "}," script ": {" test "" ", "Zest": {"scriptprocessor": "RootDeer" / preprocessor. JS "," Unmobile ModemPathparennes ": [" & lt; RootDIR / Node_Module / Response "]}," Development ": {" Jest-cli ":" ~ 0.1.17 "}} To resolve these errors and successfully run example test What can I do for it? It is very possible that I am missing an important statement (or description), but it does not fully know whe...

toolbar - TestComplete Menu Item -

I'm new to TestComplete. I have a question and it can be impossible or very easy I have containg a toolbar file, edit, view, etc. I want to get an item (such as edit) for the mapped object. I can only find the entire toolbar. I want to simulate a click event on editing how can I do this? As a rule, TestComplete does not work with menu items with different objects. This menu works with objects or only with the original object of the menu and you can specify which items can be selected by passing the caption of this item with the same method of this object. For example: objMenu.Click ("Edit | Paste"); // or parent Main menu ("edit | paste"); Please get more details about how to interact with test menus in the help topic.

javascript - Save the order in Object while inserting numerical keys -

I am parsing a XML and I am making an object with those values Pass Pars is the parseXmlByTag () function that parses with specific TAG - its work is good, so consider returning it to what she should return. this.mytempect = {}; (Var i = 0; i & lt; xml.length; i ++) for {var temp = {}; Temp.ID = parseXmlByTag (xml [i], "id"); = parseXmlByTag (xml [i], "name"); = parseXmlByTag (xml [i], "phone"); If (this.mytempect [temp.ID] == tap) this.mytempect [temp.ID] = []; This.mytempect [temp.ID] .push (temporary); } Before saving each object, I check that I need to create a new key for it or add it to the current, It gets: object {56: array [1], 70: array [1], 78: array [3]} but first One was with ID 78 and the second one was with ID 70 . When I use .push () , its its id numerical number - if it is larger than the latter, then before that. I have to save the order in which I am receiving them, so I will save ...

php - Zend paginator css error -

Months ago, I started learning the Zend Framework and MVC conception. I've seen a problem with CSS using the Zand Pageinator. When I open the first page, everything is fine, but when I go to the next pages, the CSS styles break down (in my main file, I have the code from the layout.file). Bootstrap path: $ paths ['indexController-paginatorAction'] = New Zend_Controller_Router_Route ('/ paginator /: page', array ('module' = & gt; 'default' , 'Controller' = & gt; 'index', 'action' = & gt; 'pignenator', 'page' => 1)); The class that provides text for the text: class Application_Model_PaginatorZend_Db_Table_Abstract {protected $ _name = 'text'; Public function getText ($ page, $ count = 1) {$ query = $ this- & gt; Choose (); $ Paginator = New Zend_Paginator (New Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect ($ query)); $ Paginator- & gt; SetCurrentPageNumber ($ page) - & gt; SetItem...

Android fail to load google map in fragment -

I'm trying to use Google Maps in a piece, but I have a problem that I do not understand is. I have not come to load the map in this line: gMap = (SupportMapFragment) getFragmentManager () FindFragmentById ( GetMap (); This row is always empty ... I tried SupportMapFragment to use MapMapramement, but this is not possible. How to solve it? To explain why I want to show it in a piece, that's because I am using a navigation drawer, and one of my items needs to show the map. Thx, Edit: My xml: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Fragment xmlns: Android = "" Android: id = "@ + ID / map" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" Android: name = "" /> I think you should call with getsupportFragmentManager getFragmentMa...

dns - Possible to find out what name servers domain is using from your internet /computer? -

I changed my name server for my domain name. I can not tell what the domain name is - using the old name server or the new name server. Because both name servers should work properly. But I still want to know how my domain name is able to point to the IP address of my server. In other words .. The name server used it .. This is the question. In Linux systems, you can see active name servers like nslookup commands like nslookup .com

ember.js - Ember — observe for creation/deletion of records -

मान लें कि मेरे पास 2 स्वतंत्र नियंत्रक / मॉडल हैं: डॉग और Cat । अब, जब भी मैं नया cat रिकॉर्ड बना देता हूं (या मौजूदा एक को हटा देता हूं) मुझे डॉग नियंत्रक को बनाने / हटाने के लिए निरीक्षण करना चाहते हैं रिकॉर्ड और जब नया कैट रिकॉर्ड बनाया गया है, मैं इसे कुछ कार्रवाई करने के लिए चाहता हूं (उदाहरण के लिए console.log ('bark!') )। मैं इस मामले में सीधे बिल्ली नियंत्रक से डॉग नियंत्रक से कार्रवाई नहीं भेजना चाहता हूं; मुझे कुत्ते नियंत्रक खुद के लिए जिम्मेदार होना चाहते हैं। यदि यह संभव है, तो क्या कुत्ते नियंत्रक को यह बताने का कोई तरीका है कि क्या रिकॉर्ड बनाया गया या हटाया गया? कोई भी विचार कैसे करें? एम्बर डेटा का उपयोग कुत्ते / बिल्ली नियंत्रक पर आप के लिए एक संदर्भ बना सकते हैं बिल्ली / कुत्ते का संग्रह। मान लें कि आप कुत्ता नियंत्रक बना रहे हैं App.DogRoute = Em.Route.extend ({model: function ()} .store.find ('dog');}, setupController: फ़ंक्शन (नियंत्रक, मॉडल) {this._super (नियंत्रक, मॉडल); नियंत्रक.सेट ('बिल्लियों', ...

Filtering "Smoothing" an array of numbers in C -

I am writing an application in the X-code. I am collecting this sensor data (gyroscope) and then throwing it Is thrown in. Finally I'm getting results in an array. In the app I am plotting the graph, but a lot of peaks (see the graph in red) and I would like to smooth it. My array: dual magnitude [s]; ... magnitude [i] = sqrt ((fft_result [i] [0]) * (fft_result [i] [0]) + (fft_result [i] [1]) * (fft_result [i] [1])) ; An example array (for 30 samples, I am normally working with 256 samples): ".9261901713034604", "2.436272348237486", "1.618854900218465", "1.849221286218342" ".8495016887742839", "0.5226796354304043" ".4229791869017677", ".3731843430827401", ".3254446111798023", ".2542702545675339", ".25237940627189", ".2273716541964159", ".2012780334451323", ".2116151847259499", ". 1921943719520009 "," .1882429400169...

push notification - My Android pushes are delivered and displayed at system tray only when app is running -

I have registered my Android app for GCM with ARB Airship SDK and was able to push something The problem is that I'm receiving them only when the app is active (or even when it's background). Once I finish the app - the incoming push does not appear on the system tray nor on the notification center. Should I have a specific "push handling logic" beyond the Airship SDK? Any suggestions?

c# - How to add @Html.ValidationMessageFor for each item in a collection? -

How do you add @ html.ValidationMessageFor () for each item archive ? Say, public class FooVm {// some property public isloping & lt; Barvm & gt; Bar {receive; Set; }} Public Square BarVm {// Some property [range (1, Int.Max, ErrorMessage = "Should be greater than 1") Public float? Fox {Received; Set; }} Then a view @model namespace. Here.FooVm & lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" class = "trigger" & gt; Populate & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ (Function () {var i = 0; var populate = function} {var strbuilder = '& lt; input type = "text" name = "bar [i] .fx" />' $ $ (" .contenter ") .append (strbuilder); Return Back;}; $ (" Trigger "). Click (Populate);}); & Lt; / Script & gt; This is all working but how can I add validation to every textbox ? I am using asp.NET MVC 4 I am...

objective c - Facebook Graph API Fetching User's Profile Photo -

I am using Facebook graph API v2.0. The following call: [FBSEECC Connection ONTHTHTHPAT: @ "/ ME / PIC" ClosingHandler: ^ (FBCAC Connection Connection, ID Result, NSERR * Error) {if (Error!) {NSLOG (@ " %@", result); } And {nslog (@ "% @", [error user info]); }}]; Result in this error: {NSLocalizedDescription = "Feedback is a non-text mime type; endpoints that should return images and other binary data Using NSURLRequest and NSURL Connection "; "Com.facebook.sdk: ErrorSessionKey" = "& lt; Fbession: 0x10f036250, Status: FBSessionStateOpen, LoginHandler: 0x100073a40, APID: 863523550341327, URL schemphosix:, token caching dialog: , expiration date : 4001-01-01 00: 00:00 +0000, Refresh date: 2014-07-27 17:20:14 +0000, attempted refresh date: 0001-12-30 00:00:00 +0000, permissions : (\ N installed, \ n \ "public_profile \", \ N email, \ n \ "user_birthday \", \ n \ "user_location \", \ n \ ...

r - nls and log scale in ggplot2 -

I'm trying to plot 3 non-linear models in ggplot2 It is working on automatic scale but the log is not in scale 10 where I get "singular gradient error". What can be the problem (s)? The data that I am trying to fit (df1): xy 4.17 0.55 10.08 0.48 40.25 0.38 101.17 0.32 400.33 0.24 I have tried the code: plot & lt; - ggplot (df1, aes (x = x, y = y)) + stat_smooth (method = "Nls", formula = y ~ i (a * x ^ (- n)), data = df1, start = list (a = 1, n = 1), se = FALSE, color = "red") + stat_smooth (method = "Nls", formula = y ~ m * (x + m ^ (1 / n)) ^ (-n) Data = df1, start = list (m = 0.7, n = 0.17), se = false, color = "blue") + stat_smooth (method = "nls", formula = y ~ m * (x + m ^ (1 / N)) ^ (- n) + b, data = df1, start = list (m = 0.7, n = 0.17, b = 1), se = FALSE, color = "green") + geom_point () + scale_x_log10 () + Scale_y_log10 () + theme_bw () plot The problem is that when you type th...

scene2d - Multiple Actors in the same row Table Libgdx -

Hello I'm using Libgdx and Table with scene2d. I am trying to add some image buttons to the same line but what I am getting is that the first image is centered in the middle and the other two are pushing on the edge, which also breaks my desk (empty space) How to add multiple actors in a single line? I have several tables (remembering things in order to be added to the stage) . The problem here was that I had almost all screen size buttons, so the elements in the table could only use those cells (a cell screen size)

html - CSS - nth-child conditions appearing on wrong elements -

The target is a rounded side with hover effects in the CSS. I am using nth-child to control border radius for top and bottom i as you will see on bella, when you surround the elements between 1 and 4th child, you nth-child (1 ) Get the radius setting. Why? I am using this markup: HTML & lt; Ul id = "side-nav" & gt; & Lt; A href = "# / customers" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "side-nav-item client" id = "link_clients" & gt; Customers & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "# / my-routine" & gt; LE class = "side-nav-item replays" id = "link_ROTIN_templates" & gt; Routines & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "# / practice" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "side-nav-item exlib" id = "link_exercise_library" & gt; Exercise Library & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A hre...

java - Sonatype nexus downloaded jars location -

I posted Sonatype Nexus War file in my Tomcat 7. Then add all the necessary information to pom.xml and do all the good. I can download jars from my own Nexus repo now works as a Nexus proxy - its download external dependency etc. Where did you download the Nexus? I mean, what is the location of a jar compared to downloads by Nexus? By default they go to the home directory of the user who is running Tomcat, sonatype-work / In nexus / storage, if Tomcat is running Tomatop as a user on the Linux system, then this will be / home / tomcat / sonatype-work / nexus / storage

html - why is the text appearing above an image with a high z-index -

If you pass your mouse over the image on the jsfiddle, it does not overlap the text around it is. Beautiful silent question, but I am very confused, can someone help me? In the image it is CSS: .img {height: 30px; -webkit- Transition-duration: 0.5s; Transition-duration: 0.5s; Margin-bottom: 0px; Margin-right: 0px; Z-index: 100000000,} .img: hover {height: 300px; Margin-bottom: -270px; Margin-right: -270px; } z- index to be applied only in the event Elements can be It is a fiddle with an image that once fully deployed to cover all the text: position: relative or Status: Fixed using Z-index . .img {status: complete; }

java - Calling a Non-Static Method from Another Method in Another Class -

मैंने 2 वर्ग बनाए हैं: पे और PaycheckCalculator । यहां विधि है जो कंप्यूटेशन करती है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग वेतन {निजी डबल घंटे काम किया; निजी डबल दरऑफ़ पे; राइट के साथ निजी डबल; निजी डबल ग्रॉसपे; निजी डबल नेटपे; सार्वजनिक वेतन () {withRate = 15; दरऑफ़ पे = 5.85; } सार्वजनिक शून्य computeNetPay (डबल घंटे, डबल दर पे, डबल दर के साथ) {grossPay = hours * ratePay; डबल नयाअमट = सकल वेतन * दर / 100 के साथ; नेटपे = सकल भुगतान - नयाएएमटी; } सार्वजनिक शून्य computeNetPay (डबल घंटे, डबल दर भुगतान) {सकल भुगतान = घंटे * दर पे; दोहरे नएएएमटी = सकल वेतन * के साथ / 100; नेटपे = सकल भुगतान - नयाएएमटी; } सार्वजनिक शून्य computeNetPay (दो घंटे) {सकल भुगतान = घंटे * दर ओफ़ पे; दोहरे नएएएमटी = सकल वेतन * के साथ / 100; नेटपे = सकल भुगतान - नयाएएमटी; }} और यह वह है जो कॉल करता है और परिणाम प्रदर्शित करता है, दुर्भाग्यवश, मैं उसे इसे चलाने के लिए कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता है इस आधार पर इसे चलाने के लिए नहीं मिल सकता। सार्वजनिक वर्ग वेतन जांचकेलुलेटर {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {वेतन ...

c# - runs false if statement when creating new threads -

I am writing a program that will email the facts of the cat on a mailing list (not spamming, it is more than anyone Also the experience of learning from the thing) I have 2 arrays, 1 facts (no problem) and an email always throws an exception for an email (even in an attempt / catch block) and all my statements are completely Are ignored when it moves. Public Zero Broadcasting () {Fact ++; If (fact == factCount) {fact = 0; } String [] Mailer = mailing list. ToArray (); String [] factArray = factList.ToArray (); Int i = Mailer Lang -1; Send string fact = factarre [facts]; While (i> = 0) {string s = melare [i]; Var t = new thread (() => mail (mailer [i], sendFact)); TIsbackground = true; T.Start (); I--; If (i == - 1) {break; }} The problem is here: var t = new thread ((=) => mail (mailer [i], sendFact)); Even when 'I' is 1, the statement continues and the break is ignored. Originally, I participated in the reverse 'i', starting with 0 and crossing...

c# - LINQ performance issue while trying to find element collection by tag name and then find a specfic one by id or text using selenium webdriver -

I am not an expert in LINQ here what I am trying to do. A. I am getting a collection of elements of a page using the Selenium WebDriver API Private Readonly & lt; IWebElement & gt; Return Page Elements () {Return Driver. Fund Elements (Page Element Selector); } where PageElementSelector are all HTML tags (because it is a long list, I did not paste it here). I then institute this method inside my baseclass constructor. B. I'm using the following to find the target element Public IWebElement FindButtonById (String ID) {Return Return Page Elements () FirstOrDefault (webElement = & gt; webElement.TagName == "Button" & amp; Web Element. GetAttribute ("id") == ID); } And it has been used here under my test click the public plan pageDialplayButtonButton () {FindButtonById ( "BtnDelete") .click (); Return new planpage (driver); } My problem is that there are several elements in some pages and LINQ greatly reduces t... mvc 4 - Integrating mvc.jquery.datatables and T4MVC -

I am experimenting with ASP.Net MVC 4 and is. When I introduce the change of MVC Magic strings, T4 MVC does not like the reverse type that mvc.jquery.datatables wants to use in my Ajax action method. Return type is: Datatibels result & lt; MyType & gt; T4 MVC does not like it and responds with error: Type 'Mvc.JQuery.Datatables.DataTablesResult & Lt; TSource & gt; T4 is not a constructor defined MVCS So, how can I get T4 MVC and mvc.jquery.datatables to play the ball, and the worst case scenario In, can I get T4 MVC to ignore an action not me It seems that there is a great way to ignore specific actions, although it would be wise to add it. I think that if you want to add the [obsolete] attribute, it will be ignored, although this is clearly a hack. If you look in the ProcessControllerActionMethods in, then you will see different situations that cause reasons to ignore tasks. If you want to deal with creating a new featu...

C# Winchart configuration, adding more lines -

I have some problems with my C # chart. I want to make a winning chart. / P> I want to create this chart: I currently have this: WinChart Chartresize [0]. Axis Title = "$ USD"; WinChart.ChartAreas [0] .AxisY.Minimum = -1; WinChart.ChartAreas [0] .AxisY.Maximum = 1; WinChart.ChartAreas [0] .AxisX.Title = "Tourneys"; WinChart.ChartAreas [0] .AxisX.Minimum = 0; WinChart.ChartAreas [0] .AxisX.IsStartedFromZero = true; WinChart.Series [0] .Points.Add (0); WinChart.Series [0] .Points.Add (0.10); WinChart.Series [0] .Points.Add (0.20); WinChart.Series [0] .Points.Add (0.30); WinChart.Series [0] .Points.Add (-0.50); WinChart.Series [0] .Points.Add (-0.60); WinChart.Series [0] .Points.Add (-0.70); How can I start this coordinate at 0,0 and how do I create a middle line which is $ 0? Documentation link: I'm thinking of something Winchart would probably get from the chart Is: public class Winchart: chart {} and that charts are identical wit...

javascript - Prevent multiple event triggering -

After I am here again $ (document) ). ("Check") [0] ("(": checkbox ") [0]; checkbox checked! Checkbox checked; self-toggle class ('on', checkbox checked ;; ) ". (": Checkbox "). (Function () {$ (this) .closest ('li' ('click', 'li', 'label', function () {var self = $ ( This),). Click on ('on', this.checked);}); $ ("# id_tipo" radio = self.find (": radio") [0]; radio is checked! Radio: Checked "$:" (": Radio: No (check)"). Each (function () {$ (this) .closest ('(' 'radio' '). {$ (This) .closest ('li'). ToggleClass ('on', this.checked);}); }); Everything Works fine but for labels, when I click on them, they do not chec, it seems that an event is triggering several times and it unchecks them, try setting an alert and you will see that What do I mean? What is a wrong idea? Because you are real Taking the role ...

java - Angle between two points -

For example, I have points A and B, for example, there is a need to get an angle between the two points on the flat I For example, here is an image: monastery. Dangrej (Mutt (Math (Point BC - point), Math. BAS (Point BX - PointX)); This calls the inverse tangent function to find the angle based on the length of the opposite angle triangle and the length of adjacent sides. However, if you should add this statement: if (! (PointAX == pointBX || pointAY == pointBY) {angle = Math.toDegrees (Math.atan (Math.abs ( Pointb-point), Math.bas (point bx-pointx)); } Otherwise you can create an exception because the angle is 90 or 0 degrees, if the tone function breaks. pointAX and dot bx are the x coordinates of the points, while pointAY and pointBY numbers KY coordinates. This function gets the full value of the difference between the coordinates (hence the opposite of the right-angle triangle formed from two points and the length of adjacent sides) and then acts ...

Saving custom fields in devise User model in Rails 4.1.4 -

I just follow the guide to add column 'first name' and 'second name' to command in the user's user model I am / P> Rail Migration add_firstname_to_user generates the first name: String Rail Migration add_secondname_to_user generates another name: string and I tell the changes with: / P> rake db: migrate This works right, because I can see those fields through the console with the user. However, the problem I am right now is that I do not see the attr_accessible field in App / Modal / UserRbb. So I've added the following lines now: gt; & Lt;% = f.label: first_name% & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt;% = f.text_field: First Name, Autofocus: True% & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt;% = f.label: second_name% & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt;% = f.text_field: second name, autofocus: true%> & Lt; / Div & gt; In the app / view / devise / registrations in new.html.erb, but ...

pdf - Certify XFA document using iTextSharp -

I am using iTextSharp 5.5.2 and I want to certify an XFA document with a digital certificate. My code looks as follows: PDF reader reader = new PDF reader (path); Filestream OS = new filestream (Dest, Flamemode.ket); PDFStamper Stamper = PDFStamp.CreateExLisation (Reader, OS); XmlSignatureAppearance Presence = stamper.xmlSignatureAppearance; Appearance.SetxmlLocator (new XfaXmlLocator (Stammer)); Appearance.SetxpathConstructor (new XfaXpathConstructor (XfaXpathConstructor.XdpPackage.Datasets)); // Optional line presence. Certificate of certification (micr); Var pk = Org.BouncyCastle.Security.DotNetUtilities.GetKeyPair (myCert.PrivateKey). Private; IExternalSignature pks = New PrivateSignature (PK, Digest Algorithm. SH1); MakeXmlSignature.SignXmlDSig (Presence, PX, GenerateInMyChain); Unfortunately, when I open PDF after authentication, it will pop up that "Verified operation failed." If I comment on an alternate line related to XfaXpathConstructor, then I get a bann...

java - Why is my Thread making my JavaFX Application lag? -

I am trying to create a JavaFX application that uses this code in this controller class Tracks: New thread (New Runnabel) {@ Override Public Wide Run} {while (main.running) {Platform.runLater (new Runnabel) {@Override public void run (Try {label.setText (MouseInfo.getPointerInfo (). GetLocation (). ToString ()); Thread.sleep (1000);} Catch (Interrupted Expression E) {e.printStackTrace ();}}})} }}} ).Start(); But it couses to the end of the big time for my application. How should I fix this problem? Thank you I decided to: New thread (New Runnabal) {@Override Public run zero () {while (main run) {Platform.RunLater (new Runnabel) {@ Override Public Wide Run () {label.setText (MouseInfo.getPointerInfo (). GetLocation (.) ToString ());}}); Try {thread.sleep (200));} grip (interrupted e) e.printStackTrace ();}}}}) Start (); What are you doing Javafx application thread Thread.sleep (1000) ; & lt; -wait Any long-term action that you had taken out of JFX-AT And onl...

c# - Iterating through an observable list? -

I inherited an API that accesses remote (real-time) JSON via viewable subscription. In large part, lots of members are just strings and doubles, but there are some lists and I have zero thought about how to repeat them through linq / takewhile and subscribe to the methods. mcsub.TakeWhile (p = & gt; p.Status == Market.OPEN). Subscribe (X => Console WrightLine (DateTime.Now.Second + "-" + mc.Event.Name + "-" + x.Items [0]. Prices)); Where x is a list, how will I be repeated in a single statement to display the prices of all items? Thanks in advance. mcSub.TakeWhile (p = & gt; p.Status == Market.OPEN ). Subscribe (x = & gt; x.Items.ForEach (y = & gt; console.writeLine (DateTime.Now.Second + "-" + mc.Event.Name + "-" + y. Value)));

python - Tanh-sinh quadrature numerical integration method converging to wrong value -

I am trying to write a Python program to use the Thanh-paragraph to calculate the value : However this program may be incorrect In every case, it is not centered on the correct value (which is PI for this particular integral) and I can not find the problem Accuracy Area gives instead of asking for a desired level, to the program asks for the number of desired functions, making the convergence with simple integration methods easier. The number of evaluations should be an odd number because the approximation used

python - Keeping Track of a Daily Quota (Auto-Expiring Increment) - Redis or Pymongo? -

The basic problem is very simple: there is an ongoing list of entries every time something happens (we say the file is downloaded ) - Idea will be to run the total number of times it will download, but after that the total expiration of the total expiration of the total 24 hours will not be completed (hence total zero should not be reset, but rather than 24 hours earlier downloads Get out of it Should). (If increment action redis , someone can please me now) The strange situation is that one There is a small application that uses redis to keep track of repeatedly updated values, and mangodibi pimongo for long term storage With . I am about to apply a daily quota on some functions, which can be tracked in either Redis or MongoDB Radis one The problem is that it is basically flat, so for every download to expire (compared to the total), someone has to make different items: i.e. Cache.set ('filename1.downloads.action_234612', {'download': 1) cache....

c - Cannot understand why one extra character is being received from input file -

मेरे पास यह है: # include & lt; stdio.h & gt; Int main () {FILE * stream = fopen ("abc1", "r"); Int c, i; मैं = 1; करो {c = fgetc (धारा); यदि (सी == EOF) printf ("c है EOF \ n"); Printf ("लूप में:% d% c \ n", i, c); i ++; } जबकि (प्रवासी (सी)); Printf ("% d \ n", i); } फ़ाइल abc1 में केवल 4 स्थान हैं। मैं ओ / पी सी को देखने की उम्मीद कर रहा था IOF इससे पहले प्रिंट किया गया है in loop: 5 लेकिन उसके बाद दिखाई दे रहा है क्यों ऐसा? आउटपुट: $। / Loop में / अनजेटस्टेस्ट: लूप में 1: लूप में 2: लूप में 3: 4 में लूप: 5 c ईओएफ है लूप: 6 7 लूप के बाद रिक्त पंक्ति: 5 इंगित करता है कि 5 वां वर्ण एक नई रेखा है आपकी फ़ाइल में चार रिक्त स्थान और एक नई पंक्ति होनी चाहिए। आप % c से % d बदलकर इसकी पुष्टि कर सकते हैं, तो आपको एएससीआईआई कोड प्राप्त होगा अक्षरों के लिए 32 स्थान और 10 के लिए नई लाइन। जारी करने वाले फ़ंक्शन भी नई लाइनों के लिए सत्य है। यदि आप काफी यकीन है कि इसमें एक नहीं है, तो "rb...

ios - Fade Button in and Out While being clicked/not clicked -

I am trying to bring a button to go to random places within my scene. However, the dot only runs on random when it is pressed if it is not pressed, then I also want to fade it in a different place. I used CGRect because I need a dot to be within the range of a particular view - (IBAction) random red: (ID sender { [Auto red dot]; CGRCT senderframe = [sender frame]; CGRact superbound = [[sender supervision] border]; Senderfram.orine.x = (superboxious.width - senderframe-size.width) * dracon48 (); SenderFrame.origin.y = (Superboxize. Highlight - Sender Frame Size. Highlight) * drand48 (); [Sender setframe: senderframe]; Counter = counter - 5; ScoreLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "Points% i", Counter]; NSString * path = [[NSBundle main bundle] Pathfoser resource: @ "Tapped dot red dot buzzer short" type: @ "MP3"]; Sound = [[aviideo player] alloc] initWithContentsOfURL: [nsur fileURLWithPath: path] error: NULL]; Sound.numberOfLoops = 1; [Sou...

objective c - How to open front/back camera at the same time in iOS developing? -

I want to use the front and rear camera at the same time in iOS development: when I take a photo back After the camera, the front camera can be opened and another can take a photo. By the way, these two photos are in a picture: vertical arrangement. Has anyone done this before? UIImagePickerController to take the picture, and to determine which camera is used Is in. / P> To merge the pictures, I found an example through search (its recommendation in the future)

c# - Updating WPF labels from static object -

I am trying to get this job done all day. I am trying to learn C # and write BlackJack programs. I have never worked with WPF before and everything about it is extremely confusing and frustrating. I think I try to update with a static example of a viewmodel class (BlackjackViewModel) Three labels on my window. & lt; Label X: Name = "lblPlayerTotal" content = "{binding source = {x: static classes: BlackjackViewModel.Instance}, path = PlayerTotal, UpdateSourceTrigger = PropertyChanged}" HorizontalAlignment = "Left" margin = "10,264,0,0" vertical alignment = "Top" width = "38" /> & Lt; Label X: Name = "lblDealerTotal" content = "{binding source = {x: static classes: BlackjackViewModel.Instance}, path = DealerTotal, UpdateSourceTrigger = PropertyChanged}" HorizontalAlignment = "left" margin = "10,160,0,0" vertical alignment = "Top" /> & Lt; Label X: name = ...

linux - Hostname is not displayed appropriately on command prompt & syslog messages -

I try to set my hostname , but when I press the command prompt Seeing message on syslog, it is not displaying properly. The host name is entered: Command Prompt Output: Root @ 0 ~ $ I should look like an output: Root@0.6 .0.07252014 ~ $ Can anyone tell me how to do it. Hostname File: Prompt & gt; Cat / etc / hostname syslog file output: cat / var / log / messages: Output: 28 July 15 : 55: 27 user. Info ... expected output: 28 July 15:55:27 ... I believe that "\ h" is in your PS1 environment variable, and it takes 0 as your hostname Will replace it with "\ H", which will display a full hostname.

Where to use One way message exchange in WCF? -

I think WCF should be a practical example of using messaging in a way because I have the success or failure of any operation I send for WCF service and in the same way in the message exchange - WCF does not report service success or failure failure. When your obligation is MSMQ , you use one-way operations Have to do. All service functions should be on one side because the WCF does not support duplex communication by using the default queued binding quote - Plus, regardless of the protocol, the callback should be on one side to potential clients, if the client is snuffed.

json - Using Amazon EMR on a centralized host -

I'm trying to use Amazon EMR to process logs using the document here. I have created a PEM file and my credentials.json file and are successfully able to run and download the logs from S3 and to create a hive tab at the top and queries to reduce the map. Now all these credentials.json, PEM files and my script are included in a centralized host so that other users can come and just run the script and download logs. There is no need for them to create their own key pair etc. That's why I created PEM files, scripts and credentials. Scooped the JSC on a remote host and allowed all 777 on all these. The problem is that when other users are running the script, they receive an error "not specified AWS credentials". Can anyone help me in this special use? Where are my credential settings going? PEM files should be allowed to be 600. Have you copied or made unbelievable? Properties which have some and are hidden? Or you need to add the access key and hide key ...