Error while running inpspectdb in Django with MySQL Connector and Python 3 -
I am going to post a question and then posting the problem, I am resolving it after the trap Has been found
For some time I thought it would be useful to use InspectorDB To create data from a database to JGO, use MySQL Connector using C: \ myproj \ myproj & gt; Observatory - Database = mydb & gt;
Resultant error (traceback for short):
django.db.utils.IntegrityError: there is an error in your SQL syntax ; Check the manual related to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax to use a near '' decimal '' on line 1.
So the solution is very quick, please note that credit goes to MARSIN Mikasysevsky who posted bugs and related solutions here: Although I thought it would be easy to find here on stack overflow.
There is an error in line 65 of the file (assuming you have installed Python in C: \ Python 33):
C: \ Python 33 \ lib Replace the line 65: "table_schema = database () and data_type = '\ site-packages \ mysql \ connector \ django \
With 'table_schema = database () and data_type =' decimal '", [table_name]), with the command:' decimal ', [table_name])"
(Note the missing latitude after word decimal
in the first version).
Your inspectdb command will now run correctly. / P>
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