objective c - Facebook Graph API Fetching User's Profile Photo -
I am using Facebook graph API v2.0. The following call: [FBSEECC Connection ONTHTHTHPAT: @ "/ ME / PIC" ClosingHandler: ^ (FBCAC Connection Connection, ID Result, NSERR * Error) {if (Error!) {NSLOG (@ " %@", result); } And {nslog (@ "% @", [error user info]); }}];
Result in this error:
{NSLocalizedDescription = "Feedback is a non-text mime type; endpoints that should return images and other binary data Using NSURLRequest and NSURL Connection "; "Com.facebook.sdk: ErrorSessionKey" = "& lt; Fbession: 0x10f036250, Status: FBSessionStateOpen, LoginHandler: 0x100073a40, APID: 863523550341327, URL schemphosix:, token caching dialog: , expiration date : 4001-01-01 00: 00:00 +0000, Refresh date: 2014-07-27 17:20:14 +0000, attempted refresh date: 0001-12-30 00:00:00 +0000, permissions : (\ N installed, \ n \ "public_profile \", \ N email, \ n \ "user_birthday \", \ n \ "user_location \", \ n \ "user_friends \"); "Com.facebook.sdk: HTTPStatusCode" = 0; }
Do anyone know why this is happening? All I really need is a response in which my profile picture contains url 2012 and earlier, similar questions were asked but the API has since changed since. Please do not mark it as a duplicate, unless you really know that the question that you redirect me is its work solution. I have tried some other options like starting a connection myself and using a graph path such as "/ me? Fieldss = picture", but they all resulted in the same error.
It seems that my original call requests an image to get a text based response For the profile photo that gives a URL on the photo, I have done the following:
[FBCCECNCNationAdvancedWithGraphpath: @ "me? Fields = pictures.high (500), picture width (500) "ClosingHandler: ^ (FBCACC Connection * Connection, ID Result, NSERR * Error) {if (error) {}}] ;
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