c++ - Function template overloading (different return value type) -
I am reading, and "13.7 partial specialization of function templates" the author said:
< To overload the P> function template, their function parameters must be different in some physical way. Consider the Function Template R Convert (T const & amp;) where the R and T template parameters are. We want to make this template very well for R = Zero, but this overloading can not be used.
This function can be done using template overloading, right? Like:
#include & lt; Iostream & gt; Template & lt; Typename t, typename r & gt; R Convert (T const & amp;) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "R Convert (T const & amp;) \ n"; } Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Zero changed (T const & amp;) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Zero changed (T const & amp;) \ n"; } Int main () {convert (0); }
Here, the result is:
zero changed (T const & amp;)
the author actually What do you mean Class Template Partial Expertise:
U, class V & gt; Square t {}; Template & lt; Class V & gt; Class T & LT; Zero, V & gt; {};
When you sign in T & lt; Void, int & gt;
, partial expertise will be used.
Now consider the template of the function:
template & lt; Typename R, typename T & gt; Convert (T const & amp;) {return / * some * /; }
Note that the order of R
and T
have been swapped up in the template parameters list. This is probably how a template like this will be written - you convert ; & Gt; (Some)
, while explicitly specifying the destination type, the source type is estimated by the compiler.
Now assume that you want to separate something
Wanted & gt; You can not do this with a surcharge:
template & lt; Typename T & gt; If you type convert (something)
- which was already going to be ill, then it will go to your new surcharge, because the compiler can not remove R
for the first template . But if you type , then still go to the original template
or even convert and written; Zero, t & gt; (Some)
To make it even worse, change something like & lt; Int & gt; (1)
is now impaired because it is unclear. In other words, you use convert & lt
a different implementation ; Int, T & gt; (Some) , while you can do class templates with partial specializations. / div>
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