oracle commerce - Migrating to the EndecaExperienceManager -
What would be the best practice for the minimal impact on the UI & amp; Maximize JSP reuse?
I've read the Migration Doc but they do not cover this aspect.
As you know, ATG and Andacca simply started to integrate into ATG 10.2.x is. Therefore, the integration of earlier versions of ATG requires a lot of work from the developer. I have worked on the implementation of the ATG 9.2 and the Endacá 3.1.2 which actually does this. Your question should really be that how far should you stay away from migrating later versions of ATDC which integrates well with Andika and how many existing systems do you want to keep after such migration? This is important because it will mean that you need to either create a solution that imitates the functionality (giving you the most control over your templates and cartridges while integrating with the experience manager) or giving less interference Attitude
The other thing is that how much you want to render through the experience manager, usually you will do the homepage and category pages. The product details page will call some components from the experience manager (for example breadcrumb), but the data in the index is not usually accurate as the data in the database (for example the inventory level) so that you go directly to the repository for PDP. You do not even have the possibility of making your checkout flow in the Experience Manager, it should give you an indication that you are likely to maintain a large number of your existing pages.
Your fast way will be to create a droplet that will recover your content from the Experience Manager to the items and then start presenting them. Keep in mind that content items are only glory of JSON responses so you can easily parse them while holding them.