angularjs - ngShow on value selected? -
I would like to display only a single divisive number (i.e. special ) when a specific value is selected. I have tried the following but it does not work, how can I fix this? & lt; Select ng-change "timeline.selected note ()" ng-model = "timeline.Opt selected note as" ng-option = "option.not time contact.opt opt in" class = "btn btn- Default dropdown-toggle "type =" button "ID =" dropdown menu 1 "Data-Toggle =" dropdown "& gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; - Choose note - & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Div class = "select-element animate-hide" ng-show = "timeline.edited note == 'special'" & gt; Because ngOptions are used as the value of opt Using (due to the as an option ... ), timeline.edicated note is the whole note object object assuming that you have 'special' Is equal, this is notecard , it...