Dynamically add radiobuttons in submenu in C# WPF -

I would like to implement a dynamic menu in my application, which is written in C # and using WPF .

  MenuSubSerialPortSelect.Items.Clear (); Fresh (string element in GlobalWars. ActualSialial ports) {menu item = new menu item (); Item.Header = element; MenuSubSerialPortSelect.Items.Add (item); }  

Adding a sub menu is functional, but how can I add some radio buttons to this style?

I have read some websites that describe that another "template" can be used there, but I can not find a matching solution for me.

attribute item.IsCheckable = true; I do not have a solution -

try it

 < Code> & lt; Window x: class = "stackworflow.main window" xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/ 2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns: x = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/ 2006 / xaml "xmlns: local =" clr-namespace: stack overflow "title =" main window "height =" 350 "width =" 525 "& gt; & Lt; Window.Resources & gt; & Lt; Radio button x: key = "radio button" horizontal alignment = "center" groupname = "mygroup" ishtativisible = "wrong" /> & Lt; Style TargetType = "MenuItem" & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "symbol" value = "{static resource radio button}" /> & Lt; EventSetter Event = "Click" Handler = "MenuEtym_click" /> & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; /Window.Resources> & Lt; Grid Background = "Red" & gt; & Lt; Grid.ContextMenu> & Lt; ContextMenu & gt; & Lt; MenuItem Header = "Print" / & gt; & Lt; MenuItem header = "save" /> & Lt; MenuItem Header = "Open" /> & Lt; MenuItem Header = "Delete" /> & Lt; MenuItem Header = "Update" /> & Lt; / ContextMenu & gt; & Lt; /Grid.ContextMenu> & Lt; / Grid & gt;  

  Public partial class main window: window {public key window ()} {InitializeComponent (); Datacontax = new view modal (); } Private Zero MenuItem_Click (Object Sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) {MenuItem menuItem = Sender as MenuItem; If (menuItem! = Null) {RadioButton RB = menuItem.Icon to RadioButton; If (rb! = Null) {rb.IsChecked = true; }}}}  

I have only the presence of stable men here.


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