objective c - Hiding The TopBar -

I have tried different ways to hide the top navigation bar, but do not hide

  1. I have tried in viewDidAppear

      [self.navigationController setToolbarHidden: yes];  
  2. For UINavigationControllerDelegate confirm with this code,

      (zero) navigationController: (UINavigationController *) navigationController willShowViewController: ( UIViewController *) Animated ViewController: (BOOL) animated {BOOL shouldhide = [count count count] [= count = count = 0]; [Navigation Controller Settlerbar: Animated Hearing: Animated]; }         

    Is pre>> code> UINavigationController * NAV_instructions = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: instructions]; [Nav instructions set toolbarhead: yes]; [Nav instructions setmodeltransistor style: eumodal transcription styleparticial];

    Do I have to hide the top bar?

Try this:

  self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden = yes ;  


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