templates - PrimeFaces Cannot find component with expression -
I used the template in XHTML page. I want to update the form when I click on the command button. But I'm getting an error with "expression not found" error here is my code.
& lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTT XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1 /DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> & Lt; Html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns: ui = "http://java.sun.com/jsf/" "xmlns: h =" http: // Java Sun.com / Jsf / html "xmlns: p =" http://primefaces.org/ui "xmlns: f =" http://java.sun.com/jsf/core "& gt; & Lt; Body style = "background-color: azure" & gt; & Lt; H: Output StyleSet Library = "CSS" name = "FormAustral CSS" /> & Lt; H: Output Stylesheet Library = "CSS" name = "Renx CSS" /> & Lt; Ui: composition template = "/ template / main title. Xhtml" & gt; & Lt; Ui: define name = "body" & gt; & Lt; A: Body & gt; & Lt; H: Panel Grid Column = "2" id = "kitapKayitForm" & gt; & Lt; P: Gurra ID = "Tickling" Show Details = "True" sticky = "true" /> & Lt; H: Output text value = "" /> & lt; H3 & gt; # {Race ['ko.kitapKayit.kitapKayitForm.title']} & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; P: OutputPanel ID = "Kitip IDPanel" & gt; & Lt; P: spacer width = "25" /> & Lt; H: outputText value = "# {res ['ko.kitapKayit.kitapKayitForm.lastSavedbookId']} # {kitapKayitBean.lastBookId}" style = "color: blue; background color: yellow; font style: italic" /> & Lt; / P: outputPanel & gt; & Lt; P: output label value = "# {res ['ko.kitapKayit.kitapKayitForm.kitapId']}" /> & Lt; P: InputText = "# {kitapKayitBean.entity.kitapID}" size = "30" required = "true" id = "kitapkayitid" Required message = "# [res ['ko.warning.emptyBookId']}" / Gt; & Lt; P: output label value = "# {res ['ko.kitapKayit.kitapKayitForm.kitapAd']}" /> & Lt; P: inputtext value = "# {kitapKayitBean.entity.kitapad}" size = "30" required = "true" id = "kitapkayitad" Required message = "# {res ['ko.warning.emptyBookName']}" / Gt; & Lt; P: output label value = "# {res ['ko.kitapKayit.kitapKayitForm.yazarAd']}" /> & Lt; P: inputText value = "# {kitapKayitBean.entity.yazarad}" size = "30" required = "true" id = "kitpakiatizer" message required = "# {res ['ko.warning.emptyAuthorName']}" / Gt; & Lt; P: output label value = "# {res ['ko.kitapKayit.kitapKayitForm.kitapTur']}" /> & Lt; P: selectOneMenu value = "# {kitapKayitBean.ilgiValue}" Required = "true" filter = "true" id = "kitpackitekitapure" required = "# {res ['ko.warning.emptyBookType']}" & gt; & Lt; F: Selection item item label = "cyanize" /> & Lt; F: SelectionEdit value = "# {kitapKayitBean.ilgiAlanList}" var = "ial" itemLabel = "# {ial.description}" itemValue = "# {ial.description}" /> & Lt; / P: selectOneMenu & gt; & Lt; P: output label value = "# {res ['ko.kitapKayit.kitapKayitForm.kitapDurum']}" /> & Lt; P: selectOneRadio value = "# {kitapKayitBean.entity.kitapdurum}" required = "true" id = "kitapkayitkitapdurum" requiredMessage = "# [race ['ko.warning.emptyBookSituation']}" & gt; & Lt; F: select item item value = "rafts" item label = "raft" /> & lt; F: selection item item value = "raft dagel" item label = "rafts degil" /> & lt; / P: selectOneRadio & gt; & Lt; P: outputPanel & gt; & Lt; P: CommandButton value = "# {race ['ko.saveButton']}" icon = "# {race ['ko.saveIcon']}" ActionListener = "# {kitapKayitBean.kitapKaydet}" /> & Lt; P: spacer width = "40" /> & Lt; P: CommandButton value = "# {race ['ko.clearButton']}" ActionListener = "# {kitapKayitBean.clearForm}" icon = "# {race ['ko.cancelIcon']}" Update = "kitapkayitform" / & Gt; & Lt; / P: outputPanel & gt; & Lt; / H: panelGrid & gt; & Lt; / H: Body & gt; & Lt; / Ui: defined & gt; & Lt; / Ui: Composition & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;
I am updating the form for clearing. How to solve the problem of tihs the last line in the code?
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