
Showing posts from January, 2011

javascript - mapbox Pan a Map to Marker and Popup -

Is it possible to pan the map on marker onClick in relation to the popup height? ? Currently, the popup disappears behind the map mask, I'm looking for a solution to fit the map, marker and popup (like adding some top padding). featureLayer.on ('click', function (e) {var latLng = e.layer.getLatLng (); map.panTo (latLng);}); I have found a basic solution. You need to add the parameter keepInView BindPop () command. layer.bindPopup ('& lt; p & gt; Hello & lt; / p & gt;', {keepInView: true});

php - .htaccess mod_rewrite in main directory and subdirectory -

I have a main directory with an .htaccess file that looks like this % {REQUEST_FILENAME} on RewriteEngine Revoked! -f rewrite code% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D Rivieraith ^ index.php [L] One of the subdirectories it looks like what I need .htaccess files to redirect to index file in each directory. So if you go to Main / Example , then you redirect to index.php file Main directory but if you main / Subdirectory you are redirected to the index.php file in the subdirectory . I have searched for an answer but I have not got anything. Thanks for any help! rewriting engine on rewrite% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f rewrite code% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d RecoveryArulable ^ (. *) / / $ 1 / index.php [L] This configuration does the following: If we have this file /index.php /foo/index.php/var/index.php/var/boo/index.php and you follow the file / foo / hello /foo/index.php And, if you You request: / var / boo / world You will go to: / var / boo / index ...

Animation component for the effect of flipping as in a news/clock ticker, or a page turn on android -

I'm developing some apps on Android that have an impact on the animation component for the effect of flipping as a news / clock ticker Need I rotate some stuff like animation, but the whole image is moving, what I really need is an image is hovering horizontally in half and ultimately it rotates with the middle axis .. what you are asking Is not clear from Uri, but Flipboard app uses somewhat similar tilting / folding animation. Tutorial UPDATE There are many libraries available for it, you can use them if you wish . Hope it helps.

c++ - Interrupt cin while loop without the user entering input -

In the main , I give the user the ability to enter commands to stop the application: while (run_processes and amp; cin & gt; & gt; Kmmand_lain_input) { I set to stop anywhere app Wish / run_processes = false; . However, when i would run_processes set to false , then stops without entering the above loop user input. How can I properly interrupt the loop without entering user input? portable way std :: cin is not possible to disrupt. You can still solve a non-portable solution, e.g. Manually poll () standard input on a UNIX system and check run_processes while voting.

android - Keep calling function and show progress bar until returned true? -

मुझे इस कोड की आवश्यकता है जब तक यह काम करता है, LatLng current_pos = new LatLng (स्थान.गेटलाइट्युट्यूड (), स्थान.गेट लैंगटिड ()); cp.SetCoordsCurrent (CURRENT_POS); मैंने देखा कि संकेत अच्छा है तो यह ठीक काम करता है लेकिन यदि संकेत कमजोर है तो ऐप क्रैश हो जाता है या अपवाद फेंकता है (कोशिश और पकड़ के साथ) जब तक यह समन्वयित नहीं हो जाता, तब तक मैं यह कोड कैसे चला सकता हूं? इसके अलावा मुझे प्रगति पट्टी प्रदर्शित करने की आवश्यकता है, जबकि यह ठीक करने की कोशिश कर रहा है। जबकि पाश? जबकि (सच) {try {// यदि यह कोई अपवाद फेंकता है, तो 'ब्रेक' // को अनदेखा कर दिया जाएगा और इसे ' पकड़ 'खंड LatLng चालू_पोज = नया लाट लाँग (स्थान.गेटलाइट्युट्यूड), स्थान.गेट लैंगटिड ()); cp.SetCoordsCurrent (CURRENT_POS); // यदि हम इसे दूर करते हैं, तो कोई अपवाद नहीं था // और हमारे पास स्थान है तो हम लूप को तोड़ते हैं। लॉग डी। ("टैग", "संकेत मिला"); टूटना; } पकड़ (अपवाद ई) {लॉग डी। ("टैग", "अभी भी कमजोर संकेत"); }}

Create an android widget with viewpager and fragments -

Do any of you know how to create an Android home-screen widget using ViewPager and pieces? Any help would really be appreciated! Thanks! Do any of you know how to use the Android home-screen widget ViewPager and pieces? You can not use the ViewPager or fragment in a home screen app widget. Used to create an app widget in Remote Visas .

spark textInput in Flex 4.12.1 and 4.13 issue -

जब स्पार्क पाठ इनपुट को displayAsPassword के साथ प्रयोग किया जाता है Apache Flex 4.12.1 और 4.13 में true "ReferenceError: त्रुटि # 1065: धन्यवाद अच्छी तरह से काम करता है यदि स्पार्क टेक्स्ट इनपुट को एमएक्स टेक्स्ट इनपुट या फ्लेक्स 4.12 और पहले के साथ बदल दिया जाता है। धन्यवाद P>

C# lists and datagridviews -

I am trying to populate a datagrid with information out of a list, and then pressing a button This saves the datagrid turns back to the list. int pos = MainMenu.myList.FindIndex (x => == valid ID); Var tempStu = MainMenu.myList [pos]; If (tempStu is DormStudent) {tempStu as DormStudent tempDorm = DormStudent; NameTextBox.Text = tempDorm.Name; Var blist = new binding list & lt; Students & gt; (TempDorm.Grades); Var source = new binding source (pod, faucet); GradeDataGridView.DataSource = source; } And {nameTextBox.Text = tempStu.Name; Var blist = new binding list & lt; Students & gt; (TempStu.Grades); Var source = new binding source (pod, faucet); GradeDataGridView.DataSource = source; } and when you press the save button (I do not have as good as a saved part) int pos = MainMenu.myList.FindIndex (X => x.ID == valid ID); Var tempStu = MainMenu.myList [pos]; If (tempStu is DormStudent) {tempStu as DormStudent tempDorm = DormStudent; TempDorm.Grades...

random - Calculating Damage Between Two Numbers In Java -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 49 उत्तर यह केवल खोजने के बारे में नहीं है एक यादृच्छिक संख्या, जवाब मैं देख रहा हूँ कि अभिव्यक्ति के आधार पर एक संख्या की गणना करने के लिए एक यादृच्छिक संख्या में अभिव्यक्ति कैसे जोड़नी है। उदाहरण के लिए, संख्याओं की एक सीमा से एक बेस यादृच्छिक संख्या, + एक चरित्र का वर्तमान lvl, * चरित्र का नुकसान लाभ। अगर मैं एक ऐसे चरित्र का निर्माण कर रहा हूं जिसके बीच नुकसान होता है java में दो संख्याएं, नुकसान = 44 से 55 प्रति हिट और मैं इसे एक चर में लिखना चाहता हूं, मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं ? मैं यह कोशिश कर रहा हूं, डबल नीचे का आंकड़ा = 44 + स्तर * 1.9; डबल टॉपडैमेज = 55 + लेवल * 1. 9; इस तरह से कुछ लिखने का सही तरीका क्या है यदि इन दोनों नंबरों के बीच क्षति हो तो 44 से 55 + स्तर * 1. 9 ??? आपको एक विधि damage के साथ एक इंटरफ़ेस लिखना चाहिए और प्रत्येक प्रकार का चरित्र होगा क्लास जो इस इंटरफ़ेस को लागू करता है। सार्वजनिक इंटरफेस का कारण होता है () {सार्वजनिक डबल नुकसान (); } सार्वजनिक अपवाद वर्ग वर्ण प्रकार लागू क...

c++ - XORing two strings outputs blank string -

अपमानजनक कोड string foo (string a, string k) {string output; के लिए (int i = 0; i & lt; a.size (); i ++) {आउटपुट [i] = एक [i] ^ के [i]; } वापसी आउटपुट; } स्ट्रिंग आउटपुट; एक खाली स्ट्रिंग बनाता है। आउटपुट [i] चल रहा है, स्ट्रिंग की सीमा से परे तक पहुंचने के लिए अपरिभाषित व्यवहार का कारण बनता है। पहले में जोड़ें: output.resize (a .ize ()); इसके अलावा जांच पर विचार करें (k.size () & lt; a.size ())

android - pre-process Acceleremeter data for analysis -

I want to analyze and analyze accelerometer data with other sensor data as well as activity identification (for example driving) . But before proceeding with activity accreditation, I think I will need to do some pre-processing. I came to some research papers that they used high pass filter, low pass filter, FFT and etc. in the pre-process information. Can anyone explain FFT on a high pass filter, low pass filter, sensor data analysis? I have an online search but are still unable to understand what it really is doing. Google actually does it already, you can use your code Can explain to you, but if you do not know them then you are studying the month, doing so can do the best for you. I suggest using Google's detectors. Basic analysis - Every polarization of accelerometer produces a wave, these waves have different frequency. High frequency allows waves but eliminates people with low frequency Low pass filter - A filter that allows through low frequency waves but e...

c++ - Whats the difference between list and array? -

wants the difference between a list and an array I know how to use both, but I do not have the difference I Tried to search everywhere on every website, but I still could not get a proper website. : Other basic standard sequence containers (array, vector and Decks are generally better performing in lists, inserting and removing elements in any position within the container for which an itater has already been done, and therefore also in algorithms. Intensive use, such as sorting algorithms. Hope it helps.

php - Accordion Menu - fatal error Cannot redeclare flat_array() -

जूमला 2.5 मॉड्यूल नाम - Accordion Menu - जब मैं दो अलग मॉड्यूल (विभिन्न मेनू के लिए) एक ही पृष्ठ पर मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है घातक त्रुटि: flat_array () / www / modules / mod_accordion_menu / params / library में पहले / / / फ्लाटअरेरे.पीएचपी लाइन 24 पर & lt;? Php / * फ्लैट सरणी के लिए बहुआयामी * / फ़ंक्शन flat_array ($ सरणी) {$ out = array (); विदेशी मुद्रा ($ ए के रूप में $ सरगर्म = & gt; $ v) {यदि (है_अरे ($ सरणी [$ k]) & amp; amp; एएसएसोक ($ array [$ k])) {$ out + = flat_array ($ array [$ k ]); } और {$ out [$ k] = $ v; }} $ आउट लौटा; } फ़ंक्शन isAssoc ($ arr) {return array_keys ($ arr)! == श्रेणी (0, गणना ($ arr) - 1); }? & Gt;

c# - WebForms equivalent of MVC's "return Content()"? -

I am trying to verify a closing point. They are sending me a get request with a parameter that I need to use in one of their tasks. I feel like requesting a POST back to me, but do not make sure about the correct implementation of return content () ? The public class WebhooksController's Controller {Public Activity WebhookNotification.Verify (Request.QueryString ["bt_challenge"])); }} Not sure that this is the best way but you can do one . Public class MyHandler: IHttpHandler {Public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext Reference) {// You have used for reference. Request and context.Response} public bool IReusable {get {return false; }}}

javascript - require() on gzip'd file returning wrong-MIME-type error -

My call is required here: is needed (['config'] , Function {config (required (['main']);}); This has been tampered with for a CDN (WS3 + CloudFront), which is Configuration.JS and Main.Jesz. browser: accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch P> file: content-encoding: gzip content-type: application / x-gzip This works fine in Safari. I get this error in Chrome and Firefox: Resource has been interpreted as a script but has been moved with the MIME type application / X-Gizip: "". And it never breaks Any thoughts? the solution really is very easy, dah! , I had content-type set application / x-gzip . It is really confusing because it is describing content before compression (and thus, after In decompression, too). Content-Encoding is the one which specifies the actual compression phase. To fix, I just type gzip'd at content- Type sets File: text / javascript or text / css , etc. for the proper file type of t...

Crystal Reports 2008: Suppress Group Header when a specific range date is not included -

Please help me apply an overwhelming number of group headers when the report ranges between May-15 to 18 in category category Do not be -May-15 I want to hide "100014" and "100044" in the group and in the report "100020" (date range 04-May-15-18 May-15) in the report. To understand my question see the following. Thanks for your help. Before pressing: item code item name volume release date due date ----- --- - --------- -------- ------------ -------- 100014 ABMNBP1115-June-13-19 -Jul - 15 100014 Abbotti 4 04-Aug-14 18-Sep-14 100014 Abdusseef 3 12-Feb-13 20-Nov-14 100014 Conviction 2 17-March-15 28-Apr-15 100020 ABCAGDF 11-05-Jun-12 23- July-15 100020 ABCFG 9 04-May -15 18-May-15 **** 100020 Esccdf 4 30-May -14 18-Jan-15 100020 ABCDSFG 3 13-Nov-13 23-Oct-14 100020 Abcdoefg 2 07 -May-15 18-May-15 100044 abwdefgs 11 13-Feb D-12 13-Feb-15 100044 ABCFGG 9 05-Feb-13 18-March -14 100044 Dangers 4 20-March -14 18-Apr-15 100044 ABCADAG 3 23-Oct-13 08-...

MySql OUT Parameter in Create Procedure not compiling -

I'm trying to write a MySQL stored procedures, but I do not get to compile it with multiple OUT parameters I could not find a specific example for the selection from the table that I was able to make and what I was trying to do. Compiler error indicates, "in unchanged, expected;" And it also says that the first name column has not been declared . Any help would be appreciated. (out o_FighterID integer, create out o_FirstName varchar process `SP_SelectAllFighters` (45), out o_MiddleName varchar (45), o_LastName varchar (45) out, o_FullName varchar (155), out o_WeightClass varchar (45), out o_TeamAssociation varchar (45), o_Organization varchar (45)) starting out select id o_FighterID, - CONCAT_WS ( ', first, MiddleName, last name) O_FullName, in o_FirstName in FirstName, LastName in o_MiddleName, o_LastName, o_WeightClass , O_TeamAssociation, In the Organization from TeamAssociation COMPETITOR in o_Organization, MiddleName in WeightClass; Eid I thought ...

javascript - Assigning an ID to a dynamically loaded Qt element -

How can I assign an ID to a dynamicly filled QT element, I tried it, var Component1 = Qt.createComponent ("Column.qml"); Var g = Component1.createObject (column1, {"anchors.left": column1 .right, "id" = xxxx}); and = xxxx; Both do not work whether there is any other way to set an ID to a dynamically loaded element.

CakePHP - dynamically change core.php variable 'imageBaseUrl' -

In the KPPHP app, I have a model discount I want each account to have its subfolder in the WebTut / IMG folder . I can not make any problem to the subfolder The challenge is the universal identity that is the current default path. I can get the account ID from AUTH.User.account_id. Rather than modifying the IG path in every scene, where is the need to start Auth.User.account_id, I thought it would be better to dynamically convert the original image path to the core.ff file By changing it and changing 'imageBaseUrl' from there, so that it is available in the entire app. However, I have not found any documents about bringing variables into the core.php file. I understand that this is a file that is possible to distribute the app in the variable, maybe this is not possible. I've tried to configure Configure :: Write Values ​​as shown below, but it does not seem to be read in the Core.php file. Web path for public image directory under webbrot. * If 'IMG /...

android - Cannot create new Device in AVD -

I'm trying to add a new device using the ADD Manager ( No Android Virtual Device Definitions Tab on the device). I have installed a new version of Eclipse (Luna) and Android SDK (R23.0.2) under Windows 7 64bit OS. Then I open the AVD manager straight from the SDK folder Device Definitions tab In that tab I press the 'Create Device ...' button, fill out each field required in the open dialog. In that dialog the 'Create Device' button is activating and I suppress it ... nothing happens. The dialog is not closing and the device has not been added to the list. I saw very similar questions about making a virtual device and tried to apply the suggestions given there but no success was found. Added path for Java and SDK tools and platform tools in Path environments variables, choose a name with no spaces. Nothing helps. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks. Just got to know that there is an open bug report on this exact issue: There is an a...

haskell - IO Char array not usable in place of a String when using liftM -

I have a function that I want to print value. It is not pure because it uses values ​​from some random functions, which I have already determined that they work correctly. My code is getWord :: [IO four] getWord = getRandomConsonant: getRandomVowel: getRandomConsonant: getRandomConsonant: getRandomVowel: [] main = do liftM putStrLn getWord I am under the assumption that Lift M putStrLn is allowed to print the value of getWord , but it failed with error Living: word.hs: 30: 24: `[four] 'could not match the type' IO four 'with the expected type: [string] Actual type: [Io Four] in the second argument of 'LiftM', a Whereas GetWord in an STMT of a 'Do' block: LiftM putStrLn getWord Expression: Do {LiftM putStrLn getWord} This does not work, there is no way [IO Char] ? I understand that the object must be "executed" to the IO in order to get the value, but I could not understand one of the ways to do it. If there is a misundersta...

Folder list php -

I want to list folder names in the list. There is a file to show the folder name. There is already a problem, please do a test. Another code would be OK. & lt ;? Php function getFileList ($ folder name, $ fileType = "") {if (substr ($ folderName, strlen ($ folderName) - 1)! = "/") {$ Folder name. = '/'; } Foreach (Globe ($ folderName. '*'. $ FileType) $ filename) {if_dir ($ filename)) {$ type = 'folder'; } And {$ type = 'file'; } Echo str_replace ($ folderName, '', $ filename. ' '); }} // call function getFileList ('folder name'); // List of all files? & Gt; & Lt; Select class = "form" name = "userlevel" size = "1" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "& lt ;? php getFileList ('theme') ;? & gt;" & Gt; فولدر 1 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "& lt ;? php getFileList ('theme') ;? & gt;" ...

minecraft - Java Bukkit: setFlySpeed() -

I am creating my own plugin in Java bookmark ... and I found a problem that I can not solve it . .. I am setting the player's logic ... so I have to set the second speed (fly speed), then it must be converted from string to two. Now I am re-covering to float again ...: For one reason ... it's not right that the float turns into double. Player PlayerOutsTherePhillips = Buckettte.Get Player (Args [0]); String speed = args [1]; Double Speed ​​Double = DoublePrSD Double (Speed); Float speed float = (float) speeddouble; PlayerToSetFlySpeed.setFlySpeed ​​(SpeedFloat); Error in Minecraft Sayes: An error occurred while attampting to perform this command and command looks like this: / setpeed (player) ( Amount_of_speed) Im writing the amount of speed in the form of the string and it is double (it) and then converted into float. I am working on Please help me .. This is very important for my plugin ...: A client sets the flying speed, the negative value indic...

c# - try/catch block not catching an exception -

I'm having a problem where an attempt is not being caught by the hold / hold block. . Exeter reader () , though it is never caught, I am running in debug mode and I have made some suggestions regarding debugger settings. Let me tell you that I am using SQLite as my provider, and I can see that it throws a SQLiteException, though the problem remains what will be a specific scenario where an exception Have not been caught? (With the exception of stackoverflow exception, threaded exceptions etc ...) Public INMMerable & lt; Dynamic & gt; Query (string sql, params object [] parameters) {try {return QueryCore (sql, parms); } Catch (Exceptional Exceptions) {New DBE Expansion (SQL, Parameters, X); }} Private IEnumerable & lt; Dynamic & gt; QueryCore (String SQL, Paramaj Object [] Parameters) {{var connection = Create connection ()) {(using var command = QuickComp (SQL, Connection, Parameters)) ({var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) { While ( ()) {yield...

java - How to create alias for action in Struts2 -

Both of these files have the same verification rules. How is the same XML used for mupltiple action? action1-validation.xml Action2-validation.xml struts.xml : & lt; Action Name = "Action 1" class = "test.Action1" /> & Lt; Action Name = "Action 2" class = "test.Action2" /> Now how to use the same recognition file based on Action Niyas for the action name? How to create a nickname for the action? verb 1 {name of string; Date dub; Old age; } Action2 {string name; Date dub; Old age; } What is the meaning of ActionAliasName and how can it be made ?, which is mentioned by the bottom line. Validation. The XML format is either You want to use the same verification file for both the action class because they have The properties are the same. You should choose to read and choose 3. Create a basic action class, whose action class has the same asset set for both and create * - validation.xml for it. Actio...

Android Java String operations not working -

I have a problem that not all string operations work: string received_my age = new String (lmessage, 0, packet.getLength ()); Note: received_mess is "start.hello.end" if (received_message.start ("start") & amp; Received Message (".end")) {Results = 1; } Received _message = receive_message. Location ("start", ""); Received_message = receive_message Location ("end", ""); Result: Result is 0, received_message still "start.hello.end" - But it is working correctly: if received (with "sign_arsh star" ("s") & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; message. ")) {Results = 1; } Received _message = receive_message. Location ("s", ""); Received_reference = received_message place (".", ""); If I do this work with a single character then it's just working. How can I work it out for whole strings? The problem was encoding the W...

javascript - How to get object type SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement -

I am trying to get the object that has the type SVG Component TransferFinance Element. Can someone show me an example (HTML) where is the output type SVG compensate transfer function element returned (made)? More information about this type: Try this code. var el = document.createElementNS ("", "feFuncR"); Warning (for example, SVG Component TransferFinance Element); Therefore, LSVG implements the Component Transfer Function Element Interface.

hdfs - Hadoop -mkdir : - Could not create the Java Virtual Machine -

I have configured Hadoop 1.0.4 and started following the following without any problems: 1. $ -Works ok 2. $ - The job is fine 3. $ jps (Output is below) Put out: Rahul @ Rahl-Inspiron- N4010: /usr/local/hadoop-1.0.4/bin$ jps 6964 Data node 7147 Secondary Nomenclature 6808 Name node 7836 JPS 7254 JobTracker 7418 TaskTracker /hadoop-1.0.4/ Bin $ hadoop -mkdir / user Getting the following error unrecognized options: -Mike Iaiar error: Java can not create virtual machines. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. The program will exit I have implemented the patch: HDFS-1943.patch but not full use

php - How can I fix this HREF issue -

I'm battling a problem with which I need some help, basically I've created a search bar And when the results come I only want 'session 1' or 'session 2' to be href. Not a complete thing echo & lt; P & gt; & Lt; A href = '.. / pages / session.php & lt; / A & gt; ". $ [[1 ']] result.' '& Gt; & lt; h3 & gt; $ Result ['title'] "& lt; / h3 & gt; $ Result ['text'] .. "& Lt; / p & gt;"; Link to my DB Note that not all of my codes are located, where I believe the problem lies. You have & lt; / A & gt; A bit wrong is the right solution would be: echo & lt; P & gt; & Lt; A href = '.. / pages / session.php' & gt; {$ Result ['1']} & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; {$ Result ['title']} & lt; / H3 & gt; {$ Result ['text']} & lt; / P & gt; "; If you use do...

opengl es - Anti aliasing outlined distance field font -

I have a distance area font that I want to outline with a large white border. I have got a different job from this fact that I am not sure how to remove the transition between color and outline. My current piece shader Looks like uniform sampler2d u_texture; Curve 4 v_color; Vec2 v_texCoord different; Const float smoothing = 1.0 / 16.0; Zero main () {float distance = texture 2d (u_text, v_tex cord). a; Name alpha = lube (0.3 - smoothing, 0.3+ smoothing, distance); If (distance Any sign in how I get a smooth transition would be great. I finally went there when I discovered the mix function in the shader. My last shader code looks like this: Uniform sample 2DU_text; Curve 4 v_color; Vec2 v_texCoord different; Const float smoothing = 1.0 / 16.0; Zero main () {float distance = texture 2d (u_text, v_tex cord). a; Name alpha = lube (0.3 - smoothing, 0.3+ smoothing, distance); Gl_FragColor = Blend (vec4 (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha), vec4 (v_color.rgb, alpha), (distance - 0.4...

mysql - Recover Magento Static Block content from backup? -

With my work in progress, I had big problems with the Magento site so decided to start from scratch again. I have rebuilt static blocks, HTML & amp; Text) Before recovering, is the file system recoverable from backup? I have taken a look through the file system but it does not seem to be archived. I also have a database backup, but due to problems before it is installed again it has not to be restored. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to get static block content from your backup and if so, how? Thanks in advance! Yes, all CMS pages and block contents are stored in the database and easily Can be recovered from. I had to do this before To get an idea of ​​structure and column contents, check the following tables in phpMyAdmin: CMS block cms_block CMS Pages cms_page for both content Column found in the layout, layout_update_xml and custom_layout_update_xml columns found in the CMS page layout . Take a look at other pillars to decide and what yo...

java - Extended SeekBar (Custom View) not showing -

मेरे मुख्य लेआउट xml फ़ाइल में मेरे पास यह है: & lt; view class = " Com.mysite.MainActivity $ MySeekBar "android: id =" @ + id / seekBar "एंड्रॉइड: layout_width =" match_parent "एंड्रॉइड: layout_height =" wrap_content "/ & gt; और में मुख्य गतिविधि कक्षा के अंदर मेरे पास यह है: सार्वजनिक स्थिर वर्ग MySeekBar SeekBar {public MySeekBar (संदर्भ संदर्भ, AttributeSet attrs, इंट डिफस्टाइल) {सुपर (प्रसंग, एटर्स, डिफस्टाइल); }} उपरोक्त मामले में, कुछ नहीं दिखाता है। हालांकि यह काम करता है यदि पहले स्निपेट के बजाय मेरे पास यह है: एंड्रॉइड: SeekBar एंड्रॉइड: id = "@ + id / seekBar" एंड्रॉइड: layout_width = "match_parent" एंड्रॉइड: layout_height = " Wrap_content "/ & gt; मैंने एक्सएमएल में 'व्यू' के बजाय अपरकेस 'व्यू' का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है। मैं क्या कर रहा हूं? संपादित करें : मैंने निम्नलिखित की कोशिश की है जिसके बाद नीचे एक आंतरिक वर्ग के साथ लागू कर...

javascript - Bootstrap UI slider for d3.js graph zooming ala OpenOffice Writer -

We need to implement the UI slider component for zooming / out of the D3.js graph. The slider should look like and open up the open office writer zoom slider at the bottom of the Writer window. Example: We found, but the functionality is very limited - common stops (50%, 100%) are not enforceable. Can someone suggest proper bootstrap or jazzery or D3? To start with JS component?

javascript - Shorthand to call function from scope -

अगर मेरे पास एक फ़ंक्शन होता है (स्यूडोकोड): फ़ंक्शन doSomething (input) {Input.something (कुछ); हालांकि, मैं इसे किसी अन्य क्षेत्र से चलाने के लिए सक्षम होना चाहता हूँ, और दो के बीच एकमात्र साझा किए गए चर का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं (इनपुट, फ़ंक्शन (res) {input.send (res)}} $ दायरा है, इसलिए मैं ऐसा कुछ करता हूं: $ कुछ = समारोह (इनपुट) {doSomething (इनपुट);} अब, मैं doSomething को $ scope का उपयोग कर कॉल कर सकता हूं। हालांकि, यह करने के लिए एक अतिरिक्त फ़ंक्शन बनाने में काफी गड़बड़ है। आदर्श रूप से, मैं होना चाहूंगा ऐसा कुछ करने में सक्षम: $ कुछ चीज = कुछ (इनपुट); यह हालांकि काम नहीं करता है। क्या एक समान लबालब है आप किसी 'बेकार' फ़ंक्शन की आवश्यकता के बिना किसी फ़ंक्शन के संदर्भ को बनाने के लिए उपयोग कर सकते हैं? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> आप ऐसा करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए कि आपने पहले से ही फ़ंक्शन घोषित कर दिया है। लेकिन doSomething (input) का प्रयोग करने के बजाय जो फ़ंक्शन कॉल कर रहे हैं, कोष्ठक के बि...

Is it possible to define optional arguments within functions in Rust? -

Whether correction allows for alternative function arguments, which I can set to some default value, such as pattern matching or Some other mechanisms? Not technically, but you can close the option enum Always available to get the same effect: fn opt_arg (i: option ) {match i {some (x) = & gt; {Println! ("Understand {}", x); }, None = & gt; {Println! ("Nothing found"); }}} Fn Main () {opt_arg (none); // none found the opt_group (some (2i)); // got 2}

java - Multiple Rules in JUnit -

I have defined two rules defined in one of the test classes, but the strange thing is that one of them works at one time - One defined the last. @Rule public expected exception exception = ExpectedException.none (); @ Rules Public floating folder folder = new temporary folder (); How do I define two or more rules for my life and how to use them separately I had a single problem, and I found that in that case you can use Rule China, like: Public floating folders; Thousands of hope of hope; @Rules Public Test Rules Series = Rule Chain.outerRule (temp = new TemporaryFolder ()) .Round (Throwed = Expected Exception.none ()); You can see another example, and it can also help.

javascript - Typeahead.js transport stop firing after a while -

I'm using Typeahead.js v0.10.4 with the Bloodhound remote option. It works as I had hoped for a while but killed many backspace and stopped all the functionality again. I've done a little test for this: var bhOptions = {datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace ('value'), queryToToken: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, Remote: {url : '% QUERY', transport: function (url, o, onSuccess, onError) {$ ('# console'). Prepaid (url + "\ n"); }}}; Var saSearch = new bloodhound (bHoptions); SaSearch.initialize (); $ ('#Search'). TypeHead ({}, {source: saSearch.ttAdapter ()}); Any thoughts that I am doing wrong? I tried to play with the rate range but it did not help. I got a similar problem for the record but my problem was not solved: atomic safe approach to create PFObjects from iOS? -

Logged in PFUser is able to create an object with the square name "X" from an iOS app. X is a name attribute and the only one X object can be. The Any user on iOS can create an X object providing name for it. That's why I am trying to ensure that only to ensure that an X is made with a "name" in the case of a group of users at the same time that the server Trying to create an object at. So how can I guarantee only one object X is created on my system in a situation where a bunch of users tries to make the same object from the iOS client? Thanks Edit: I'm not controlling any cloud code. I want to know that this is only possible using the iOS code. Thanks EDIT 2: So, if this is not possible with iOS, how can I use this cloud code, do I have to solve this problem in cloudcod Can anyone give a quick introduction to?

haskell - Same Kinds for List of Int compared to List of Int -> Int? -

क्यों इन दोनों के समान प्रकार हैं? ghci & gt; : K [इंट] [इंट] :: * घची & gt; : K [इंट - & gt; Int] [इंट - & gt; Int] :: * संपादित करें प्रति @ 's सहायक टिप्पणी। मुझे समझ में नहीं आता प्रकार ठीक है, इसलिए मेरे पास ऐसा कोई अच्छा आधार नहीं है जो उम्मीदवारों की अपेक्षाओं के लिए प्रकार में भिन्न हो सकते हैं। ठीक है, चलो जांचें। Int :: * [] :: * - & gt; * इसलिए जब आप int को [] टाइप कन्स्ट्रक्टर को लागू करते हैं: [] Int :: * जो लिखने का एक और कानूनी तरीका है [int] :: * ठीक है, यह एक बहुत आसानी से अनुसरण करता है। Int :: * (- & gt;) :: * - & gt; * - & gt; * [] :: * - & gt; * (- & gt;) Int :: * - & gt; * (- & gt;) Int Int * * कौन सा के समान है int - & gt; इंट :: * और इसलिए, ऊपर के रूप में एक ही तर्क से, [int -> Int] :: * लेकिन यहाँ एक रहस्य है .. [] के प्रकार पर एक करीब से देखो। [] :: * - & gt; * इसका अर्थ है कि यह एक ऐसी संहिता त्रुटि है, जो कि किसी भी प्रकार को ...

Why doesn't scala infer the type members of an inherited trait? -

I have a group of types in which each has its own member: Seal Specialty Field Type {Type: Data Def Pars (String): Option [Data]} Object Name Extends Field Type {Type Data = String DRP Pars (in: string) = Some (in)} Object Field Field Type Expansion {type Data = Int def parse (in: string) = try {hold something (in.toInt)} {case_ = & gt; None}} and I have a group of types that operate on the set of FieldType s (using the boilerplate, the errata over reconnect ): Seal Attribute Schema {Type Schema & lt;: Product Type Data & lt;: Product Val Schema: Schema Df (in: Sec [String]): Option [Data ]} Extensions Schema Expands 1 Schema {Type D1 Type FT1 & Lt ;: Field Type} HE Government data D = 1} type schema = tuple 1 [FT 1] type data = tuple 1 [D1] def (in: Seek [string]) = Schema K_lkpars ((0)). Map (Tuple1.apply)} Specialty Schema 2 schema {type D1 type D2 type FT1 & lt;: field type {type data = D1} type FT2 & lt;: field type {type data = D2} type sche...

ios - BarButtonItem not connecting -

I have a navigation controller, the root view, and then the main menu, pressing a button allows a tab bar controller to go through 2 tabs Opens with, which contains custom table views. I added the title to the navigation bar and then I added a button to the right. So far, so good. The button will be used to show the action sheet. Actually there are many other ways to show action sheets but with that button the thing is that the button is showing the right but I can not trigger an action. This 2 tab will not be connected to the my view controller appointed I have tried to look at the barbuttonitem program in viewdidoad with no luck. How can I program this button to open an action sheet? This Tab Bar Controller Tab Bar -> Navigation Items -> Bar Button is a hierarchy of items. edit UIBarButtonItem * actionSheetButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle: @ "Options" Style: UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered Target: Self-Action: @selector (showActionSheet)];

javascript - Cannot read property 'run' of undefined -

I am trying to use a parse cloud code to send a transactal email with Mandrill. I am getting the following error in the console: Unkit type error: property can not be read 'run' I am working on this small piece of code And this does not seem to be what's wrong, what's wrong in my code? (null, {success: function} {console.log ('new object created with commodity object:' +; Pars ( 'IntroEmail', {address: $ (value-control). Val ()}, {success: function (result) {response.success (result);}, error: function (error) Some error. ");}}}, Error: function (email, error) {warning ('email address could not be accepted:' + error message);}});}); Update pars sdk head on top of html to support pars cloud code. & lt; Script src = "//"></script & gt;

sql - Group rows into sequences using a sliding window on a DateTime column -

I have a table that stores the timestamps events. I use events in Timestamp columns using the 5-minute sliding window I want to add to the 'sequence' in the group, and 'sequence id' (any ID that can distinguish the sequences) and in the second order, the order is written in sequence. Input - Event table: + ---- + ------- + ----------- + | ID | Name | Timestamp | + ---- + ------- + ----------- + | 1 | Test | 00:00:00 | | 2 | Test | 00:06:00 | | 3 | Test | 00:10:00 | | 4 | Test | 00:14:00 | + ---- + ------- + ----------- + desired output - Order table. Here is the identity of the initial event of SEQId, but it is nothing to identify the sequence specific. + --------- + ------- + ---------- + | EventID | SeqId | SeqOrder | + --------- + ------- + ---------- + | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | 1 | | 3 | 2 | 2 | | 4 | 2 | 3 | + --------- + ------- + ---------- + What would be the best way to do this? This is MSSQL 2008, I use SSAS and SSIS if they make things easy. ...

How to authenticate user using Spring Security for REST API -

I'm searching for a lot to answer this question. While reading many resources, including spring security documentation, I am still completely away from understanding how a user can be certified for the REST API using Spring Protection. Here's what I want to do: 1) I want to apply authentication like Amazon S3 service using public-private key 2) For that I request a HMCAC token and authorization header or public key of my own custom header 3) I want to use spring security to obtain server-side handling of tokens as follows: Ul> 1) Public with header Receive the funds 2) Store personal keys in the database by using My Cutom UserDetailService class 3) Calculating HMAC token on request on server and using private key Like I do on the client 4) Compare two tokens to verify the user 5) If successfully, store the authentication object in the security calculator. From the top I do not believe how to do this in Spring Protection, what I have understood is: ...

angularjs - Disable dates using factory response UI Bootstrap Datepicker -

I'm trying to disable a date in a Google Calendar UI bootstrap date picture if those dates are already 3 Or are more organized ', Function ($ http, $ q) {var Deffered = $ q.defer (); var data = []; var dates = {}; dates.async = function () {$ http.get (' http: / ' / Localhost: 7777 / event '). Civet (function (d) {data = d; deffered.resolve ();}); change instead.promis;}; = function () {return data;}; return Dates;}); A little more preprocessing is required in the list of dates, so I have a function that only puts dates that have 3 or more entries in a scope-variable: / P> $ scope.occurences = ['2014-07-21', '2014-07-28']; Now it is my default default UI now Bootstrap Date Picker Date Disabled Function: // Disable Weekend Selection $ scope.disabled = Function (Date , Mode) {return (mode === 'day' & amp; (date.getDay () === 0] date.getDay () === 6 || $ scope.date_occurences.indexOf ($ filte...

Angularjs Route does not seem to be working -

I have 4 files index.html, test.html, module.js, and name.json For some reason it starts working for me on my localhost. Either my code is wrong or my routes are wrong, I just want to display my test.html page. index.html & lt; ! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html data-ng-app = "mysite" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Practice with kangaroo & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div data-ng-view = "" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = ""></script> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "module.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; test.html & lt; / tr & gt; & lt; ...

Possible loss of precision error with an array in a loop -

So I'm getting similar errors in some programs and I can not understand it. The array in the loop and all the variables are double, so I can not find why it expects an int value. Anyway here, all the mistakes are seen in the previous block for the statement: import java.util.Scanner; Public Class Exercise 610 {Public Stable Zero Main (String [] Args) {Smaller; Scanner stdIn = new scanner (; Double array 1 [] = new double [100]; For (int i = 0; array1 [i]! = -7; i ++) {System.out.println ("Input to input input, or -7 to end"); Array 1 [i] = stdIn.nextDouble (); } Smallest = index of average element (array 1); System.out.println ("The smallest value in the array" + is small); } Public stable interaction of asymmetry element (double [] array) {int smallestInt; Double strawberry = array [0]; (Double u: array) {if (array [u + 1] & lt; array [u]) {smallest = array [u + 1]; }} SmallestInt = (int) the smallest; Return short return; }} File: / Us...

java - Cannot set the glassfish server runtime enviroment in eclipse -

I changed my default JR to Jpeg 1.7x in the Kpler. When I started the glassfish, I was receiving a null pointer exception. To fix this problem, I took all the steps to change J.R. / JDK of my glassfish. On the last screen, when I click on the end, nothing happens, it looks like a bug in the software Please help me fix my problem. Note: Attempt to clear the server using the server> right click> clear, I get the same null pointer exception again. Edit - I tried to do that which is not a help: Apparently when the glassfish was installed it This hard code is in reference to your JDK location, so to fix this problem, I had to edit the file named Esenv.bat. In essence, I have edited this file: c: \ glassfish \ config \ asenv.bat and I commented on the context of JDK 6 and added a new reference for JDK5, like: set set AS_JAVA = C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0 _04 \ jre / .. set the AS_JAVA = C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.5.0_16 The problem is reso...

Assistence with html/css? -

Well, I want these blocks to be aligned next to each other like a normal webpage, but I do not Because you can not align next to the "left" block, which is the first "left" block which indicates that it moves to the left, it remains on the left side, the other "center" and "right" blocks next to the "left" block. Instead they go to the bottom of the page and stack on each other How do I get my blocks to go next to each other in a real webpage? The code is like this. HTML & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "css.css" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Title & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Title & lt; / H1> & Lt; Div id = "left" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "leftcontent" & gt; &...

How do I return the current time in PHP for the PST timezone? -

I have to set the command to your friends (using Naitbot the Tvib) and it can not detect how Print time is currently I tried to use it: & lt ;? Php $ date = date_create (zero, timezone_open ('America / Los_Ageilles')); $ Tz = date_timezone_get ($ date); Echo date ("h: i", time ()); ? & Gt; This gives current server time (I'm doing a lot) rather than the timezone I've chosen. I have used many different things but none of them work. They either do not display anything, or display the wrong time. Date Time () class - $ date = New date time (empty, new date timezone ('America / Los_Angels')); Echo $ date-> Format ('h: i'); Enter NULL to get the current time in null Note Docs :: using the $ timezone parameter.

ruby - Many to many and one to many association between same models -

itemprop = "text"> I am creating a simple synatra app for my ORM, / P> There can be multiple users of an event, one of which is "owner". Users have multiple instances, Here is a simplified version of my schema / model definitions: class users & lt; Sequel :: Models (: Users) many_to_many: Event_it_on: Event and Class Event & lt; Sequel :: Models (: Events) many_to_many: Users multiple_to_one: User End provides a link between # users and event # Eg. Event.users or # I am unsure how it is necessary :) db.create_table: events_users primay_key: id foreign_key: event_id ,: events foreign_key: user_id ,: users end This allows me to get users connected to an event, or users who are connected to a user, but I am struggling to express the "ownership" of an event. It seems that the following pseudocode will work: my_user = User.all.first Owned_Avents = Event.where (user_id = my_user.user_id) that Two questions lead ...

c++ - boost python on windows crashes at import("__main__"); -

I am rewriting a program that uses an embedded booth python on my program Linux mint no problem It does, but it's a big pain on Windows. I'm using Mingwood, so I tried to make an import lube according to the instructions given on another site on this site. Keeping everyone in mind, the program is compiled and linked, python34 promotes dynamically and python steadily. My program crashes and I tell my life why, I follow the execution and it prevents: "Import (" Main ");" // My Python extension PyImport_AppendInittab ("OpenGL", PyInit_OpenGL); PyImport_AppendInittab ("glm", PyInit_glm); PyImport_AppendInittab ("glfw", PyInit_glfw); Cout & lt; & Lt; "Starting python ..."; Py_Initialize (); Cout & lt; & Lt; "Complete \ n"; Namespace Promotion: Using Python; Main_module = import ("__ main__"); // & lt; This line crashes on main_namespace = main_module.attr ("__ dict__...

java - How to integrate Fabric8 with Eclipse? -

I am using fabric8-karaf-1.1.0.CR5 in a single installation And it works fine. Now I wanted to embed it in Eclipse Kepler SR2 I basically followed. However, instead of adding bin / felix.jar to 8th position in the way of the construction of the project, instead of adding all the jars of lib And its subdirectories bin and approved ( too many only errors from lib / karaf.jar ) . There are still three problems: The following system. Printed on: 28 July 2014 12:12:24 AM org.apache.karaf.main.SimpleFileLock lock information: locking this error (?) Message tries to notify me? Is a file named lock created in the root directory of the project? Thanks, but why? The following system is printed in. Err: Error in initial script: \ shell.init.script (system file not specified A fileNotFoundException extension is the Windows version of the message etc \ shell.init.script is present and for that directory I have not mentioned, it has not been copied ...

php - mysql select recursive query -

मेरे पास यह तालिका है: मैं कोशिश कर रहा हूं कि इस तरह से एक श्रेणीबद्ध कॉम्बो आइए: यह एक चुनिंदा बयान के द्वारा ऐसा करने योग्य है या मैं PHP द्वारा कैसे इसे लागू कर सकता हूं? मैं googling था और मुझे पता चला कि यह रिकर्सिव फ़ंक्शंस का उपयोग कर सही है लेकिन यह मेरे लिए नया है और मैं इसे लागू नहीं कर सकता। क्या कोई मुझे एक विचार दे सकता है? अपडेट: - आखिरकार मैंने मेरी समस्या हल की मैं @ उपयोगकर्ता 2433317 कोड के आधार पर एक रिकर्सिव फ़ंक्शन बना रहा हूं, पहले मैं प्रत्येक स्तर पर रिक्त स्थान की मात्रा को नियंत्रित करने के लिए एक चर बनाने और आरंभीकृत करता हूं $ n = -3; अगला मैं रिकर्सिव फ़ंक्शन लिखता हूँ फ़ंक्शन ShowSubCats ($ id) {वैश्विक $ cn, $ n; $ Sql ​​= "चुनें * मेनू से WHERE idPadre = '$ id';"; $ R = mysqli_query ($ cn, $ sql); अगर (mysqli_num_rows ($ r) & gt; 0) {$ n + = 3; जबकि ($ पंक्ति = mysqli_fetch_object ($ r)) {echo "& lt; option value = '$ row- & gt; id' & gt;"। Space ($ n)। $ Row- & gt; titul...

ios - Pop UITableViewCell subview over entire screen -

मेरे पास तालिका पंक्ति, प्रत्येक पंक्ति में UIWebView के साथ है। जब वेबवीव टैप किया जाता है, तो मैं इसे पूरी तरह से विस्तार और पूरे स्क्रीन पर लेना चाहता हूं। हालांकि, वहाँ कुछ समस्याएं हैं, और मुझे यकीन नहीं है जो हस्तक्षेप कर रहा है। सबसे पहले मैंने ऐसा कुछ करने की कोशिश की: webView.frame = self.view.bounds; Webview.bounds = self.view.bounds; Cell.clipsToBounds = नहीं; WebView.clipsToBounds = नहीं; हालांकि, वेबव्यू को सेल से आगे निकलने में परेशानी होती है, उचित चौड़ाई में विस्तार नहीं होता है और आमतौर पर काम नहीं करता। मैं भी सेल की ऊँचाई को छेड़ने के बारे में सोचा था, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि इससे अधिक परेशानी होती है। इसलिए मूल रूप से, मैं इस वेबव्यू को स्टैक के ऊपर ले जाने और इसके फ्रेम आकार को बदलना चाहूंगा । अन्यथा मैं सिर्फ एक नया वेबदृश्य जो कि कचरा जैसा लगता है, इन्स्तांत कर सकता हूं। कोई विचार? धन्यवाद वेब दृश्य के फ़्रेम को मत बदलो। बाधाओं (या कम से कम ऊपर और नीचे) का उपयोग करके सेल के सभी चारों तरफ से वेब दृश्य बद्ध है, और जब आप सेल पर टैप करते हैं, और...

javascript - Detect whether a stationary cursor is hovering over a previously hidden, now visible element -

Description: As the continuation of my last question (or perhaps the phrase again), I Trying to find out that the cursor is on the first hidden, now-feed-in element, in fact it is not taking the cursor to do this. It is setup: leave the mouse completely now, while one element has faded under it. Once fade-in animation is complete, a script should be found that the new revealing element is underneath the cursor and then jQuery.trigger () or a mouse event through some means shuts off. In the Belle below, the red box only indicates where someone should place their cursor; This is not to be used otherwise. Perhaps the most important thing is that I want to know that it is possible to accomplish this task without monitoring the mouse coordinates. Fiddle: code: setTimeout (function () {// element $ $ ('# Kitty') Feeds in FadeIn ('slow', function () {// confirms that the element exists ($ ('$ kitty'). Length! = 0) {// move the mouse cursor Below ...

java - adding a fragment to existing ViewGroup, programmatically -

मैं वर्तमान ViewGroup को & lt; fragment & gt; बनाकर एक नया टुकड़ा जोड़ने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं मेरा मुख्य लेआउट, इसलिए मैंने ये किया: एक नया जावा वर्ग एक टुकड़ा उप वर्ग के रूप में बनाया और इसके लेआउट "R.layout.fraglayout" भी बनाया: सार्वजनिक वर्ग FragOne टुकड़ा बढ़ाता है {@ ओवरराइड सार्वजनिक देखें क्रिएटिव्यू (लेआउट इनफ्लेटेटर इन्फ्लेटर, व्यू ग्रुप कंटेनर, बंडल सहेजे गए इन्स्टेंसस्टेट) {return inflater.inflate (आर। लेट। फ्रैगलेआउट, कंटेनर, झूठी); अब} एपीआई के मार्गदर्शक ने कहा है कि मुझे इस नए टुकड़ा को ViewGroup में जोड़ना चाहिए, इसलिए मैंने यह FragmentTransaction का उपयोग करके किया और इसे मुख्य गतिविधि के क्रिएट पर जोड़ा: P> सुरक्षित बनाम क्रिएट (बंडल सहेजे गए इन्स्टेंसस्टेट) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); // टुकड़ा fragageManager एफएम = getFragmentManager () जोड़ने; फ्रेगमेंट ट्रांसजनैक्शन फीट = एफएम। बीबीटी लेनदेन (); फ्रैगऑन न्यूफ्रेग = नया फ्रैगोन (); Ft.add (आर। लेटआउट। सक्रियता_मैन, नयाफ्रेग); ft.commit (); setContentView (R.layout.act...

xctest - Unit test case :XCTestCase vs Sentestcase -

I am writing a test case for my application. Just wondering who is to choose between exclusives and cent percent casus? Any input will be appreciated. Apple demoted Oaknet (Sean TestingCat) as Exode 5.1, which was released in March 2014 it was done.

serialization - Does Avro handle UUIDs or java.util.Date? -

I think he does not write that object or is there any way I can write it? I have UAID and dates spread over my Java classes that need to be sorted. So I do not want to go and do not comment on each one of them. I'm looking for some options like: Aveiro writes directly to the UUID / date field and then reads as well as that. I can plug my custom encoder / decoder such as AVE.Custom Encoder (UUID.class, MyEncoder) There is an Aveo ticket to decide:

java - Boolean issue i cant solve -

I am trying to solve this boolean practice, but whatever I do, I can not get it properly, please advise, it will be horrible. Import java.util. *; Public class W134 {public static zero main (string [] args) {When (JPL.Test ()) {/ When it reads two input boolean values, it generates the following results: * / // (true true) - & gt; False // (true false) - & gt; False // (false) - & gt; True // (false false) - & gt; True scanner keyboard = new scanner (; Boolean A = Keyboard NX BlueOilion (); Boolean B = keyboard.nxwion (); System.out.print (a! = B & a == b); }}}}} This will give the desired result: println (one!);

bash - awk: delete the first column and add four columns after the last one -

I have data that has the data displayed as: 32446191 0 5 5 - 27 13210 62357877 18 89 89 2014-06-27 13210 33879626 81 1 1 2014-06-27 13210 In fact, I have approximately 30 columns to delete the first column (and separator) me And after the last one, four columns will be added. Then the result will be like: 0 5 5 2014-06-27 13210 0 0 18 89 89 2014-06-27 13210 0 0 81 81 1 1 2014-06-27 13210 0 0 0 How to do it in awk with an order? Appreciate your assistance. preserving the original space: $ Awk -v OFS = '' '{Sub (/ [^ [: space:]] + [[: space:]] + /, ""); Print $ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 5 5 2014-06-27 13210 0 0 18 18 89 89 2014-06-27 13210 0 0 0 81 1 1 2014-06-27 13210 0 0 0 Tweaks to suit OFS .

Efficiently access either of two Delphi datamodules with same dataobject names -

I have an ugly situation where I need two data modules (TDMA, TDMB) in a Delphi app. Each data model has the same data object name (queries, tables, etc.), but from a different component set (TZQuery, TADOQuery). I need this because I want to support many databases, but not all databases are supported by my component suite. Whatever datamade I need to access is determined by the DBFlag boolean variable. Even though there is almost the same code segment for each data access, is there a more efficient way? If I can set a DMA or DMB based on DMAG or DMFLAG like a global Datum module of DMF, then my code would be ideal rather than DMG DMA or DMB and very few code modifications would be required. Impossible to know as much as I know. My suggestion is to skip creation of your DataModules based on specific datasets Use them only by using TClientDataSet and type all your code or link all your DataSources to these datasets, then to capture your specific datasets, and for examples ...