java - Cannot set the glassfish server runtime enviroment in eclipse -
I changed my default JR to Jpeg 1.7x in the Kpler. When I started the glassfish, I was receiving a null pointer exception. To fix this problem, I took all the steps to change J.R. / JDK of my glassfish. On the last screen, when I click on the end, nothing happens, it looks like a bug in the software Please help me fix my problem.
Note: Attempt to clear the server using the server> right click> clear, I get the same null pointer exception again.
Edit - I tried to do that which is not a help:
Apparently when the glassfish was installed it This hard code is in reference to your JDK location, so to fix this problem, I had to edit the file named Esenv.bat. In essence, I have edited this file:
c: \ glassfish \ config \ asenv.bat
and I commented on the context of JDK 6 and added a new reference for JDK5, like:
set set AS_JAVA = C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.6.0 _04 \ jre / .. set the AS_JAVA = C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.5.0_16
The problem is resolved, and after this change the glassfish starts Gaya.
But there is no such path in my asenv.dat file anyway, I added AS_JAVA = my jdk path here and it did not help.
Another solution that leaves me with the same problem: Install the latest Eclipse Luna with the latest glassfish 4.
< This is a bug - BalusC
The only sure way to solve is to delete your server runtime and make it new. Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"
And by the way - Luna is the latest Eclipse release - maybe update?
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