mysql - Recover Magento Static Block content from backup? -

With my work in progress, I had big problems with the Magento site so decided to start from scratch again.

I have rebuilt static blocks, HTML & amp; Text) Before recovering, is the file system recoverable from backup?

I have taken a look through the file system but it does not seem to be archived.

I also have a database backup, but due to problems before it is installed again it has not to be restored.

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to get static block content from your backup and if so, how?

Thanks in advance!

Yes, all CMS pages and block contents are stored in the database and easily Can be recovered from. I had to do this before

  • To get an idea of ​​structure and column contents, check the following tables in phpMyAdmin:

    • CMS block cms_block
    • CMS Pages cms_page

    for both content Column found in the layout, layout_update_xml and custom_layout_update_xml columns found in the CMS page layout .

    Take a look at other pillars to decide and what you need to remove.

    Now, if you use a 7-zip on Windows, or basic command line tools, unplug your database dump and use a programming text editor that will allow large text files like See table name (in this case, cms_block ) which can handle TextPad .

    There will be two SQL code class (similar to the sample given below), first the cms_block table, adds the second content.

      - - Table structure for table 'cms_block` - If empty table `cms_block`; / *! 40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@ character_set_client * /; / *! 40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 * /; Table `cms_block` (create` block_id`) SMALLINT (6) No NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,` title` varchar (255) No NULL default ', `identifier` varchar (255) No NULL default',` content` mediumtext, `CREATION_TIME` datetime Default zero, `update_time` datetime default zero,` is_active` tinyint (1) No NULL default '1', primary key (`block_id`) engine = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 134 default charset = UTF8 comment = 'CMS blocks'; / *! 40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client * /; - - Dumping data for table `cms_block` - type lock tab` cms_block '; / *! 40000 Optional Table `cms_block` Disabled Keys * /; Insert in `Cms_block` values ​​(LongUglyContentStringHere); / *! 40000 optional table `cms_block` enabled key * /; Unblock Tables;  

    We are interested in the INSERT cms_block VALUES line, which may be for a long time that your text editor might be able to assimilate it. Could. Cut that line, paste it into another document, turn on word wrap and search for identifier or search for some unique content in the block. Records in this block are surrounded by brackets and commas (record x), (record), (records) .

    In the sample, we have the record contained in the brackets: value-match and here:

      (40, 'value matching', 'value- Match ',' & lt ;! - Match Entry Form - & gt; \ r \ n & lt; h3 & gt; We will match or beat any competitors price; / h3 & gt; \ r \ n & lt; p & gt; you must be an authorized dealer to get a better price for an item of Nanother \ r \, price adjustments may be made to \ r \ n similar items apply. items new product lead time Can vary A. You will \ "price match \" tab will \ value adjustment r \ n product page with a submission form. & Lt; / p & gt; ',' 2012-01-27 06:11:04 ' , '2012-01-31 05: 28: 16', 1)  

    from phpMyAdmin that you collect for help in retrieving column form and content, but its originally block_id, title, id is surrounded by Entifier, content and brackets with single quotation string boundaries and comma separator.


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