javascript - Cannot read property 'run' of undefined -

I am trying to use a parse cloud code to send a transactal email with Mandrill. I am getting the following error in the console:

Unkit type error: property can not be read 'run'

I am working on this small piece of code And this does not seem to be what's wrong, what's wrong in my code? (null, {success: function} {console.log ('new object created with commodity object:' +; Pars ( 'IntroEmail', {address: $ (value-control). Val ()}, {success: function (result) {response.success (result);}, error: function (error) Some error. ");}}}, Error: function (email, error) {warning ('email address could not be accepted:' + error message);}});}); Update pars sdk head on top of html to support pars cloud code.

  & lt; Script src = "//"></script & gt;  


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