
Showing posts from January, 2015

javascript - What is the pattern for composite views in backbone? -

For example, I have a view attached to the body, all other thoughts are connected to the elements in the body. I believe that I should use many scenes as a sequence. But I'm not sure if I should, or if I should, then how to do it. This is my top-level view // Login shortcut "View" var UserTryView = Backbone.View ("Keydown": "keydown": "keydown"} , Keydown: function (e) {console.log (): 'Keydown detected'); Var self = this; This.key [eccode] = zero; $ A. Testkins (this. Key, '1684', function () {self.render ();})}}, funnel: function (e) remove {this.keys [e.keyCode];}; Render: function () {new favorite view ({L: $ AL ('# mm')}); // New FeedView ({El: $ al ('# et_view'}}; // new account view (); // storage.set obz (packet.service.smalls); Page.flip ('main'); }}); Var user_try_view = New UserTryView (); It looks like you need marionette.js or you have your own views Should be invented ...

java - Retrieval of database values using component other than jtable? -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> There are other components used in addition to JTable where unique jButtons can be added for each line to be retrieved and performed database rows Is there any way to perform specific tasks? Currently I'm using the following code ... JTable A Dialog Box Public Fixed DefaultTableModel buildTableModel (ResultSet RS) SQLException {ResultSetMetaData Metadata appears in Throws = Rs.getMetaData (); // Column Vector Name & lt; String & gt; ColumnNames = new vector & lt; String & gt; (); Int column = mountadata.gate columncount (); Println ("7"); {ColumnNames.add (metaData.getColumnName (column)) for (int column = 1; column & lt; = columnCount; column ++); } // data vector of the table & lt; Vector & lt; Object & gt; & Gt; Data = new vector & lt; Vector & lt; Object & gt; & Gt; (); While (rsnext ()) {Vector & lt; Object & gt; Vector = new vector ...

Django get field rendering as string -

How do I get field rendering from html after the form init? I am trying to add custom HTML in the form like this: class baseform (form): render_port = forms Booleanfield (required = false, initial = false) def __init __ (self, * args, ** kwargs): super (baseform, self) .__ init __ (* args, ** kwargs) html_rendering = str (self.fields [ 'Render_report']) conflicting part str (self.fields ['render_report']) . How do I get the html rendering of render_report? Of course, str () does not work. After some headbanking, here is the catch: _ _ fetch__ of the rendered field form _ _ ( ). So I had to change self ['render_report]' for self.fields ['render_report'] ]]

How to draw multiple strings in awt (java) and align them -

I need to draw different lengths in three strings or three adjacent lines. I must fit the string in a fixed width, all of which Is normal for To fit the string in the given width, we can increase the font size or reduce it. I need lines so that there is a parallel to each other. I have used font matrix, so here is my code fontmatrix metric = graphics .getFontMetrics (f); Int textWidth = metrics.stringWidth (line1); Double ratio = (double) width / (double) text; Float font size = (float) (font.getSize () * ratio); Font = font.deriveFont (FONTSIZE); Matrix = graphics.gettometmetrics (font); Graphics.drawString (line1, x, y); Y + = metrics.getHeight (); // This is the same thing for the other 2 string This job is only for some fonts; Some fonts have huge climbing and descent, some of them are desired - / P> What is a way to do this?

mysql - PHP: Building an HTML Table from an Array with Repeated Entries -

I have a database table (created by query) that lists the member (called a truppe), event, startup Date and end date A member can be listed more than once in the table because they are associated with more than one event. I want to create an HTML table that lists the name of that member, after which they are associated with each event for the next member, which may contain some items in the array. I was thinking of using a foreach () statement but could not get it to work. Any sign on how I can accomplish this? Thanks! while (list ($ event, $ troupe, $ start-date, $ termination) = mysqli_fetch_array ($ result)) {$ return = $ return "& lt; table & gt;" ; $ Return = $ return "& lt; tr & gt;"; $ Return = $ refund "& lt; th colspan = 3" gt; ". $ Troop" & lt; / Th & gt; "; $ return = $ return" & lt; / TR & gt; "$ return = $ return" & lt; TR & gt; "$ return = $ return...

jsp - How do I fix a java.lang.NumberFormatException: for String " " in my servlet? -

"itemprop =" text "> After I parse a string parameter in an integer I pulled from a corresponding jsp and after trying to create them, in the same error The display continues and a float in my web application I have Java class, the one on which I am trying to parse is an integer and a float, but I can not find a way to parse and work my servlet By the way i am I'm so proud. Here the code I used in my servlet is: Get the parameter from // newStudentPage.jsp string id = request.getParameter ("stuId"), string fName = request.getParameter (" FName "); String lName = request.getParameter ("lName"); String road = request.getParameter ("street"); String city = request.getParameter ("city"); String position = request.getParameter ("state"); String zip = request.getParameter ("zip"); String email = request.getParameter ("email"); String gpa = request.getParameter ("GPA"); Int z...

I need help on jquery/javascript -

OK, therefore, I have a question. I'm getting element id like this . & Lt; TD ID = "ctl00_cphRoblox_lstItemsForResale_ctrl1_Td1" class = "PriceBuyContainer" & gt; document.getElementById ("ctl00_cphRoblox_lstItemsForResale_ctrl1_Td1") and below it & lt ;. Div class = "Roblox- purchase-now btn-primary btn small PurchaseButton" data-item-id = "168167114" data-item-name = "wanwood visor" data-userasset-id = "1941846042" data-product-id = "20655974" data-expected-value = "114" data-asset-type = "hats" data-expected-currency = "1" data-expected-vendor-id = "6141596" data-BC-requirement = "0 "Data-vendor-name =" laugh blogs "& gt; Buy Now & lt; Span class = "btn-text" & gt; Buy Now & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Will I get the data-expected-value = "NUMBERHERE" ? by ...

sql - CREATE TYPE on MySQL -

I can not create a new data type on MySQL, the query is given below Type person as object (name VARCHAR (30), SSN VARCHAR (9)); How can I do this on MySQL MySQL can not contain user-defined types I (at least, not in the current version.)

c# - How can I JOIN or Attach multiple SQLite DBs using ServiceStack OrmLite? -

Excellent has a ton of features. I have a scenario where I have two or more separate SQLite DBs, how can I join / attach them using OrmLite? Do I have to write a RAW SQL or have some built-in features that I can use? Thanks Ormailite support that allows you to register multiple RDBMS connections under different names For example, for example: // set default connection var dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory "~ / App_Data / db.sqlite" .MapAbsolutePath (), SqliteDialect.Provider); // Set up multiple named connection dbFactory.RegisterConnection ("db1", "~ / App_Data / db1.sqlite" .mapAbsolutePath (), SqliteDialect.Provider); DbFactory.RegisterConnection ("db2", "~ / App_Data / db2.sqlite" .mapAbsolutePath (), SqliteDialect.Provider); You can then access each SQLite DB with the registered name. Because sklit does not support cross-database connectivity, you can not create an SQL query spread across multiple com...

c# - WP8 Get application info -

I am developing an application that requires information from my applications (not only this app) Specifically, I need the app's name and version. How can you do this? You can use the list of applications and their information to get on WP8. public static in main (string [] args) {PackageManager packageManager = new PackageManager (); IEnumerable & LT; Windows.ApplicationModel.Package & gt; Package = (IEnumerable & lt; Windows.ApplicationModel.Package & gt;) packageManager.FindPackages (); Int packagecount = 0; Foreign currency (package in package) {DisplayPackageInfo (package); PackageCount + = 1; } If (PackageCount & lt; 1) {Console.WriteLine ("No package was found."); }} Private Static Zero DisplayPackageInfo (Windows.ApplicationModel.Package Package) {Console.WriteLine ("name: {0}", package.Id.Name); Console.print line ("full name: {0}", package. id.full_name); Console.lightline ("version: {0}. {1}. {2}. {3}...

Common Lisp mapcar ' vs #' -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मैं mapcar का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ आम लिस्प, और मैंने उन उदाहरणों को देखा है जो # और 'के सामने' का उपयोग करते हैं लेकिन वे दोनों एक ही काम करते हैं। क्या इसका उपयोग किया जाता है? CL-USER & gt; (मैपकार '+' (1 2) '(2 3)) (3 5) सीएल-उपयोगकर्ता & gt; (नक्शाकार # '+' (1 2) '(2 3)) (3 5) वे अक्सर विनिमेय होते हैं, लेकिन एक ही बात नहीं होती है नक्शाकार एक फ़ंक्शन डिज़िनेेटर लेता है - एक प्रतीक को प्रतीक-फ़ंक्शन नामित किया जाता है या किसी फ़ंक्शन को निर्दिष्ट करने वाला फ़ंक्शन - जो फ़ंक्शन ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए ज़ोर दिया जाएगा # 'foo एक पाठक मैक्रो है जो (फ़ंक्शन फ़ू) का विस्तार करता है, जो foo के कार्यात्मक मान को देखकर फ़ंक्शन ऑब्जेक्ट देता है लैक्सिकल वातावरण, अर्थात अंदरूनी flet , लेबल , या वैश्विक फ़ंक्शन परिभाषा इस प्रकार, इसे जबरन करने के लिए कुछ भी करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है। यदि आप mapcar के साथ एक उद्धृत प्रतीक का उपयोग करते हैं, हालांकि, यह symbol-function का उपयोग करके...

javascript - ExtJS 4.2 DatePicker Multiselect catch event in controller -

मैं एक ExtJS 4.2 में MVC वास्तुकला विचार यह है कि घटक उपयोगकर्ता को एक समय में एक से अधिक दिनांक इनपुट / चयन करने की अनुमति देता है, हालांकि मुझे कुछ समस्याएं आ रही हैं: मेरा चयनित डेटा चर एक वस्तु है और मैं इसे कैसे तारीखों की सूची वापस करने के लिए नहीं करता। जब आप एक नई विंडो खोलते हैं तो पिकर पिछली बार जब विंडो खुली थी, मैंने सोचा कि जब आप बंद एक विंडो में Ext , घटक नष्ट हो गए हैं? मेरे पोस्ट में पेस्ट करने के लिए बहुत ज्यादा कोड है लेकिन मैंने एक को बनाया है। मैंने एक क्लिक किया था, जहां पर क्लिक किया था, मैं चयनित तिथियां प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं - क्या कोई कृपया ध्यान दे सकता है? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> जब आप परिभाषित ext में एक वर्ग प्रोटोटाइप श्रृंखला में मौजूद गुणों को आप कॉन्फ़िगरेशन में निर्दिष्ट करते हैं, नहीं वस्तु उदाहरण स्वयं जब तक कोई नया ऑब्जेक्ट selectedDates को निर्दिष्ट नहीं किया जाता है तब घटक के कन्स्ट्रक्टर को कहा जाता है, तब आप एक ऑब्जेक्ट के उसी संदर्भ को संशोधित कर रहे हैं जब आप बंद एक विंडो वस...

android - how to reduce app size increased after admob ads? -

itemprop = "text"> Just after After adding the game services it is now 4.01 MB It is awful. For 3 MB of 900kb App Ads are very high. Help me as soon as possible My app is now complete. I tried to read about Progord but unable to understand, please let me step by step tutorial to reduce the app size. You do not need to edit the Google-play-services.jar file. The following lines in use ProGuard only need to keep the class files Create proguard.txt file in your module directory (eg apps /) and writes that file :. Keep public category ** {Public *; } - public-class ** {Public *; .} -dontwarn ** Now the rows of build.gradle file its modules (such as application / for build.gradle), type the following: ... buildTypes {{debug minifyEnabled really proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile ( 'ProGuard-android.txt'), 'proguard.txt'} {release minifyEnabled really proguardF...

javascript - My Jquery click button is not working -

Hope you're well, I'm trying to do something like that, First, it will show and after that, clicking on the "menu" image will show something, Then, using some containers, I & Lt; Div & gt; here: & lt; Body & gt; // This is my menu container .. & lt; Div class = "menu_pos_jquery" & gt; & Lt; A class = "btn1" href = "#" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "logo / menu_ logo.png" style = "height: 70px; margin-left: 850px; margin-top: 15px;" Onmousedown = "Return false;" Alt = "menu" /> gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; // Here is my second container that I want to use Jquery after the click menu container .. So I tried to use this code: & lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ (".btn1"). Click (function () {$ (". Menu_pos_jquery2"). FadeIn ();});}); $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ (".b...

javascript - Highcharts Column w/ drilldown not working in Rails 4 -

Using HighChurch to create a column chart with Ruby 2.1, Rail 4, Drilldown. Locally, when I click on the chart and try to show me the drilldown functionality, it does not work, but when I copy the code to JSFDL, it works very well. I have seen whether something can happen to prevent the event manager from being called, but when clicking on one of the SVG elements on Highchurch with a jQuery event handler, I have written that it works fine too. I can provide a copy per sample, but it works very well on JSFiddle, so I do not think it would be useful. Any thoughts? Problem detected! In the Rail, be sure to include the drilldown module in your Javascript manifest file ( application.js ): // highchurch / Module / drilldown is required Out of the rail, it seems that you can include the drilldown module a script tag: & lt ; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt;

r - Suppressing Error Messages in knitr -

I wonder how my MWE is below to suppress error messages in knitr : \ documentclass {article} \ start {document} & lt; & Lt; Test X @ \ end {document} edit object X does not exist I want to show the X in my code and also want to evaluate it, it will throw an error but do not want to show any errors in my .tex document, like That we can press warnings by setting up alert = false . Errors have their own dedicated hook function, which is knit_hooks $ get () Is stored in an environment delivered by. Here, for your knowledge, there is a complete list of functions: name (knit_hooks $ get ()) # [1] "source" "output" "warning" "message" "error To suppress warnings, just overwrite the default error hook function with one that takes the necessary arguments: "" conspiracy "# [7]" inline "" section "" document " , \ documentclass {article} \ start {document} &...

html - Separating table column into 3 parts -

I'm having trouble splitting my bottom line into 3 parts. I would appreciate some help by fixing or redesigning it. HTML: & lt; Table range = "1" cell area = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td style = 'width: 120px; Height: 20px; '& Gt; Creeper & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td rowspan = "2" style = 'width: 120px; Height: 120px; '& Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td rowspan = "2" style = 'width: 100px;' & Gt; Creeper & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td style = 'width: 120px; Height: 120px; '& Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td style = 'width: 40px; Height: 20px; '& Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td style = 'width: 80px; Height: 20px; '& Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR...

php - Pass-by-reference for functions with varying length of functions -

I have a function with an optional number argument, something like this: function DoSomething () $ $ Args = funct_get_args (); // and the rest function} In the above given function, how can I define the first argument passed from the context? So when I call it, I am able to do this: DoSomething (and $ first, $ second, $ third); Just declare it in the parameter list: Function DoSomething (and the first $) {$ args = func_get_args (); // and the rest function} DoSomething ($ first, $ second, $ third);

javascript - Why doesn't the inside of jquery .get() function respond? -

I am using jquery 1.3.2 .get () method to read .txt file from a server. I am using. Currently, the method is recovering the correct file (I know this because it is logged by firebug); However, I would like to set html of a span tag to read the text from the file like this: drupal_add_js ('$ (document) .ready (function () {$ .get () "'. $ Path.' Templates / First_order_deck.txt"), function (data) {$ ("# embedded container") .html (data);}}); ',' Inline '); I'm also using Drupal 6.x as a content management system. Nothing inside the internal function ( function (data) {...} ) I have tried the console.log as well as alerts. Neither do anything, because of this I believe that my HTML is not the reason, because for this reason this code is not being reached for any reason. Then I say that the method is retrieving the file from the server. What is going wrong here? Why is there nothing inside the inner function? Could it be due to jQ...

SQL Server HA-DR for mirroring , How to recover mirroring when...? -

After the primary server closes, the mirror is the fastest way to recover the database and mode of primary DB in the recovery padding Is not synchronized or in modes? If the primary is in the recovery , then you do not restart the mirroring only That means you have to use backup to recreate it and then have to reset the mirroring again. If this is suspended , then in general, if you lose the primary, start using the mirror, and then bring the primary again, then you only To start again: Change the database [your_db] Resume the set partner

javascript - Chrome alarms don't work with variables? -

I'm making Chrome extensions for notifications using the Notification API and Alarm API. I have tested both of them and they work, but when I try to set the name of the alarm and this time comes from user input, then suddenly it does not work at all. Submit (work (e) {var $ request = $ ('# request'); var r = $ request.val () .split ('in'), name = r [0], zodiac = r [1] ; Console.log ('name:' + name + ', amount:' + zodiac); // WORKS / * * function * Chrome.alarms.create ('alarm_test', {delayInMinutes: 1}); * / / * Does not work * / chrome. Alarm.cent (name, {delay INMinutes: amount}); console.log ('alarm set.'); $ Request.val (''); return false;}); This is very strange thanks to any help :) To fix this, all I had to do was to do this by using zodiac using the parseflot () method. it works now.

c++ - Extend Windows explorer with BHO -

I am trying to extend Vindoj Explorer (not IE) with a customized panel in C ++ Should look like this: And here's the same question I have found (in C #): The question is C # and has already received an answer. But I have a little bit of my answer to myself, what is my position here: I should apply a BHO object Call the QueryInterface call to call the BHO object, and then call QueryService to receive the IObjectWithSite and IDockingWindow indicator of the service provider. Calling AddToolBar and here's the place where I got it to add a window as desired by the docking window frame, And my questions are: What time do I create windows whenever I want? During the initial time of the object? I think that before handling my window, the parent window handles (in my case I think it should be the Windows Explorer handle) should get it, where I get this handle Can i do Docking window with indicator of frame? How do I register my DLL? I read some samp...

php - Calculate flying time of a flight considering timezone -

I am trying to calculate the flight time of travel using PHP. Scenario: Arrive at Singapore at 12:00 AM at 18:30 hrs. Time between Chennai and Singapore is 2: 30m, hence the flight Time is up from 49 above the landscape. The moment I am I use JS and I can not just reduce arrival time - departure time as time zone should also be considered. I've got the key to the airport code to find the time zone, but in PHP, I can not use the airport code for the time zone, the best time to calculate the flight time of the flight. What's the way I think you have to create an array that connects the airport code to the relevant timezone One could not get ready ... sry For an API, see this post:


In my Visual Studio 2013 web application, there is a connection with a dataset in an app code folder with my database and I've written a method for my table, but I use system I can access the user data table in the login code behind; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Web; Using System.Web.UI; Using System.Web.UI.WebControls; Using System.Data; Using System.Data.SqlClient; Using System.Data.Sql; Using System.Data.Entity; Dataset.UpdatesDetABUL OUserDataTable = new dataset.supddateTable (); UsersDataTable is not present in

php - define 2 RewriteBase in htaccess? -

I have a website that I use htaccess to make different paths for pages, but I have a problem that defines the revised rule, then each hosting and vamp has different rewitbus folders For example, this folder / folder / portfolio in wamp and in my hosting it / portfolio / Now every time I host my name and base name on the Vamp To change I just want to know and wanted to know why they both have, I know that you can not use Rewartbase again twice, so I want to know what is the way to say that / folder / portfolio / such And if it has to do / portfolios / do something. I have used something, but it does not work for me.

c# - Make table with varying width per column keeping the overall width of table constant in gridview in -

I want different width for different columns. I have specified the width of the particular column but the breadth width is equal to the text. I have checked that CSS is accessible from the background color and it is accessible from the work. But it does not matter how much width its width is the width of the text. & lt; Asp: TemplateField HeaderText = "Image" & gt; & Lt; Item style CssClass = "imgclass" /> & Lt; EditItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; ASP: Text Box ID = "TBiage" system code = "multiline" runat = "server" text = '& lt;% # Eval ("imag")% & gt; / & Gt; & Lt; / EditItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; Asp: Label ID = "lblimage" runat = "server" text = '& lt;% # Eval ("imag")%> & Gt; & Lt; / Asp: label & gt; & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; / ASP: TemplateField & gt; And it...

tomcat - OpenShift: upload file to server -

This uses OpenShift WebApp, Tomcat 7 and Savelt. Upload file from servlet: string upload file path = System.getenv ("OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR") + "upload /"; / var / lib / openshift / 53d4da604382ecdd4f000005 / app-root / data / upload / How to find this file on the server? But the response is: The requested resource is not available. Your OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR is not publicly available by default Upload files to OpenShift using files Try viewing this forum post talking about / viewing:

c# - Parallel always seems slower while calculating prime -

It's probably not strange, it's really nothing that I do not really understand. I was just experimenting with parallel programming and I thought I could implement an example of such simplicity that might be similar; The prime minister's calculation The point is: I can not get the only 4 logical processors to calculate the prime minister when I thread it apart. Why is it like this? (I have an i7-4500u) Here is my code (you can paste it originally in a new console app): Fixed zero main (string [] Arg) {var p = new program (); P.Start (); } Private Zero Starter () {StartMonitoringTask (); // It keeps my CPU at 33%, but for really fast (long time current = 3; current & lt; long maximum value; current ++) {set value and temporarily (current); } // It keeps my CPU at 100%, but the way slow is I parallel. For (3, long. Maxwell, (current) = & gt; fixed value and temporarily (current)); } Private long last light = 0; Private long-length = 0; Determine Private Zero...

java load values from database into comboBox -

Hi, My purpose is to load the combobox with the voices from a database, the code below works fine with a problem, I already get two items, so what should I do to stop it Public Zero LoadCombs () {try {string cs = "jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3307 / booksalvation6"; String user = "root"; String password = "latein"; JComboBox2.removeAllItems (); // Make sure the old data has been prepared; Statement pstpost; As a result rspost; ConCombos = DriverManager.getConnection (CS, User, Password); (Int i = 1; i & lt; 11; i ++) {string query pst = "select from post" + "WHERE postage_id =" + i; // Load Postage Selection pstpost = conCombos.prepareStatement (querypost); Rspost = pstpost.executeQuery (); Whereas ( ()) {string myopost = rspost.getString (6); JComboBox2.addItem (Mypost); }}} Hold (SQLException pre) {Logger.getLogger (BasicFrame.class.getName ()). Log (Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } ConCombos.close (); } Hold (SQLException p...

post - send $_POST to .php file without using CURL -

I $ $ without using curl I'm looking for the option to send _POST data as it increases the load time of my index .php. Is anyone? I have a file that receives $ _POST data and load file based on the received data I have tried to use the curl, but it greatly increases the loading time of the document. Are there any faster options for communicating with 2 PHP files without revealing data sent? I think you are searching for the wget program. It retrieves the content from a web server. Downloaded here

javascript - Search URL parameters with Angular JS -

कहें कि मेरे पास ऐसा यूआरएल है: 23 और टोकन = asdu756sdg65sdf अब, मुझे उन यूआरएल मापदंडों को व्यक्तिगत रूप से उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है। मैंने कोशिश की है मेरे नियंत्रक के अंदर: console.log (; कौन सी अच्छी क्वेरी स्ट्रिंग देता है: ? Account = 23 & token = asdu756sdg65sdf लेकिन यह एक स्ट्रिंग लौटने लगता है, एक वस्तु नहीं मैंने भी कोशिश की है: console.log ($ ()) क्या स्ट्रिंग में व्यक्तिगत आईडी और मानों का उपयोग करने का एक आसान तरीका है? ; जो खाली वस्तु वापस लौटते हैं। इसके साथ प्रयास करें var खाता = ($ ())। खाता; लेकिन url / #! /? Account = 1 जैसा होना चाहिए

Python: Standard way to denote return and parameter types -

Is there a standard, pathological way to express the parameter type and the type of function back? I am looking for a notation: help can be identified by IDE (Preferrably) described in PEP I have seen some examples like: "" " Varies with: Ultimate Timestamp: Formatted Date Display: Type Timestamp: Str or Unicode: Ultimate Priority: Priority Number: Type Priority: str or Unicode: Ultimate Priority_name: Priority G: type preference name: str or unicode: the ultimate message: to display message: type message: str or unicode: returns: formatted string: rtype: str or unicode "" However, I'm not sure how official / supported this format is. Python DocString mainly has a 3/4 format competition. To see an overview, the old format, now closed, is the Epytext for Epydoc based on Javadoc style. Perhaps more popular is the redesigned text (REST) ​​ for the Sphinx format. The Google style is also quite used. And of course, Google style...

android - How to show images and text with listview from web site -

I use JSW to parse the HTML page and I have to show text and images in the listing view. So I have created LinkedHashMap and SimpleAdapter for this. Apart from this, besides text shows, images are not shown for every time I get the log message like: "Ury's wrong bitmap failed on Yuri" I tried to lose this problem but still solve it can not be done. Here is the code: @Override protected string doInBackground (string ... arg) {document document; Try {doc = Jsoup.connect ("") .get (); Title = ("h2 [class = et_pt_title]"); Image = ("img"); ListViewContent.clear (); (Element title: title) for {map & lt; String, Object & gt; Map = New Linkedheap & lt; String, Object & gt; (); Map.put (ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TEXT, titles.text ()); ListViewContent.add (map); } (Element IMG: Picture) {bitmap bitmap; Click the & lt; String, Object & gt; PicMap = New LinkedHashp & lt; String,...

php - Row Iteration not working -

My goal is to redo all the rows in the node in a specific column. Here is the PHP code my cover on Phpcassa): $ ring = $ cass_db-> description_ ring (); Forex Currency ($ Ring_details as Ring $) {$ start_token = $ ring_details-> Start_token; $ End_token = $ ring_details-> End_token; If ($ start_token! = Null & amp; $ end_token! = Null) {$ i = 0; $ Batch_size = 10; $ Params = array ('token_start' = & gt; $ start_token, 'token_finish' = & gt; $ end_token, 'row_count' = & gt; $ batch_size, 'buffer_size' => 1000); While ($ batch = $ cass_db- & gt; get_range_by_token ('myColumnFamily', $ params)) {var_dump ('batch #'. $ I); Forex Currency ($ batch $ as line) {$ row_key = $ line [0]; $ Row_values ​​= $ line [1]; Var_dump ($ row_key); } $ I ++; // To prevent endless loop if ($ i> 14) {die (); }}}} get_range_by_token () uses the default parameter overwritten by $ params I have the same 10 line key...

c# - Auto Extract a zip file -

I am trying to create a program that removes a specific zip file at the beginning of the program. This is my code for creating a zip file: // Creating file zipfile file = new zip file (system. Environment.gatefolderpath (environment specialfolder. Documents) + "\\ ABC.Jip"); // File Adding Files. Adfile (system environment.getfolderpath (environment specialfilter mydocuments) + "\ \ ab.dat", ""); File. Adfile (system environment.getfolderpath (environment specialfolder MyDocuments) + "\\ cd.dat", ""); // Save the file file. Save (); I want to extract files ab.dat and cd.dat from to the .exe file directory . mostly taken from: Remove Private Zero () {// Zip Position String zipToUnpack = System.Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "\\"; // .EXE directory string unpack directory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAsse...

Android - Using URI permissions with broadcast -

I am trying to test if the URI permission works with the broadcast. I have the following code in the first app activity: intent = new intent (""); Intent.setData (contentUri); Intent.setFlags (Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION); SendBroadcast; The content URI has been received from a file provider. & lt; Provider Android: name = "" Android: Authorization = "" Android: export = "false" android: grant URI question = "true" & gt; & Lt; Meta-Data Android: name = "" Android: resource = "@ xml / paths" /> & Lt; / Provider & gt; ContentUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile (getApplicationContext (), "", / * path of file * /); // file path is correct - I tested it with activity In the app received in the broa...

c - How does the STDIN buffer and getchar() pointer change during successive calls? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर stdin बफर में इनपुट दिया गया है , जब प्राप्तकर्त्ता को लगातार कॉल किया जाता है, तो स्टडिन बफर के स्मृति पते के साथ पॉइंटर चाल होता है, जिससे प्रत्येक पते पर मूल्य प्राप्त करने के लिए getchar () हो सकता है? यदि हां, तो वे एक बार पुनः प्राप्त किए गए हैं, तो मान हटाए जाते हैं और फिर सूचक बढ़ता है? आम तौर पर लूप में getchar () की मेरी समझ इस तर्क का अनुसरण करती है: getchar इनपुट के लिए stdin बफर की जांच अगर स्टैडीन बफर खाली है, getchar () सोता है उपयोगकर्ता इनपुट में प्रवेश करता है और जागता है char मिल () स्टडिन बफर स्टडिन बफर स्टाकइन बफर getchar () स्टाडिन बफर की शुरुआत में पते पर मान को पुनः प्राप्त करता है मान इसी तरह के प्रश्न से पहले पूछा गया था लेकिन मुझे समझने में परेशानी थी प्रतिक्रियाएं। आम तौर पर एक stdio आंतरिक बफर होता है Getchar () बफर में पढ़ने वाली रेखा को ट्रिगर कर सकता है, और आम तौर पर बाद के कॉल पर, यह केवल एक सूचक को बढ़ेगा जब तक कि सूचक वर्तमान डेटा के बफ़र में समाप्त न हो जाए। कार...

java - How to change size of imagebutton in android programatically -

I have to create some button imagebuttons programatically and I do not know how to change their shape, how to change left and right does not work Does Use this. LinearLayout.LayoutParams Parameters = Button.LightoutParam (); Params.width = 80; Button.setLayoutParams (parameter); It should work

box2d check if a point is in a fixture -

Does the box 2d expose some computational geometry functions as if a point is in stability or not? I want to sample a random point evenly at the intersection of two fixtures. Since I do not need to generate the clear representation of the intersection of two shapes, so I'm going to produce evenly random points on the intersection of the latitude-alliance box, and then rejecting those samples which are both fixtures Are not within. Yes B2 fixtures have a test point (B2VK2) function. Here's a look at the header file for b2Fiexture:

Get installed CocoaPods version -

How do I get the version installed on my Mac? I sudo gem install cocopodes But, I want to get the version installed without restoring cocopeod. Just post it to see people in the future, but you can run the following order only by version You can check: $ pod --version

android - Fetching data from network without directly update UI -

I am preparing an Android app that should draw a chart: combo chart. - - Array With the code> Objects (like Point type), which shows the chart being prepared I have a function that transfers this chart with the data that I transfer it to ( Points list). My question is, what is best to get this data, asynchronous and save it on the list parameter. I know that I have asyntask , threads , service ... what is the best to choose, consider Make sure that I do not need to update the result directly on the UI , I just need to get data, finally get a trigger that if the network is used, Save from and transfer this parameter to the correct function. Since its short background chooses the task AsyncTask , if you select the UI You want to change it later to touch, this will give you a lot of options. Plus it handles memory allocation and Grabz collection.

ios - AFNetworking Not Working with Xcode 5.1.1 and Cocoapods - Redefinition Issues -

I have a project for which I have to use AFNworking to download source files manually, import it manually Conflicts for Hours No doubt I thought I was using cocopod because it should definitely be easy. Unfortunately, I have now got a lot of problems about the redefinition of the calculator, the duplicate interface definition and the last announcement in the property. If someone help me So why can I get this and how can I get rid of the error, it will be highly appreciated. I was under the impression that it is easy to use Cocopod, but I have not seen it so far!

c# - Richtextbox disable unrenderable characters -

मेरे पास एक RichTextBox के साथ एक C # WinForms ऐप है I इस पाठ बॉक्स में सभी यूनिकोड वर्णों (या कम से कम जितनी संभव हो सके) के बेतरतीब उत्पन्न स्ट्रिंग शामिल होगी। समस्या यह है, कि यह कुछ अक्षर प्रदर्शित नहीं कर सकता है जब मैं वीएस में ब्रेकपॉइंट आदि का उपयोग करता हूं, तो वर्ण सही हैं, इसलिए यह सिर्फ एक प्रदर्शन समस्या है - चित्र देखें। क्या कोई भी तरीका इन अक्षरों को सही ढंग से प्रदर्शित करने के लिए टेक्स्ट बॉक्स को प्रदर्शित करता है, या इन कोडों को भी उत्पन्न नहीं करने के लिए फ़िल्टर कर सकता है? यहां कोड है जो मैं पीढ़ी के लिए उपयोग कर रहा हूं (अब सभी को सृजित करने के लिए, बाद में यह एक यादृच्छिक संख्या होगी) स्ट्रिंग कुंजी = ""; के लिए (int i = 1; i & lt; = लंबाई; i ++) {key + = (char) i; } और यहां छवि है कि यह टेक्स्ट बॉक्स में कैसा दिखता है: null चरित्र, टैब, "> आप अपने परिणामों को एक चार वर्ग में कुछ विधियां: स्ट्रिंग कुंजी = ""; (इंट आई = 1; आई & lt; = लम्बाई; आई ++) के लिए {var c = (char) i; अगर (चाइर आईआईएसप्ंक्च्यूएशन (...

c++ - How to avoid downcasting while having interface and base classes? -

I'm sure I'm missing something basic here, but I can not get my head around it. Assume that we have many possible implementations of the manager class which handles types of items base manager Based on the implementation of, they will have to set and receive specific properties from base / code>, therefore derived DeriveA and DerivedB What they use internally, to get the implement-specific properties, the parameter in the handle Is there a way to circumvent the need to Uncasting? class base {/ * abstract class with general properties]; Class DeriveA: Public Base {/ * DerivedA-Specific Properties} Category DerivedB: Public Base {/ * DerivedB-specific properties} Class IManager {/ * These functions must be implemented by each manager implementation * / public: Create virtual base * * () = 0; Virtual Zero Handle (Base *) = 0; }; Class AMANager: Public IMGenerator {Public: Create Base * (override) {New DeriveA (back); } Zero handle (base * PFU) override {...

regex - Bold matched text in a String in PHP -

I use the following code to change the matched words within the string: For ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; Count ($ word); $ i ++) {if ($ word [$ i] == '' || $ word [$ i] == '' || strlen ($ word [$ I]) == 0) released; $ Searchfor = "/" $ word [$ i] "/ i"; $ Replacement = "& lt; strong> $ 0 "; $ Result ['titulo'] = preg_replace ($ for search, $ location pattern, $ result ['title']); } Echo $ result ['title']; Where 'conditions' is an array from $ _GET ['rule']. Correct all the tasks, when user input characters are letters like slash thanks. itemprop = "text"> Use: $ SearchFor = "/" Preg_quote ($ word [$ i], "/") "/ i"; Preg syntax ( . \ + * [[]] Before all the characters used in $ () {} =! This function is used for a backslash \ . & Lt;> | :: - ) and before all the characters in the second argument, used here to avoid their de...

ios - Stopping or Playing AVAudioPlayer From Another Class - App Crashes - Swift -

I have an aviable player in my appellate to play at startup. It continues to play in the entire app, but when I try to stop or run the player in a different class, the app crashes with that EXC_BAD_ACCESS on that line. AppDelegate.swift Import AVFoundation @UIApplicationMain Class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {var window: UIWindow? Var path = NSBundle.mainBundle (). PathForResource ("backgroundMusic", type: "wav") var soundtrack = AVAudioPlayer () func application (application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions Launch Option: NSDictionary?) - & gt; Other Words for Sound Class .swift func aFunction () {appDelegate = AppDelegate () appDelegate.soundTrack.stop () // Here the application crashes Thank you for any help! p> >> AppDelegate () Creating a new example; The variables that have not started. You want to get a UiApplications sharing representative: appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication () D...

fedora - configure: WARNING: you cannot build info or HTML versions of the R manuals -

I am trying to install R-3.1.1 on Fedora 20. "Make" gives me the following warning: Configure: Warning: You can not create R manual information or HTML version Let me fix it What do you need to do? In short: Texinfo command is required, cf. Binary for Fedora created by "Spot" Callway are provided as part of Fedora distribution and can be accessed via yum, RPM installer / Updater. Note that the "Software" application (gnome-software), which is the default GUI for software installation in Fedora 20, can not be used to install R. Therefore yum is recommended to use the command line tool.

ruby on rails - FactoryGirl Model Spec with Associations -

New to testing and trying to add FactoryGirl to a model test. My challenge is that I have an account between the user and the account, but in the account model through an owner through the IID area. The following test work Describe the customer "name and account with the valid" user = user. Create (email: "", password: "PW", password_confirmation: "pw") account = account. Creating (name: "company one", owner_id: Customer = (name: "TestClient") is expected (customer). Be_valid end date I'm trying to modify so that FactoryGirl can be used: Describe the client "is a valid factory" Expect (build (client)). For Be_valid end end, customer model is related to an account which is a user through association owner_id instead of User_id. class user & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_On: Owner_Count, Class_Name: 'Account', Foreign_key: 'Owner_ID' ...

multithreading - Qt: Using thread to construct widgets -

In my application, I have a QWidget MyWidget , which I want to create after push button clicks is required. Now, MyWijet is a heavy widget with many children's components and there are many components of those children's components. Now, when I try to create a widget after pressing the push button, it can sometimes be used for widgets. I do not like, which I do not like Therefore, I have to build the widget before clicking pushbutan and put an example on hand. Thread looks right for this job. But I have very little information about QT threads. Now someone can suggest me how to deal with the problem and what can be done to solve this problem? Note: To say clearly why my widget is so heavy, in MyWdtate, I have 7 * 24 widgets, each containing a stacked widget that has two widgets containing each button. . QT does not support the creation of widgets in non-gui threads. The reason is simple: Widget Consultants Threads-free to access to unsafe APIs that can be used by ...

javascript - Capturing a pattern multiple times -

I want to parse all the links inside the HTML string, as it looks like the following: & lt; A href = "Javascript: makepop ('match_stats_popup.php? MatchID = 185934701')" & gt; Match stats & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "javascript: makepop ('')" & Gt; Match stats & lt; / A & gt; There is an array of expected output links: ['match_stats_popup.php? MatchID = 185934701, 'http: //www.atpworldtourcom / share / match-facts-pop-up.aspx? T = 416 & y = 2014 & amp; R = 5 & amp; I have created this function but it does ": function parseMatchStatsLinks (html) {var regex = / href =" Javascript: makePopup \ ('(. *)' \) "/ G; var match = []; var link = [], while (match = regex.exec (html)) {links.push (match [1]) ;} Return link;} To make it non-greedy, ? was to add: href ...

python - Convert dataframe with odd timestamp to timeseries with pandas -

How can you change the following dataframe in series with Panda? Open Date High Low Close 0 25/07/14 09 Hours 31 Minutes 00 to +02: 00 -1 -1887 -448 1 25/07/14 09 Hours 32 Minutes 00 From +02: 00 -425 -385 -455 - 414 2 25/07/14 09 hours 33 minutes 00 to +02: 00 -432 -432 -654 -601 Start with: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Ts 0 25/07/14 09 hours 31 minutes 00 to + 02: 00 1 25/07/14 09 hours 32 mins 00 to +02: 00 2 25/07/14 09 hours 33 mins 00 to +2: 00 dtp : Object You can specify the date-time format according to: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Pd.to_datetime (ts, format = '% d /% m /% y% hh% m min% ss +02: 00') 0 2014-07-25 09:31:00 1 2014-07-25 09: 32 : 00 2 2014-07-25 09:33:00 dtype: datetime64 [ns] If +2: 00 means 2 hours offset, then : & gt; & Gt; & Gt; _ + Np.timedelta64 (2, 'h') 0 2014-07-25 11:31:00 1 2014-07-25 11:32:00 2 2014-07-25 11:33:00 dtype: datetime64 [ns ] Of course, if + 02: 00 has a different meaning or i...

nsstringencoding - How do I remove all page formatting from NSString -

I have a NSMutableString * (theBigString) that contains the text loaded from an online file. I have bugstrings in the local file for the iPad I am writing on it and after that I am emailing it as an attachment. [thebigstring appendstring: [[nssting alloc] initWithData: data encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; Despite my best efforts using the following lines of code, even when I open an email attachment, I still present several lines of text instead of a long line of text What I hope (and it requires my app to work) [doublestring string barrelling ocurrenceoffstring: @ "\\ s +" with string: @ ""]; [The Bigstrings string bayer replaying occasions offstring: @ "\ n" string: @ ""]; [The Bigstrings string by replacing occurence offstring: @ "\ r" with string: @ ""]; [The bigstrings string bayer recieving ocurrenceoffstring: @ "\ r \ n" string: @ ""]; If I open the text file and see the formatting,...

javascript - Chrome opens list of links in new windows instead of tabs? -

I am creating a custom start page for myself and one issue I'm running is a link above I want to keep all the sections which, when clicked, will open all the pages in a new tab. I have to parse through the list, but only the first link opens in a new tab, all others open in new windows. Here's a link to the page on which I'm working: An example here is an HTML The snippet is: & lt; Section & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; Wallpaper sites (& lt; a href = "#" & gt; open all & lt; / a & gt;) & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Alpha coders & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Interface LIFT & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Pa...

python - Display Bokeh generated file using Tornado -

I am trying to develop a web site where a file can upload, which then generate interactive data Has been analyzed back (a scatter plot and a histogram), which then returns to the browser to manipulate the user. (Imagine typing Excel online, upload a file, get a figure, and manipulate data.) I have considered many options and decided to go with Bokay for plotting. I wrote a python script and an html page to upload a file. Using Bokey, I was able to create an output file (like "plot.html"). it works well. Separately, I have installed Torndada so that I can upload and dynamically read a simple file (like "test.txt"), and just return the contents of the file back to output. So it works well However, when I modify the written script for use with Tornado, before that, the plot generated by Bokeh displays html, it does not work . Is there anything about Bokel Generated HTML (containing Plot Objects) that can not be rendered properly by Tornado? For example, I have ...

javascript - getting 206 partial content while loading .mp3 files -

I have a web app that loads instagram images and creates a slideshow with background sound while the images Loading, a pre-loader is run to show processing. But it does not fully load the MP3 file and when I check in the browser console, it got 206 partial content . So, to click on the play button, I have to wait a few seconds so that the music is completely full to run the slideshow. console.log ('loading theme:' + folder); $ .ajaxSetup ({cache: false}); $. ($ .getScript (epic.getFrontendURL () + "Animation /" + folder + "/js/data.js"), $ .getScript (epic.getFrontendURL) + "Animation /" + Folder + "/ $ (Deferred.resolve);}) .done (function () {// Some methods sound_bg.src = epic.getFrontendURL () + "sound /back.mp3?}); So, it is related in some way, with done , which delays the process. This behavior is normal. To reduce bandwidth usage browsers use an HTTP chain request to load audio and video files. If you want the b...

html - How to make whole list item clickable -

I was wondering how I could make the entire list item clickable and not just words. In my list, I'm able to click on words only. How can I change the entire list area to a link? My list contains a link inside it but I want you to click anywhere within the list area to redirect. Thank you. And I'm new to this website so I'm sorry if I am saying this wrong. You need to make the anchor tag a block element and control the height of the list item Here's a sample: HTML: & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Click me! & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; CSS: ul {width: 200px; Padding: 0px; Margin: 0px; List-style: none; } Li {Width: 100%; Background: green; Status: Relative; } Li A {display: block; Height: 50px; } jsfiddle:

java - activity_main cannot be resolved or is not a field -

I am a new Android developer who read other threads while stuck in this error, I followed the instructions, but There is no way to solve this file in the race / layout / activity_main.xml: & lt; RelativeLayout xmlns: android = "" xmlns: device = "Http://" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "Match_parent" & gt; & Lt; Button android: id = "@ + id / Button1" Android: layout_width = "300dp" Android: layout_height = "225dp" Android: layout_centerHorizontal = "true" Android: layout_centerVertical = "true" Android: textSize = "30sp" Android: TextColor = "# 613def" Android: TextStyle = "bold" Android: background = "@drawable / microphonegrey" /> & Lt; / RelativeLayout & gt; In Class @Override public boolean onCreateO...

javascript - How can I redirect a stream based in an "internal state" -

I am writing a plugin for blog which uses a web service and one or the other thing Uses. The algorithm is something like: stream1 = through.obj (function (src, enc, cb) {if src.is_a_buffer () http_request (options) http_request.on ('response', function ( ) {If (statusCode = 200) • General course, everything works fine * / do_something () Return cb ()} and {/ * exception courses, though Section 2 has been created, never executed * / Stream1 pipe (stream2 ())}, function (CB) {cb ()}; stream2 = through.obj (function (src, enc, cb) {do_other_stuff () stream2.push (src) return cb ()} , Function (CB) {cb ()}); When I run the code stream 2. never gets. Since I'm new to the node stream, I think I have misunderstood something. Do any of you help me understand that what is wrong with me? When you call stream1.pipe (stream 2 ()) , stream 1 The data already emitted (possibly all this); that execution of that call will not be passed on stream2 Note: I am just modi...

javascript - browserify 'Error: Cannot find module' in trying to fix 'Uncaught reference error: require is not defined' -

I'm releasing Rachel to a very similar, or almost accurate, thread () about unwanted reference error In. However, when I '(for browser)' instructions as given in my instructions () and shown below (I have also included my directory for reference) ... Myname@comname: ~ / workspace / my app $ browser / api_scripts/controllers/main.js & gt; Bundle.js I'm getting a 'module' error. error: module can not be found '/ app / scripts / controllers Load from /main.js '/ user / myname / workspace / MyApp' /usr/local/lib/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/browser-resolve/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:35:25 (/ Usr / local /lib/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/browser-resolve/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:53:43) on / usr / local / lib / node_modules / browserify / node_modules / browser-resolve / node_modules / Object at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/browser-resolve/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:16:47 at reso...

linux - Find and Replace Shell Commands -

I have WordPress installation that is infected. Mostly theme files and plugin files .. I 3 commands are required and I will use putty: 1- Inner root and recursive sub-directory folders change all 200 permissions in 644 (for some reason I changed it manually to 200 back Come minute) 2- Inner root and recursive sub-directory folders index.php To replace the contents of - Delete all php.ini files inside root and recursive sub-directories. 0 backup! 1 If the permissions of each minute change, maybe you are in a situation that is a script running every moment search-type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; // Search for directories- type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; // To change the code for 2, you have to use SAL or Embeddance according to the string. 3 Find. -name "php.ini" -exec rm -fv {} \; 4 Call an expert and find out how your WordPress installation has been hacked.

sql - Do subselects do an implicit join? -

I have a SQL query that seems to work but why I really do not understand That's why I greatly appreciate if someone is helping someone to explain what is happening: Question Returns: All organizations who do not have any comments that have not been created by the consultant Who had set up the organization record. Organizations \ "where \" organization \ ". \" Id \ "(select \" comments \ ". \" Commentable_id \ comments \ "where \" comment \ ". \" Commentable_type \ "= 'Organization' and ( comments.author_id! = Organizas.consultant_id) \ "comments \" command \ "made_at \" ASC) it is worth it. I understand why the part is not (comments.author_id! = Organization.consultant_id) is working!? I do not understand how the postgres know this too What is the "organization" within that organization? It has not been defined here. If it was written as a join, where I was invo...