r - Suppressing Error Messages in knitr -

I wonder how my MWE is below to suppress error messages in knitr : < / P>

  \ documentclass {article} \ start {document} & lt; & Lt; Test <1> X @ \ end {document}  


object X does not exist I want to show the X in my code and also want to evaluate it, it will throw an error but do not want to show any errors in my .tex document, like That we can press warnings by setting up alert = false .

Errors have their own dedicated hook function, which is knit_hooks $ get () Is stored in an environment delivered by. Here, for your knowledge, there is a complete list of functions:

  name (knit_hooks $ get ()) # [1] "source" "output" "warning" "message" "error To suppress warnings, just overwrite the default error hook function with one that takes the necessary arguments: "" conspiracy "# [7]" inline "" section "" document " 


  \ documentclass {article} \ start {document} & lt; & Lt; Setup, include = FALSE, cache = FALSE & gt; & Gt; = Muffle error & lt; - Function (x, option) {} knit_hooks $ set (error = muffleError) @ & lt; & Gt; Test & gt; & Gt; = 1:10 x @ \ end {document}  

Which, on compilation, the following yields


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