
Showing posts from August, 2014

How to customize the "make" action of Run configurations in Intellij -

I do not want to run an external meowe function - because Intelligence and Maven unfortunately do not synchronize / share the same output folders Which is an unresolved bug). So I need to customize the "make" phase. Typical optimization must be added to "clean". The reason for having a special project does not work properly until it is cleaned. In addition to this, I would like to select multiple profiles in "Make". Where can at least look make command be executed? Here's the essence of what I'm looking for: Mvn -Pprofile1 -Pprofile2 -D {Some Java Ops} Clean Package It is not possible to change apparently. I had offered to accept an answer from @Donjerative Anton but he did not make an answer. Here is the content: Change option is not possible, only add / delete. I will add the Run Maven Round as a clean install- -Demaven.test.skip = true and select the required profile and this is the right thing to do. -

Is SQL injection possible between PHP and SQL Server? -

I think verification in PHP is important so that the customer can stop the injection from the end or PHP in the end. What should I know, if after preparing PHAP, can cause injection and the query is run and before getting the queries from the database? What if the hosting server and SQL Server are different? It is always theoretically possible that interrupting the connection between the webserver and database, but it It is essential that the culprit is extremely efficient and gets access to network nodes between webservers and databases. If he manages to get it, then you have too much to worry about it from SQL injection.

javascript - How to sum input fields row and column -

I have searched a lot and there is no solution, and since my code capabilities are somewhat limited , I ask for help. What I am trying to do is actually found here: $ (function () {var $ iTableTotals = $ ("# iTable .colotal "); Var $ eTableTotals = $ (" # eTable .colotal "); var $ diffValues ​​= $ (" .diffValue "); $ (". ColTotal "). ('Change keyboard', function () { $ ITableTotals.each (function (i) {var diff = number ($ iTableTotals.eq (i) .val ()) - number ($ eTableTotals.eq (i) .val ()); $ diffValues.eq (i) .val (difference));});}); $ ITableTotals.eq (0) .change ();}); But I want to input field instead of preloaded numbers. To clarify, I found this code on the Web, I am not the author of this code. Thank you. Surely 100% is not sure that instead of pre-loaded numbers What is meant by the input field, please see that FOKED BEDLAL, hopefully what it means: HTML: & lt; Table id = "sum_table" width = ...

angularjs - Why are my karma unit tests failing with "Unexpected request"? -

मेरा यूनिट परीक्षण सभी इसके साथ असफल रहे हैं: त्रुटि: अनपेक्षित अनुरोध: दृश्य प्राप्त करें / partials / listings.html`। मैं इस SO प्रश्न के माध्यम से पढ़ रहा हूं :, लेकिन ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि चर्चा इस समस्या को हल करती है जब बजाय का उपयोग करते हुए। मैंने स्वीकार किए गए उत्तर में उल्लिखित .passThrough () विधि का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: typeError: '$ httpBackend.whenGET ('विचार / आंशिक / सूची.html')। PassThrough 'एक फ़ंक्शन नहीं है' ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि passThrough () विधि केवल पर उपलब्ध है ngMockE2E $ httpBackend । मैंने AngularJS ट्यूटोरियल से नकल करने के लिए अपना परीक्षण लिखा था। यह वह परीक्षा है जिस पर मैं काम कर रहा हूं: (फ़ंक्शन () {'सख्त का उपयोग करें'; का वर्णन करें ('नियंत्रक: सूचीएं', फ़ंक्शन) (var $ httpBackend, ListingsCtrl, scope ; $ HttpBackend = false; लिस्टिग्स Ctrl = झूठी; गुंजाइश = {}; पहले प्रत्येक (मॉड्यूल ('एप')) पहले (इंजेक्शन (फ़ंक्शन (_ $ httpBackend_, $ नियंत...

powershell $erroractionpreference overrides -erroraction -

I am trying to create a user with a new mailbox command. I need to wait for it and repeat again, when I try the Set-Eduers-Descration Order, in fact it finds an account I have seen sleep-seconds, but one To see the true test and then execute the type method. I have set the error correction to stop at the beginning of my script, but thought that if I want to change it I can change it on every order. -EA Test # 1 failed $ erroractionpreference = "Stop" and -Erroraction SilentlyContinue PSC: \ Windows \ system32> $ Erroractionpreference = "Stop" What {sleep -seconds 1 $ UserExists = get- aduser -Erroraction SilentlyContinue notavaliduser | "." If FW is write-host -NoNewline} while receiving (! $ UserExists) - aduser: an object with identification can not be found: 'notavaliduser' under: 'DC = XXX, on DC = local' line: 4 four : 22 + $ UserExists = get-aduser -Erroraction SilentlyContinue notavidue | Family Welfare ... + ~~~~~~~~...

Externalizing logging in Spring Boot apps -

I am trying to extract the logging configuration. However, I install any configuration (such as -Dlogback.configurationFile = ... ) The time when I call () , it is erased. Is there any way to stop this? 'logging. Config '(or traditional location, such as' Classpath: / logback .xml'). Document here:

heroku - Ruby version error with foreman run -

मुझे फ़ोरमैन रन INSIDE चलाते समय रूबी संस्करण त्रुटि मिलती है एक फोरमैन रन । यहाँ समस्या अपने सबसे सरल रूप में पुन: प्रस्तुत की गई है: $ cd रेल-परियोजना $ फोरमैन रन रेल कंसोल लोड हो रहा है विकास पर्यावरण (रेल 4.0.2) 2.1.0: 001 & gt; सिस्टम ('फोरमैन रन पीडब्ल्यूडी') आपकी रूबी संस्करण 2.0.0 है, लेकिन आपका Gemfile निर्दिष्ट है 2.1.0 मैं बस चल रहा है द्वारा त्रुटि प्राप्त करने से बच सकते हैं system ('pwd ') । यहां क्या हो रहा है इस बारे में कोई जानकारी? पर्यावरण: * मैक ओएस एक्स मेवेरिक्स * आरवीएम 1.25.28 * रुबी 2.1.0 * फोरमैन 0.60.0 * रेल 4.0.2

html5 - Javascript inidividual sprite fade out on canvas? -

So I have a basic canvas setting, where the sprites are added slightly above the canvas if their Y position canvas height It is not an impressive creation. All this works well, but what I really want, the same goes for every unique phantom, because it takes the page down. Not the way. Modifying the global alpha of the canvas reference is not good enough as it affects the entire canvas (as far as I've seen). I personally want to influence every phantom - so it will start with the opacity of 255 and gradually decreases by 0 because it also takes down the page. It is a huge task to change image data, especially considering the status of the images are always changing (well, vertically, at least) and in one at a time Can be up to 60. I know I could (if I really wanted) make and delete the HTML image tag and modify the opacity through the CSS in each images, but it also does not seem very practical Again, I am thinking that I can make up to 60 on any page at any given time. ...

ios - TableView not scrolling in iOS7 -

मेरे पास UITableView एक देखें के अंदर है I मैंने UITableView के आकार को केवल एक बार में 4 पंक्तियों को दिखाया है। दृश्यकंट्रोलर कोड में उस कोड को डेटा लोड करता है, UITableView में, मैंने 6 आइटम को UITableView में लोड किया है, क्योंकि मुझे यह सत्यापित करना है यह स्क्रॉल होगा। हालांकि, जब मैं प्रोग्राम चलाता हूं और आईओएस सिम्युलेटर में इसका पूर्वावलोकन करता हूं, तो यह स्क्रॉल नहीं कर रहा है। मैंने यह जाँच किया है कि स्क्रोलिंग सक्षम है ()। यहां कोड है जिसमें UITableView आबादी है: #import "एपीफ़ेसबुकफ्रिएन्ट्स ViewController ज "@ इंटरफेस एपीएफ़ेसबुकफ्रिएन्डिव्यूकंट्रोलर () @ एमेंट @ एफ़फीएबफ्रीएक्सवियंट कंट्रोलर @सिन्थेसिस करें फेसबुक फ्रेम्सटेबलव्यू; - (आईडी) initWithNibName: (NSString *) nibNameOrNil बंडल: (NSBundle *) nibBundleOrNil {self = [सुपर initWithNibName: nibNameOrNil बंडल: nibBundleOrNil]; अगर (स्वयं) {// कस्टम इनिशियलाइज़ेशन} वापस स्वयं; } - (शून्य) दृश्यडिडलोड {[सुपर व्यूडिडलोड]; // दृश्य लोड करने के बाद कोई अतिरिक्त सेटअप करें // सेट शीर्ष...

html - Prevent "half cut" lines when scrolling a textarea -

I have some texteras with a bunch of text. However, before scrolling, the text is cut short, I tried to use the padding but it only spoils the texture size and does not apply to the content. I'm not good at explaining, so here's an image And lieutenant; Textarea rows = "10" & gt; Homepage & lt; / Textarea & gt; and you can use any style other than height (copied from your Bela): Textarea {background-color: RGB (235, 235, 235); Range radius: 10px; Width: 30%; / * Height: 150 pixels; Deleted * / border: 1 px solid RGB (201, 201, 201); Color: Gray; Padding: 20px; Font-family: 'Lora'! Important; Font style: italic; Font-size: 17px; Size: None; }

How to sort by collection helper field with meteor reactive table -

If you set up with, you can not sort on the Collection Assistant field. How can you do this? In the Function field, add a reactive task: 'fn ': Function (val, obje) {return val;}

python - Why can't I mask this pandas dataframe column? -

I do not know why the following code is not working I am trying to mask Pandya arrays like my advisor , But I do not care what I'm doing. Am I mixing pandas dataframe in some way with numpy arrays? I saw how to do this in another thread and I feel like this. Import as import pandas as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import OS data_dir = "./data/" incomes_file = "incomes.csv" income = pd. Print_csv (os.path. (Data_Dire, I_FILE) Print.Contab_Name Print Income.CountyName [str (IncomeCorian_name) .isupper ()! = True] I get this output : 0 Alamma 1 Otago County 2 Baldwin County 3 Barbour County 4 Bib County 5 Blount County 6 Bullock County 7 Butler County 8 Calhau County 9 Chambers County T 10 Cherokee County 11 Chileton County 12 Chota County County 13 Clark County 14 Clay County ... 3178 Hot Springs County 3179 Johnson County 3180 Laramie County 3181 Lincoln County 3182 Natalia County 3183 Neobra County 3184 Park County 3185 Plat County 3186 Sheridan...

Android: App name shows the first page name, not the app name -

I changed the initial page in my app for "login" activity but now I get the name of the app in my mobile "Login" I've checked "string / app_de", it still has the app's name "login" in its mobile Change the app's name to "MyApp" "Login Without changing the title of the activity? Here's my AndroidManifest.xml & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Manifest xmlns: Andrew D = "" package = ""> & lt; use-permission android: name = "android.permission.INTERNET" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> Android: Android: Android: Android: Android: Android: label = "@ string / app_name" Android: Android: Android : Allow = @ style / Aaptim "Android: debuggable =" false "& ...

javascript - How to parse a JSON response in jQuery? -

I am making a small web app for my girlfriend and I will be allowed to keep track of the movies that we want To make it easier to add a movie to the list to watch together, I'm trying to use's API (only supports Jasonson) so that we can find a movie titled Can allow the database to load some results, and We then if no results had to choose just add a movie database or listing of our own. I am using jQuery to handle everything, and I have never used JSON before, I wrote a little bit of code to get JSON based on my search query , And now with the result and lt; Ul & gt; I'm trying to populate it. I have it. var TMDbAPI = ""; Var moviequery = $ ("#search"). Val (); Var api_key = "baab01130a70a05989eff64f0e684599"; $ Ul = $ ('ul'); $ .getJSON (TMDbAPI, {query: moviequery, api_key: api_key}, function (data) {$ .each (data, function (k, v) {$ ul.append ("& l...

javascript - what does chrome debugger call stack async option mean? -

I've seen this option on the call stack header, though I'm turning it on, I It does not know what it means, and what it means, what it means. It is useful for debugging Asynchronous Javascript lets you view the entire call stack and the event listener's For stack trace runs (set intern, set timeout, XMLHttpRequest and others). I've found it particularly useful to see the value of your variable through each async call. You can read a complete description here: (Where I came to know what happened a few weeks ago!)

java - how to crop using the rect values? in android -

Hello, I currently am working on a project, I have rectangle values ​​top, left, bottom, right now I want to crop the part, I will use for the crop by a new bitmap the code createBitmap (bitmap source, int x, int y, int width, int height, Matrix m, boolean filter) But the problem is, I do not know how to get the x and y coordinates of the rectangle, matrix and Boolean filter also? , Please thank me java android

javascript - What is the functional difference between these two different Module pattern syntaxes -

मैं यह वाक्यविन्यास हर जगह देखता हूँ: var mod = (function () {var pvtvar ; Var pvtfunc = function () {}; // एक ऑब्जेक्ट आंशिक रिटर्न वापस आना {पबवार: 'जो भी', पबफन्क: फंक्शन () {}};} ()); मैं हाल ही में इस वाक्य रचना में आया था: // पहले खाली वस्तु बनायें var mod = {}; (फ़ंक्शन (mod) {var pvtvar; var pvtfunc = function () {}; // mod ऑब्जेक्ट आर्गुमेंट mod.pubvar = 'whatever'; mod.pubfunc = function () {}}} (mod)); // पास ऑब्जेक्ट आईआईएफई मुझे पता है कि वे दोनों काम करते हैं, और मैं लगता है कि मैं पूरी तरह से समझता हूं, मैं सिर्फ यह सुनिश्चित करना चाहता हूं कि मुझे याद नहीं है कुछ भी ... समरूप सदस्यों को देखते हुए आप समान वस्तुओं के साथ समाप्त होते हैं, यह सिर्फ इतना है कि दूसरे उदाहरण में mod एक दूसरे के अंश के लिए वैश्विक दायरे के भीतर एक खाली वस्तु का संदर्भ देता है, जबकि पहले उदाहरण में मोड केवल आईआईएफई द्वारा इसका मूल्य वापस आने के बाद केवल पूर्ण वस्तु का संदर्भ देता है अतः, क्या मैं यह सोचकर सही हूं कि केवल अंतर उस समय की (बहुत छोटी) राशि ह...

maven - How can I run a script before RPM file creation? -

I am using rpm-maven-plugin to create an RPM of tarbars with WARs from my project. I can create an RPM if I already have a tar file, however, when I run the RPM target, I would like to generate tar file I have a script which creates a tar file. In the finished stage, although the RPM is already built when the script is implemented, thus this RARA is not included in my RPM. & lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.codehaus.mojo & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; RPM-Maven-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 2.1-alpha 4 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Hanging & gt; & Lt; Execution & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; Generated-rpm & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Goals & gt; & Lt; Goal & gt; Rpm & lt; / Target & gt; & Lt; / Targets & gt; & Lt; / Execution & gt; & Lt; / Hanging & gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; Mapping & gt; & Lt; Map...

Recursively rename files in subfolders Windows batch file -

I have a large number of files in subfolders under the basic folder named CFile: C: \ Images All files have the same prefix pattern of the same length, 3 characters, i.e. "[number] [digits] -" 01-filename.jpg 55-filename .jpg 82-filename .jpg How do I strip the prefix with filenames by running a batch file in each subfolder, but I want to turn on a batch files to the original folder Fear and repeat steps through each subfolder and change the alias / name with each filename. The code below does not work :-( Any help would be great: -) for setlocal enabled extension / r "c: \ images \ "%% f in (* .jpg) (Set up push set file name = %% f filename =! Filename: ~ 3! Rename" %% f ""! Filename! "Popped) You must specify a filename that is not included Rename for the second argument : @echo for offlocal enabled extension / r "c: \ images \" in %% (* .jpg) (set file name = %% ~ nxf) T fai Name =! Filename: ~ 3! Rename ...

Use the result of the MySQL SELECT query as a WHERE condition in the same query -

I am trying to query this: SELECT MAX (`peg_num`) ) `List_ID` = 1 and" indicator "& gt; = 1 , but I'm getting the result of NULL . The peg_num range is from 00 to 99, what do I need 99 . The value to be checked against the "indicator" should actually be one user input, so I want to be versatile, but if I flip around equality, then / P> As I have suggested, using the Mowing section, m ... but I have now cheated the aliens now anyway. : SELECT MAX ( `peg_num`) as Men` indicator 'as` list' group Se` Suchi_aidi` maximum MAX ( `Peg_anyuem`) & lt; = 40 Still very stubborn. As a comprehension: What I want is to select the largest value in the range of query peg_num, but only if it is larger than the input given by the user. So, in this case, there is a maximum of 99. If a user wants to select a number like 101, then he / she can not do this because it is not in the range.

html - A Way to Change Text After Transition Completes? -

प्रिय स्टैकहोवरफ्लो पाठक, केवल CSS3 का उपयोग करके, किसी भी पाठ का कोई भी तरीका बदलना है संक्रमण के पूरा होने के बाद? मेरा कोड स्निपेट यहां देखे जा सकते हैं: HTML & lt; div class = "biography" & gt; & Lt; p & gt; हॉवर के लिए प्लेयर जानकारी & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; CSS3 .बीगुरा {चौड़ाई: 100px; ऊंचाई: 60px; बाईंओर तैरना; मार्जिन: 5 पिक्स; पृष्ठभूमि: # 3399 एफएफ; रंग: #ffffff; बॉक्स-छाया: 2px 2px 10px आरजीबीए (0, 0, 0, 0.5); स्थिति: रिश्तेदार; सही: 5%; फोंट की मोटाई: बोल्ड; फ़ॉन्ट-आकार: 15px; पाठ संरेखित करें: केंद्र; पैडिंग: 10px; सीमा-त्रिज्या: 5px; अस्पष्टता: 0.4; संक्रमण: सभी 0.6s आसानी; -वेबकिट-संक्रमण: सभी 0.6s आसानी; -ओ-संक्रमण: सभी 0.6s आसानी; -मोझ संक्रमण: सभी 0.6s आसानी; }। बैराग्राफी: हॉवर {चौड़ाई: 350 पिक्स; ऊंचाई: 450 पीएक्स; मार्जिन: 10px 10px 0px -200px; अस्पष्टता: 1; पृष्ठभूमि: # 7C7C7C; संक्रमण के बाद, मैं "प्लेयर जानकारी के लिए हॉवर" को "प्लेयर जानकारी" में बदलना चाहता हूं। उस पर ज...

javascript - Clicking a link will provide an additional text box/input field -

The current design of one of the pages of my application is such that there is an input field "email" where we provide multiple Separate email addresses can provide user email IDs and update the database by clicking the "Update" button. I have to give it a new look in such a way that now for each email address, I must provide a separate input field, there should be a link to the right of the existing "Email" input field ("Add More" Click on this link, "Add more" will give you a new textbox / input filed under the current "Email" field. Clicking on the link again will give you an additional input field where I can provide an email ID. Similarly, we can add up to 10 input fields for different email IDs. Can you please tell me how to design it. And how we will verify that we can not add more input fields after 10 Use . (or any jQuery utility functions) to add a new HTML element: & lt; Button onclick = "a...

haskell - How to solve conflicting instance in type families? -

I'm trying to do a 'UnMaybe' type of family but it does not compile (Example family conflict) . Here is my code {- # LANGUAGE typefiles # -} type family error one :: * type example UnMaybe (probably one) = a type of example UnMaybe a = A error message test.hs: 4: 16: Dispute on family matters declaration: type example UnMaybe (probably A) - test. Definition of hs: 4:16 Examples of examples UnMaybe a - defined at test.hs: 5: 15 I understand why this is not working, the same results get anyway Another way to do ( Or who will allow it to activate an extension?) If you really need it, Then you can use a closed-type family (at least GHC 7.8 is required): {- # language type Families # -} Type of family is a :: * Where the ray (probably A) = a unmeo A = a now: gcii> :kind! Random (maybe int) unexpected (maybe int) :: * = int ghci & gt; :kind! UnMaybe Bool UnMaybe Bool :: * = Bool

c - Static memory allocation of array at compile time -

How to compile time determines the size of the compiler below the array? int n; Scanf ("% d", & amp; n); Int a [n]; This is different from dynamic allocation (other than memory is allocated in the pile for dynamic array). If possible, please explain this in the context of activation stack memory how the array is allocated to the image. The size of the array is not set at compile time; It is determined at run time that array is allocated at that time, n is a known value in a typical implementation where the automatic variable is allocated on the program stack, the stack pointer has several inputs Will be adjusted to make room for It becomes parts of the stack frame and when it comes out of the scope, it will be automatically recovered. This code was not valid in the C90; The C90 requires all the variables to be declared at the beginning of the block, so the mixing of announcements and thus code was not allowed. Variable-length arrays and mixed codes an...

Does anybody know how to draw this mesh shape in matlab? -

Is anyone aware of attracting this mesh size in matlab? Tnx in advance This will not be the answer code, but in the graph I have seen some points. The large arches are of 4 concentric semirings The arch is spread across 4 rings in 3 decks. In the strange number decks (# 1 and 3), look at the lower (internal) floor, and you have 28 nodes Even number decks (# 2) ), There are 14 nodes on the lower floor Aries-like triangles are just straight lines that connect all these nodes. You can draw this graph in the X-Y plot. First, with the command like plot , drag the ring; Then mark the nodes, and connect them to line

Maple - normal text instead of maple input -

I am working with two maple modules, I try to merge them. A few days ago I want to copy and paste each other from a worksheet, but the type of paste code is not "normal" "maple input". The "normal" code does not work, even if I change "maple input" (this only changes the style of code) in this way. So my code looks like this: I first worked with maple but never found this problem. I tried it on Mapple 16X86 and Maple 17x64 on three different computers, which did not solve the problem. I started copying the code to an empty worksheet, I can copy the text at the end of the new file but I can not copy between the codes. Do you have any idea how can I solve it? thanks for answer.

jquery - Bootstrap navigation bar affix property not accurate after window resize -

I'm having a problem in which the Epix property is included in Bootstrap, it works perfectly fine by using the given jQuery Is done as it is pasted on top of the page after scrolling (as intended). The problem occurs only after the page is loaded and then the window is replaced properly. On the right side of the navigation bar, while scrolling at this point, see the "sticks" demo site at the top right corner The problem is that the height at which the navigation bar is affixed, the window load , And if the page is changed vertically again, then the height of the page should be "glued" to the height of the page, but no. There is nothing complicated in JS: // "sticky" nav bar $ ('# navbar'). Fix ({Offset: {top: $ (window). Hiight ()}}); $ ('# Navbar'). ('', function () {var navHeight = $ ('# navbar'). External head (true); $ ('# body'). CSS ('margin-desktop', naviteite); }); $ (...

java - Custom Eclipse warning on an annotation -

Assume I have an internal method, which should be used only in certain situations. Does any possibility, in the eclipse, show it as an internal and show a warning when used to stop me or those people who use my API by mistake? Do not know what they are doing. I can not change its visibility because it can also be used in other packages / non-expanded sections. Something like this: @Internal Public Zero doSomeInternalStuff () {// ...} And then, in Eclipse A warning: Any hope? ( Pluggable annotation processor API ) you custom annotation processor allows you to write that controls the custom annotations And enables you to print errors by using a javax.annotation.processing.messager Ian or warning. Below is an example. import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor; import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment; import javax.annotation.processing .SupportedAnnotationTypes; import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedSourceVer...

MySQL one table or more for different products types? -

Say I'm selling on my site, song or album. Is it better to have only one table with a 'type' or a type of table, in case of display only? The fields are very similar. Thank you. It relies entirely on how many records you are expecting, and what kind of If you are looking at millions of people of all types, then they may be more demonstrative to split into different tables, but if you add indexes to the correct column, then it will be for a table. It'll be fine. A table is good for simplicity - you can only filter the type of type that you want to do with the Type column. Just make sure that you point to that column, otherwise when you start to get many records at once, it actually gets spoiled, but without any number of things you know that in the long run it is enough Its difficult. Maybe someone else can discuss DBA knowledge here, but I will say If you want the best possible performance - splitting tables If you do not mind what the millisecond di...

javascript - JS popup message when adding item to cart.php -

मेरे पास कोड की यह पंक्ति है: & lt; form name = "addtocart" विधि = "पोस्ट" एक्शन = "कार्ट.फपी" & gt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" आकार = "3" नाम = "qty" मान = "" & gt; इनपुट प्रकार = "छिपा हुआ" नाम = "क्रिया" मान = "add_item" & gt; & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = " छिपा हुआ "नाम =" आईडी "मान =" & lt;? Php echo $ record- & gt; आइटम आईडी;? & Gt; "& gt; इनपुट प्रकार =" छवि "src =" ../ css / images / cart.png " संरेखित करें = बेसन और gt; & Lt; a href = "favorites.php? Action = setFavorite और itemnr = & lt;? Php गूंज $ record- & gt; आइटम आईडी;? & Gt;" & gt; & lt; img src = "../ css / images / favorite.png "संरेखित करें" = "बेस्ड" alt = "Toevoegen aan favorieten" शीर्षक = "Toevoegen aan favorieten" सीमा = "0" & ​​gt; & lt...

python - using postifx as backend for messaging system in django? -

I am creating a project in which the user will have the ability to communicate with each other through messages. I came up with an idea that instead of writing the model, we should try to use postfix and mail, and then there will be inquiries from DB etc. The email on the server is similar to the server, and Python / Django Question: I would like to know which risk, security vulnerabilities or other problems can cause such a design is? Take a look at this, it matters more to your needs than creating random integration with postfix. Alternatively, a very good way to apply a Django model-based approach is not sure why you are skeptical about it.

windows - MySQL remote access allowance -

Hi has installed MySQL on my Windows Server 2012. Everything is fine and I have a database on the local server but I was wondering how can I allow remote connections like my home computer Any solution? Regards A MySQL user When creating an account, specify the IP address that is allowed in the host: field of the account. Example: instead of creating user @ localhost (local connection only allowed) or user @% (any Also have connection permission), use user@ip.address (only ip.address connection is allowed).

r - Multiple plots in same page using grid.arrange() -

मुझे एक ही पीडीएफ पेज में ggplots stat_binhex () के साथ उत्पन्न 4 भूखंडों को व्यवस्थित करने की आवश्यकता है I घनत्वप्लोट्स & lt; -apply (1: ब्रेक, फ़ंक्शन (i) {डेटापोलॉट & lt; -ggplot (डेटा, एईएस (एक्स = डेटा $ ए, वाई = डेटा $ B)) + stat_binhex () + Xlim (-2,2) + ylim (-2,2) रिटर्न (डेटााप्लॉट)}) का प्रयोग: (ग्रिड । त्रुटि, सी (घनत्व प्लॉट्स, एनएसीएल = 2)) मुझे त्रुटि मिली: डेटा.फ्रेम में त्रुटि (x = c (-1.34537238683369 ई-05, 0.0053077854, 0.0011863784,: तर्क विभिन्न पंक्तियों की संख्या का संकेत करता है: 11508, 9864 डेटासेट ए और बी, पंक्तियों की संख्या में भिन्न भूखंड उत्पन्न करते हैं। मैं उन्हें कैसे साजिश कर सकता हूं एक ही पृष्ठ पर? धन्यवाद!

How to Use Rotation Sensor in Android -

I have a ball (bitmap) in the center of the black surface. I want to leave that ball on the screen, if we tilt the phone to the left, for the right side of the same way. (Example: - We control the bike in any bike racing Android game.) Which sensor to use and how to get the value of it. Code yet ...... Public category ABC applied sensor event listener {public ABC (reference reference) {sensormanager = (sensor manager) reference .getSystemService (Context.SENSOR_SERVICE); Sensor = sensor .get default sensor (sensor.Tep_ACCLARMAMMR); SensorMonor.RestisterListore (this, sensor, sensor manager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME); } Some code overwrite invalidity on public invalidity @SonorChanged (SensorEvent arg0) {}} You have to apply your code under the rectification. View example here: @ @SensorChanged @ override public over zero {float [] value = arg0.values; // X, Y, Z axis, from float x = value [0]; Float y = value [1]; Float z = value [2]; } Every time the sensor detects mo...

c - Mirror BGR (24 bit) image using Intel IPP -

मैं एक कच्चा (छवि शीर्षलेख के बिना) BGR छवि, 8 बिट प्रति पिक्सेल दर्पण करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं, निम्न कोड का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: शून्य दर्पण बीजीआर (बाइट * सोर, बंट * डीएसटी, यूआईएनटी चौड़ाई, यूआईएनटी ऊंचाई, यूआईएनटी पिच_एस, यूआईएनटी पिच_डी) {इप्पी आकार आकार; आकार। चौड़ाई = चौड़ाई; आकार। ऊँचा = ऊँचाई; IppStatus स्थिति = ippiMirror_8u_C3R (src, pitch_s, dst, pitch_d, आकार, ippAxsVertical); अगर (स्थिति! = IppStsNoErr) {printf ("मिरर आरजीबी 24 असफल:% d", स्थिति); }} छवि का आकार 640x360 है। Pitch_s = pitch_d = width = 640. समस्या क्या हो सकती है? पिच स्रोत के लिए स्कैनलाइन लंबाई है & amp; यदि आप कोई पैडिंग नहीं उपयोग करते हैं, तो कम से कम यह 640 (चौड़ाई) * 3 (बाइट प्रति पिक्सेल) = 1920

c# - Parsing JSON Array in .NET 2.0 -

I am using JSON.NET to parse my server via some JSON. I feel as dumb, because I think I'm trying to do something easy. However, the code does not work At present, I'm getting some Jason Bon from the server which looks like this: [{id: '1', Description: 'Some kind Description '}, {id:' 2 ', Details:' Another description '}, {ID:' 3 ', Description:' This is another '}] Currently , I'm trying to take this JSON into C #; it's a dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; . My (unsuccessful) attempt looks like this: Private dictionary There is such a code which seems so simple I think I have to do something wrong In fact, this is not working, so something must be wrong. I can not determine right now Thanks for any help you can provide. Please remember, this is based on the .NET 2.0 framework. You do not need to parse manually JSON string strongly by using JSON.NET Can compile it in a typed archive c...

TCL: how to execute program using enviorment PATH variable -

I have found the following line in my script exec $ :: env (PATH) / program .exe In my env path variable, I found a directory where I found this executable file. For example: PATH env variable found among other - D: \ my_program \ bin I have an error: Error: couldn C: \ WINDOWS \ system32; C: \ WINDOWS; C: \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ Wbem; D: \ my_program \ bin; Program ": Do not execute any such file or directory Any suggestions on how to make the .exe file using system variables in PATH in TCL? Thanks PS OK, when I have created a new ANV variable (PATH1) - without any other path, just a) and set the .exe file path, it seems to work Is PATH (with multiple paths) set to any solution set except D: \ my_program \ bin first? You should use the Tcl Library function created for this auto_execok . Try it: exec {*} [auto_execok program.exe] This automatically searches the path and uses it for exec Creates the correct path. For example, to start Notepad.ex...

android - Customize alert dialog -

I have a piece, which automatically displays a dialog I want to change the color and button color of the title of the dialog (When pressed) Is there any way I can do that? Expands MyFragment fragment of public category {Public View Creatives (LayoutEfter Inflator, View Group Container, Bundle Saved InstantState) {// ... AlertDiLog Advertising = New AlertDialog Settlement ("title"). Setmessage ("Message"). Set Positive Button ("Yes", New Dialog Interface. OnClicklist (Click on Public Zero (Dialogue Interface Dialog, Int Jabunton) {// Yes Logic}) .setNegativeButton ("No", New DialogInterface.OnClickListener () {// No Logic}}). Create (); (); Inflater.inflate (R. Late fragment_m, container); Return super.Contetiview (Inflator, Container, Saved Instantstate); } You can create your own dialog class Which expands the Android dialog , then you can customize it background background, customize its title and so on. Public class ...

plain javascript - increment number using function like $.animate with comma -

I am developing a game that will bring the sum of addition or subtraction to life. jquery solution How can I do this in a side javascript? I want to avoid using jquery In this solution, someone Also does not require jQuery var = 40000, = 50000; Work increment () {setTimeout (function () (from ++; if (from & lt; = from) {document.getElementById ("test"). InnerHTML =; increment ();}}, 10);} Increment (); Please go to jsfiddle

ios - SWReveal TabBarController and Nav Bar issue -

Text after " My problem can be found in the video below: I set up the following storyboard: To describe the problem in words ... when The app is loading, it appears. On Firstviewcontact, the manifest menu button is present. Clicking on it shows a slideout menu with several options in the table. Clicking on the first cell returns you to the first visit. However, when the first scene is pushed from the menubunt, it creates a new navigation bar above the old one, thus giving two navs, I think this is because I'm going back through the stack, Tab Barcount> Navigate> First View. Attaching segue to the newview of the firstview is not supported, and the firstviewcont tab does not display the tabs that connect with. I've tried hiding the navbar with viewwilldisappear and viewwillappear methods on view controllers mentioned without success ... how to obtain tab bar protection and display only a navigation bar while returning to the firstviewcont Could? I solv...

ios - fetchRequest is return empty array -

I am trying to get the request from my DB but I am getting zero in the response. If I use this method then I get "sometimes" values ​​(I know that I have data in DB). I think it is related to threads in some way or I am using multi-context. So my question is basically generic. If I am saving some data in specific MOC then we call it MOC1 and then want to get the data that I just save .. Any MOC ? (Assuming I could get with child and save parents and I can see the change dB) NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType that if I use I MOC NSMainQueueConcurrencyType MOC Save data with? And the opposite direction ..? Can I bring data to the background thread or do I need to bring it to the main thread? What is the connection between the main thread and the NSMainQueueConcurrencyType What is the connection between the background thread and NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType Thanks, Update: The thing is that I bring some unit and some flag changes. I save my method to s...

javascript - Draw sprites from JPG with D3.js -

I have a scattered plot chart that contains several hundred digits, each dot image shows the coordinates as well as the image File names are loaded through AJAX. It serves as a purpose, but from this perspective each single image is loaded by itself, resulting in several hundred requests. This is the code that I am using right now and it is working fine: function state (dot) {dot .attr ("x", function (d) {return dx ;}; Etr ("y", function (d) {return dei;}) .attr ("width", function (d) {return dR * 5;}) .attr ("height", function (d) { Returns D * 10;}) .attr ("xlink: href", function (d) {return d. Jeseph file}); } So, to speed things up, I'm dynamically creating a phantom image file on the server, it also works well but I can not know that How to load the phantom and use the single pictures inside that phantom. I came in clippath , but I'm clearly using it incorrectly: function status (dot) {dot .attr ("x"...

javascript - FlexSlider: strange carousel behaviour -

I am using the latest version of FlexSlider. The carousel does not work properly: When I click the final scene for thumb, the carousel is not scrolling on the next thumb. T My JS code is: $ ('. Switcher'). Flexslider ({Animation: "Slide", ControlNew: False, Directions: True, Animation Loop: True, Slide Show: True, Item Width: 115, Item Margin: 2, Moves: 1, SlideshowSpace: 1000, asNavFor: '. Gallery-box '}); $ ('Gallery-box'). FlexSlider ({Animation: "Slide", ControlNew: False, SlideShowspid: 1000, Guideline: Wrong, Animation Loop: True, Slide Show: True, Sync: ".switcher"}); The HTML code is exquisitely similar to the official example: FlexSlider options: My slider (Live, AutoAnimation / 1000 MMS has been added): Tried: On starting. Adding resize () Add style = "width: 700px;" setterimeout () Initialize - to ensure that this is not a "DOM ready" problem. Any thoughts? The...

android - AdMob is slowing my other view animations -

When I use AdMob in my activity, it is slowing down all my other visual animation, artifacts on them And similarly. Has anyone done it and was able to solve it somehow? Update: I have a really old Nexus 7 with Android 4.4.2 and it was running completely smooth, then I had it on Android 4.4.4 And it showed that the dirty display + artifacts could be in this small update from 4.4.2 to 4.4.4 ?? We had an issue on a couple of our games in our case the problem was as follows: There was a bunch of layers to adjust all the animations in the game, and the ad was later on the game layers, it messed up the renderer because the advertisement had to be completed while presenting this scene. . To ensure full speed animation, we had to hide the advertisement during game play. To accommodate the size of an alternative animation layers to ensure that they did not overlap the ad layer, but we did not go that route because our home profile did not support it. Hope that helps.

python - DBSCAN plotting Non-geometrical-Data -

I used the cluster-algorithm dbscan to get the cluster of my data data: hex Non-Geometric Objects Based on Decimal Strings I used a simple distance to create distance matrix because the required cluster due to DSSN input Question Is it possible to prepare a plot of these cluster results? That I did not find a solution through search. I need to illustrate the equality of objects and groups for each other. Since I am using Python for everything (in that project) I appreciate choosing a solution in Python. I do not use python, so I can not give you example code. If your data is not 2-dimensional, then approximate using a good 2-dimensional multi-dimensional scaling. Essentially, it takes an input matrix (which should reduce triangular heatness, and ideally some vector space can be obtained from Euclidean distance, but if it is not strictly So you can often get good results). It then tries to find the best 2-dimensional data set, which has equal distances.

django - Celery and Celerybeat randomly start acting funky -

I am using celery with my ginzo app and for the most part, things are going gorgeous. Here, my resume configuration is: CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE = {'update-every-5-secs': {'Function': 'app1.tasks.task1', 'schedule': timedelta ( Seconds = 5), 'args': ()}}, 'archive-request-record-every-hour': {'work': 'app0.tasks.archive_requests', 'schedule': fontbab (minutes = 0, hour = '* / 1'), 'Args': (),},' Push-IOS-background-every-5-minute ': {' Work ':' tasks.pus H_ios_background ',' schedule ': fontbab (min =' * / 5 '),' args': (),},} I have seen that every 1-2 days, Sync it will only fall completely randomly. For example, the last entry that runs every 5 minutes runs normally: 1:00, 1:05, 1:10, 1:15, etc. What happened this morning: 7: 30, 7:35, 7:40, 7:46 , 7:50, 8:03, 8: 16, 8:32, 8:50, 9:13, 9: 21, 9:26, 9: 29, 9:32, 9:38, 9: 47, 9: 5, 10:0...

gps - Open navigation activity directly of deafault android map programmatically - Android -

Hi, I am using the following code to show the user direction between my current location and its car location. string uri = string.format (locale.gnsih, ",%f(%s)&daddr=% F,% f (% s) ", curlat, curlong," your location ", carlat, carlong," your vehicle location "); Intent to intent = new intent (int. Action_ VIEW, Uri. PRSE (Yuri)); Intent.setClassName ("", ""); StartActivity; It works well, but before entering the navigation activity, I have to press on Start Navigation. What I have to do, I need to enter the navigation activity without pressing the Start Navigation Button directly. As you can see below the image on the left which I get first I click on the navigation button starting from the bottom, I will be taken to rotate by turn (image on the right) is. Is it possible to turn directly the turning navigation of the defa...

function to validate dates using regex in bash -

I have been able to validate two of the following dates to work like this: function validate_dates () {# valid date to be yyyy-mm-dd local regex = "^ [[: points]] {4} - [[points:]] {2} - [[points:] "$ Dates" "$$" "$$" "$ {"} "$ dates" ("$ 1" "$ 2") printf "% s \ n" "$ {dates [@]} $ dates" "[__date" [$ __date = ~ $ regex]] || Error_ext "One of the dates is faulty!" validate_dates "2013-05-23" "2014 - # error_exit only function assistant message} However when I call the function out with the call Is to exit 07-28 " I found: 2013-05-23 2014-07-28 2013-05-23 in dates Is a defective! Why does this break out properly formatted dates? "^ [[points]] {4} - [[points:] {2} - [[digits]] {2} $ " should probably be: " ^ [[digits:]] {4} - [[Points:]] {2} - [[Issue:]] {2} $ " You have" $ Dates "" $ {...

python - writing csv gives results splitted wrongly -

I am trying to write elements of a vector in a CSV file. These are the first 3 elements of the veeta, which are called quanasao (kwathoo is a code that has been started as quetao = {}): An author Janika de administrative pubblica, 1 In order to know about the Uda PLA legislative constituent, 1989 Tratar da Organização do Estado, in 88 88, allows you to define official rules about you, you can know about your rights I got this code Is printed with: & gt; & Gt; ; & Gt; For I category (0,3): ... print prints [i] But when I try to write in a CSV with the following code: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Oilyl = open ('teste.csv', "wb") & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Author = CSV Author (Offline, Delimiter = ';')> gt; & Gt; & Gt; For the range I (0, Lane (questao)): ... author. Author (questao [i]) I get the following output in test.csv (this is a sample, not from the above elements): a; T; I t; U; L; One; ‡; Æ; O; ; G, ...

how can i update Jenkins System configuration through java code -

I need something in which I have to update via Jenkins SystemConfiguration Trying to update the parameters that are being saved in 4 files. / Ol> Can anyone suggest how to do this or any alternative work would also be useful ... thanks in advance

javascript - Can I prevent two divs with 50% width from dropping at odd widths? -

मेरे पास एक युक्त div है जो 100% और दो divs जो 50% चौड़ाई हैं: / P> & lt; div वर्ग = "कंटेनर" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "आधा" & gt; बॉक्स 1 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "आधा" & gt; बॉक्स 2 & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; । कंटेनर {फ्लोट: बाएं; चौड़ाई: 100%; }। आफ़्फ़ {फ्लोट: बाएं; चौड़ाई: 50%; } जाहिर है कि यदि स्क्रीन की चौड़ाई एक भी संख्या है जैसे 960px तो यह काम करता है लेकिन 961px सही बॉक्स ड्रॉप करने के कारण है । मुझे पता है कि ऐसा क्यों होता है: 961 2 से समान रूप से भलीभांति नहीं करता, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप बाईं तरफ के बॉक्स को गोल करने के लिए क्या कोई ऐसी तकनीक है जिसे मैं JS / jQuery के बिना इसे रोकने के लिए उपयोग कर सकता हूं? आप अपने आधे विभाजन एक div में और डिस्प्ले का उपयोग करें: तालिका; HTML & lt; div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग "आधा" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग "आधा" & gt; &...

symfony - Avoid Embedded Controllers for twig -

I'm trying to customize my symfony application. I use the code to render the template return $ this - & gt; Render ('AcmeArticleBundle: Article: recentList.html.twig', array ('articles' = & gt; $ article)); I've heard somewhere else that it is very slow and should be replaced with the twig extension. I know how to use the jogging extension, but I do not know how to load a twegg file that will include my twitch extensions. Can you explain me the complete replacement process? Thanks You can add the $ this-> render method to render tag of toggle templates (speak symphony strictly as it is an extension). It's OK to use $ this-> render inside the controller! A Render tag is available in Symphony 2 Timm templates, which creates a new sub-spave that uses a lot of memory and time not to use it You can avoid (and you can) The document for this feature is here:

r - Using apply.rolling function over multiple columns -

rollapply फ़ंक्शन का प्रयोग करते समय चिड़ियाघर पैकेज में, हमें एक तार्किक विकल्प ' by.column = TRUE / FALSE '। यदि TRUE , फ़न अलग से प्रत्येक कॉलम पर लागू होता है। हालांकि, apply.rolling में फ़ंक्शन का PerformanceAnalytics पैकेज मुझे ऐसा कोई विकल्प नहीं दिखाई देता है निम्न की कोशिश करते समय: की आवश्यकता होती है (PerformanceAnalytics) डेटा (प्रबंधक) लागू होते हैं। रोलिंग (प्रबंधक [, 1: 10, ड्रॉप = FALSE], FUN = "mean", width = 36) यह मुझे केवल प्रथम स्तंभ की गणना देता है कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि मैं डेटासेट में सभी कॉलमों पर यह गणना कैसे चला सकता हूं। क्या है बस rollapply () का उपयोग करने में कुछ गलत है? apply.rolling () इस पर सिर्फ एक आवरण है। रोलप्ली (प्रबंधक, फ़न = मतलब, चौड़ाई = 36, द्वारा.column = TRUE)

What does this function do in Java? -

सार्वजनिक वर्ग TransparentProxy {निजी स्थिर ProxyServer _proxyserver = null; निजी स्थिर ट्रांसपेरप्रोक्सी _instance = null; सार्वजनिक ट्रांसपेरेंटप्रॉक्सी () {} सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग अरिज []) अपवाद फेंकता {TransparentProxy.getInstance (); } मैं सार्वजनिक TransparentProxy () {} को छोड़कर सब कुछ समझता हूं। यह खाली क्यों है? इसका उद्देश्य क्या है? यह एक वापसी प्रकार होने से छूट क्यों है? मैंने इसे देखा है, लेकिन सही जवाब नहीं मिल सकता है। धन्यवाद प्रारंभिक भाग के ट्यूटोरियल से - ए क्लास में ऐसे कन्स्ट्रक्टर होते हैं जिन्हें क्लास ब्लूप्रिंट से ऑब्जेक्ट बनाने के लिए आमंत्रित किया जाता है। कन्स्ट्रक्टर घोषणाएं विधि घोषणाओं की तरह दिखती हैं- सिवाय इसके कि वे क्लास के नाम का उपयोग करते हैं और कोई रिटर्न नहीं होता है। आपको अपने वर्ग के लिए किसी भी कंस्ट्रक्टर प्रदान करने की ज़रूरत नहीं है, लेकिन ऐसा करने पर आपको सावधान रहना चाहिए। कम्पाइलर बिना कन्स्ट्रक्टर के किसी भी वर्ग के लिए स्वचालित रूप से कोई-तर्क, डिफ़ॉल्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर प्रदान करता है। यह डिफ़ॉल्ट कन्स...

sql - Creating a MySQL Table but get error -

मुझे मिल errnno 150: InnoDB प्रलेखन लेनदेन, पंक्ति-स्तर लॉकिंग, और विदेशी कुंजी यहां एसक्यूएल है: - तालिका 'सर्विंग_इन्फो` के लिए तालिका संरचना - यदि टेबल पर मौजूद नहीं है तो' टेबल बनाओ '(`आईडी `` (255) नॉट न्यॉल एंटएन्ग्रेमेंट, `फूड_वैल्यू '(40) नल,` फूड_नाम` वर्चार (40) नल,' सर्विसेड ऑन ऑन टाइम ', डिफॉल्ट सीआरईआरआईटीएमटीएमएम्पी, `ऑनकॉल` varchar (128) नल, विदेशी कुंजी (` ऑनकॉल `) संदर्भ` कर्मचारी '(`नाम`), विदेशी कुंजी (` खाद्य_नाम`) संदर्भ' फूड '(`खाद्य_नाम`), प्राथमिक कुंजी (` ऑनकॉल`, `खाद्य_नाम`,` सेवित_ऑन`)); कोई भी विचार जो त्रुटि पैदा कर रहा है? मैंने प्राथमिक कुंजी का आईडी भाग बनाने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन यह समस्या को हल नहीं कर रहा है। यहां पर मौजूद तालिकाओं के बयान हैं: बनाएँ तालिका यदि नहीं है तो `कर्मचारी '(` id_user` int (11) नहीं, नल एयूटीएन्क्र्रेमेंट, `नाम' varchar (128) नहीं, 'ईमेल' varchar (64) नल, 'फोन_एनम्बर' varchar (16) नहीं, उपयोगकर्ता नाम `Varchar (16) नहीं नल, पासवर्ड 'varchar (...

php - Xampp with Joomla not configured correctly -

I'm configuring Joomla to use Xampp on my PC. At work I have configured it with Mac OSX Server I imported my database into new SQL tables, and brought all my Joomla files up. Almost everything is working on some other things. This information is kept at the top of all the files here, and it also shows a page before loading it on the next page: Mac OS X2 ATTR;; 53c81c76; Firefox; App; This resource fork deliberately left blank Mac OS X2-AATT;; 53c81c76;; This resource fork left intentionally left Mac OS X I'm not sure why this is why some images do not work as well, but I saw it anywhere Do not see. Thanks any help is appreciated. My guess is that you have some invisible Mac specific files ( .DS_Store , .CFUserTextEncoding etc.) and possibly some invisible directories (like .rash ). Either way this is not the best way to copy an existing Joomla site into your development environment, as you will e...

delegation - Using delegate's methods when delegate is a UIViewController in Swift -

I'm not sure that this is a Xcode 6 swift-specific problem, but it goes here. My representative is UIViewController, because UtilViewController is a representative asset type of UtilViewController, MyViewController and UtilViewController are designed to be used by viewcontrollers of all my apps. There is also a function creation order (), which will only be called by MyViewController because this function will be called only by MyViewController, inside the createOrder () is a line that calls the function declared by MyViewController, like it self.delegate! However, the UtilViewController throws an error in The name of 'UIViewController' is not a member named 'methodInMyViewController' Pre> How can I preserve the modularity of being a UIViewController rep, but also be able to call methods from their own viewcontrollers, which are the subclasses of UIViewController? You can tell the compiler to put your representative in the form of a MyViewCo...

r - Problems working with Rgui in Win7.64-bit...gibberish non-english characters -

I have some problems with the execution of RGU in Windows 7/64-bit, it looks fine while running the I R terminal. . Here are photos of two I searched the web but I have no clue.

java - best way to do Spring + Jersey user based API callss / transactions? -

What's the best way to handle the following scenarios: Suppose I have a user with information DB is: User ID, name, age, email and I have a restore API that can change it: @ POST Public Zero EditUserInfo (some debates) {// stuff} The user only has to handle most of his information (i.e. "update where userid = X") to change What would be the best way Should the user ID be saved in the cookie and then should be drawn into a logic through a cookie? Or is there a simpler way to handle this (or more secure way?)

loop over changing the default numeric rownames to texts in R -

I am writing a loop to change the default numerical row names related to a matrix (in my case matrix X) Specified in the matrix column (column with the name "sdp" in the matrix "temp"). So my loop looks like this: For (i 2008: 2013) {Temp = P [p $ year == i]] (sprintf ("x_% d", i) Data matrix (temp [c ("a", "b")))) rownames (get sprintf ("x_% d", i)) = temporary $ sdp} However, I am receiving the following error message & gt; (Sprintf ("x_% d", i)) = = Temporary $ sdp: The goal of the assignment extends to non-expansion (sprinter ("x_% d", i)) = = Error in floating $ sdp rownames Language object This work: & gt; Rownames (x_2008) = Temporary $ sdp> "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "(" x-dd ", i)) [1] 11" 12 " "13" "14" "15...