How to customize the "make" action of Run configurations in Intellij -
I do not want to run an external meowe function - because Intelligence and Maven unfortunately do not synchronize / share the same output folders Which is an unresolved bug). So I need to customize the "make" phase. Typical optimization must be added to "clean". The reason for having a special project does not work properly until it is cleaned. In addition to this, I would like to select multiple profiles in "Make". Where can at least look make command be executed? Here's the essence of what I'm looking for: Mvn -Pprofile1 -Pprofile2 -D {Some Java Ops} Clean Package It is not possible to change apparently. I had offered to accept an answer from @Donjerative Anton but he did not make an answer. Here is the content: Change option is not possible, only add / delete. I will add the Run Maven Round as a clean install- -Demaven.test.skip = true and select the required profile and this is the right thing to do. -