ios - SWReveal TabBarController and Nav Bar issue -
Text after "
My problem can be found in the video below:
I set up the following storyboard:
To describe the problem in words ... when The app is loading, it appears. On Firstviewcontact, the manifest menu button is present. Clicking on it shows a slideout menu with several options in the table. Clicking on the first cell returns you to the first visit. However, when the first scene is pushed from the menubunt, it creates a new navigation bar above the old one, thus giving two navs, I think this is because I'm going back through the stack, Tab Barcount> Navigate> First View. Attaching segue to the newview of the firstview is not supported, and the firstviewcont tab does not display the tabs that connect with.
I've tried hiding the navbar with viewwilldisappear and viewwillappear methods on view controllers mentioned without success ... how to obtain tab bar protection and display only a navigation bar while returning to the firstviewcont Could?
I solved this question by reading the changelog on the SWRevealViewController.h file.
- Storyboard support took a cleaner approach. SWRevealViewControllerSegue is now deprecated and you should use the SWRevealViewControllerSegueSetController and SWRevealViewControllerSeguePushController instead.
The storyboard segue for a great subclass John Lewe is changing my segues to the new version of my problem be resolved.
Thank you!
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