nest api - Port 9553 (from Firebase) blocked by webhost, can't find a way to successfully cURL over alternate port -
I am using PHP and using Curl with the REST API, and even then I started the initial nest developer Can CRL API Endpoint redirect it to Firebase's URL which is at port 9553, which has blocked my webhost (neither is the chance to open any). The connection time 'can not connect to the host' error and throws.
My code is working fine, I can not run any problems on my local server.
What's new in my use of curls? I think the problem is that the port is pushing on using Firebase. I can curl at many places, over 80: and 443 without problem, not just the firebase URL, do I need to run a proxy to access the data?
Or, is there anything that can be solved by using the Firebase's PHP Library? If I do not want to, then I am not interested in using it, curl will work well, and I do not know how it works.
There is no way to get redirects with REST, they have specific ports in the cloud of Nest and Point to the hosts.
What is wrong with Webbase Web Socket Client? This is more demonstrative than REST.
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