
Showing posts from June, 2012

java - Explaination on CompareTo method for generics -

I have created a generic class with a type of variable, which implements java.lang. Because I'm having problems with implementing the () method because & lt ;, operators are not valid for normal type use. I came to it. After the accepted answer I was able to apply the method to compare, but I do not understand how it works, please someone can explain .... the answer I was talking about ... Public square DoubleKey & lt; K extends widely & lt; K & gt ;, J extends & lt; J & gt; & Gt; Applies Comparable & lt; DoubleKey & lt; K, J & gt; & Gt; {Key of private 1; Private J key 2; Public Double Key (key 1, J key 2) {this.key1 = key1; This.key2 = key2; } Public Kashmir Festke () {this .key1; } Public J Late Secondhand () {return.key2; } Compare public intervals (Double key The answer code you mentioned is correct I'll explain the code to you in a broad way. First of all, let's check the definition. Public Class Double...

hadoop - Spring XD dynamic deployment manifest -

I'm reading the Spring XD documentation quite heavily and really do not want to catch up with two things I want Hadoop Yarn Received in relation to It may be that they are not yet supported or will never be supported - probably because I am missing something which makes my scenarios non-sensational ... It is possible for yarn in the hoodop that application mas Specific hosts by Su Rack 'awareness should be requested to allocate containers. It allows to process data stored on HDFS. Can such functionality be displayed as a valuated asset in a property? Note that I'm not talking about sections with partition, where the same container holds the same message for all the modules in the stream. There are several instances of a module in the center of the section posted on the container set. In these containers, there will also be segments of large static data already present in these containers. I would like to have all the allocation based on an evaluated rule The...

CRM 2011 asyncoperationbase delete failing plugins -

I have imported 3 million customers into the system through SSIS and apparently a plug-in has failed and I Unable to do. I do not have the code. Now in the table, asyncoperationbase I have 3 million system events for that plugin, the system is putting everything in wait until the execution for the plugin is finished go. And with the exception of throwing it on each call, the system is taking about 1 hour for every two thousand records. Please suggest what I can do to fix this. I tried to update the table and tried to establish a fully canceled position for those three lakh records but the CRM stopped working, so I am restoring the backup before executing the update. If you are restoring the backups taken before importing, then before you run the import plugin Can be disabled. If it is important that the plug-in runs during the import, then you have to contact who wrote it to get the source code, or use a decompiler to get yourself.

XML for TileSquare71x71IconWithBadge Template in Live tiles -

, but there is no real guide to how to create them. I'm trying to put XML for TileSquare71x71IconWithBadge together , But the example XML is missing for this list. How does XML look like? The closest I've found, but it does not work: & Lt; Text id = "1" & gt; 36 & lt; / Text & gt; & Lt; / Binding & gt; & Lt; / View & gt; & Lt; / Tile & gt; The only change in tile with this is that the 36 tile is in the lower left corner; However, all the example template XML files they work great. (Note: The latter template is at the bottom of the page.) "http: //" Alt = "Enter image details here"> You must send badge notifications separately to live tiles The following is the code to send the badge notification after updating. XmlDocument badgeXml = BadgeUpdateManager.GetTemplateContent (BadgeTemplateType.BadgeNumber); XMLAljustment BadgeElement = (XMLAlment) BadgeXML Sele...

javascript - Rails fields_for enumerate with id -

अगर मेरे पास एक मानक fields_for विधि है: & Lt;% = f.fields_for: exptypes do | बिल्डर | & Gt%; & Lt;% = रेंडर 'एक्सटिप्ट_फल्ड्स',: f = & gt; बिल्डर% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; क्या ऐसा कोई तरीका है: & lt;% = f.fields_for: exptypes do | बिल्डर, i | & Gt%; & Lt;% = रेंडर 'एक्सटिप्ट_फल्ड्स',: f = & gt; बिल्डर,: i = & gt; आई% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; ताकि किसी अनन्य संख्या ( i ) को फ़ॉर्म में भेज दिया जाए? मैं क्या करना चाहता हूँ, आंशिक में अद्वितीय div टैग बना लेता है, इसलिए मैं कोड में विशिष्ट आंशिक पर जावास्क्रिप्ट चला सकता हूं। आप भाग्य में हैं - रेल यह पहले से ही करता है, स्वचालित रूप से 3.4.6 से नीचे स्थानीय चर रेल भी एक आंशिक संग्रह के तहत एक काउंटर चर उपलब्ध बना देता है, संग्रह के सदस्य के नाम पर _counter द्वारा पीछा किया गया। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आप @ उत्पादों का अनुवाद कर रहे हैं, तो आंशिक के भीतर आप यह बता सकते हैं कि आंशिक रूप से कितनी बार प्रस्तुत किया गया है। यह:: value विकल्प ...

javascript - Dojo moveable for dynamic content -

I am creating dynamic html elements as dojo domConstruct, // id are available in all style parameter functions, var vertex = domConstruct.create ("div", {id:, "class": type, style: {left: node.position.x + 'px' , Top: node) Position.y + 'px', border: color borders. Border, 'box-shadow': colorBorder.boxShadow, backgroundColor: colorBorder.backgroundColor, status: 'full'}, internal HTML: node name}, "static demo"); I have to make this element dynamic, so I am using the bottom run as a dojo, // dojo Var moveableHandle = new Movable (vertex)); Console.log ("The practice of moving objects before going to adapters", Hill Object); When I run it, the following line shows, before passing the adapter object delay Running Object: Spacing: 0 Events: Faucet Handle: Faucet Mover: Function () {Node: Null On Me: Function () {On-MainStart: Function} (On-MainStop: Function) (): {skip: undefined __proto__: ...

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, automatically filling a field with values from another field? -

I create the following code on the DZin for the database, but I hope that it does not work, this tables and all Some builds seem to work properly, as long as I enter the information in the ORDERDETAILS table, I need to fill the field "UNITPRICE" from the table with values ​​stored in the "UNITPRICE" field automatically "ORDERDETAILS" from the "PRODUCT" table Is there any way to achieve this goal? For Mitigation? Create a table [product] ([productId] NUMERIC identity (1,1) No NULL, [pRODUCTNAME] VARCHAR (40), [UNITPRICE] double PRECISION no zero, [unitsInStock] integer, Constraints [PK_Products] Primary key ([productId], [UNITPRICE]) Table [ORDERDETAILS] ([OrderID] NUMERIC IDENTITY (1,1) NO NO, [productId] Numeric No NULL GO, [UNITPRICE] Double PRECISION NO NULL , [Bid [Option], [Product ID], [UNITPRICE]) GO ALTER Table [ORDERDETAILS] Obstacle [Products_OrderDetails] Foreign Add Keys ([productId], [UNITPRICE]) Reference [Product] ([productId] ...

ios - TableView cell on iPad refusing to accept clear color -

I am using a Gitb project called SWTableViewCell.h by Chris Wendell. On the iPhone, clean the paint job, however, denies it Teblwu cell on an iPad clearly Instead, it makes the white I'm just your brain, but how to fix it? I also tried to set a background based on a PNG, but it would not just work. In the documentation for the project on GitHub, what kind of options can I solve? There is a method: - Talikadrishy (zero): (UITableView *) tableView willDisplayCell: (UITableViewCell *) RowAtIndexPath cell: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {// set the cell background color here if you do not want the default white} it Change this: - (minus) Talikadrishy: (UITableView *) tableView willDisplayCell: (UITableViewCell *) Aroattiaiandakspath cell: (Ansaianaksapath *) Indekspeth {[cell Setbakgram collar: [Uaicolr clear Collar]]; }

javascript - How can I clear this text box? -

निम्न मिथ्रिल कोड इसका एक मूल्य खींचकर एक टेक्स्ट बॉक्स को रिक्त करने के लिए है यह पाठ बॉक्स को साफ़ नहीं करता है (या कुछ भी करता है) मैं इसे कैसे काम कर सकता हूं? ध्यान दें कि यदि मैं इस रेखा को बदलता हूं: this.newItemName (""); से: this.newItemName ("abc"); फिर पाठ बॉक्स एक नए मान के साथ अद्यतन किया गया है। लेकिन मैं इसे स्पष्ट करना चाहता हूं। var ऐप = {नियंत्रक: फ़ंक्शन () {this.newItemName = m.prop (""); This.makeNewItem = फ़ंक्शन (नाम) {यदि (नाम) {this.newItemName (""); }}}, देखें: फ़ंक्शन (ctrl) {वापसी मी ("div", [m ("span", "new item"), मी ("इनपुट", {type: "text", onchange: m.withAttr ( "मान", ctrl.makeNewItem.bind (ctrl)), मान: ctrl.newItemName ()})]); }}; एम। मॉड्यूल (document.body, एप); आपका कोड काम करने के लिए प्रतीत होता है: यह संभव है कि आप मिथ्रिल के एक पुराने संस्करण का उपयोग कर रहे हैं। ऐसे प्रमाण को संतुष्ट करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए कोड: ...

Storing each character of a string into an array (c++) -

I have to make sure this code is reading properly const int = 40; Four first string [SIZE], second string [SIZE]; It is creating 2 variable variables (called first string and second string) and is collecting characters that are in "first string" and "second string" Array is in them)? Is the name variable similar to name? (First string and second string)? no, variable first string , second string Is the size of char 40. Four first string [size], second string [size]; Only defines these arrays, that is, the compiler announces their names and causes it to allocate memory for them, that is it That is, 40 four . It does not store anything in them. After this announcement (and in the same block), you can store user input in them (in C, string char s). Note that "variable" first string , second string can not exist together with these arrays: if they are in the same block If it has been declared then it will be a compilation ...

c - Socket: get socket() in the server code -

I am trying to return the result of socket () in the following server code: #include "sys / socket.h" #include "sys / types.h" int main (zero) {int listenfd = 0, connfd = 0; Struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; Four transmitted buff [1025]; Int numrv; Listenfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); Printf ("Get Socket Success \ n"); Return (listenfd); } I do this code to GCC and it works well, but when I execute it, it does not return anything. If an integer file descriptor for successful new socket returns if there was an error, -1 is returned You can inspect the error code in errno , and perror () . can print the text version of it. Note that for the definition of struct sockaddr_in , codein #include & lt; Netinet / in.h> . This can help you understand: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Errno.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / socket.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / types.h & gt; #include & lt; ...

jquery - Is there a way I can have items in divs rearange to fit the space available? -

I have a set of dummy data in the bootstrap column within a line inside the quick container. Here's what my code looks like (deducting a lot of content which is not required): & lt; Div id = "container" class = "container-fluid" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-3 col-lg-3" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Data here! & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-5 col-lg-5" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Data here! & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; However, when adding several different columns to different sizes, it becomes very big mess. This image shows how it looks (and arrows show where the stuff can go to fill the entire page): Am I using the wrong approach for this? Is there an easy way to fit everything? Is there any jQuery code to fix this? I'v...

javascript - Save integers as floats -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब फ़ंक्शन prec ( Numb_string = numb.toString ()। Split ('।') Return numb_string [(numb_string.length - 1)] लंबाई} फ़ंक्शन रैंडी (न्यूनतम, अधिकतम) {var most_accurate = Math.max (सटीक (न्यूनतम) ), सटीक (अधिकतम)); वापसी ((मठ। यादृच्छिक () * (अधिकतम - न्यूनतम) + न्यूनतम)। फिक्स (सबसे अधिक सटीक)); } // इन बिंदुओं के बीच यादृच्छिक संख्या देता है। 1 दशमलव सटीक स्थान: console.log (रैंडी (2.44.4)); // इन अंकों के बीच यादृच्छिक संख्या देता है। सटीकता के 3 दशमलव स्थान: console.log (रैंडी (2.443,4.445)); // इन अंकों के बीच यादृच्छिक संख्या देता है। 3 दशमलव स्थानों की शुद्धता चाहते हैं हालांकि, 0 प्राप्त करें: console.log (रेंडी (2.000,4.000)); // मुझे दशमलव स्थान क्यों मिलता है? क्योंकि फ़्लोट्स स्वतः पूर्णांक में गोल हो जाते हैं: console.log (4.0); // चाहते हैं 4.0 लॉग इन करने के लिए इसके बजाय मुझे '4' मिलता है आपको यह पढ़ना जरूरी नहीं है कि फ़ंक्शन कैसे काम करते हैं। बस सांत्वना लॉग असल में, मुझे दो अंकों के बीच एक सटीक ...

python - Cannot get logging work for Flask with gunicorn daemon mode -

I'm running a flask web app using gunicorn + Nginx. I run Gonochorn in the Daemon mode. I configured the GunQurn and NGNix to log my files and error in the files but I can not get the flask log in just one file. I use a shell file to start my app with Guntoorn: #! / Bin / bash Export VIRTUAL_ENV = "/ to / virtual / path" export path = "$ VIRTUAL_ENV / bin: $ path" source "$ VIRTUAL_ENV / bin / activate" name = "Hello" NUM_WORKERS = 1 Executive gunicorn Hello: App \ --name $ NAME \ - workers $ NUM_WORKERS \ --log level = debug \ --daemon \ --pid $ VIRTUAL_ENV / log / pid_gunicorn \ --access-logfile $ VIRTUAL_ENV / log / access_gunicorn.log \ --error -Logfile $ VIRTUAL_ENV / log / error_gunicorn.log And in my flop application I need to add login as per document: app .debug = False ... Aug __name__ == '__main__': app.debug = true, then: Import importing from logging.handlers RotatingFileHandler handler = RotatingFileHand...

angularjs - translateLoadingSuccess never gets called angular-translate -

Using angular-translation for translation and trying to avoid FOUC. I Angular East (Translation, Work (Translation) {$ translateProvider.translations (Translation. Local, Translation Translation);}); $ TranslateProvider.preferredLanguage (settings.defaultLocale); And it is trying to do one of my html But I still see FOUC behavior. Any thoughts or suggestions when I debug the script, I never called Event $ translateloadingSuccess, so all my elements may disappear, even if the page has loaded. If you want to avoid FOUC, then what are you looking for in NG-Clock? You have to add it like this: & lt; Body class = "{{bodyClass}}" ng-cloak & gt; And it will prevent unwanted flashing.

sugarcrm - get_entry_list() method with query parameter on sugar crm 7 does not work -

My code is given below .. Please note that I am trying to recover all accounts in whose accounts account name. luck '. The same question works for me in SugarCRM version 6.5 (Community Edition), but in the case of SugarCRM 7, when I mention the query parameter it is not working. If I mention 'query' => '' then I get all records from the Garcrum 7 server. It fails when I specify any filter for query parameter. I am using RestAPI - $ 4.1 get_entry_list_parameters = array ( // session ID 'session' => $ session_id, // module name Out of which "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "", "" "" "& gt; = 'Ingrid Rofalsky' ',' query '= & Gt; '', // SQL ORDER BY segment without the phrase "without order". 'Order_by' => & gt; "", // field to include in record 'offset' =>, // ...

r - Calculating Covariance and correlation of a target variable with all columns in dataframe -

I have tried to fix a weird bug, when I used to calculate imagery and correlation from time to time Once again, I have a data frame with the target variable, but I get the following error: - & gt; + (+ 1: in 29) + {+ ins_comb Redo with debug Error in the array (x, c (length (x), 1l), if (! Is.null (names (x))) list (name (x)), should be 'data' Where was vector type 'tap' Where is it located? & gt; Set.seed (1)> D & lt; - (matrix (rnorm (100), ncol = 5)) & gt; core (D) V 1 V 2 V 3 V 4 V 5 V1 1.0000000 -0.21752487 0.2 9 76402 -0 .1523604 -0k37085773 V2 -0,2l75249 L,00000000 -0,2839989 0,l778480 -0,0640ll62 V 3 0.2 9 76402 -0.283 99 885 1.0000000 0.2180834 0.13805728 V4 -0.1523604 0.177847 9 6 0 .2180834 1.0000000 -0.27 922504 V5 -0,3708577 -0,06401162 0,1380573 -02792250-100000000 & gt; cov (d) V1 and V2 V3 V4 V 5 Vl 0,8340324 -0,l73l0l4l 0,2200998 -0,l46l380 -0,30846352 V2 -0,l73l0l4 0,75927736 -0,200379...

python - return data from functions that accept optional named paramaters, **kwargs -

I'm just learning about ** kwargs and I'm probably running over this real use, so here goes I have 1 main script, 3 functions and one trunk:, setup (), billing (), new cost (), data = {} Setup call billing () and billing () will cost (new), and the new cast will return an ID that will be used as setup. Each function will accept the optional name parameter, ** the quad, which this dictates, data = {} Ink passes through the bus, Does not hit the new cost (), where I manipulate data and wish to return some other data. But it seems that the new cost () is unable to return its data, when a variable is specified the data is passing properly. def setup (** kwargs): ID = billing (** kwargs) analytics (id) ...... def newCust (** kwargs): user name = kwargs.get ("OK", none) ID = CAPP (username) return ID DER billing (** kwargs): ID = new (** kwargs) return id ...... # Setup calling (data) "Itemprop =" text "> There are several way...

html - Put a with a:hover over hyperlinked image? -

On the mobile version of my responsive site, I get this problem: The image is above the navigation, how do I fix the image in place of the image Can i After the text .."> Hopefully my answer will work. I suggest you do not search for your code. I see the problem in the logo. I have found a large logo canvas from the logo, as if you open the logo file in Adobe Photoshop, your logo is visible only. __________________________ | | | | | LOL O | | | ________________________ | Actually this blank area is overlapping other HTML publications like the last two NAV links. So here's the problem that when the mouse goes to the previous two links, it actually gets a transparent canvas of the image above the navigation. So the mouse takes it because it is on an image rather than the NAV link. __________________________ | Seller | | Contact Us | | LOL O | | | ________________________ | To remove the margin surrounding photoshop or any other your favorite im...

java - File does not deploying to jar -

I am creating simple application with javaFX inside my project folder that is a text file I use on UI project But when I deploy the jar, there is no text file in it. This file does not exist when I run a jar file in a terminal error. I am not very familiar with making Java UI applications. Below is my code BufferedReader = new BufferedReader (new FileReader ("resource / test.txt")); Letter string; & Lt; String & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; (); While ((str = in.readLine ()) = null () {list.add (str); } Any help is appreciated, The problem is facing because you are using FileReader . FileReader can only be used to read one file directly. If you want to read something inside a jar, try reading it using getResourceAsStream : InputStream = getClass (). GetResourceAsStream ("/ resources / test .text"); BufferedReader = New in BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader); ...

How does std::find auto-magically knows the end of an array in C++? -

Why is there a nuclear variable in the code given below? - Because this is part of a larger code base where m_subscriptions are being updated with multiple threads. Please keep me on that one . My question is: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Atomic & gt; # Include & lt; Algorithm & gt; #include & lt; Iterator & gt; # Definitions MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS 45 static stadium :: atomic & lt; Int & gt; NumberOfSubscriptions; Int main () {int m_subscriptions [MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS] = {}; NumberOf Subscriptions Fetch_add (0, std :: memory_order_relaxed); M_subscriptions [number number membership] = 12; NumberOfSubscriptions.fetch_add (1); M_subscriptions [number number membership] = 13; NumberOfSubscriptions.fetch_add (1); M_subscriptions [Subscriptions to numbers] = 14; NumberOfSubscriptions.fetch_add (1); M_subscriptions [number number membership] = 15; NumberOfSubscriptions.fetch_add (1); M_subscriptions [Subscriptions to numbers] = 16; Num...

javascript - AngularJS + jQuery + mobile angular ui + phonegap = fail -

I'm trying to create my first mobile app which I'm using: AngularJS, Mobile Collier UI, jQuery and PhoneGrap . My code: & lt; ! Doctype html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = "//"></script> & Lt; Script src = "//"></script> & Lt; Script src = "//"></script> & Lt; Script src = "//"></script> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "/ mobile-angular-ui / dist / css / mobile-angular-ui-base.min.css" /> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "/ mobile-angular-ui / dist / css / mobile-angular-ui-desktop.min.css" /> & Lt; Link rel...

java - how to implement sectioned headers in custom array adapter? -

How can my custom list adapters have section headers which separates list items in my following (date fields) code ? This is my custom adapter code Private Class MyCustomAdapter ArrayAdapter and lt; ReportItem & gt; {Private Array List & lt; ReportItem & gt; StateList; Public MyCustomAdapter (Reference Reference, Int TextVRSOSIDID, Arreelist & amp; nbsp; ReportITIM & gt; State List) {Super, (REV, RSOSIDID, State List); This.stateList = New ArrayList & lt; ReportItem & gt; (); This.stateList.addAll (stateList); } Private class viewer {TextView title; Textview City; Textview range; Text view created; Textview tag; } @SuppressLint ("InflateParams") @ Override public view getView (see the status of int, viewview, viewgroup parent) {seeholder holder = null; Logs. V ("ConvertView", string.valouf (status)); If (convertView == faucet) {layout influer vi = (layout inflator) c. Gate system system (reference. LEOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); Conver...

c++ - element typemap + stl_vector.i typemap + ??? --> wrapped function taking list of elems -

Assume that I have a arbitrary non-trialled type of a for which I write typemaps Can i Specifically, suppose I have to convert std :: string to A and type in strings in A . I use stl_vector.i and % templates (AVector) std :: vector & lt; A & gt; I'm importing . One of the fastest / simple (or even 'right') void func (const std :: vector & lt; a & gt; and vals) The process of action in SWIG to create the cover where the target language is the list of expected inputs on the side of strings (like ['a', 'qqq'] in Python)? Unless I am not wrong, it just does not appear to work (in particular, anywhere in the generated code code I have not seen the typemap code for A ). If you have a specific target language to answer , then say that it is Python. I am able to do this in such a general case, though ... Assume that we have a header file that looks like: #ifndef TEST_H # defined TEST_H #include & lt; Iostream & gt; #...

eclipse - How to find and restore one single file from git? -

I have sometimes removed some files from the project under git control, after that I made many commitments the latest amendments in history (1) Find out where this file is and (2) only restore it? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> To search for the command to delete the file: git log --all - folder / other-folder / File_name.txt or even just git log --all - * / file_name.txt just do this: Git checkout (less hash) ^ - folder / other-folder / file_name Txt ^ It tells that it does not work to git, but the first one.

java - Displaying Applets With HTML Document -

I created a program for my Java class and part of the assignment is that I need to create an HTML document Applet I have not learned a lot about HTML, so I do not know how to create a document. Can someone help me? Here's my code: import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.event. *; Public class color {button button 1; Button Button 2; Button button3; Textfield textbox; Label label 1; Public static zero main (string algos []) {colors c = new colors (); } Public color () {frame F = new frame ("color"); Button Button 1 = New Button ("Blue"); Button1.setBounds (0,205,100,75); Button Button 2 = New Button ("Red"); Button2.setBounds (100205,100,75); Button Button 3 = New Button ("Yellow"); Button3.setBounds (200,205,100,75); F.add (Button1); F.add (Button2); F.add (Button3); Textbox = new textfield ("", 0); Textbox.setBounds (8010512525); Textbox.setText ("Which Color?"); F.add (text box); Label1 = new label ("click on a b...

ios - Prevent UITableViewCells from dequeue and reload -

I'm currently creating an app that displays the user's profile for that purpose, Used a UTable watchclub with custom cells for data (phone number, mail address, etc ...). The maximum maximum of 8 cells per profile. The user is allowed to edit his profile in an easy way when the edit mode of the tableview is triggered, all editable labels are replaced by the textfield and then the labels are returned to the end Returned Homeware, there may be a problem in those cells which are not visible. Every time they are appearing again, they are reloaded, setEditing: Yes method is resumed, etc. ... For this reason, every change made in the textfield has been lost. Do any stop table views to remove non-visible cells and add them back? There are only eight cells, so it will not be able to consume resources, and I will not make any changes every time. PS: I have tried many things with dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier method and the identifier of each cell, but I have not succeede...

exception - java.util.ConcurrentModificationException not thrown when expected -

निम्न कोड फेंकता है, जैसा कि अपेक्षित: सार्वजनिक शून्य परीक्षण () {ArrayList & lt ; स्ट्रिंग & gt; MyList = नया अर्रेसूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); MyList.add ("स्ट्रिंग 1"); MyList.add ("स्ट्रिंग 2"); MyList.add ("स्ट्रिंग 3"); MyList.add ("स्ट्रिंग 4"); MyList.add ("स्ट्रिंग 5"); (स्ट्रिंग के लिए: myList) {if (s.equals ("String 2")) {myList.remove (एस); हालांकि, निम्न कोड नहीं अपवाद को फेंक देता है, जबकि मैं इसे फेंकने की अपेक्षा करता हूं: सार्वजनिक शून्य परीक्षण () {ArrayList & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; MyList = नया अर्रेसूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); MyList.add ("स्ट्रिंग 1"); MyList.add ("स्ट्रिंग 2"); MyList.add ("स्ट्रिंग 3"); (स्ट्रिंग के लिए: myList) {if (s.equals ("String 2")) {myList.remove (एस); }}} अंतर यह है कि पहली सूची में 5 आइटम शामिल हैं, जबकि दूसरी सूची में 3. जो प्रयोग किया जाता है JVM: जावा संस्करण " 1.8.0 "जावा (टीए...

How to generate a "qualified Select" using Scala macros? -

I'm playing with Scala macros while reading the examples, I often look at patterns like this: select (word name (word name ("scala"), termname ("some"), termname ("apply")) Is there any way to express it more precisely, is quite active and repetitive? I'm looking like something: choose ("scala.Some.apply") pay no attention to commenter [ed. Dry comic warning.] Scala version 2.11.2 (Java HotSpot (TM) 64-bit server VM, Welcome to Java 1.8). Type them in the expression to evaluate them. Type: Support for more information> Scala & gt; Q "scala.Some (42)" res0: reflect.runtime.universe.Tree = scala.Some (42) scale & gt; ShowRaw (res0) res1: string = apply (identity (word name ("scala"), termname ("some"), list (little (constant (42)))) scale & gt; Select ShowRaw (q "scala.Some.apply") res2: string = (select (word name ("name" ("scala"), termname (...

java - Does it make sense to have a sql PreparedStatement pool? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर एक तैयार किए गए डेटा के रूप में इसमें precompiled sql कमांड है, इसलिए जब हम इस प्रकार के एक पूल बनाते हैं ताकि ऑब्जेक्ट को बहुत अधिक (जैसे थ्रेड पूल) नहीं बना और नष्ट कर दें। क्या यह कोई मतलब नहीं है? या मैं बस इतना उलझन में हूँ? मुझे लगता है कि आप क्या चाहते हैं तैयार कथनों का कैशिंग है कुछ कनेक्शन पूल आपके लिए वैकल्पिक ट्यूनिंग पैरामीटर के रूप में करते हैं (वेबलॉगिक, मुझे लगता है कि जेबॉस भी)। परिस्थितियों के लिए काम जहां एक ही तैयार वक्तव्य को एक रनटाइम सत्र में कई बार इस्तेमाल किया जाएगा, जरूरी नहीं कि एक ही लेनदेन में भी। एक स्थैतिक का आपका उपयोग मूल रूप से है इसका मतलब है कि आप केवल सोचते हैं कि आपके पास इनमें से कोई एक होगा जो कई बयानों के लिए कैश की आवश्यकता होगी, इसलिए सैद्धांतिक रूप से यह काम करेगा। मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि यह बात है कि अगर तैयार कथन कैश कनेक्शन में साझा किया जा सकता है, या यदि यह कनेक्शन-विशिष्ट है।

c - tclreadline - insert-completions -

I am using tclreadline to complete my project, which is written in C / C ++ and TCL I had to modify some configurations to deal with Redline 6.2, but I managed it. I have 3 problems: I like TCL interpreter like get_ports and get_modules . If I type get_por , then it correctly executes get_ports , but history says get_por . If I type get_por -of_objects [get_mod] , then it executes correctly get_ports -of_objects [get_modules] , but history says Is get_por -of_objects [get_mod] . So this order has not been expanded before adding it to history. How do I manage it? If I type [get_mod] of get_por, then it does not extend of in - Of_objects , because I check -of_objects inside the command and it does not appear. How do I manage the INSERT-COMPLETIONS readline method? Or alternatively, INSERT-ALL-COMPLETIONS If I type get_por-of TAB , there is an error in the ScriptCompleter in the tclreadline, which says that get_por is not a command, it shou...

c# - Remove minimize and maximize window buttons in GTK# -

How can I remove at least and max buttons on the gtk # window, I came across, but it was not sure That's how to use it in Gtk #. Mono discusses the indirect method described in the words. this.TypeHint = Gdk.WindowTypeHint.Dialog; This value is used by the values ​​to set the value to WindowTypeHint.Dialog . PS: I was unable to find a good reference for GDK # documentation.

auto positioning multiple images to fit using css/jquery -

Is there a way to fit images according to their size (resolution / width * height) such as: So what do I do with CSS or Jquery? Can I (plugin)?, I tried to search on Google but I could not find any plugins. You can use masonry library:

python - 3 arguments for 3 tokens but not enough arguments error -

If I make a user named Talbot on an Ubuntu server, then I manually own the directory of this user's directory. I can try to do the same thing in the last line of this foundry dragon. However, sudo ("chown% s:% s -R / home /% S "% new_user, new_user, new_user" is giving me this error sudo ("chown% s:% s -R / home /% s"% new_user, new_user, new_user) Type error: There is not enough logic for the format string Can you explain why this error is happening? def user_edid (new_user, passwood = fail): "" add new user "(if 's' passwd = generated_passwd ()) is not sudo (" useradd -p $ (' Echo ') (' running ',' stdout ',' stderr '), warn_only = true): # if_host_up ( s' openssl passwd-1 -stidine)% s "% (passwd , New_user) failed: run ('echo' {user} ALL = (ALL: ALL) ">> / etc / sudoers'format (user = new_user)) if == '107 XX.XX.XXX ...

java - How-to provide a ThreadLocal to CompletableFutures? -

I need to provide ThreadLocal to all sources which are specific running futures SupplyAsync Supplier I see from Javadock that the uses the integerful future " ForkJoinPool commonPool () " which is very my The display fits in the use case. How do I transfer a threadlocal (and later delete) all the pool threads running a specific CompletableFuture supplier? Note: I suppose all the integerf async completion methods accept an executor. I would love to use the default ForkJoinPool commonPool () but if this is not possible, then I think I have to override Threadpool Explorer and implement the first code Execute ? I think you have to find your way as if exec () On ForkJoinTask is protected You can of course write your cover for concrete implementation. I will do this for a single threadlocal and for colable public static class withThreadLocal & lt; V, T & gt; Callable & lt; V> {Private Final Threadlock & lt; T & gt; ...

Why does info exists always return 0 when checkin for the existence of a canva object (Tcl/Tk 8.5) -

I tried the following test (see snippet below): And it always depends on 0 The fact is that the canvas object (rectangle in this case) has been made (with "make") or removed (with "delete"). Whether the canvas object is present or has not been successfully removed in TCL / TC? Thank you! Serge Hulan ############ tk:: canvas Set r1 [.ec 30 10 120 80-line to create #fb0 -fill # fb0] set r2 [.com can rect 150 10 240 80-lineline # f 50 -fil # f50] set r3 [ . Rect 270 10 370 80-line # 05f -fill # 05f] Pack. ## ## Information for Canvas Elements Exists: It always puts the RCC [information is $ R2] "RCC = $ RCC" {[Info is $ R2 exists}} {puts "$ r2 exists is!" $ R2 puts [Info $ R2 exists]} Delete {puts "$ R2 does not exist!" Set RC [Insert $ R2] puts "RC = $ RC"} #### wm Heading "Color" wm geometry 400x100 + 300 + 300 ########## information exists is used to check whether Whether the variable exists ...

windows - How to make DispatcherTimer show time in a textbox and perform action when reaches a certain time in C#? -

This is my second question on stack overflow. I had posted my first question some time ago and in no time did not get the answer to work, very impressed, very appreciated. Anyway, what should I know, how to make a display timer work and show time in a fixed text box and stop it from reaching a certain time (we say 60 seconds) And do a function after 60 seconds I'm basically using it for: Creating a game, which is discontinued after 60 seconds and scores or related Show stuff So it requires me to show time in a text box and then 60 seconds or later to do the function. Here's more information: The textbox is called "timer box" Whatever code I've tried here: DispatcherTimer DT = New Dispatcher Timer (); Private Zero TimerStart (Object Sender, Routing Avenger EG E) {dt.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds (1); Dt.Tick + = dt_Tick; Dt.Start (); } Int count = 0; Zero dt_Tick (object sender, object e) {count = count + 1; TimerBox Text = convert Toasting (ca...

json - How to use Delphi to sign REST requests using HMAC-SHA256 -

I am trying to inquire about a REST service which has a fair idea about how to contact it. I am using Delphi X6 (Update 1) The company providing the API has said that: "API has been implemented as JSON via SSL" and they say that : Authentication is required through signed requests for access to any API Endpoint, created with public and secret API keys I have a definition key. The signature is an HMACSHA256 hash of a string in which the request is based on content type, host, url, date timestamp (request date matches match date) and request content (such as post parameters) from a new line Is separated, and in a custom header, the public key is passed with the public key; XAPIA authorization in public, PUBLICKEY in the format: sign I understand that on each request Need Stakshr be. How do I access a http request with Delphi XE6? The illusion is for me at the moment It seems that many underlying components in Delphi have reached the RSET server and pars...

linux - Parse info from bash -

I try to parse some information on bash to Ubuntu I have to write every x seconds that writes: always list this response Looks like this from the command: information: the usual processes to run the data: UID command script forever log log file uptime data: [0] _1b2 / usr / bin / nodejs / home / Ubuntu / node / server.js 28968 28970 /root/.forever/_1b2.log 0: 0: 17: 17.233 I want to parse the location of the logfile /root/.forever/_1b2.log Any ideas how to complete it with Bash? To solve this problem, two awk variations: # The most basic command. Awk 'NR == 3 {print $ 8}' data # bit more robust: order | Awk '$ 1 == "Data:" & amp; Amp; $ 2 == "[0]" {Print $ 8} "data # ^^^^^^^^^ I filter on" [0] "text, but depending on your needs, you get $ 3 You may want to use == "_1b2" or $ 4 == "/ usr / bin / nodejs"

html - javascript go to herf and scroll to element -

My question is how can I get this code href in a link and when the link is being loaded, the element Scroll to }) This link is to take all the links to the same page when I click on sublink (link with "class =" jumper ") , Then to go to that page and scroll that element is an atom name to indicate which div to know it & Lt; Li class = 'has-sub' & gt; & Lt; A href = 'cursus.php' & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; Cursor & lt; / Time & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Li class = 'last' & gt; & Lt; A class = "jumper" href = 'cursus.php' name = '5' & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; Android Phones & amp; By tablet & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A class = "jumper" href = 'cursus.php' name = '4' & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; Software & lt; / Spa...

f# - Iterating over two lists and adding to a result list returns an empty list. Why? -

The result of running the following code gives an empty list, but I'm not completely sure why my guess is that duplication on the loop Has an effect, I still can not understand, I know that if I change the result list then everything works, please note that there is no connection between the filename And games (i.e. there can be any games or files for which they have a No need to mail) create list (filename: string list) = give games = ["DMC"; "Aztez"] result = list.mtt for a loop, a warning in the rows inside the two Is: "This expression should be 'unit', but type 'bool'. Use 'ignore' to discard the result of expression, or tie the result with a name." Create the desired behavior to create the code below LISTM (filename: string list) = play = ["DMC"; "Aztez"] Temporary Results = List. (String * string) & gt; For file names in the file name, do this for games in the game = [file name, r...

javascript - html jquery data attribute -

I have completely devoted to keeping default data / text, so I can retrieve it with jquery I can get rid of static text again and message in Jquery etc. This works, and I have a place to edit the text , but maybe it's pretty dirty, I'm not sure. Similar (html): "yesstyle", "notext": "No thanks." "Yes," yes "" yes "" yes " "," Noclass ":" nostile "} '> then I have jquery in: Data ("data") yestext; someelement.removeClass ($ ('$ defaultdata') data ("data") noclass (someclass == 'yes') {someelement.text ($ ('$ defaultdata') ..); yesclass data ("data") to someelement.addClass ($ ('# defaultdata'));} Else {someelement.text ($ ('# defaultdata'). Data ("data"). ); Data to anyelement.removeClass ($ ('# defaultdata'); data ("data") yesclass ..); someelement.addClass ($ ('# de...

javascript - Delay method to add class to div -

I'm trying to create a type of "slider" I have 9 items in a row, which is a #slider . slider 1860px wide, but only 620 pixels displayed at once (as parents code: overflow: hidden ) after about a 6-second delay, in one position to reveal my 3 objects at a time, along with the slider Want to make changes Then it should be changed again after another 6 seconds, then it will have to return. So I have created two squares: .slideLeft620 {left: -620px; } .slideLeft1240 {left: -1240px; } Animation between the standard (without this left value) I hope the content will appear as "Slide". After 6 seconds, add the class slideLeft620 to slider after another 6 seconds, then I want to: Remove slideLeft620 and remove slideLeft1240 from to slider and Then after 6 seconds, class slideLeft1240 This is what I tried to get started (just doing this number 1 at the moment). But I can not work it $ ("#slider") addClass (...

captcha - Concrete5 Securimage - image not refreshing on click -

I am trying to create my own contact form with securium. In my view.php, I have this: & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Img id = "captcha_img" src = "& lt ;? php alo $ this-> action ('securitize') ?? & gt;" / & Gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ (Function () {$ ('# captcha_img'). Click (function () {$ (this) .attr ('src', '& lt ;? php echo $ this-> action (' securimage ' ) ;; & gt; and time = '+ (new date) .getTime ());});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; But when I click on that image instead of being reloaded on it again This code is for securitization in my Controller. FTP: Public function action_securimage () {Loader :: Library ('Third Party / Securimage / Securimage') ; $ This- & gt; Securimage = new Securimage (); $ This- & gt; Securimage-> Show (); } What am I doing wrong? Thank you, really will appreciate your help. It feels good...

javascript - Approaching an automated system that uses a daily database entry -

I am working on a system to manage students in a boarding school, which is a very complex amount of paperwork As part of this, some students are not boarders and as soon as they leave school to go home. The paperwork involves publishing a list of non-boarding students every day, and after leaving the students themselves have to find themselves. I repeated this system using the meteor, but I believe that my system is fundamentally flawed, and at the very least it is incredibly likely to be bugs. I have created a 'ticket' database, each ticket records the history of special non-boarding student during a particular day. To start the tickets, the server performs the following tasks every day using a cron job. insert function () {console.log ("Daily Ticket Generated") var dailyStudents = Meteor.users.find ({"profile.daily": true}); // Daily students to all daily students. EEF (Daily Student) {DAILY UPDATE ({// Dailyies In Ticket is a collection of student...

ios - Adding objects from Parse to array for UITableView Error -

I am trying to populate the UITableView using a recovered object from the pars. Items are corrected properly, when I try and use my _appliances for my I get: NSArray 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '- [__ NSCFString count]: sent to non-recognized selector example Console My _appliances The array prints : 014-07-27 18:24: 16.249 mip [15839: 60b] fan 2014-07-27 18:24: 16.249 mip [ 15839: 60b] Kettle 2014-07-27 18:24: 16.250 mip [15839: 60b] projector Viewedload: PFQuery * queryApplianceClass = [PFQF query: with classname: @ "saved exception"]; [Query appsclose select key: @ [@ "tool"]]; [Query appeals class order bypassing: @ "updatedAet"]; QueryApplianceClass.limit = 100; [QueryApplianceClass findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock: ^ (NSArray * applianceObjects, NSError * error) {PFObject * applianceList in applianceObjects} {NSLog (@ "% @", applianceList [@ "Tools"]) for {if (! // Use tool tool from...

ios - Xcode Storyboard issue - Button Bar Button only appears at the bottom of a TableViewController -

Not sure if this is a bug in XCode 6 (I use Beta 4) or expected behavior. When I have a view controller in a navigation controller and 'Push' (Excluded Sessions) A Table View Controller (TVC) I can once drag the button item into the navigation bar in TVC. When I do this But the 'show' (new adaptive segu) TVC, the bar button item goes down, and in fact when I do not build this project. To resolve this problem To set a hack to set it as 'push', drag it to the bar button item, and after that show the 'show' But - is it necessary? Is this an XCode bug or am I missing something? I have tried to make you the issue with the bar button below it There is no problem or Xcode bug. But when you use segue for 'show (like push)' you will not get the navigation bar in the next scene in the new exode. You must add navigation bar and then add bar button items in the navigation bar. Hope your problem will be resolved.

user interface - Unidentified UI portion windows phone 8 -

The image in this link shows some unknown UI sections at the top right of the screen. Can anyone describe why it remains to show? I am unable to identify and improve it. The debugger is when these framerate counters are only shown in development connected. You will see that if you run your app when the Visual Studio does not connect and is running then this UI will disappear. Here's some more information about this: And to hide it, if you really want to:

SQL Server - Duplicate Table Permissions: What does a "Null" grantor signify? -

We have recently set table-level permissions on the SQL Server database, but there is a problem: There are two permissions lines for each permit on the table (for a single user) One of these lines is a zero grantor (nothing has been checked on the permissions), the second has "dbo" as the approval There are permissions in the form that we have just established. What could be the duplicate permissions with the Null grantor? Any ideas? Two permissions lines are usually displayed when a database principal except for dB Has been detected because it has allowed the permission with permission to cancel all the principals who have been granted permission, then it has been canceled. I have not seen any examples of a donor I doubt that tap granter has a canceled code Results with Nudan. Try clearing any of these set, if appropriate, then give them a try from the debo and see if the blue lines are going out. If they do then I do not worry about it further; If they...

python - Reading a sqlite3.Binary object with numpy.genfromtxt -

I have a text file that contains a large string that was originally a binary blob in the SQL column. I would like to read the data using the numpy.genfromtxt and convert the text to the 1d NMP array and then using the converters parameter in a binary blob to import into SQL later: np.genfromtxt (data, delimiter = '\ t', dtype = [("a", 'f8'), ("b", 'u100'), ("c" , 'F8')], converters = {1: Lambda X: SQLite 3. Binary (NP.frosting (X, DTP = 'F4', SP = ''))} and import file will be Something like this: 1.0 \ t1.0 2.0 3.0 \ t1.0 However this error message returns: file "./ Import_sql .py ", line 25, & lt; Module & gt; Converters = {19: Lambda X: Esquite 3 Binary (file "/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/lib/", line 1742, in Geneofomtext rows = NP.Ere (data, DTP = [for Dtype_flat _} [[ Value error: an array element can not be set with a sequence I would l...

html - Trouble vertical centering text -

I'm on top of the background image (480x360) twice (100% width, 20px high), the other down to the top Note that the bars have to go to the top of the image, so they do not add to its size, the end result is still 480x360. I think this text is being vertical centered. I have searched (link below) and tried many different ways but nothing worked. This is a line of text, it should not be hard ... I probably it's really important that the text properly centered, rather than short-centric ... does anyone could give me a hand? Thank you. & lt; Div id = "panel4" class = "panel" style = "cursor: move; z-index: 48" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "title" & gt; TITLE | This title is & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "picture4" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "" width = "480" height = "360" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Di...

Java, non fixed parameters for method -

I'm beginning to get started on Java: public zero method (int Param1, int param2, int param3, int param4) Depends on the circumstances, sometimes I need to [Param1], or pass the parameter of [param2, param4] For, it depends on an XML setting. But it is not easy to pass the bus (0, desired value 1, desired value2, 0) - to define the parameter name and its value, the best one has to pass an associate array I have heard that this type of work is reflection Is done with. You can pass an array: Public Zero Law (Int [] params) It is still necessary that you allocate an array of n elements, where n is the maximum number of maximum possible parameters, and can be unusable for large N It is also important for you to have a default blank value (such as 0), which tells you that there is no value for a fixed position in the array. int [] Parameters = new int [13]; Consultation [0] = value1; Paramage [3] = Value 4; Param [4] = value 5; Law (params); Or you can pass a ...

How to assign enum type arguement in scala -

ऑब्जेक्ट संग्रहण टाईप गणना का विस्तार {type name = value val HTML}, text, SUBJECT = value} def read (key: स्ट्रिंग, _type: StorageType.Value = StorageType.HTML): स्ट्रिंग = {val प्रवेशकी = getPrefix (_type) + कुंजी DaoFactory.getPreviewStorageDao.get (accessKey) .data} क्या इसका मतलब है मैं केवल StorageType.HTML को तर्क के रूप में भेज सकता हूं और नहीं StorageType.SUBJECT? इसके अलावा, मैं स्कैला के लिए बहुत नया हूँ ताकि आप मुझे बता सकें कि यहाँ क्या किया गया है? कोड> _ टाइप पैरामीटर StorageType.Value उदाहरणों में से कोई एक हो सकता है, लेकिन यदि आप विधि को कॉल करते समय इसमें कोई भी उदाहरण नहीं डालते हैं, तो StorageType एचटीएमएल उदाहरण को स्वचालित रूप से असाइन किया जाएगा।

c++ - How to help the compiler deduce template parameter? -

मेरे पास यह विधि है: टेम्पलेट & lt; typename type & gt; स्थिर QList & lt; प्रकार & gt; ComboListToItemsList (QList & lt; QList & lt; QVariant & gt; & gt; और amp; comboList) {QList & lt; प्रकार & gt; itemsList; यदि (कॉम्बोलिस्ट.लैम्थ ()> gt; 0) {foreach (QList & lt; QVariant & gt; dbItem, कॉम्बोलिस्ट) {प्रकार आइटम (dbItem); itemsList.append (आइटम); }} वापसी आइटम सूची; } और जब मैं इसे कॉल करता हूं: QList & lt; SettingItem & gt; SettingItems = (QList & lt; SettingItem & gt;) DatabaseManager :: comboListToItemsList (परिणाम.पहले); यह चला जाता है "टेम्प्लेट पैरामीटर टाइप नहीं निकाल सकता"। (QList & lt; SettingItem & gt;) को जोड़कर कैसे मैंने पहले से ही किया है? मेरे पास उप-वर्गों के नाम हैं जिनके लिए विधि बनाई गई है लेकिन वास्तव में इसका पता नहीं है कि इसका उपयोग कैसे करना है ... इसे केवल एक टेम्पलेट तर्क के रूप में निर्दिष्ट करें, जैसा कि @ क्रिस ने कहा है। QList & lt; Setti...