javascript - Dojo moveable for dynamic content -
I am creating dynamic html elements as dojo domConstruct,
// id are available in all style parameter functions, var vertex = domConstruct.create ("div", {id:, "class": type, style: {left: node.position.x + 'px' , Top: node) Position.y + 'px', border: color borders. Border, 'box-shadow': colorBorder.boxShadow, backgroundColor: colorBorder.backgroundColor, status: 'full'}, internal HTML: node name}, "static demo");
I have to make this element dynamic, so I am using the bottom run as a dojo,
// dojo Var moveableHandle = new Movable (vertex)); Console.log ("The practice of moving objects before going to adapters", Hill Object);
When I run it, the following line shows,
before passing the adapter object delay Running Object: Spacing: 0 Events: Faucet Handle: Faucet Mover: Function () {Node: Null On Me: Function () {On-MainStart: Function} (On-MainStop: Function) (): {skip: undefined __proto__: object
I do not understand why the handle and the node are made? Ideally in terms of walkable element should be.
Is it because when element is not present in Dawl, when it is usable?
I think there is something wrong with the variables you used. I used full values instead of variables like nodes, types, colorbars in your program and it worked fine for me. Please check these values.
Also make sure that the "Statemachine-demo" is an appropriate ID name, or use the method.
You can check the working version of the sample -.
is required (["Dojo / Dund / Movable", "Dojo / Dom", "Dojo / On", "Dojo / Dome-Build", "Dojo / Dome Readie!" ], {(Dom.byId ("doIt"), "click", function () {var vertex = domConstruct.create ("div", {id: 'id1'}, function (running, dome, running, domicon) , Class: "class 1", style: {left: 200 + 'px', top: 200+ 'px', range: '1px', 'box-shadow': '10px 10px 5px # 888888', background color : 'Green' position: 'full'}, internal HTML: 'aaaa'}, "dandieria") var dnd1 = new running (console); console.log (dnd1);});});
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