ios - TableView cell on iPad refusing to accept clear color -

I am using a Gitb project called SWTableViewCell.h by Chris Wendell. On the iPhone, clean the paint job, however, denies it Teblwu cell on an iPad clearly Instead, it makes the white I'm just your brain, but how to fix it? I also tried to set a background based on a PNG, but it would not just work. In the documentation for the project on GitHub, what kind of options can I solve?

There is a method:

  - Talikadrishy (zero): (UITableView *) tableView willDisplayCell: (UITableViewCell *) RowAtIndexPath cell: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {// set the cell background color here if you do not want the default white}  

it Change this:

  - (minus) Talikadrishy: (UITableView *) tableView willDisplayCell: (UITableViewCell *) Aroattiaiandakspath cell: (Ansaianaksapath *) Indekspeth {[cell Setbakgram collar: [Uaicolr clear Collar]]; }  


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