
Showing posts from July, 2010

html - Prevent Multiple words in <p> from being separated -

I am building a website and ran into a problem where I do not even have words for Google I know the problem is very simple: I have & lt; P & gt; ... & lt; / P & gt; has a large number of empty space inside the phone number and it is to prevent it from dividing at the end of the line. Example: In urgent cases + 99 9 123 45 67 or call ... And I want that Call in immediate cases + 99 9 123 45 67 or try one of these ... or Instant cases Call in + 99 9 123 45 67 or try one of these ... How do I get it? & lt; Br> There is no manual line break or any such option with . Wrap the number into an element: calls in immediate cases & Lt; Span class = "phone" & gt; +999 123 45 67 & lt; / Span & gt; Or Add it to your CSS: .phone {white-space: nowrap; }

css - Float to bottom and keep the scrollbar -

I created the messaging system and I am stuck with CSS. I want to display messages starting from the bottom of the page (like on Facebook). Also I used the common law, would set position relative to the container and set the absolute position of the baby, but I need also the scrollbar to the child, and when I get the message explain myself as I explained, the scrollbar disappears is. This is my code: If you remove the .messages class from the CSS, you will see the scrollbar, but then the message will not be below. So my question is, how to keep the message given below and keep the scrollbar? Set max-width: 200px and overflow: auto to .messages category: .messages {position: absolute; Bottom: 0; Max-height: 200px; / * Add / Overflow: Auto; / * Add * this * / min-width: 100px; / * Add * /}>

cassandra - FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask -

I'm using datastax 4.5 and I have enabled hasoop and spark on a node. Now when I execute the quiz in the hive shell, I get an error Failure: Execution error, return code from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask 1. Java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient Please tell me what I am. thanks

ruby - How to implement a user creating a file via form and then downloading it in rails? -

I am creating an online translation platform. When a job is translated and saved, I want the user to download the translated version as a text file. It is currently saved in a string named "target_text" in a string. I know in Ruby that I can use this method: ("translation.txt", 'W') {| F | | F.write ("my translated string")} I agree that I can face the location to save the file in front of "translation.txt", but I do not I'm sure what folder should be specified within my app? In addition to this, I want the file to be attached to the "job" object, in the same way that the paperclip file can be attached, the difference is the start of the server side. How should I go about this? I have tried to find an answer on this, and I have to make sure that I want to do it purely. I appreciate the directions for a better place to understand this concept too. I do not think quite a question, but I hope it c...

ios - Add UITextField to title view of navigation item -

How do you add a text field to the title view of a navigation item and resize it properly? This works fine if I do this with a search bar, but I do not know how to get a text field as a text field. myViewController .navigationItem.titleView = [UISearchBar new]; I have suggested my comment, try the following, which I think What do you 're after. UITextField * textField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 0, self. Navigation controller., 21.0)]; Self.navigationItem.titleView = textField; [Become TextField Foster Spondor];

Maven dependency on a file not artifact -

Disclaimer: New and Maven documents for Maven skimmed How to see files from Maven Configure for what happens in a step? I am using the CFF-Codenamed-plugin to generate sources. This is working correctly when I remove .java files and execute mvn clean generate-sources . However, when I update the WSDL / Schema that is used to generate the cxf code, the formulas are not rebuilt. I do not want to remember to delete java files Thank you for taking the time to consider my question. The following are the points related to my pom. & lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.apache.cxf & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; CXF-codegen-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; $ {Cxf.version} & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Hanging & gt; & Lt; Execution & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; CXF-Java & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Step & gt; Collection & lt; / Step & gt; ...

java - What is the value of the variable? int iNum = 10/3 -

Is there not a data type int that is used only for integer? 10/3 is a decimal because it is a decimal, does it mean that it will create an error? It depends on the language for your example (Java), this zero (called "trunk" Operation is also called) to be rounded. So the value becomes 3. Try it yourself: int i = 10/3; Println (i); // Display 3 inch J-10/3; Println (j); // shows -3 double k = 10/3; System.out.println (k) // Display 3.00 Double M = ((double) 10) / 3; System.out.println (k) // shows 3.33 double mee = 10.0 / 3; System.out.println (k) // shows 3.33 In each case, two operations are actually running. Considering the first example, Step 1: Calculate the value of [integer 10] divided by [integer 3] . The answer is [integer 3] as described above. Step 2: Assign the [integer 3] to the RHS value from the left hand side. [integer 3] is assigned to [integer i] . So I'm equal to 3. Because the operation is done in two steps, the third operation...

android - Unable to reference a color attribute in a drawable -

I am trying to create a set of custom colors, so that they can be referenced throughout a topic. I found a similar post and by following those steps, I am trying to define holo_blue_dark as a custom color: res \ Values ​​\ attrs.xml & lt; Attr name = "holo_blue_dark" format = "reference | color" /> res \ values ​​\ styles.xml & lt; Style name = "Aaptim.Dark" parent = "Android: theme.holo.lite.darkectionbar" & gt; & Lt; Item name = "holo_blue_dark" & gt; @color / red & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; res \ values ​​\ colors.xml & lt; Color name = "holo_blue_dark" & gt; # FF33B5E5 & lt; / Color & gt; In Android Studio 0.8.2, I always get the failure [INSTALL_FAILED_THEME_AAPT_ERROR] , so I should remember something. res \ values ​​\ attrs.xml & lt; Attr name = "holo_blue_dark" format = "color" /> res ...

python - How can I account for period (AM/PM) with datetime.strptime? -

विशेष रूप से मेरे पास कोड है जो इसे सरल करता है: से datetime आयात datetime date_string = ' 2009-11-29 03:17 अपराह्न 'प्रारूप ='% Y-% m-% d% H:% M% p 'my_date = datetime.strptime (date_string, प्रारूप) # यह प्रिंट्स 2009-11-29 03: 17 पूर्वाह्न 'प्रिंट my_date.strftime (प्रारूप) क्या देता है? क्या पायथन बस समय निर्दिष्टकर्ता को अनदेखा करता है जब दिनांक पार्स करता है या क्या मैं बेवकूफ कर रहा हूं? पायथन कहता है: जब स्ट्रिपटाइम () फ़ंक्शन के साथ प्रयोग किया जाता है, तो % p निर्देश केवल आउटपुट घंटे फ़ील्ड को प्रभावित करता है यदि % I डायरेक्टिव्हे का इस्तेमाल समय को पार्स करने के लिए किया जाता है। बेशक, आपका % H से % I को बदलना इसे काम करता है।

LibGDX Box2D incorrect sprite position of moving body -

I am trying to create a 2D car scrolling game. I am using wheel joints to move the car. Here is the screenshot when the car does not run. And when the car moves you can see that the sprites are not in the right position. Here the car is the constructor of the object. body and code to attract relevant sprites for bodies on the screen. (Body body: body) for if (body.getUserData ()) = null & amp; Body.getUserData () Examples of Sprite) {Sprite Phantom = (Phantom) body.getUserData (); Sprite.setPosition (body.getPosition () .x - sprite.getWidth () / 2, body.getPosition (). Y - sprite.getHeight () / 2); Sprite.setRotation (body.getAngle (* * MathUtils.radiansToDegrees); Sprite.draw (batch); } Sorry, if my question can not be very specific or clear I am new to Stackoverflow. Edit [Hull] Just put in the render method [right] Renderer.render (world, Camera.combined); After gl.clear I was doing this after drawing everything on the screen. [Mist] It see...

python - Array of coordinates to SVG Polygon shape -

I am making a random map generator in Python I am creating random political states. I have an algorithm that creates a list of X, coordinates for the list of areas Y. These areas need not be narrowed, so the list of digits can produce many polygon shapes. Currently, I am converting the list of points into path strings, essentially a very long line that wraps around to create a shape, not exactly what the path was intended for. It is very disabled; If you have a particularly long time zone then it can be several thousand characters long. Also, using this method, the stroke property essentially functions as an asset filled, which means that I can not drag the boundary line between the fields. : & lt; Svg xmlns = "" version = "1.1" width = "512" height = "512" & gt; & Lt; Path D = "M 332 263 H 346 M 331 264 H 347 M 330 265 H 348 M 329 266 H 349 M 328 267 H 350 M 327 268 H 351 M 326 269 H 352 M 325...

python - Why can't I destroy my StaticText in wxPython? -

I am trying to remove statattext from the list and I get an error: AttributeError: 'tuple' object Not attribute 'deleted' I can not seem to find a way around it. My code: import wx square orange (wx.frame): def __init __ (self, guardian, id): wx.frame .__ init __ (self, guardian, id, 'test ', Size = (300,300) self.frame = wx.Panel (self) subtract = wx.Button (self.frame, label =' - ', pos = (80,200), size = (30,30)) self. Bind (wx .EVT_BUTTON, self.sub, subtract) self.trying = [] self.Something = 0 def sub (self, event): for zip (self.trying): i.Destroy () self.something + = 1 self .trying.append (wx.StaticText (self.frame, -1, str (self.something), pos = (200,200)) self.trying.append (wx.StaticText (self.frame, -1, str) (Self). (Some), pos = (250,200)) if __name__ == '__ main__': app = wx.PySimpleApp () window = orange (parent = none, id = -1) and Show () app.MainLoop () I am really confused why the static text is in a tuple, thanks ...

Sending secure POST requests to MySQL/PHP server from Android -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं वर्तमान में एक एप्लिकेशन को मुख्य रूप से सीखने के उद्देश्य के लिए मैंने जो कुछ भी पढ़ा है, उसने मुझे भ्रमित किया है, परन्तु मेरी मदद करो। मेरा लक्ष्य एक MySQL डाटाबेस से कनेक्ट करना और डेटा पुनः प्राप्त करना है। डेटाबेस में उद्धरण, लेखकों और एक श्रेणी शामिल होती है जो बोली का संबंध है। मुझे पता है कि PHP और MySQL पर्याप्त रूप से एक एपीआई लिखने के लिए JSON डेटा सर्वर को वापस करने के लिए। मुझे लगता है कि मैं समझता हूं कि एंड्रॉइड ऐप को एक JSON एन्कोडेड POST अनुरोध भेजने की आवश्यकता है। इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि यह किसी के लिए एप यूजर को डीकंपल करने और एपीआई यूआर को देखने के लिए संभव बनाता है और इसी तरह से अनुरोध जनरेट करता है और डाटाबेस से डेटा पुनः प्राप्त करता है। मेरी मुख्य चिंता यह है कि मैं एंड्रॉइड से सुरक्षित तरीके से सर्वर एपीआई से बात करने के लिए कैसे अनुरोध कर सकता हूं, और यह सत्यापित कर सकता हूं कि ऐप से अनुरोध आ रहा है। धन्यवाद पढ़ने के लिए! अगर मैं अपना प्रश्न सही ढंग से समझता हूं, तो आप जानते हैं कि एंड्रॉइड...

python - Creating Dictionary with for loop -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 10 उत्तर मुझे समस्या है इस पायथन 2.7 कोड: singlelower = string.ascii_lowercase lowdict = {} के लिए मैं अकेले में: lowerdict [i] = i मैं यह चाहता हूँ एक शब्दकोश लौटाएं जिसमें प्रत्येक कुंजी और मूल्य एक जैसे होते हैं, और सभी कुंजी वर्णमाला क्रम में होती है। यह शब्दकोश बनाता है, लेकिन आदेश से बाहर है, भले ही लूप के लिए वर्णानुक्रम में स्ट्रिंग के माध्यम से कदम होना चाहिए। 'ए': 'सी': 'सी', 'बी': 'बी', 'ई': 'ई', 'डी' : 'जी', 'जी', 'एफ': 'एफ', 'आई': 'आई', 'एच': 'एच', 'के': 'के', 'जे': 'डी' 'ए': 'एन', 'क्यू': 'क्यू', 'पी': 'पी': 'एम': 'एम', 'एल': 'एल', 'ओ': 'ओ', 'एन' 'वी': 'वी', 'वी': 'वाई', 'वी': 'वाई', 'आर', 'यू': ...

multithreading - How can I safely use WebKitGTK from a forked thread? -

I am trying to create a simple app in Haskell using GTK3 and WebKit. This code creates and displays a window containing a WebView inside, which displays a random number every time a key is pressed. import control. Monad Transaction import control. Concurrent (forkOS) import system. Random (random audio) import graphics. UI. Gtk - gtk3 Import Graphics.U.Getak Webkit Webview - WebKitgate's 3 main = forkOS $ do - Init GTK InitGUI - Create a window that will end the GTK loop - after closing Window & lt; --with the windowNew Window `` objectOstroy $ mainQuit - Create a WebView inside webview & lt; - WebWatching Set Window [Container Child: = Webview] - Make a random number of webvay displays on the key press. WebWeb `` On KeyWireVille $ lift $ do x & lt; - randomIO :: IO Int WebWoloadString Webview (Show X) Nothing "" Nothing "" Right Run GTK WidgetShowAll Window Chief When I run it in GHCi (7.8.3) So, it works fine. However, when I run it aga...

Merging Solr query results through SolrNet -

I am using serial v3.6.1 and successfully managed index data, as well as apache boxer index binary I am also using items too. I'm using SolrNet to pull out this data. However, I have an issue through which I want to add 2 results together. Now consider the following XML (this is for illustration purposes only): & lt; Doc & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; 263 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; This title is & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Summary & gt; This summary is & lt; Summary / & gt; & Lt; Binary_id & gt; 994,832 & lt; / Binary_id & gt; & Lt; / Doc & gt; & Lt; Doc & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; 994,832 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; This title is & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Summary & gt; This summary is & lt; Summary / & gt; & Lt; Text & gt; This is the content of binary & lt; / Text & gt; & Lt; / Doc & gt; Is it possible to merge t...

sql - Insert data from a 50 GB table to another 100GB table -

I need to insert data from a 50 GB table table 1 to another 100 GB table Columns of table1 are all Columns of all varchar (50) , and table2 in the same database table2 Int and float . Table 1: Non Clustered Primary Key ID 1 ID2 Values ​​- All types are varchar (50) 242 8965 8974202.87412 Table 2: id1 id2 clustered primary key id1 id2 value - ID1 and ID2 types are int, value float is 257 872 9826531.889 My code: INSERT [my_db]. [Dbo]. [D2] [table2] Select cast (a.value as flot) cast (a.id1 as INT), cast (a.id1 as INT) from [My_db]. [Dbo]. As a table, what is the table1 entered in table2 ? I recommend using SSIS to change the data to get better performance . If you do not want to use SSIS, then I suggest leaving all the indexes and foreign keys and for the constraint and trigger and start your own convert and then make them. Use the following query to save the data before you convert the check duplicate record in Table 1 and then from Table 1 to Table ...

javascript - Chart.js bar chart is overflowing its containing element -

I can not find this stupid chart to be in my container when padding It does not matter if the is applied to the container if responsive option is set to true . No matter to it, I How to set box-sizing liability option if its container is not fit, what's the purpose? With the most CSS, the answer is to use another cover! I had the same problem (and I'm using a box size) Just put a divan around your canvas! (Divis boxes will be heirs to shape) Good luck :)

c++ - Ubuntu Qmake is not an executable -

After installing a new version of Qt Creator in Ubuntu and Tux-World @alachic: ~> Sudo apt-get install qt5-qmake build-essential g ++ gcc Reading package lists ... Building Dependency Tree Reading State Information ... Construction-Required is already the latest version G ++ is already the latest version of manual G ++ set to install GCC already has the latest version Qt5-qmake is already the latest version 0 upgraded, 0 new installed, 0 removed and 247 non-upgraded Build & Amp; In the option of run and select 'qmake' in '/ usr / bin / qmake' I get this error: qmake executable / Usr / lib / i386-linux-gnu / qt4 / bin / Qmake could not be added: qmake '/ usr / lib / i386-linux-gnu / qt4 / bin / qmake' is not executable. Tux-World @ Alachic: ~ & Gt; Apt-cache search qt5-qmake qt5-qmake - Qt5 quake makefile generator tool Tux-World @Alachik: ~ & gt; Ldd / opt / qtForArm / bin / qmake ldd: / opt / qtForArm / bin / qmake: Any...

git - Troubleshooting the workflow to incorporate upstream changes into forked repo -

मैंने एक जीआईटी रेपो काटा, और फिर "strlen" नामक एक शाखा बनाई। पीआर और सुझाए गए परिवर्तन करना:। निम्नलिखित अपस्ट्रीम परिवर्तनों में विलय करने का मेरा प्रयास था: भाग ए: अपस्ट्रीम से लाने और विलय: जीआईटी फ़ेच अपस्ट्रीम जीआईटी मर्ज अपस्ट्रीम / मास्टर पार्ट बी: अपस्ट्रीम द्वारा किये गए स्क्वैश को अपने विशेष परिवर्तनों के लिए केवल एक कमेंट टिप्पणी बनाए रखना: git नोट: इंटरैक्टिव भाग के लिए, मैंने सबसे ज्यादा (वगैरह) को छोड़कर सभी कमानों पर (रद्दी) के रूप में किया था (शीर्ष पर) । भाग सी: गिटूब पर मेरे कांटा में वापस बदलाव धक्का: git push origin strlen "स्क्वैश" इस समय के विज्ञापन के रूप में ऐसा प्रतीत नहीं हुआ था: सभी हस्तक्षेप किए गए ** के साथ-साथ हस्तक्षेप करने वाले फ़ाइल परिवर्तन ** स्ट्रेलन शाखा पर दिखाई दे रहे हैं। या (बी) पूरी तरह से एक और दृष्टिकोण लेना चाहिए UPDATE वॉनसी के महान जवाब से, मैंने कुछ जोड़ा अधिक विवरण और यहां वर्तमान समाधान है: git दूरस्थ अपस्ट्रीम जोड़ें git चेकआउट मास्टर...

sublimetext2 - How to add snippet menu onTrigger sublime text 2 -

When I trigger I try to make it in my snippet, auto complete as "full dropdown" Does. My current snippet looks like this: & lt; Snippet & gt; & Lt; Content & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [to make a menu somehow ..]] & gt; & Lt; / Content & gt; & Lt; TabTrigger & gt; The catalyst & lt; / TabTrigger & gt; & Lt; / Snippet & gt;

inheritance - C#: Any way to skip over one of the base calls in polymorphism? -

वर्ग grandparent {सार्वजनिक वर्चुअल शून्य} Foo () {...}} वर्ग अभिभावक: दादाजी {सार्वजनिक ओवरराइड शून्य फू () {base.Foo (); // अतिरिक्त काम करें}} वर्ग बच्चे: माता-पिता {सार्वजनिक ओवरराइड शून्य} Foo () कैसे माता पिता को छोड़ने के लिए.फू और सिर्फ GrandParent.Foo बेस पाने के लिए? // ऊपर अतिरिक्त कोड}} ऊपर दिए गए कोड के रूप में, मेरे पास बाल कैसे हो सकता है। फ़ू () में जाने के बजाय GrandParent.Foo () में कॉल करें Parent.Foo ()? base.Foo () मुझे पहले मूल वर्ग में ले जाता है। आपका डिज़ाइन गलत है अगर आपको इसकी आवश्यकता है। इसके बजाय, प्रति कोड तर्क को DoFoo में डाल दें और base.DoFoo को कॉल न करें जब आपको इसकी आवश्यकता न हो । वर्ग GrandParent {public void Foo () {// आधार तर्क जो हमेशा यहां चलाना चाहिए: // ... this.DoFoo (); // कॉल व्युत्पन्न तर्क] सुरक्षित आभासी शून्य DoFoo () {}} वर्ग अभिभावक: ग्रैंडपैंट {संरक्षित ओवरराइड शून्य DoFoo () {// अतिरिक्त काम (आधार कॉल करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है। डूफू)}} वर्ग: बच्चे: संरक्षित ओवरराइड शून्य DoFoo () {// अतिरिक्त काम (आधार कॉल कर...

html - Img overflowing a fixed-width div in IE and FF -

I have a relatively small problem here, though it does not appear in Chrome My containers There are 2 divisions on 50% width , one is moved to the left, the second goes to the right to the right, there is some text in one, and the other has nothing, but there is an image in which A max-width: 100% is enforced by default But still, how is the image flowing on the left side outside the DIVs boundaries? - I'm not sure what this is happening to you, but still give an idea. PS I am using some snippets, but I doubt this is a problem. HTML: & lt; Div class = "content-project-left" & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Titled & lt; / H1> & Lt; P & gt; Paragraph & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "content-project-right" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; A & gt; & Lt; Img src = "img / img.jpg" alt = "" / & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; ...

colors - Find colour based on brightness in python -

Given a certain amount of brightness (for example, 0 to 255), there is an algorithm in which to obtain an RGB What is its color? This will work where 0 is black, 255 is white and all other colors are kept between them. The standard library module in Python is. What do you want; So your "brightness" is the luminance value used by the module is 0..1 for each component. [Notice that the standard order is HSL, while in Python it is H LS ] Thus to get completely saturated red color for different luminances, you can colorys hue = 0.0 # 0 red saturation = 1.0 # saturated range (0, 10, 1) for fully luminance: R, G, B = Calls. HSLTORRGB (HEE, Luminance / 10.0, Saturation) Print ('{:}}}, {: D}, {: D}'. Format (int * R5), int (g * 255), int (b * 255) )) Results in 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 102, 0, 0 153, 0, 0 204, 0, 0 255, 0, 0 255, 50, 50 255, 101, 101 255, 153, 153 254, 204, 204 255, 255, 255 Similarly, the same brightness for the entire spectrum To get the colo... - Designer Files suddenly require Global prefix -

Edit, it is fixed. Answer after answering and when my restricted account allows me to do this, answer it. New control was referring to a code-behind file from another project, that means it was a reference from the project where I added the user to control project was no longer specific to solve this problem To solve this problem. Something very strange happened this morning, and I can not solve it easily. Work in Visual Studio, a new user control (.ascx file), and all of a sudden my current control that uses a masterpiece, suddenly bring them to global. Prefixes are required in their Design.vb files. Can anyone explain, is this a studio bug? I have unloaded the project without any profit and have reloaded it. I have also examined the project changes, and only one change is adding new control to me! The new control was referencing the code-behind file from another project, which means the reference from the project Where I said that user control was not specific t...

Rails 4 : How to change the size of text_field -

मैं text_field का आकार बदलना चाहता हूं, लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है। नया .html.erb & lt; div वर्ग = "पंक्ति" & gt; & Lt;% = form_for (@user) करु | f | & Gt%; & Lt;% = रेंडर 'फ़ील्ड', f: f% & gt; & Lt;% = f.submit "अपना खाता बनाएं", वर्ग: "बीटीएन बीटीएन-बड़ी बीटीएन-प्राथमिक"% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; _fields.html। एआरबी & lt;% = f.label: name% & gt; & Lt;% = f.text_field: नाम, आकार: 10% & gt; आकार: 10 काम नहीं करता। & lt;% = f.text_field: उपयोगकर्ता, आकार: यह काम उदाहरण के लिए है, आप कुछ गलत कर रहे हैं, मैं belive आप कुछ सीएसएस शैली है कि आप पाठ क्षेत्र ओवरराइड: 10% & gt; अगर मैं वर्ग को हटा देता हूं सबमिट करें, & lt; / br & gt; , सीएसएस में 0 चौड़ाई सेट करें, और अब मुझे text_field आकार दिखाई देता है > मुझे आशा है कि आप यह समझते हैं।

sql - Retrieve count of related records -

I currently have two tables in my data source that I am referring to in this example first, to explain the context For, I have VB There is a Windows Project Program in Net (Visual Studio 2013). In the first table trainer, I have the following fields: ID, first name, surname, contact, class. Members in the second table, I have the following fields: ID, first name, surname, contact, type, trainer id. I have implemented the reinforced integrity between the two trainers. ID is used as PK and member. Trainee as an FM with 1: m relationship. I am trying to retrieve the number of records related to the trainer's specified ID. I want to retrieve the number of related records, for example, by clicking on the search I provide Trainer ID, I would like to return the amount of those customers to whom it belongs. I need this, so that I can work commission + Find my salary on the basis of the base amount. I've seen a lot, have read a lot but I can not get it. Any help would be app... mvc - Kendo Grid edit popup complex model submitting -

I'm trying to use a complex model with the Edit Condo Grid Popup. ALResults objects are always zero when submitting properties. It works fine when I am not using cando? There is a problem in submitting the Condo Complex model? Public Class Initial Application Level 2 Model {Public Initial Expert Level 2 Model () {alResultsModel = New ALResults (); } Receive the public int initialPllectLevolution 2 ID {Get; Set; } Public string applicantName {get; Set; } Public string contact number {get; Set; } Public String School {get; Set; } [Required (error message = "ref number required.")] Public int? Inquiried Set; } Public ALResults alResultsModel {get; Set; }} Public Class ALResults {Public Interface ID} {get; Set; } Receive the public int initialPllectLevolution 2 ID {Get; Set; } Public string stream {get; Set; } Public string grading {get; Set; } Public string index {no; Set; } Public int? Year {receipt; Set; } Public int? Attempt {receive; Set; } Public double? ZScore {...

java - Eclipse adt 23.02 does not work properly on program start -

It is difficult to name this problem so that I can attach the screen. It normally starts all the priorities seem fine. It has been restarted several times and it does not work. Can not open any perspective Every option is disabled from the main menu (gray text). Regards

sql - What tables structure is better? -

I am developing a multiuser task manager application, but I stumbled on the database schema design. I have user tables, categories and course work tables. Each task falls under exactly one category. So in the DDL words I need to have one-to-many "relationships" between the category and the job, right? Apart from this, I am sure that I need "one-to-many" relationship between users and working organizations. (Please correct me if I'm wrong). For the "category - user" relationship, here I am seriously considering two options and I need to tell you who is right and why: "Many - Many "relationships" that means that the user can have multiple categories and vise-versa; "One-to-many" relationship where each category can belong only to one user in this category in this category, the same table as "Work", "Family" etc. There are going to be many lines (since it is difficult to come up with some new and or...

php - Get all elements from array if key of date is less/more than -

मेरे पास एक सरणी है: [0] = & gt; Array ([id] = & gt; 1 [date] = & gt; 2014-07-26 10:36:52 [nr_ref] = & gt; DX35359GC [nr_invoice] = & gt; 2014/07 / 359235ASF) [1] = & gt; Array ([id] = & gt; 2 [date] = & gt; 2014-07-27 11:58:47 [nr_ref] = & gt; PXI-s953953.35935.2 [nr_invoice] = & gt; 2014/35614/14014) [2 ] = & Gt; Array ([id] = & gt; 3 [date] = & gt; 2014-07-27 11:59:19 [nr_ref] = & gt; R03835-3580533 [nr_invoice] = & gt; 2014/07 / 359235ASF) केवल इन मदों की गिनती कैसे करें जो दिनांक है> दिनांक ('वाईएमडी एच एच: आई: एस'); मैंने कोड के साथ समाप्त कर दिया है : foreach ($ c = & gt; $ v के रूप में $ सरणी) {if (strtotime ($ v ['date']) & gt; strtotime (तारीख ('Ymd H: i: s '))) {गूंज गिनती ($ k); }} लेकिन ये काम नहीं करते हैं क्या आप लोग मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं? यदि आपके पास बहुत बड़ी सरणी है तो मैं बंसी को उत्तर दूंगा: $ itmcount = 0; // एक काउंटर वेरिएबल $ time = strtotim...

loading a csv into mysql -

I have the following code to load into mysql of CSV. SET @ count = 0; LOAD DATA INFILE 'TELE_AFC_03.03.2014.csv' in the table 'Failure_Reports' specified by the 'master_antry field', determined by the '' suspended '' lines, '\ n' 2 rows (@ snow, @ wise1, line, section, station, Set ID = (@ country: = @ count + 1), sub-system, device, sub-gentleman, failure_time, revised time, duration, failure_details, correction, LMD, original, present_by, report_b, urr) , Fail_date = STR_TO_DATE (@ var1, '% c /% e /% y'); This is working fine for some files, but it returns an error for some CSV line 1 was truncated in it Column contains more data, though all files have the same columns. This gives the CSV error - while this CSV works fine, although both are the same columns

java - How to input integer 2d array fast -

I should be at the time the means, execution of input 5 AR arrays in less than 3G seconds 3, and I Using the scanner class or that, but it is making execution time more, so there is no other possible way, I must get input as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 And have to input 1 2 3 in a row? How do I do this ..? I was initially taking string as input, and then dividing it by using the partition ("") method, doing parsing using wrapper classes? Any other way to do this? Try following snippet, I think you split the string using the scanner Do you want to Input the 2d array without int [] [] array = new int [5] [2]; Scanner scan = new scanner (; Int i = 0; Int k = 0; While (scan.hasNextInt ()) {array [i] [k] = scan.nextInt (); K ++; If (k == 2) {k = 0; I ++; } If (i == array.length) {break; }} For (int p = 0; p & lt; array.length; p ++) {for (int j = 0; j & lt; 2; j ++) {system.out.print (array [p] ] [J] + ""); }}

ruby on rails - angular ui router, back button does cause state change -

I am using angular in Rail app and have installed Yuri-Router with many states. Name: 'item' url: '/ items' Child State Name: Detailed URL: " / {Item_id: [0-9] {1,4}} / description "Parent: Item I am using transit between states $ state.go ('detail', item_id: id) All except for clicking on the back button on the browser, all have to work properly. When the back button is clicked on the place the Browser status bar correctly changes to show the unique URL of the previous position, although the Yuri-Router does not seem to change the state and I do not see any $ Do not get the state. Change Start Event Is this UI router or have I been set up in some wrong way? If this is normal practice then is there any way, when I click on the back button, can I change the state? normal behavior > Is that the browser is working out of the back button box (just like we would expect) . Try playing with this, in the console .r...

assets - How to provide large set of images in Android? -

I want to use a large set of images in my application, which is used in a gallery view. Although the use of reserve folders is not possible with large set of images. What's the best way to include images in my APK? You can save images in the database and add your database to the APK Way. You will read the pictures from the database using .

java - JNDI Directory services -

I'm new to JNDI , I know something about Java naming service, we For this, users can use it with compulsive and non-related items but I am trying to learn about the JDDI directory service, I tried on the Internet about the JNDI directory service To know, he explained that we should Can pick up, retrieve them, and use the attributes using the objects. But I am not able to analyze the real concept of the JNDI directory service. If someone can explain to me, with some real time examples, what is the Directory service in JNDI , I am happy. I also tried, so please do not suggest me again the document. Yes, I finally got a solution Answer: JNDI Naming Service By doing so we can store the objects in the designated space in the central location with the username. JNDSI server We can retrieve them in any Java application with the need to recreate them in different apps. This is useful when you want to get a database connection in your application, to create a database...

wpf - What is the proper way to set up a domain class MongoDB/C# -

I am currently creating a WPF application and am now ready to add a mango database, although I do not know I found this to be the best process to do with this: MongoManagment.cs: Namesplace MoneyManagment {class MongoManagment {Public Zero Connect () {String connection string = "mongodb: // local host"; MongoClient Client = new Mongo Client (connectionString); MongoServer Server = client.GetServer (); MongoDatabase database = server.GetDatabase ("MoneyManagment"); // Connect to Database MongoCollection & lt; Users & gt; _users = database.GetCollection & lt; Users & gt; ("the user"); // "user" is the collection name, "user" is the domain class}} public class user {public object id _id {get; Set; } Public String Username {get; Set; }}} Then I try to access the domain class data in menundo.xcls: Namesplace MoneyManagment {Public partial square MainWindow: Window {public manwindows () {initialization (); Forea...

java - Design patterns for type-safe integers? -

I have one such app with an integer ___ID primary key (like student ID, course ID ... etc) I want to add some type of security to the program, for example, a function, taking a student ID as input, can not be accidentally pass Crores. The first idea is to make such a simple empty square in my mind: public class studentID java.util.Integer {} public class CourseID java.util.Integer {} / Pre> This does not work since java.util.Integer last and can not be expanded. The second idea is to keep a data class which only holds one integer: public class StudentID {Private Final IND; Get public int () {return ID; However} this will be a lot of boilerplate code. The third idea is like a second thought but to protect the boilerplate code from a base class which defines method and empty classes obtained from it: AbstractID of the public abstract category {Private Final ID; Get public int () {return ID; }} Public Square StudentID AbstractID Extended {}; Public Classroom ...

java - client socket issues when reading -

I am having a real problem in trying to solve my problem and hope you guys can help. I have seen many socket examples online but are unable to modify them for my use. Tbh, im also struggling to get a sense of chairs, I have been successful in amending so far. My problem, I believe my client is not reading the message coming from the program server, can someone ask me to demonstrate using my example where I am going I'm wrong. Something like this in my mind says that my customer socket stops before an opportunity to read an incoming message. Maybe the customer is waiting to wait until the message is received? If it is necessary to wait, how will it be achieved? thank you in advanced. Customers: Try {socket socket = new socket ("localhost", 55555); PrintWriter = New PrintWriter (socket.getOutputStream (), true); Out.write (score); BufferedReader = new in BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (socket.getInputStream ())); String rank = in.readLine (); Println (rank...

Passing data through Intent Android -

I am currently trying to program an app for which a user needs a key to their name. This is the "Login" page. Enhances public class login activity { EditText usernames; Override public null on @reate (bundle saved instances) {username = (EditText) findViewById (; Super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.login); Button Login button = (button) FindById (; LoginButton.setOnClickListener (new View.OnClickListener) {public void onClick {intent = new intent ("com.example.MainActivity"); bundle extras = new bundle (); extras.putString ("name", Username.getText (). ToString ()); intent.putExtras (additional); initialization (intent);}}); } Secure void onDestroy () {super.onDestroy (); } Protected void (cause) {super.onPause (); SaveAsPreferences (); } Secure zero () {super. SaveAsPreferences (); } Secure zero () at reserve {super.onResume (); RetrievePreferences (); } Start over protected void {super.start ...

c# - Azure Mobile Services and Web API authentication -

I am developing a web API and to authenticate users before allowing calls made to the web API I am using AZUR Mobile Services. . The user will navigate to a website, chooses to log in using their Google / Facebook / etc account and the user will be authenticated using the mobile service JavaScript client. I understand that the mobile service will return certification token as JSON Web Token from then onwards. What I would like to do when the Web site is called Web API, it passes with the authentication token, the web API will check that this is a valid token issued by the mobile service and if everything is okay , Then allow the execution of the call. So my question is ... is this possible? If so, can Web API be used to verify on the part of the API? Yes, this is possible. If you make a login using MobileServiceClient, you will get a token that you can pass with each request in the Web API Endpoint. var client = New WindowsAzure.MobileServiceClient ('https://you...

Box View document stuck in 'status: processing', response 202 -

Suddenly all the Box Docs API API stopped stopping my files. I had files before they were processed without any problem, now if I upload them again, then I request them to return 202 (and then again - 2 seconds headers After). List the status of the document as follows: / P> {type: 'document', id: '0583eb1295c24ce19e07ec2eabf3c82f', status: 'processing', name: ' My_file.pdf ', created_at:' 2014-07-27 T15: 22: 09Z '} Is this normal behavior of the boxview API that it can be used for files over 30 minutes Does not process or there is something wrong with my view (although everything already works fine)? Is there any limit for Developer accounts? (Here's the view: but nothing is found) When I test all documents Changing in general - this may be a specific problem with your account / document Please email to the team at for further investigation.

Error while trying to get ids form Android's Facebook sdk -

I am trying to send an app request to other Facebook friends with Android SDK using WebDialog.RequestsDialogBuilder as The example is written on the page. But at any time I get an ID and later I have to try to get the user's information which I get this error on the graph: { "Error": {"message": "Receive unsupported request. Please read the Graph API documentation on", "Type": "Graphthe Exception", "Code" : 100}} This is a sample response for Link to your reference: I will greatly solve your problem.

mysql - MDX how to count visited users in yesterday exist visit today -

मेरे पास प्रयोक्ता लॉगिन को स्टोर करने के लिए एक तथ्य तालिका है date_key | User_key 20140701 | 1 20140701 | 2 20140701 | 3 20140701 | 4 20140702 | 1 20140702 | 2 20140702 | 3 20140702 | 8 20140703 | 1 20140703 | 4 20140703 | 8 20140703 | 9 मैं एक दिन में विज़िटर्स की गणना करने के लिए एक MDX बनाना चाहूंगा, अगले कुछ दिनों में कितने वापस जाएं EX: दिनांक DAU अगला 1 अगला 2 20140701 4 3 2 20140702 4 2 - 20140703 4 - - मैं कैसे गणना करने के लिए एक MDX बना सकता हूँ वापस, माफ करना। मजेदार मैं पिछले शुक्रवार को डीएयू अवधारणा पर चर्चा कर रहा था। यह गणना करने का कोई सीधा तरीका नहीं है, इसलिए हमें कुछ एमडीएक्स की गणना करने की ज़रूरत है। मुझे सभी प्रयोक्ताओं के माध्यम से फिर से चलने का कोई दूसरा तरीका दिखाई नहीं देता, ऐसा कुछ: प्रत्येक उपयोगकर्ता के लिए हम 'हम' फिर से जाँच कर रहे हैं कि आज उपयोगकर्ता कनेक्ट हो गए हैं और यदि ऐसा है तो हम अगले दिन यह जांचते हैं। रिक्त एक माप पर होना चाहिए जो जल्दी से जांचता है कि उपयोगकर्ता किसी दिए गए दिन के लिए वहां था। इस परिदृश्य म...

database - Setting index in MySql on a Varchar Column -

In MySQL, I have a UNION query which takes a long time to execute. The query looks (date id from date, x, y, date from date (select min (date) from table WHERE flag = 0 and id = = and between date? And? ) And id =? And flag = 0 Order ID from DESC limit 1) Union (select ID, X, Y, date from date to date (selectable MAX (date) from table where flag = 0 and id =? And between date ? And?) And id =? And flag = 0 ID command by DESC limit 1) The question above Received the best performance, which is required to index the C column and why? id - type full date - type datetime flag - type tinyint (4) I have indexed the following 1. ID 2. Date 3. Flag

javascript - Migrating from jQuery to Zepto - $.data() - Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function -

I have some javascript that ends with: $ Fn.flips1 = function (option) {if (option type === 'string') {var args = (logic, 1); (Unit (function () {var example = $ .data (this, 'flip1'); if (! Exemplar) {log arroker ("can not call methods on flips1, call method" before initiating Trying to "option" + "); return;} if (! $ Function (example [options]). Options.charAt (0) ===" _ ") {log error (" no such method "" + Option + "'flips1 for example'); return;} example [option] .apply (example, args);})}} other {it} .ch (function () {var example = $ .data (this, Flip 1 '); if (! Example) {$ .data (this,' flips1 ', New $. (Options, this));}});} It returns back;} The code works fine with jQuery Zepto port (Zepto data included from the builder. After using a custom build with the js module) I keep the "Uncaught TypeError: Undefined No Function" to get the $$ line...

android - delaying a performClick -

Hello I am writing my first app and I want to make a click after a few seconds. I tried to use both the handler and the thread but it just does not seem to work. Computer compute () {delay = new thread () {Public runs zero () { Try {thread.leep (250); OnePlayerActivity.this.runOnUiThread (new Runnabal) (run publicly with zero) (if (another amp; AIISNet ()) (if (amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; Isenated ()) {Six. ClickClickClick ();} and if (Duffitt and Dosix and Four. Eentensed ()) {four.performClick ();} and if (duffer & amp; amp; two; and & amp; Five (.)) {Five.performClick ();} // Method is a bit late ...}}); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); }}}; Delaying.start (); } I used the same thread on another activity and it worked out is not something different I checked three I removed the thread and ran the app and click on display as soon as I want. So obviously I have done something wrong while using the thread.

html - Display new page in jquery mobile through button click -

I am using jQuery mobile and when I click on the button try to display the second page / div I am doing How do you use the button properly? Do I need to link to a JavaScript function somehow? & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "page" id = "pageon" & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "main" square = "ui-content" & gt; & Lt; Form & gt; & Lt ;! - Some text boxes - & gt; & Lt; Button onclick = "store ()" a href = "# pagetwo" type = "button" id = "savebtn" & gt; Store the data and give it & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "page" id = "pagetwo" & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "main" square = "ui-content" & gt; & Lt ;! - Performance graphs with textbox data - & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div ...

sorting - How can we conclude to this cost? -

I want to find the following algorithms of merge sort: merge (A , P, Q, R) N1 = qp + 1; N2 = rq; We create scenes: L [1 .... n 1 + 1] and R [1 .... n 2 + 1] I -L [i] i & lt; -i + 1 and a [k] & lt; -R [J.] J & LT; -J + 1 Mergeort (A, P, R) if P & lt; R then Q & LT; MergeSort (A, P, Q) MergeJort (A, Q) + 1, R) Merge (A, P, Q, R) According to my textbook, cost t (n) = 2 t (n / 2) + cn, n> 1 and t (n) = c, n = 1 but i really do not Understand how we can end this relationship. Can you explain this to me? t (n) = 2t (n / 2) // two reucsive calls, each We'll call it the value of the array + cn // merge in linear time in linear time T (n) = O (nlogn) T (n) = 2T (n / 2) + cn = 4T (n / 4) + cn + cn = 8t (n / 8) + cn + cn + cn = ... (log time later) = n * T (n / n) + cn + cn + cn + ... + cn (where cn logs (n ) Appears bar) = c * logn * n

python - Tracking progress of joblib.Parallel execution -

Is there an easy way to track overall progress of execution? Running execution is made up of thousands of jobs, which I want to track and record in a database However, to do this, whenever parallel ends a task, I need to execute a callback , By reporting how much remaining jobs left I have completed a similar task with Python's Stadtib Multiprocessing. By launching a thread that records the number of pending jobs in the pool's job list. Looking at the code, parallel inherited pool, so I thought I could pull the same trick, but I do not think use this list, and I do not understand that it The internal situation is "read" in any other way. The document you link to indicates that the parallel one The alternative progress meter is. This code is implemented using the callback keyword code multiprocessing.Pool.apply_async : # This is a dispatch function of self._lock Inside .acquire () job = self._pool.apply_async (secure function), args, quarges, cal...

php - Wordpress personalized permalink -

Bonjour! I am using a translation plugin on my web site that does not display the mobile display (the column where the plugin is displayed does not appear on mobile). When I put my article in English, the URL becomes: / **? Thus, I would like to include a link in my code which is very basic: adding permit and adding suffix " long = n "Default link for the English link and for the default language (French) only. I think this would be something like ... but then I do not know what to add to the suffix. Can you help me I tried to find somewhere but I could not find the answer; Thank you. Displays the URL for the permit for the process currently being processed in the loop. & lt; A href = "& lt ;? php the_permalink () ;? & gt; Lang = en" & gt; English article & lt; / A & gt;

javascript - jQuery expand list not expanding when clicked -

I am stuck on this script, basically I have some unknown categories (20-50) and they are on a sidebar Appears on each other I want to show 10, then when I press a button, it will expand to show the rest. I have 10 characters with a balance remaining in a cell named Cathyaid. So when I push to show the button, then it should be expanded, but it is not. Prepares PHP code list, shows 10 categories, then echo Then it displays the balance and then echo if ($ all_categories) {$ Count = 1; ($ Cid = & gt; $ arr) as foreach ($ all_categories) {$ Sidebar. = '& Lt; A href = "index.php? Action = sort and cid = '. $ Cid." "& Gt; '$ arr [' name ']' ('. $ Arr [' count '].') & Lt; / a & gt; (10 == $ Count) {$ sidebar. = '& Lt; div class = "cathide"> "; $ $ count ++;} $ sidebar 1.' & lt; / div & gt; ';} Else {$ Sidebar = 'There are no categories yet'...

primefaces - p:graphicImage with cache="false" changes on action on local wildfly, but not once deployed to openshift, why? -

I have a local wildlife 8.1 server with PrimumFS 5.0.4. I have a JSF web app on it that has Facelet page with P: Graphic Image Cache = "Fail" and its default streaming content method is in the backing bean. I have an action, which allows some code that changes the image URL and refreshes the image origin. This works like a charm on my local server. The problem occurs when I'm deploying the application to open. Everything works fine except for the dynamic image, it returns the same image, even if everything is okay in my debugging code, I can see the new URL change and see an inspection element in Chrome Dev's devices, Image Dynamic URL changes after each UID Refresh: / javax.faces.resource / Ln = primefaces & amp; pfdrid = 5SVKvQrbpnnQ% 2Bp% 2B1DV8qP80xqOBb22iRPsVFmH9qJB8% 3D & amp; pfdrid_c = false & amp; uid = bb89b7f1-7eae- 44ba-807b-118e29ce4c7c And after refreshing: / javax.faces.resource / dynamicc Ontent.prop...

c++ - I've been trying to implement and AVL Tree but I keep on getting these 2 errors C2954 and C2955 and don't know how to solve them -

Here is my code. I have a related error message that is next to this line // AVL tree non-affiliate template & lt; Class Element & gt; Class AVLtree {public: integer height (AVLnode & gt; element & gt; *) CONST; Integer maximum (int, int) const; }; // Work to get maximum template; & Lt; Class Element & gt; Intavetry & lt; Element & gt; :: Maximum (int a, int b) {returns (a and g; b) a: b); } // Error: 'Avltree & lt; Element & gt; :: max ': Unable to resolve function overload // Work to calculate height template & lt; Class element & gt; // Error: Error C2954: Template Definitions nonsheart adventure & lt; Element & gt; :: Balance Factor (AVLnode & gt; Element & gt; * p) {Return (height (p- & gt; left)) - height (P-> right)); First error is that you have declared max const member function, you are trying to define it as a non- const member function. In the definition you will need to add const : ...

javascript - how to serve a video using video.js coming from diff domain? -

I have a site and video is coming. Using Js, BOD wants to serve a video But I'm getting a security box error from the browser: access denied What videos? Is it possible to serve a video with defré domain using js? Thanks for reading, Seen. If it is a separate domain you need a complete path including protocol. & lt; Source src = "" type = 'video / mp34' & gt;

Applescript: set allFiles to every file of entire contents of Doesnt work on subfolders? -

Convert batch to a set of M4V in a set frames using a script, and use this script While doing so im, if a folder (omconding) is inside its folder in my folder, then it does not appear inside that folder. Since my uplift is deep, there is only one folder, this script is not working all the way. How do I change it to search the entire contents of my original folder (omcoding)? - After receiving these items after receiving these items (with the time of 720 × 60 seconds) tell the application "Finder" - all the M4V files Also do not have label color, it is not processed in every file of the entire contents of all the files ("first HD: user: Jerry: desktop: omcoding" as the alias) (the name of the extension is "m4v") ) And label index is 0) - all To repeat the number of items in allfiles with files 1 to i, set the currentFile (items of allfiles) to the folders in the above folders - set the grayscale label to indicate the label indicator - Set original an...

arrays - List stock data by weeks and days using Python -

I want to list various stock data published in a week. Stock data should be in all different array Different array elements should represent different days and arrays should be themselves for different weeks. So for example week_1 [55.5, 23.1234.8, 23.6] . I have tried so far which code can be seen below, but unfortunately it just does not work. I always get an error: 'str' does not support item item assignment . Any simple idea how can I fix this? Python Code: import datetime # open csv file lines = open ("google CSV") line = lines. Reid () line = lines. Split ("\ n") i = 0 while i CSV File: 2011-02-07,610.16,618.39, 60 9.21,614.29,179 9 6,6,6.24.29 2011-02-04,610.15,611.44,606.61,610.98,1550800,610.98 2011-02-03,609.48, 611.45,606.13,610.15,1495100,610.15 2011-02-02,611.00,614.34,607.53,612.00,1760700, 612.00 20ll-02-0l604k49,6l3k35,603kll,6llk04,2745300,6llk04 20ll-0l-3l,603k60,604k47,595k55,600k36 , 2804900,600.36 2011-01-28,619.07,6...

unable to use external javascript in GWT -

I want to use gojs with GWT. I downloaded the goose javascript and placed it under the war in the sample folder where sampleproject.nocache.js and sampleproject.devmode.js exist. In Sampleproject.html, I & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" language = "javascript" src = "sampleproject / go.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; I used one of the public static country zero initGo () / * - {var $$ = go.GraphObject.make; } - * /; When I call this function, the exception is thrown: the exception was caught: ( ReferenceError) @ .ops.client.OpsMenuView :: initGo () ([]): Go is not defined. Can anyone help me with this? JS call to $ wnd Try prefixing with such as: var $$ = $ wnd .go.GraphObject.make; As explained, GWT runs in a nested frame and you have to use $ wnd to refer to the top level window.

Node.js Express REST API - accessing JSON url params with GET request -

I have a final end point, which is / geo / search and long to be sent as part of it Requires Latitude / Coordinate Request (Geo Polygon). Is there a way that I can use JSON in the GET request? I was thinking that URL encoding can be a solution: data on encodeurIComponent ({"coordinate": [[122.610168,37.598167], [- 122.288818,37.598167], [- 122.2,88,818, 37.845833], [- 122.610168,37.845833], [- 122.610168,37.598167]]}); How do I access these parameters in the path? Reply to # 1 - Thanks @ MCCF Using JQuery.param: Customer: test = {"coordinate": [[- 122.610168,37.598167], [- 122.288818, 37.598167], [-122.288818,37.845833], [- 122.610168,37.845833], [- 122.610168,37.598167]]}; Console.log ($. Ultimate (test)); Output: Coordinates% 5B0% 5D% 5b% 5D = -122.6,10,168 & amp; Coordinate% 5B0% 5D% 5b% 5D = 37.5, 98167 & amp; Coordinate% 5B1% 5D% 5b% 5D = -122.2,88818 & amp; Coordinate% 5B1% 5D% 5b% 5D = 37.5, 98167 & amp; Coordi...

c# - DbContext has been disposed when using IQueryable<> -

I have a simple query in a repository like this: public list & lt ; MeetingVM & gt; GetMeetingsInRadius (decimal latitude, decimal longitude, int mi, int dayoffice) {var point = dbofophyte text (string format ("number ({0} {1})", longitude, latitude), 4326); (MeetingContex DB = new meeting syntax ()) using {var result = (one of DB matches where A. geo. distance (point) * 0.000621371 & lt; = mi & amp; amp; a.DayOfWeek = = (Meetings Model New MeetingVM {address = x.Address, CasoID = x.Address, day of week = x.DayOfWeek, Distance = x.Geography.Distance (point) * 0.00,06,21,371, Latitude , Enums.DayOfWeek) a) .Select (x = & gt; week of week = x.Latitude, LocationName = x.LocationName, longitude = x.Longitude, MeetingName = x.MeetingName, MeetingType = x.MeetingType, option = x Options, time = x.Tim e}). Serial (x = & gt; x.Time) .toList (); Return results; }} I call it IQueryable ; Tried to change to return instead of list , and I understand ...