Applescript: set allFiles to every file of entire contents of Doesnt work on subfolders? -

Convert batch to a set of M4V in a set frames using a script, and use this script While doing so im, if a folder (omconding) is inside its folder in my folder, then it does not appear inside that folder. Since my uplift is deep, there is only one folder, this script is not working all the way. How do I change it to search the entire contents of my original folder (omcoding)?

  - After receiving these items after receiving these items (with the time of 720 × 60 seconds) tell the application "Finder" - all the M4V files Also do not have label color, it is not processed in every file of the entire contents of all the files ("first HD: user: Jerry: desktop: omcoding" as the alias) (the name of the extension is "m4v") ) And label index is 0) - all To repeat the number of items in allfiles with files 1 to i, set the currentFile (items of allfiles) to the folders in the above folders - set the grayscale label to indicate the label indicator - Set original and new file paths Set newFilePrase to group OrigFilepath as quoted from the POSIX path (the current file as the nickname) (characters 1 through 5-the path of the path of origin As the ring) & amp; "MP4" - Start the conversion set Shell Comand in "Good / Application / Handbrake CLI-i"; OrigFilepath & amp; "-o" & amp; New File Path & amp; "-AFFMPG 4-B1200-A1-e Fake-B 160-R29.97-FMP4 -CP 0: 0: 0: 0 CRF 24-R640-L480;" Open the shell script - Commerred - Set the label in green, when the file is being deleted, the label of the current file fails to set the index in 6 - the old file set shell command will be "RM-F". Amp; OrigFilepath Do shell script shell error on error - toggle to set tofile set to indicate the failure of the label indicator Set the red end end end try Try End End Time -  

It was removed and now it seems to work.

  and label index is 0)  


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