- Designer Files suddenly require Global prefix -
Edit, it is fixed. Answer after answering and when my restricted account allows me to do this, answer it.
New control was referring to a code-behind file from another project, that means it was a reference from the project where I added the user to control project was no longer specific to solve this problem To solve this problem.
Something very strange happened this morning, and I can not solve it easily.
Work in Visual Studio, a new user control (.ascx file), and all of a sudden my current control that uses a masterpiece, suddenly bring them to global.
Prefixes are required in their Design.vb files.
Can anyone explain, is this a studio bug?
I have unloaded the project without any profit and have reloaded it. I have also examined the project changes, and only one change is adding new control to me!
The new control was referencing the code-behind file from another project, which means the reference from the project Where I said that user control was not specific to the project. This problem was resolved to solve this problem.
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