vba - Application WorksheetFunction VLookup second variable -
I'm completely trapped! First I have used vlookup VBA below to get my results. For example:
worksheets ("part number"). Room (i + 1, 2) = _ "= VLOOKUP (RC [-1], 'Supplier'! C [-2]: C [1], 3.0)
Let me now The application worksheet function is required to include the result of cell (number) and not the function. Even how far away I have:
for i = 3 LR 'Last Line LUVLUE = Worksheets ("Part Number"). (I + 1, 2) Worksheets ("Part Number"). Cell (i + 1, 3) = _ Applications Worksheet Function. Vilupuup (Lewolu, [Supplier_Range ], 3, Next I
This includes the following error details as I read that it has not been specified, then can cause problems for some time:
Cells (i + 1, 3) Worksheet ("Part Number") If IsError (Worksheets ("Part Number") Cell (i + 1, 3) = "NA", if finished.When I run it, I'm unable to get the error 'Workspace attribute class' when I debug I can see that my luvval is not correct, basically this cell should be cell, I am putting VLUUP in I. I have also tried to use the offset for my LUValue and still can not even get it to work. I believe there is a lookup value, where I am getting wrong but I honestly do not believe Because it all looks right for my eyes.
If someone can give a suggestion or guidance then he would be very appreciative.
dim sht as work sheet, Res set sht = worksheet ("part number") for i = 3 LR 'last line LUVALU = sht.Cells (i + 1, 2). Adjust the Supplier category to adjust the value ... res = Application.Vlookup (LUVALU, _ worksheet ("Supplier"). Category ("A: D"), _ 3, false) sht.Cells (i + 1, 3). Value = IIF (IRR), "NA", reserve) Next Eye
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