ios - How to get reference to UIPopoverController when using adaptive segue? -

In my iOS 7 app, I came to know whether a SEGU was a popup by this check readyForSegue

But now when I am using the adaptive segment, As long as there is no longer present in the investigation above are returning the truth. The reason for this is that segue is no longer UIStoryboardPopoverSegue , instead it's a UIStoryboardPopoverPresentationSegue . However, no one can add the word presentation because it is not defined.

What is the proper way to find out when the Exgeive is poppo from Segue , as opposed to a full-screen model presentation?

And, How can you get the reference of popover for iOS 8 ? The following is the one who is doing it for iOS 7 but again because it is not a UIStoryboardPopoverSegue , it will cause an accident.

  UIPopoverController * popover = ((UIStoryboardPopoverSegue *) segue) .popoverController; Popover.popoverContentSize = CGSizeMake (380, 1000); There was really no need for iOS 8 in terms of popover. You submitted  

popover presentation controller directly in the view controller Which may have been presented. To dismiss the view controller, then use the Dismiss Vivic Controller Permalink you can set the poover content size directly to the view controller, which is being represented through preferredContentSize is. I found that I did not need to get any reference in prepareForSegue , at least when running on iOS. IOS 7 is a different story.


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