haskell - How do you intall GHC 7.8.3 on OS X 10.8.5 -
I am trying to install GHC 7.8.3 on Mac OS and it is driving me crazy.
What should I do?
I downloaded the binary installation. First of all I have to do sudo make
instead of installed
Is this normal?
Then it stops with the following error message:
/ usr / bin / gcc -E -m64 -undef -traditional -wno-invalid-pp -token -Wno- Unicode - Wno-Trigraphs -P -DINSTALLING -DLIB_DIR = '' / usr / local / lib / GHC-7.8.3 " '-DINCLUDE _DIR =' '/ usr / local / lib / GHC-7.8. 3 / include " '-DPAPI_INCLUDE_DIR =" "-DPAPI_LIB_DIR =" "-DFFI_INCLUDE_DIR = -DFFI_LIB_DIR =' -DFFI_LIB =" Cffi " '-xc -Iincludes -Iinc ludes / district -Iincludes / Jile- derivedconstants / header -Iincludes / district - ghcconstant S / header RTS / package.conf.in -o RTS / district / package.conf.install.raw CC1: error: unrecognized command line option "-Wno- invalid-pp-token" CC1: error: invalid In order to make the command-line option "-Vino-Unicode" made [1]: *** [RTS / distribution / package.stall] error 1
I downloaded it Tried but it does not change anything This is not a complaint about the scchel platform, so I manually change the settings file, but no results yet.
In addition, it may be a silly question, if it is a binary package then why is it trying to compile stuff? / P>
The problem you are running
An action for which you are working To edit me, mk / config.mk
is to remove two attacking flags from RAWCPP_FLAGS
UPDATE:. In fact, it looks like it can not work, it is very difficult, because this has failed my GHC later. There is a more complete solution to create a GCC name file with the following content:
#! In the sys.argv for / usr / bin / python import sys import os os.execv ("/ usr / bin / gcc", ["/ Usr / bin / gcc"] + [i] if i! = "-no-invalid-PP-Token" and I! = "-Vino-Unicode"])
If your GCC is in an unusual place, then / usr / bin / gcc
Change both instances of Chmod it's executable. Now, when your bindist is configured, pass the config flag with - plus-gcc = / path / to / your / gcc
it will erase the warning flag and things will work.
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