Testing facebook javascript Login from localhost domain -
I just followed the excellent guide here:. How to use Javascript SDK to enable Facebook login for a website
I have tried to do this - and when I click on my good login button, I get an error :
the URL application is not permitted by configuration: the need to match one or more app does not allow URL by setting the website URL or canvas URL, or do One of the main Ape's domains should have a subdomain.
I note the URL for this error:
https://www.facebook.com/v2.0/dialog/oauth?scope = Public_profile% 2Cemail & amp; Response_type = any & amp; Redirekt_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fwwwkfesbukkcom% 2Fdialog% 2Freturn% 2Farbiter% 3Frelation% 3Dopener% 26close% 3Dtrue% 23origin% 3Dhttp% 253A% 252F% 252Flocalhost% 253A56378% 252Ff1c45491ec & amp; Seen_revocable_perms_nux = false & amp; Ref = LoginButton & amp; Auth_type = & amp; Default_audience & amp; State = fdcac98d4 & amp; APP_ID = 251165285007053 & amp; Client_id = 251165285007053 & amp; Display = Popup
Then I go to my Facebook app and add one of my IP hostnames, and 'Local Host' - .. It does not like the local host, so I delete it
Although I still get the message, the request is still being sent from the domain local host
whether in a local way Can the tester do this test? I do not have a domain during development.
in your app configuration, you have to http website URL: // localhost /
if you are using a specific local host port, so you include that (like http: // localhost: 64,321 /
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