function - Using the math library to display the sine of 1 radian rounded to three decimal points in C -
I am working on a short tutorial and I am a bit confused about using the sin function. The objective of this challenge is to use the mathematical library to score the sign of 1 radians up to three decimal digits. The answer should be 0.841. However, I do not know how to use the function or whether I am confused with this problem or not.
#include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Math.h> # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Double sin (double x) {double radian = 1; Redion radians; } Int main (int argc, const char * argv []) {printf ("1 radian has sign is% .3d. \ N, ????)"); Return 0; }
Your own (broken) sin
function - Already use one in the math library:
printf ("1 is the sign of radians% .3f. \ N", sin (1.0));
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