sql - How do I merge two sqlite tables using a "where" condition? -

I have two tables, one of them has three columns "word", "count", and "value" Near two columns are "words" and "value" in the second table, each area of ​​the value column has an attached integer value. In the first table, the "Value" column is empty or with placeholder values.

The values ​​of the second table column "value" in the first column column "value" in the "words" column.

For one line, this command

will update the table1 set 'value' = "valuefromTable2", where 'word' = "match wordfromTable2";

Since I have approximately 200k lines to update, I'll use a possible SQLite feature (merge) from the line from the line to the work queue of the code To know

You can do this in with a correlated subquery update : < / P>

  update table1 set 'value' = (select from Table 2 T2 where the table 1.word = t2.word);  


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