javascript - redirect localhost instead of -

My local host-server is being redirected all the time, Instead of: 3000 / login / callback


localhost: 3000 / login / callback

understand Why not come in

Part of my code from here:

  app.get ('/', function (rik, ridge) {res.render ('index ', {User: req.user});}); App.get ('/ account', make sure authorized, function (rick, ridge) {res.render ('account', {user: req.user});}); App.get ('/ login', passport.authenticate ('saml', {failureRedirect: '/', failFlash: true}), function (req, res) {console.log ('worked so far - =) 2 '); Res.redirect ('/'); }); Console.log ('worked so far - =) 1'); ('/ login / callback', passport.authenticate ('saml', {failureRedirect: '/', failureFlash: true}), function (req, res) {console.log ('worked so far - = 3)); // res.redirect (''); Res.render ('index', {user: req.user}); }); App.get ('/ metadata', // & lt; --- also does not work (req, res) {console.log (SAML.prototype.validatePostResponse); console.log ('worked so far - =) 4 '); Req.type ('application / xml'); Res.send (200, samlStrategy.generateServiceProviderMetadata (cert)); });  

Metadata can not be found ... it does not print any console.log ('such as ...') besides console .Lag ('so father ... 1')

Hope that someone sees a problem thank you in advance ...;)

(similar See also here that I basically do the same thing suggested above, here


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