ios - UINavigationController Custom CATransition -

I'm trying to create a custom transition to push a view controller into the stack.

I do not know that navigation bar is an easy way to "lock" on your position and transition under navigationbar.

I am using the following code:

  CATransition * transition = [caterers animation]; Transition.duration = 0.3f; Transition.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut]; Transition.type = kCatransitionMoveIn; Transition.subtype = kCatransitionFromBottom; [Self.navigationController.view.layer addAnimation: transit for: zero]; First of all, I tried the cakatanship, but I could see the navigation bar going down ... so I tested the Kakatrasionmovine and it looks a bit better, but still the way I wanted ... 

Is there any easy way to achieve this?

What are you doing to how you transition custom navigation controllers using the iOS 7 Custom Animator Protocol (E.g., UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning).


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