ios - How to implement a UINavigationController for modal presentation, not for popover, with an adaptive segue -
Using a universal storyboard and adaptive segues, how can a current popover apply segue, which will have a navigation bar A title and a close button) only when presented as a model on the iPhone, and when presented as a popover, will there be no navigation controller on the iPad?
I believe the proper setup does not include a NAV controller in the storyboard, control-over the new view controller and select the current Popostar Segue. After this, one will need to create a navigation controller in the prepareForSegue
and embed the destination controller in it, then add the title and button, but only if this framework is presented if this approach is correct, then the code How can I do this?
Rdelmar is correct, you can type such a Destination View Controller in ' prepareForSegue
Has already been set in.
In iOS 7 and earlier you need to add that navigation controller to the storyboard and then you can navigate the navigation controller and its root view in separate segments. Regardless of whether you want the Navigation Controller (iPhone) or not (iPad), trigger the correct Seagoo.
In iOS 8 you can use the new UIAdaptive PresentationControllerDelegate
protocol and then you can create a navigation controller on the fly where you need it:
func presentationController (Controller: UIPresentationController !, viewControllerForAdaptivePresentationStyle Style: UIModalPresentationStyle) - & gt; UIViewController! {Give = Controller Presented Visual Controller Return UINavigationController (Root ViewController: Presented)}
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