c# - Make Async Rest Request -

I am using RestSharp to request some rest on Windows Phone.

But I am struggling to use

  private zero function () {var client = new RestSharp.RestClient ("https://exampleapi.com" ); Client.Authenticator = [....] var request = new RestSharp.RestRequest ("/ example.json", method GET); {Client.ExecuteAsync (Request, reponse => {{reponse.StatusCode ==} HttpStatusCode.OK) {// Operation with json ...} and {MessageBox.Show ("Error");}}) Do; } Hold (exception error) {MessageBox.Show (error.Message); }  

I tried to add the term async :

  private async zero restsharptest () {var client = New RestSharp.RestClient ("https://exampleapi.com"); Client.Authenticator = [....] var request = new RestSharp.RestRequest ("/ example.json", method GET); {Client.ExecuteAsync (request, reponse = & gt; {(reponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK} {var timeline = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject & lt; list & lt; dynamic & gt; & gt; (reponse.Content); } And {Message Box ("Error");}}); } Hold (exception error) {MessageBox.Show (error.Message); }}  

But try adding when I try:

  var timeline = wait JsonConvert.DeserializeObject & lt; List & gt; Dynamic & gt; & Gt; (Reponse.Content);  

I get the following errors:

'system.clalls. Impossible to reach the generic .list


The operator 'wait' can only be used in Lambda expression asynchronously, this lambda expression correction Mark as 'async'.

How can I use my code "async / await ?


  client.ExecuteAsync (request, response => {(response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) {List_ = New list & lt; Myobject & gt; (); List_ = await work.factory. New (() = & gt; JsonConvert.DeserializeObject & lt; list & lt; Myobject & gt; & gt; (response.Content); tcs.SetResult (RefreshList_);} and {MessageBox.Show ("Error");}});  

I have this error again:

The operator 'wait' can only be used in lambda expression async, it is called lambda expression correctional async Mark with '.

How do I solve it?


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