android - Unable to sign apk using calabash -
I am unable to sign the cabs using my APK, when I eclipse it using my APK I try to sign and use it, but I do not have any luck.
This is when verbose output happens when I am rescuing from cabass android.
2014 -07-27 19:30:43 - Found in JDK Path 2014-07-27 19:30:43 - JDK found: C: \ Java 2014-07-27 19:30:43 - Android SDK found: C Android 2014-07-27 19:30:43 - Resins APK 2014-07-27 19:30:43 - "Java \ bin / key avoids .exe" - List - V -alias androiddebugkey-eystore C: / Users / / debug.cheast -storepass android "- j" -file encoding = UTF-8 "" 2014-07-27 19:30:44 - Key store data: 2014 -07-27 19:30:44 - The name of the nickname: Androdibooki creation date: 27 July , 2014 entry type: PrivateKeyEntry certificate chain length: 1 certificate [1]: Owner: CN = Android Debug, O = Android, C = US Issuer: CN = Android Debug, O = Android, C = US Serial Number: 13 CF4 Valid from C 92: Sun 27 July 18:49:03 By CEST 2014: Sat Oct 25 18:49:03 CET 2014 Certificate Fingerprints: MD5: 07: 47: FA: 22: 76: 65: 6b: 58: EB : 07: 99: 93: 69: 43: E0: 61 SHA1: FA: 5 E: 63: 58: AE: EE: 42: 77: 50: D7: 2E: 25: 8D: 73: 9A : 2b: 97: 83: 59: Day Shah 256: 24: 3F: BB: C5: 0 : 03: 0D: 6F: 79: F7: 3F: BB: C8: 29: 74: 70: 8F: 6F: 90: E5: 8E46: B9: E6: EF : DC: 3A: 19: 12: 64: FC: 2C Signature Algorithm Name: SHA1Y ithDSA Version: 3 Extensions: # 1: ObjectId: Breakthrough Turn = false SubjectKeyIdentifier [KeyIdentifier [0000: .. 2D 9 41 90 46 E8 C6 24 97 44 4C29 0A A3 12FF-.AF $ DL) ... 0010: 32C2 42 B8 2.B]] 2014-07-27 19:30 : 44 - Unlock keystore in C: / Users / ScriptHi /. Android / Debug Tutorial - Fingerprint: 07: 47: FA: 22: 76: 65: 6b: 58: EB: 07: 99: 93: 69: 43: E: 61 2014-07-27 19:30: 44 - Trying to read the main store: C: /calabash/debug.keystore No such file No 2014-07-27 19:30: 44 - Trying to read keystore: C: / User / Scriptthree / .local / SS Re / Aamamarin / Mono / for / Android / - No such file - 2014-07-27 19:30:44 - Trying for Android / debug.Coaster: / Users / Mr. There is no such file - 2014-07-27 19:30:44 - "Java \ bin / Jrsgner.XA" -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg S.A1 -signedjar C: / Users / Srpati / AppData / local / temporary / d20140727-9424-19ca9d3 / unali ned.apk -storepass android -keystore c: /Users/sripathi/.android/debug.keystore: / users / ratios / appadata / local / theme / D20140727-9424-19a 9D3 / More Resident. APK Android Ebook C: / RUB 200 / LIB / RUB / Games / 2 / 2.0.0 / GEMS / CabSH- Android-5.0.1 / LBB / Kailash-Android java_keystore.rb: 27: In 'sign_apk': The app could not be signed: C: / user / useless Athi / AppDat / Local / Temp / d20140727-9424-19ca9d3 / unsigned.apk (runtime order) From: /Ruby200/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/calabash-android-0.5.1/lib/cal bash -android / helpers.rb: 77: in `sign_apk 'from C: / Ruby200 / lib / Ruby / gems / 2.0.0 / gems / calabash-android-0.5.1 / lib / calbash-android / helpers.rb: 57: `in block in resign_apk ': /Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/tmpdir .rb: 88: C: in 'mktmpdir': /Ruby200/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/ C-Kailash-Android-0.5.1 / lib / cal BSH-Android / Helpers. RB: 51: C in `Raji-APK ': / RUB 200 / LIB / RUB / GIMS-2.0.0 / GEMS / Calbash- Android-1.0.1 / Bin / cal bash-android: 114:` & lt; Top (required) & gt; From C: / Ruby 200 / Bin / Kailash-Android: 23: 'Load' in C: / Ruby 200 / Bin / Kailash-Android: 23: `& lt; Main & gt;
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I Solved my problem on my machine. Removing the Android folder and rebuilding keystore and now it works.
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