iis 7 - IIS using Entity framework getting error- The underlying provider failed on Open -

I use a website hosted in IIS using the website unit structure I use the connection string- < / P>

  & lt; Add name = "ShiftEntities" connectionString = "metadata = res: //*/ShModel.csdl | res: //*/ShModel.ssdl | Res: //*/ShModel.msl; Provider = System.Data.SqlClient; Provider Connection string = & amp; quot; data source = shift; initial list = alfaultdata; security information continues = true; user id = alfaultdata_admin; password = alfalfaadata3!; Multiple verb = true; application name = unit framework & amp; ; Quot; "Provider Name =" System.Data.EntityClient "/>  

But I'm getting the error - the underlying provider failed on the open

How can I solve it?


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