osx - Android.mk error: cannot find -landroid when building GStreamer -

Using Android Ndk I am trying to integrate GSTimer into an Android application using Android NDK, but I have some problems with my Android Mac file. <<

< Div class = "text-post" itemprop = "text" (Android.mk). According to, I have tried to include libandroid.so. Unfortunately, I'm getting the following error:

  error: error: can not be found - Android  

This is my Android makeup file:

LOCAL_PATH: $ (CLEAR_VARS) SYSROOT contains $ $ (call-dials): = / user / {myusername} / android-ndk-r10 / platform / Android-19 / arch-arm / LOCAL_MODULE : = Video-Streaming LOCAL_SRC_FILES: = video_streaming.c LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES: = gstreamer_android LOCAL_LDLIBS: = -log -landroid APP_PLATFORM: = Android-19 includes $ (BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) GSTREAMER_SDK_ROOT: = $ // user / {myusername} / gst Reamer-sdk-android-arm-debug-20133.6 GSTREAMER_NDK_BUILD_PATH: $$ (GSTREAMER_SDK_ROOT) / Share / GST-Android / GSTREAMER_PLUGINS NDK-Creation: = coreelements ogg Theora Vorbis ffmpegcolorspace playback eglglessink soup opensles G_IO_MODULES: = GNUTLS GSTREAMER_EXTRA_DEPS: = gstreamer- Interface -0.10 gstreamer-video -0.10 included $ (GSTREAMER_NDK_BUILD_PATH) /gstreamer.mk

If this helps, then I'm running OSX Mavericks and trying to build in Android studio I am

Thank you in advance for your help.

When you are trying to prebuilt the lib file on your existing / new NDK project, Need to work. Create a JNI folder and copy the ob file in the folder related to the correct architecture (X86, Arambei, Amps) If you have multiple versions of the same library as each architecture, then create multiple folders and add them appropriately 2. This way your manifest file should be shown

  LOCAL_PATH: = $ (call-my-dir) $ (CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE includes: = libandroid LOCAL_SRC_FILES: = libandroid.so $ (PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY) Include)  


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