Mysql order by timestamp (and keep event at top of results if date is within two weeks) -
I am writing a query that pulls data from different tables (user activity stream)
' Events EventData 'below is the actual date of the event in YYYY-MM-DD - Timestamp is the time posted.
I write your query by ordering timestamp but push event to top if event date two weeks?
select events.user_id, to do within the events. Eventdate_us, events.start_time, events.event_title, events.description, events.venue, events.add1,,,, 'zero' update_msg, 'zero' buy_selling, 'zero' Users.user_id = events on the left as in the form of 'events' as stock_type, events.timestamp as timestamp, source, users.contact_person,, users.pic_small, users.pic_large. Timestamp DESC limit 30 based on user_id command users should add that this is part of some union calls to get everything I need the query below
I'm trying to get what (event within the top two weeks) - I eventdate_us = '2014-07-31' DESC, timestamp DESC can get this with order limit 30 but I have to specify the exact date.
What do I want to do All events will occur within weeks, as some orders ORDER BY eventdate_us & lt; NOW () + INTERVAL DESC for 14 days, Timestamp DESC limit 30
Except that it does not work and
This was more like eventdate_us by order = (eventdate_us> = (DATE_ADD (NOW), interval 14 days))) ASC, timestamp DESC limit 30 "); Although this is not perfect because still not selecting a date within two weeks (I.e. the future date is more than two weeks.)
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