premake c++ "hello world" error -

I am trying to work on a premake4 helloworld c ++, but after making the filefile with the release config Error generates config = release for creating calling (using clag on OSX 10.9.4) with Premake:

  ld: Internal Error: Atom was not found in the symbol (indicator ...  

If I add the "symbol" flag to the release flag, then everything is ok But debug symbols are definitely created.


{"dpb_hillow_world" configuration {"debug", "release"} project "cpp_hello_world.out" Type "console" language "c ++" files {"** .cpp"} buildup option {"-std = c" debug define {"DEBUG"} flag {{"symbol"} configuration "release" defined {"NDEBUG "} Optimize Flags" {/ code>


#include int main () {std: : Cout & lt; "hello world" & lt; Std :: endl; Return 0;}

Any idea why it does not work in standard example?

Complete output using config = release verbose = 1 :

  ==== Building cpp_hello_world.out (release) == == OBJ / Release MKDIR-P OBJ / Release Main CPP C ++ -MMD-MP-DNEBUG-O-2 -STD = C ++ 1AO "Ozj / Release / Main.O" -C "Creating Main CPP "linking cpp_hello_world_out c ++ -o ./cpp_hello_world.out obj / release / main.o -wl, -x ld: internal error: atom not found in atom index (__ZNSt3__1lsINS_11char_traitsIcEEEERNS_13basic_ostreamIcT_EES6_PKc) x86_64 clag for architecture: error : Lin Tax Command Failed Exit Code 1 (Use -V to view invitation) [1]: *** [cpp_hello_world.out] Make Error 1: *** [cpp_hello_world.out] Error 2  

I was able to reproduce the error on my Mac, OS X 10.10.2, using Premake4 . The problem is with your project name, which should have no .out extension. Instead try to rename the "cpp_hello_world" project in your premake4.lua file.

i.e. Line 4 should be read:

  project "cpp_hello_world"  

I can test and troubleshoot at 10.9.4 VM if you make Continue to face problems after this change - let me know!


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